LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1910. Illffllfl! PiUillEL 4 & , WE DRUG TfiDUDLE Drugs come from all all parts cf the earth. There z:z I thousands cf then. To be able to identify then, hstthea and conzcjr.d then properly is a tzsk thzi recces ! tence. IIXEUV ASCERTAINABLE AI'TEB TOMORROW EYEXIG. ACCUSED OF STEALIXG HORSES FROM JA3IES MOSS. 1TITHKOSBE CASXOT ATTED AND TOGEL CIIOSEX. WILL CO TO PORTLAXD IM3IEDI ATELY TO LITE. THE DRUGGl$T i f AGE 3. 1HHK 10 1IETII! LIES W CIIICH PLDFF1CE Ill Can&UMn Xat Have rations . Ititi by i O'clock Tomorrow. Tomorrow Eight at 5 o'clock I the day and tour when candidates 'or state and county offices must have their candidate's petition fled with the county clerk or with the secre tary of slate. There seemed to be some misunderstanding about the Eaal day for filing the papers, but the attor ney general has ruled that September 8 Is the last day. Consequently to morrow night will give a review of who is who at the prlxsry election. There are several offices for which cUy one candidate is aspiring and consequently the races will not be as exciting In some instances as where several are after the same Job. Stole Animal sb4 Thea Sold Them A sain Cafee Crime. l'rait (eaters Meeting Expene Ac count for CLIcaze Exhibit. Ala'l It Attfil 1IibI Cincinnati, Sept 7 Not since the year of the great freeze which de stroyed all the hop trees has there been such grief in Cincinnati Ohio is the center of the nation's Bauer kraut industry, and news from many sec tions of the state indicates that the 1910 crop will be very short and of a poor quality. Kraut makers fear that t- .Ill .,, IV. demand, and unusually high prices will probably be charged. There have been rumors recently of a stiff raise in the price of beer, and reports from Germany say that the limburgher cheese is strong as to priceand likely to become stronger. The saur kraut shortage, coming on top of the other threatened calamites will make the "high cost of living. live IsBue to the German population. T Observe "Admissionpay. San FranciBco. SeDt. 7 "ldmisskn Day," Sept 9, will be morelgen'erally observed throughout California to morrow than ever before. The observ ance In this city will begin tomorrow and continue three days and will be on a large scale. PEOPLE of OREGON it is now UP TO YOU Fred "Wisdom, the Baker City man, whose reputation in Union county is shady on account of several affairs in which he has figured in this county, Is again in the toils of the law and is this time charged with horse stealing. He has practically admitted that he did just what he is charged with, and In a hearing before Justice of the Peace Arthur Williams this morning was bound over on a $1500 ball which he has not furnished this aftercooon. The horses stolen and sold belong ed to James Moss who lives near Ali cel. About a month ago Moss among several others turned horses out to graze on the foothills near lower Cove and a short time ago Moss no ticed that two mares, two colts and a filly had disappeared. In his hunt for the animals, Mr. Moss discovered one of the mares la the possession of John Birchfield who claimed that he had purchased it from Forest Ryder who also works at the Jensen mill back in the mountains. Ryder in turn bought the animal from Fred Wisdom and there commences the alleged theft. ' Wisdom doesn't seem to make much fuss about it. All the missing horses but one have been found and returned to Mr. Moss but has been informed i where the last horse is. Wisdom ad mits that he sold the horse in ques tion to Andrew Tucker who also works and lives In the vicinity of the mill. The arrest was made yesterday af ternoon by Constable Faulk. Wisdom Is the man who was lib erated from the Elgin jail some time ago presumably by confederates. He was arrested at that time In connec tion with horse stealing. While his people live In Baker City, he appears to make his headquarters in Union county and has been seen at various times throughout the valley the paast months. . Constable Faulk underwent a strenuous trip last night when he went toa point six miles beyond Indian Creek to arrest Wisdom. He walked six miles down a steep mountain to where Wisdom was camped and came back over the same trail both times In the dead of night. Wisdom kept him company on the return trip how ever and It was not so lonesome. Robert Withycombe cannot accept the call to attend the national apj,le show at Chicago wherein La Grande. Elgin and Union are to be represented by Will Vogel, president of the Union Commercial club will likely be sent in Withcombe's place. The ; exhibit which is sent to Spokane will be for warded to Chicago where the apple growers of this county will purchase space on the exhibit floors. Literature is to accompany the exhibits to Chi cago and the commercial clabs of the county can see a great benefit to be derived from consisting publicity at that time. For this reason the mer chants and business men In general r nln In hnln meet the expense of sending the shipment and maintaining a man in charge during the big shew in the windy city. Elgin and Union fruitmen have un ited on Vogel as the representative and Just as soon as the fruitmen can bo seen here, the La Grande delega tion will not only endorse the ap pointment of Vogel but will raise a substantial subscription. Succ essor as Roadmastt-r- Is Ilarrj Conlfj an Old Time Railroader. Fish and Game Conservation. St Paul, Minn., Sept 7 Many sportsmen are among the delegates to the National Conservation Congress. in session here thlB week, and they will devote much of their time to a consideration of ways and means for properly conserving the fish and game of the country. Minnesota sportsmen are especially anxious to bring about the better pro tection of the moose, which are more numerous in this state than In any other. It Is alleged that unless steps are Immediately taken to prevent fur ther slaughter, the ' moose will soon go the way of the buffalo. Roadmaiter C McCann has resigned his position here and will move to Portland at once. His successor ar rived today and brings back to La Grande an old-time railroader who has a large circle of acquaintances here. It is Harry Conley who several years ago was roadmaster out of Uma tilla and more recently has been on the Great Northern. He and J. H. Watson worked together at Umatilla several years ago and practically the entire railroad "row" knows Harry. McCann has had the office here for about two years, succeeding G. W. Nelson who went to Portland to work on the North. Bank. Portland Official Her. 'City Freight Agent Morris, located at Portland, and who has grown gray haired In the service of the O. R. & N. , passed through here una morn ing on his way to Joseph on company business. Assistant Superintendent Lonergan and a civil engineer for the O. R. X, passed through the city this morn ing on their way east to Huntington. Vho endeavors to serve you in a manner must vx endless care in the selection and handling cf his stock l'e exercise such care. Vie know thzt the drugs we sell are worthy in every vay-andwe charge you nothing extn fot the protection we afford you. WRIGHT DRUG CO. Reliable Drusrists usiness i The popular COLONIST FARES will again be in effect between September 15th, and October 13, during which period tickets to La Gi anue will be on sale dally from CHICAGO at . . $33.00 ST. LOUIS . V ; 32.00 OMAHA . . , . 25.00 KANSAS CITY. . 25.00 ST. PAUL . . . 25.00 and from other cities correspond ingly low. These are Westbound, ' one-way fare only, but anyone here can PREPAY for relatives or friends in the East, If desired. Consult your local railroad ag ent ' V NOW IS THE TIME to let the world know of our vait ; resources and splendid opportun ities for HOME BUILDING. Write to everyone you know In the : East. Send them good Instruc tive printed matter, and tell them that the cost of getting here Is but little more than half the us ual cost, an; V call on a repre-:;m-, ' ; O. It ft N. Co., . i ; 1 Information, or WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Asrent PORTLAND, OP Big Bank Merger. Halifax. X. S., Sept. 7 Sharehold ers of the Union Bank of Halifax met In special session today to consider the sale of the Institution and all its anBets to the Royal Bank of Canada The Union Bank has a paid-up capi tal and reserve of $2,750,000 and de posits of about $10,000,000. It is understood that, under the terms of purchase by the Royal Bank of Canada the latter will Issue 12.000 shares of a par value of $1,200 f'O At the market price of about $250 the shares will he worth about $3,000,000, Open Show-Me" Congress. Moberly, Mo., Sept. 7 A home coming reunion and "Show-me Con gress' was opened here today and has attracted many former Missourlans now residing in other states, as well as people from all over this section The congress will continue three days the program including addresses by Gov. Hadley, Congressman Champ Clark, Gov. Shafroth of Colorado and Augustus Thomas, the playwright Colorado Democrats Split Denver, Colo., Sept 7 With prom Ises of a spirited fight for control between the Speer-Hughes and Pat terson-Thomas factions, the Colorado state democratic convention was op ened In Denver today. Former. United States Senator Patterson, owner of the Denver News, and former Gov Thomas are heading an independent movement In an attempt to overthrow the present party leaders. Failure of the party to carry out its platform pledges Is alleged by Patterson as the reason for his op position to the "machine." He alleges that this failure is due to the power and influence of the organized demo crat. ,,the citjr an(j county 0f Den Langford Is Victor. Boston, Sept. 7 Following his vic tory over Joe Jeannette last nignt Sam Langford today announced his Intention to challenge Jack Johnson for the heavyweight title. The Nation al Sporting club of London has al ready offered a substantial purse for a match with Langford. Roosevelt ht Milwaukee. -Milwaukee, Wis., Sept 7 Milwau kee, the city of "undesirable citizens," was overtaken by the Outlook Special this morning and Col. Roosevelt will spend the day in a busy round of re ceptions, luncheons, sight-seeing and addresses. The former president comes to Milwaukee as the' guest of the Press club, which is celebrating Its silver Jubilee. ' Although many prominent Wiscon sin men joined in the greeting to Col. Roosevelt there was 'no remarkable display of hospitality on the part of city officials. Milwaukee Is a socialis tic city, and the disciples of Mark haven't forgotten that they are "un desirable citizens" from the Roosevel tian point of view. Mayor Emil Seldel couldn't find the keys to the city, to present to the distinguished " visitor, but there is a suspicion that he did not spend much time in the search. Other members of the city govern ment declared that there were no such keys, and expressed the opinion that they had been made away with by their predecessors in municipal office. Connecticut Democrat's. New Haven, Sept 7 Democrats of the Nutmeg state assembled In New Haven today to nominate candidates and adopt a platform. The convention will continue through tomorrow and will probably be marked by lively con tests, since the democrats are more hopeful of success In the November election than they have been In many years. The republican party. In this state as in many others, is divided between regulars and progressives, and in this fact the democratic lead er find reason for the hope that Is in them. MISS ALLEX ARRIVES. f BASEBALL IS A FUNNY 9 BUSINESS. SAYS CLARKE. I Manager Clarke-of Pittsburg is the author of this gem: "More 1 see of this baseball business the funnier It seems. One day a man feels like trad ing the entire crew for a bunch of minors. Next day you can not see a spot where you can improve." We will be pleased to have all our old customers send us their laundry as well as many new ones. tl BOTH PHONES 9 New Laundry 5F osfcal Laf d DALTON'S C Last of II kh Sehool Teaching Force Has Arrived la the (. Miss Luclle Allen, one of the most popular teachers on the La Grande teaching force, arrived today froom a vacation tour through, the middle west. Miss Allen Is the last of the pres ent force of teac-hers In the high school to arrive here and report for duty. Floar Advances. All grades of flour, advanced twen ty cents per barrel this afternoon, In the local markets. Opposition Overcome. Sacramento. Sept 7 That the op position to the Panama Pacific Exposi tion la the interior of the state was overcome by a promise that one mem ber of the proposed state exposition committee should be a country district representative became known today Several legislators came here today from the Interior to attend the special meeting of the legislature with the definite purpose of fighting the con stitutional amendments providing for raising exposition funds by bonding - Kentucky's Long Race Meeting. Lyman U. Davis, secretary and band Icapper of the uew Louisville Jockey club, has mailed au application to the Kentucky racing commission for fall racing meet, beginning Oct 1 and con tinuing for nineteen days.' It Is gen erally believed that the Kentucky as sociation of Lexiuton will be granted ten days, beginning Sept. 19. and the Latonla meeting may get twenty-four days, commem-lug Oct. 24. This will give fifty-three days of racing in Ken tucky this faiL f : Walktr Great Fielding Pitcher, Dixie Walker of Washington Is earn ing the reputation of being one of the best fielding pitchers in the American league. Better Use For It. "Give him rope enough and he will bang himself." "1 fear you do not know him." "Tea. I do." "If you knew him thoroughly you would say. tilve hltu rope enough and he will form a rope trusL" But He Can Lay Brick. At egg Is such little thins For tuch a mighty cack'e. And yet a man ten times aa largs The Job would hardly Uckl. Excursion Rates to PORTLAND ; ACCOUNT PORTLAND FAIR AND LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION ':;;;;:e -Oregon' Railroad & Navigation Co. For the above occasion a round trip rate of One and One- thin! Fare " will be made in territory shown below V SALE DMES I From pointB north cf Rlparla in Washington and from all Plnts in Oregon east of The Dalles, September 6th. From The Dalles nd j points west September 6th and 7th. final return limit September 12th. For further particulars apply to any O. R. & N. agent Or to Win. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent the state and San Francisco.