HUUAKDEEVESISaOESEBVZB MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5-1910. r SPOILSMAN and TELEPHONE IST0R1ES OF TilEJDIALiGND. I. O. Tl - f. LOTS CF E?,Y LATTER HEEDED WW- AW a V -. i 1 Me EVEEY THIE a wants to get away frcn all ccsnectics with ths toy wc-ild, the telephone is an xzxpoxtast helper. . The local service is useful in arranging his affairs at home, and the Long Distance service of the Bell System helps him to decide where to go and what to take. By means of his Bell telephone he can fir.d out whether the fish are biting or the birds are flying, and whether guides or horses can be secured. After he has been out a while if he wants to get word from the city, the nearest Eell telephone is a friend in need. Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. Eteij BeU Telephone is the CtsStt of the Sfsiea. DIRECTORY OF THE ' FRATERNAL ORDERS LA GRANDE, ORE M.W.A. L Grande Cam? No. 7761 meets Ttty Monday la the month at the L 0. O. F. Hall. All visiting neighbor j All visiting member are Invited art cordially fcSTited to attend, attend. CrjKil Lodge No. 10 meets every Tuesday nlng la tie L 0. 0. F. hall to L R. SNOOK, C. D. IV COX. Clerk, Wtuea tf Wesdenft. Grande Rotds Crcl No. 47 meets! every first aad third Thursday even- a la tit aunta at tie L 0. 0. F. Hall. ; All visiting members welcome. CKLOB KOBINSOX. G. M. LIZZIE ELLSWORTH, Clerk. JUS3 ANNA ALEXANDER, N. MRS. JENNIE 3L SMITH. Se. L- Graade Lodge No. 41, A. F. A A. M. kalis reader meetings first and third Saiirdiys st 7:29 p. m. JOHN WILLI AM3 HODGIN, W. JI. Secretary .. . EL F. G E . La. Graale Lodge No. 423 meets each Thursday evening at t o'clock la Elk's dab corn r tf Depot street and Washington Avenue, Visiting brothers are cordially Invited to attend. DR. G. L, BIGGER3. Ex. Ruler. HfOri McCALL. Rac Sec Slights Pythias Red Cross Lodge No. 27 meets er ery Monday tight la Castle kail, (old Elk's hall).' A Pythian welcome to all visiting Knights. ED. WRI3HT, C C. R. L. LINCOLN. XI. of B. ft S. ai.s. Hope Chapter No. 12. O. E. S. holds stated comniTOications the secocl and fmrta Wedsesdays of each mo&i VU'tin? members corllillr lartted. MART A. WARNICKJSec PAULINE LEDERLEE. W. JL Wsednee ef the Werld La Grande Lodje No. 159 W. O. W raeets ete-y secocd and forth Tee ay la the moa'a. AH rlsitlag mes en welccm-. NERI A CKLE3, C C. J. H. KTEXET, Hert. Sec J. H. PEJRE LA GRAHDES LEADING JEWELER Wha Sa nd of aavthiog in watches, tlotks. Jewelry, cut fcacd jaia ted Cblaa. or any other article carried by a flrtt cIam Jew: ry a?.are. Investigate our prices before hoyta?aadyfa will i atj Eoney, and be sure of sexruriag first qaality gorl. If your era trout claa of experience. ie roa. tave them fitted by aa optl- Omite the T. Lasd Office, Adam Ate. Hra3rs I B- Lea3s Prf- ltTn VTh Ha Fia Baxdall Brain to TfcM That Pw Hilar Ability No. XXL, Br BOUT WALLACE. The hasehsll p!ayer of today aeed lots of gray matter fa order to stay la the game This b my theory. The mas who keep his tarn ttrx apparatas worttag all the time Is the ooe that remains fa the game season after sea sou, wiaaing the ajprctaam of the fans aad the satlsfactioo that comes wtth thing weD dose. SXaaagers are fcoiiag for the fellows who eaa tfefny qnichly aad ecrrectly aad cae thtr gray matter to the heat possfhle adraatag. He to always wClng to pay almost arty aiaount tor a maa who eaa poll oS the seemlagly Impossfhle. NataraJ chOy Is a wosderfal asset. There are many maaagers aad owners who say. "Glre me a maa with the m.iim 1wmj u au uw Mil aad Jtst arerag shCIty la the other depan meats of the game aad I wis make a star oct of hlax" Sack aa assertloa woald be a trathfal ooe If the player fa eroestlon happened to posses gray matter. If he happened to be a bone head much of his natural ability woold go to waste, simply because he filled to use his energy la the proper direc tion. - Take, for tastaore, the posltloa of shortstop. la order to hold dowa this Job a player mast be fast. He mast think fast, throw fast aad be fast on fcis feet. A shortstop has oo time to stop aad Cgare out the aeit moTe. Brains, hand aad feet mast work as one. The faster a player Is the more ground he caa corer, prorlded he has aa arm capable of catapultlag the ball acroes the field to first bese. Cata a year or so ago Terry Tamer of the GeTelaad AmerJcaas had a woa derral whip aad woaderfal catlike agEIty. This he still minn;nf j. thoagb his arm Is not what It caed to be. Whea Turner's ana was la good shape he was one of the woaders cf the game. Some men hare played short for years, aad among them are men who made good after they commenced to get slow, simply becacse they pos- ! sessed fine baseball brains and oed them all the time. They knew where and how to play erery maa at bat. Yonng players who aspire to fame as shortf elders mast Ieara to come la oa slow ground balls at express speed, j grab the ball anil whip ft to first with- j ont the kws of a serrond. They cost j leara to throw from any position: they man face cannon ball drires without ' SiacMng and know Instantly what to-' do with the ball when it is la tbelr 1 taadi; tbey mast practice tonchlng ' oat a runner at second, for abnt half ' the throws to catch base nsoaers are taiea by the shortfielder. and they j most c. tbeir hands and feet and their brains at all times A tan player of fair ability with brains U always preferable to a bone- bead with all the natural ability la the world. 4 In Name and in Mike SUPERIOR DRILLS 4 The name tells the story. They are honestly manufact J uied and honest in sewing the grain. . The feed, the J positive force is the most simple and easily handled of any seeding device yet consiructed. W. 6 M. CO. A Co!.'3 Limtrtck. Tbere was an old uioy ur.d Fit Who te-r4 kud aooclnc at wsucb ae of! iutt oil AtA found kai a rt IL-1 txllto ukt; t It tT.lch. lTiLioa Ttsw. 8 STOVE REPAIRS X! a t r Bicks and Grates fitted to any kind of stoves. 2 1 I Sewer Pipe and Fittings. I j j - I I0HU MELVILLE X 7423 Adamj Ave. i JlaCranit, - 'Oregon I w I Live ae Iaa4 sf bj iwi to tffer. I sell strictly ea srreatare. Retk ewaer aad layer rwhe lie same fair treatjaeat I ateaa tkat year frsperty is efferti at exactly the price yea slate It We b lite jtar eaMeratIea f the fUewfif Ltinrs. City Property Four room hoose, two Iocs, gcod cellar. Kit Z aTenae. This plaee kai been listed for some Ume at fil4. A sjecial price, if sold daring the next tea days, at . cash, time ca balaace. Two story hoase, with hara, lot 5Si2. one door aorth cf 51. E. charch, Sacth; 14W, 50O cash, bal aace oo easy terms. Serea room house, sitaated west end of Pennsylvania areaae, plastered stone foaadatloa. city water la . hoose; price $14100. Why pay rent? Terms 19J dowa, balaace 15 per month. Fine large home la North La Grande, two blocks, splendid boose, bant and oat boUdlngs. Fine or ard; aa ideal home with ample room for garden, poultry, cow and horse. This is aa exceptional fine ' offer. Prfcre Nice new home, two lots la West La Grande; price 12,043. A well built hocse oa Mala Areaae, facing North; close la; price, One-half cash, balaace oa time. , Four room hocse on Monroe Areaae; alee bank aad extra well baUt pool try house. Three lots, four room house with cellar, city water. All in good condition. SHOO, easy terms. Hoose aad two lots la Block 1, G randy's addition, for fllOO. Three lots fa same block at W-J. This1 is desirable property. A new le Ten-room boose oa East Adams arenne, roomy basement, plastered, well finished throaghont, 13 room house, barn, g acres of Una. 1W fruit trees, bars, spring, well and city water. Sightly slew; nice home la South La Grande, Large 19-roota boose with entire block of ground. Here is chance for Investment; fire houses caa be baCt on this property. All close to the high school baHding. Good barn oa place, price $3540. FlTe room house, modern plumbing, lot CtfxllO, near court house, beautiful location. IISOO; J350 cash, balaace two years. SeTen room house on Adams aTeaue; well built plastered, basement, desirable location, JIjC'Q. 'M cash, balance on easy terms. Four room house, tear big brick school house, north of track, 11 150. Plastered house fa North La Grande, entire block. HiW) oa easy terms. Nice home la North La Grande, fruit, hara. accessible to new R. R. shops $1700. Town Lots 1 hare some splendid buys in towa lots in all portions of the city. Very good lots for $1M. Some extra choice locations at $200 to J7l. - Farm Lands Fine Stock Ranch iSW hundred acres near La Grande. 2W acres of meadow land, from which 40$ to 600 tons of hay caa be cut annually. Well watered; reasonable terms. Near La Grande Fine foothill farm four miles from La Grande. S04 acres, well improTed, 16.(W0, terms. Sandridge Farm ISO acres well improved. A3 good land. 7d acres of summer fall ow- seeded, one half mile to cine months school, less than one mija to depot- This is a snap, 132 per acre. Terms. Sandridge Farm 160 acres near gjd school and depot adjoining place. Good roads all the way to La Grande, 6 miles. Fruit Farm acres commercial orchard in Fruitdale. tress S years old, we'J cared for and la splendid condition. Ten-acre Fruit Farm Situated near school house la Fmitdale, trees 12 years old, crop estimated between 2,000 and 3.000 boxes; f3. good, terms or will exchange for city property. S$ acres one qoarter mile from the city, modern house, fine cellar with spring; fire acres of fine or chard, crop goes wich place if taken at oace. Fine dairy, fruit and poultry farm, 3,000. . Here is a Snap 320 acre farm, 200 acres summer fallow and seeded to grain, water right six miles ea3t of La Grande, $32 per acre. Investigate this. Look This Up SO acres of land eight miles sast of La Grande, well improved, fine stock, alfalfa and grain ranch. $30 per acre. ' - Mt Glenn Farm SO acres, ail good land. 5 acres in orchard, large barn, several springs near school, rural delivery. Farm produced ii bushels of wheat to the acre lat year. $8,000, very reasonable terms. SO-acre Fruit Farm Situated near Summerrille, will trade for city property or will sell on very easy terms. Fine Farm 70 acres eight miles from La Grande. Last year this land produced 129 bushels of oats to the acre. VTeS Improved, $53 per acre. Terms. In Lower Cove 220 acres, 60 cultlvatable, 400 fine fruit trees, fine sprlag, $4,000, easy terms. Grazing Land 240 acres, well watered la lower Cove, $7 per acre. Mountain Ranch Splendid fruit land, large meadow, several acres la alfalfa, three mQes south of La Grande. $3,000. Timber Land SO acres south of La Grande, $S0O, one-half cash. ' ' GEO. H. CU REAL ESTATE . e4ti--a-trM-.