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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1910)
r t r LA GUANDE EVENING OBSERVER MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5-1910. HIE ISIS -tqkieht's mm- Hunting Bats." Betty aB Errand Ctrl. . Haunted by Conscience. Cowboy's Stratagem. Song You remind me of the Girl I used to go to school with. Beautiful dishes given to lady patrons of the matinee. See dis play In lobby. -UU Ik- ' Helnze Pickles and vinegar arrived at Geddes Eros, today. A good established grocery business for sale or lease. A bargain for the right party; good location. Address T. K.. cire of Observer. LOCALS 4 We want to buy your Becond-hahd school books for cash. At Silver thorn's family drug store. Students are taught how "to do things" and then placed in positions where they can do something at the Baker City Normal and Business Col lege. The 'ew Catalogue explains how. ' . ' - Ladfeg Attention. DOn't fall to see the line of hair goods on display at W. W. Berry's Millinery store for a few days only. Switches from 12.50 to $10.00. Gray, switches a specialty.'! 3t P. S. Bramwell went to Wallowa this morning and will attend to mat ters relative to commencing the beet harvest there.. ' .Mrs. J. W. Chattlu and . grand daughter, Miss Lillian Baker, left this morning for Denver where they will spend a month visiting with friends. . F. P. Creamer, superintendent of the Warren Construction company's plant at Baker City arrived In La Grande yesterday from that city In his Bulck. He returned to Hot Lake and Is staying there today. : Mrs. L W. Day of San Francisco will be at the W. W. Berry Millinery store for six days ending Saturday, the 10th with a complete line of hair goods at wholesale prices. . 3t 35 cent size genuine Blue Label ketchup; while they last, 20 cents. Grand Union Tea Co., Adams ave. Ladies .don't fail to see the Chester puffs on display at the W. W. Berry Millinery store from $2.50 to $5.00. ft 4444 4 4 4 TERS0XALS. 4 H. H. Newfleld of Cumberland, , H., A. Caldwell, representing the Best Manufacturing company of Wal la Walla and San Leander Is back from a trip to Flora and Paradise. He reports " business outlook very good In that county. While there he sold td Beach & Kuhn of Paradise and Ford esce & Merrll of Flora ten-foot ,cut Betty Best each. ' , ' Mrs. T. N. Murphey and daughter, Miss Irene, left today for New York via Portland and over the Canadian Pacific. They will visit at various eastern cities and return by way of St, Louis in the course of about two months. ' ; i bug School books. Bring in your second hand Bchool books now and get the money for them at Silverthorn's fam ily drug store. Don't forget Geddes' 20 cent coffee. Everything for the school children at Newlin's Book and Drug Co. . . Get those old clothes cleaned up. They can be made equal to new ones at The Elite Dyeing and Cleaning Works, Main 64. 6t Cherry Bloosoms at Selders. If you have any second "hand school books to dispose of, bring them to the Newlin Book and Drag Co. today. A. W. Moody of Payette Is a visi tor in La Grande today, staying at the Sommer. Fireman Frank Herron left this morning for Ontario where some of his relatives are ill. C. E. Miller, the well driller, is looking after business matters in Un ion today. E. C, Hace of Imnaha spent yester day In La Grande. He was stopping at the Foley. ' , C. M. Larsen arrived today from San Francisco and Joined The Ob server soliciting force. Peai r. the best on earth, at Ged des jJros. today. If you have any second-hand school books to dispose of, bring them to Newlin Book and Stationery Co. Everything for the school children at Newlin Book and Stationery Co. You can always get eggs that are fresh at Geddes Bros. On North Depot street, 2803; 4 room house and acre lot for sale, reason able, for cash. A. E. Roger, Gen'l. delivery. . Fred Mllliken of Ellensburg, Wash, was a La Grande visitor yesterday, stopping at the Foley. . : Roy E. Green of Joseph, transacted business In the city this morning and was a guest at the Foley. .. ' C. H. Turner of Caldwell, Idahft, spent yesterday in La Grande, stay lng at the Foley. 1 1 R. M. Morris and Arlie Russell, both of Elgin, came in this afternoon to attend the Eagle's picnic. Dwight Barnes, Justice of the peace at Elgin is a business visitor In La Grande this afternoon. The "Feel" of the Suit ! ,1v.'C':-''J 34 r '11'" - 1 Iff W II jj " ; li . lifter Once inside of one of our Fall , Suits you'll feel good all over, Sir! Not altogether because we in sure you a perfect fit, but be cause our Clothes were design ed and tailored In The World's Best Tailor Shops! You feel certain' that the ma terials are right; that the style and the tailoring are perfect, and that there Is nothing want ing that goes to make a hand Borne suit of Clothes. SUITS IN TWO OR THREE BUTTON MODELS We guarantee every salt we sell; for any suit we cannot fully guarantee Is not good enough for us to sell or for you to wear. ASH BROS. GOOD CLOTHES Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Frltts returned yesterday from an extended visit In Southern Oregon where their, daugh ter, Mrs. Walden De Long Is making her home with her husband. They vis ited the interior and had a very en joyable ' trip throughout. THE WINTEMUTE CASE. 8omt Facts About an Affair In Which a Countess Figures, "I am looking you straight in the eye." , v . ' ; This was the clever way in which one William T. Wintemute advertised his stock in the Gold Run Mining and Tunnel company of Boulder, Colo., a ud several hundred people ' returned his stare, thought him a handsome, straightforward looking chap and in vested in his wares. And then the crash came, the postofflce inspectors recently arrestiug Wlutemute. who, they allege, got $1,300,000 from value less stock. The case Is attracting much attention, especially abroad, for one of England's best known peer esses, the Countess of Tankervllle. figures as one of the principal victims. She was formerly Miss Lenora Van Marter. a New York state girl, and is one of the few American girls who have made happy foreign marriages. .: v : .v.'.y. .:,.' " wsosr ti h ' ' if? i I ,Vv ' I I v' , " ' ' ' I V l , - 'i THK COUNTESS OV TAKSEBVILLB. She and Lord Tankervllle have always been in accord and are jointly Inter ested In many philanthropies. , When Mr. Wintemute gets out of his present difficulty he should no longer handle stocks. His field Is ad vertising. Here la one of his circu lars: . "I am looking you straight In the eye when I say to you, exchange your worthless stock for Gold Run. Don't cringe nor squirm nor dodge -. my glance, but look at me straight In the eye and tell me why you don't ex change your worthless stock for Gold Run, paying 10 cents per share. This Is a straight In the eye proposi tion. , There Is nothing partaking of the sneak or crlnger about me, nor la there any occasion for one of you to dodge. Let us meet the Issue fairly and squarely. You can be honest with me, with yourselves and your fam ilies and meet the issue which Is be fore us jiow fearlessly, like a man." Ladies Suits andDresses Styles differ a great deal this season. Tailored Suits are good perhaps 'the most practical. One-piece Dresses of all materials, just as much in style. , Long or short Goats -these are all good this season, and we shall be in position to furnish you anything you may desire. $22.50 Tailored Suits win be our popuiar price HAVE THEM IN ALL MATERIALS and STYLES New fine Silk, Hand-made Dresses just arrived. Also a beautiful line Silk Shirt and Dress Waists. School Suits Never was our Stock as complete, and within a few days the boys will be got ready for school, and we can 'assist you in preparing themfrom the little 6-year-old just starting, to the young man to graduate this year. We have large assortment for you to select from. - Millinery Millinery Millinery Let us show you your Fall Hat - ' L. f 1(1 WandesS a la Cut Low In th Nock. Waiter-Did you order beef mode, sir? DlniT (Impatiently) I did. What's the matter! Waiting for the styles to change?-Boston Transcript iCIassfiedi His Day Off. Wen trouble come ter see him ! He dropped de honeycomb An' hollered funi de chlmbly top: "Go 'way! 1 ain't at homel" Atlanta Constitution. Still a Chance. "Ilave you ever loved and lost?" asked the sweet young thing. "Not yet" replied the man who bad been divorced three times. Chicago Record-EIerald. This Morning's Score. Games played today by the Coast League in the morning games of the double headers: Portland 3; Los An geles 6; Oakland 1; Sacramento 0; San Francisco 3; Vernon 0. t Advertising COOK WANTED At Oregon Hotel. FOR SALE 500 sheep, Waiter Glenn. R. F. D. No 2. TO TRADE 160 acres of timber land to trade for , city property. Mac Wood, Golden Rule store. CAN MAKE 150.00 PER WEEK We want some good bustlers to sell high grade reliable nursery stock. Splendid territory. Expense money advanced weekly. Address Albany Nurseries, Inc., Albany, Oregon, . Dept. J. Kate Hearing Set, September 13th is the date set for the hearing of the case of City of Spo kane against the North Pacific and others according to a notice received by Turner Oliver today from the In terstate railroad commission. This is a similar case in which La Grande played an Important part and in which much good has already resulted to in land empire towns. FOR RENT CHEAP Brlclc store building, 106 Fir street. Apply at the marble works. WANTED A waitress and pantry girl at the Palace Restaurant. WANTED Place " to work for board, while attending school by boy 15 years of age. Write X Observer. Correction. Typographical errors were respon sible last week for W. R. Hamilton being reported as having brought suit against Dan Phillips for assault with a dangerous weapon. The initials should have been "R. D." Hamilton! Funning Addresses Two Large And! ences Yesterday. Mr. J. Fanning, the Philadelphia au thor, lecturer and wit, entertained two large audiences yesterday, In the afternoon at the Baptist church and In the evening at the tabernacle. Ills subject was prohibition, but he Inter spersed It with so much humor and wit that the audience was highly pleased with the entire performance. A Cowbby'a Stratagem. This Is the headliner at the Isis thla change of program. It is filled with thrilling scenes and brings out a well acted love story. It shows a bear hunt, where a real bear Is treed and shot. The rest of the program Is of unusually good quality, especially the film. Betty as Errand Girl. To night will be the last chance to wit ness this fine program. FOR SALE Good heating stove, wood burner, almost new. Phone Ind 313 or call at 1303 N. Ave. Satisfaction or Money Back Drink Satisfaction or , Money Back Qualify Coffee Sold Only By D ALTON One Star Brand, . ; . . ... .25c lb. Two Slar Brand ..... ,. ,30c lb. Three Star Brand, ..3 lbs. $1.00 Save f oupous and Get Tour Xotlons Free. Satisfaction or Satisfaction or Money Back Money Back FOR RENT 5 room house with pantry, 1908 Adams ave. $10 per month. Independent phone 1526. WANTED Cosmopolitan Magazine requires the services of a representa tive in La Grande to look after sub scription renewals and to extend cir culation by special methods which have proved; unusually successful. Previous experience desirable but not essential. Whole time or spare' time. Add ress with references, H. C, Camp bell, Cosmopolitan Magazine, 1789 Broadway, New York City. . , Fewer Hindus Come. ' San Francisco, Sept. 5 That the west's wall against the Influx of Hindu laborers Is bearing fruit is attested today by the arrival of the Liner Si beria today with only twenty-two Hin dus aboard, although 500 had applied. The steamship companies have been passing the word that only young Hindus under thirty and who are healthy will be allowed to enter this country. FARMERS' BUSINESS WE GIVE PARTICU LAR ATIENT10N TO THE BUSINESS FARMERS. WE COR DIALLY INVITE THEM TO MAKE THIS 1 HEIR BANKING HOME, The United States National Bank LA GRANDE, OREGON.