LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5-1910. PAGE THREE r i "If W:l "... ror my hat"-Uusfc7 Thot Who Btln wvil J?y.'vf briny' nd Tlmw. RAuDELL NOTTO GAulPAIGfi LIS: USABLE TO LEATE THRESHING MACIIIXE AT THIS TIME. to Promises to Administer Justice v j n t t i' 4 j It was Satan " m? t0 0De of her chJidrenT l tt tot0 your head to pull El? Ua.i .. ivuiicu liih hi i ih ctuaps it tnm .ki-. ! of friends to allow mv nam uaed he- Buiua vfcHM f ii v i " Her Three Lovers By hi QUAD Copyright,, 1910. bjr Associated Lit ' rary PreM. " Having been solicited by a number tfrl. "but klc OWD I1pu.'-v ' Companion. dfast- f will be laviting jj 2 row, T hen you use , wifts Premium Jams & Bacon t Their flavor is i. Their flavor is he most rellshable of any other meats. . Polocfc S City Grocery and t ft n i. 5 . oakery fore the republican primary for the nomination of sheriff of Union coun ty, I do so with the understanding that I could not make a. campaign before the county ' primary as I am so very busy threshing and vflll be so engaged for three weeks to come and It Is impossible for me to get away from the machine. So if my friends are kind enough to nominate and under the condition elect me I would thank them very much of course and should I bo noaj'"ated and elected I will to the besr of my ability endeav or to enforce the iaws as laid down in the statute of the state so far as consistent with good government. I shall endeavor not to entail any useless expense upon the tax payers of the county ana will administer Jus tice to all parties and localities in the county irrespective of surround ing circumstances and will adminls: possible with efficient work. Thanking each and everyone of you In advance for any favors you may see fit to render, I remain, your very truly, i W. W. RANDALL. 'Chamberlain's Stomach and LiverTaliJti invariably bring relief to women sufleriii from chronic constipation, headache, Inliour ness, diztiness, sallowness of the skin ah dyspepsia. ' CRYSTAL Home cooking. Everything the market affords. Will make a spe cialty of dinner. H. L. Clark, Prop. 209 Fir street. . Samson Windmills, Demig Pump Richardson and Boyn ton Hot Air Plants. v Pip, Fittings, Bath Room Fixtures and all kinds of Plumbing Goods. BAY & ZWEIFEL Plumbers, Heaters and Sheet Metal Workers. Xou wouldn't find another case like It in three states. Here was Miss SiiKle Jones of the village ot GrafiW ainurt and good looking, with three I overs iu tow.' Each one bdd proponed murriii;? each knew the other was ready to die for ber. and yel ibe three were good friends There was a family skeleton in the Jones closet, but none of the lover suspected It- The smiling and gracious Susie bad a temper like a wildcat. This wato only shown out at borne, however. Ilud any of the young men suspected It, he would have reasoned that be could tame ber after mar riage. Had he been told It be would have replied that he admired temper in a glrL Love Isn't blind. It's Just woozy. The three young men had dangled and sighed and grown tbin for a year when the Methodist church held its annual picnic on the bank of the river half a mile below the village. The three of them escorted the young lady on that occasion. The three of tbem also had an Intuition that that would be a momentous day for tbem. Intui tion was right Toung Springer was the first to discover that It was. He Invited Miss Susie to take a row with him on the surface of the historic Wabash. She graciously assented. No 4Mtnn aw . w.- r. .. . - , " - - vuier l ww. j.ney wouia wa aiong the bank and be as happy as they could. Toung Springer bad never rowed a boat He had simply seen others do It He did very well, however, for about ten minutes. That was because he let the craft drift, while he pro posed marriage for about the seventh time. The answer was the same as It had always been. Miss Susie would see about It This so encouraged the lover that he seized the oars and dipped a blade and splashed a barrel of water over the girl In white In the stern. She screamed. Then he splash ed another barrel with the other oar. This completed the bath. Miss Susie rose up, and the boat was upset It was for young Springer to rescne berr He would bave done it slick as grease had she not, while clinging to the waterlogged craft begun calling htm names. It was dreadful the way she called him blunderhead, dunderhead, idiot, greenhorn, milksop, red head, squint eye and thirty other things. How could he rescue her with her tongue like that? Young Springer, on a Rand bar, and young Brown, on the bank, . heard every word of the interesting dis course, but they were not a bit Jealous. When Miss Susie had to stop talking and hunt around for some more breath she thought It time to continue on to the shore and go home for dry clothes. Young Brown hud not plunged. He had a new pair of blue suspenders that bad cost 25 cents, and he knew that If you get pale blue soaking wet It will crock a dollar shirt and add 2 WATERS & STANCHFIEI ! v. Are Agents for Seneca Security and 3old Goin brands of stock foods. Free buggy whip with each 75 cent package of Seneca. Every person that uses stock should caii and investigate this line, find out what it will do for our best friend.; HAY, GRAIN, BLUE STEM FLOUR Gall up on phone for quotations. cents to the price of washing ai a Chinese laundry. - He bad told Miss Susie that he, stood ready to die for ber, but of course be meant a dry and not a wet death. If these things are properly understood at the time ; they are spoken much confusion may be saved later on. Young Brown j waited to extend bis hand when the ' nymph should come near enough. No Jealousy on the part of the other two a great deal of wetness and mud, but no Jealousy, The bedraggled Miss Susie extended her lily wet band.' but In so doing she lost ber balance and went under water again. . As there was a good bed of mud to fall on. no bones were broken. Those pale blue suspenders were still In young Brown's thoughts. It was time to plunge, but be didn't do It Instead, be reached down and seized a dainty little foot to which a panful of mud was clinging and hauled' the half drowned girt up the bank. No Jealousy on the part of the others. On the contrary, tbey looked on admiring ly. Susie gurgled and gasped and coughed, and Mr. Brown knelt beside ner wet form and akw1 hi nr m sake to recover. If she died, then he wanted to die too. He didn't want to die of mud and water, but of a Black Hand bomb. He wanted to be in an Italian grocery buying macaroni when the bomb exploded, and be want ed his faithful and loving heart to be blown clear across the street . . Miss Susie could not withstand the appeal. She returned to life and the state of Indiana and the Wabash river, and then she made Jerky little speeches to her rescuer. He had rescued her heels first; he had dragged ber up on the bank; he had dragged her after she was up the bank. All the names she bad called the other two she now bestowed on the trembling Brown and then added twenty new ones for good measure. Then, scorning air assist ance, she started for home, leaving a Wabash trail as she went When she bad gone the three lovers came to gether. No Jealousy. 'By gosh!" said Springer. "By gum!" said Cotton. "By swipes!" said Brown, And a week later Miss Susie sent for Mr. Brown and demanded: "Why didn't you Jump in to my res cue, sir?" . "11 was afraid of wetting my new suspenders!" . "Your answer shows that you've got more common sense than Springer and Cotton combined. I am ready to say yes to your proposal!" The George Palmer RETAIL DEPARTMENT We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid Roofing Deadening Felt, Building Paper. We -are prepared to furnish and deliver material, promptly. Phone Main 8. 1 J TRO FRUIT MARSHMELLOWS W cents can. They Toast. "CHERRY BLOSSOMS" Adams Ave. Next Door to Post Office FOR COUGHS mm cures F THE WONDER WORKER FOR GOLDS FOR ' THROAT R.':KING9S1.:'lumg8 n Ann Wn1 ifffpfijWRRV7 uulSuu LiiJ UJl7 vii i LS Ll Li j FOR COUGHS AND COLDS PBEVEI1TS PnEULIOIllfl I had the most debilitating cough a mortal' was ever afflicted with, and my friends expected that when I left my bed it would surely be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my case incurable, but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured me so completely that I am all sound and well MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. Mm 50 c and $1.00 ABSQ LY GUARANTEED I Trial Bottle Free 3 tOLs AMD GUARANTEED BY C iilV6rthrn's Dry IT CSETAIJfU ; v LOOKS GOOD to the r-Lildren when they tee tiie aencioua oread maae from the North Powder Best of the Best Patent flour. It la a meal for the little ones, with butter, Jam or Jelly, that Is wholesome and muscle building. It looks good also to the housewife when she sees the golden brown crlsro and the white bread Inside when It cornea from the oven. It also smells appetizing when made from Best of Best Flour. FOB SALE BY ALL CROCEES 1 Sure. "Out to Luncheon Back In Five Mln utes," read the sign on the door. "Are you sure he will get back that soon?" asked the anxious caller. "Yes'm," said the wise office boy. "He ain't got the price of a ten minute lunch In his clothes." Kansas Citj Journal. U. R. WILSON Electrical Contracter Meoviiew MM o - o itosl Is now on the Market This will be the mos t sightly addition of La rande. The only addition to La Grande with building restrictions. The lots are large nearly a full acre In each lot We are going to set out some nice apple and cherry trees .: on each lot. ' We are going to make the prices reasonable, and most fav orable terms. No In te rest. No taxes. Come to our office and look at the plat, then get into our automobile and go see the property. La Grande Investment Co. Owners, La Grande, Oregon WELCHES GRAPE JUICE Made from the choicest con cord grapes. Pure and unfer mented. 4 oz. bottles, 15c, 2 for . , . .25c 5 Pint bottles .........35c Directions on bottle for Grape Lemonade and Grape I Ball. I Pattison Bros. i . Use either ' phone i Now is the time to can PEACHES This week we will have plenty and prices will run I from ! ' ' .. 90c to $1.25 per box j I