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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1910)
PAGE TWO LA GRANDE EVENING OBSEBVEB MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5-1910. 8 i Have a Summer Without Headaches Summer should be a recreation time, a time when life is really enjoyed and when vitality is stored for the more trying seasons. The pleasure of many people is spoiled by head aches. Travel, outings or exposure to the sun is apt to bring on this affliction. Don't have headaches this summer. Keep a supply of our tkwlin's Instant Headache Cure on hand. They stop coming headaches cr a:re head aches that have already arrived. . A simple reliable remedy with a record of many years back of them. The remedy you should always have and depend upon. Price 25 cents . Sold by us only Newlin Drug Co. La Grande. Orecron A BARGAIN 112 1-2 acres, & acres bearing orchard, arator and all other small tools on all for $12,000.00. Let me show you. room house, pantry,,bath and closet; new; large barn, 60x90 feet; J good condition;' household furniture; 3 head horses, 3 cows, 1 year- ling, 1 calf, 2 pigs, 1 wagon, 1 mower; 1 rake; one sulkey plow; 2 1 hand plow; 1 cultivator; 1 harrow; 2 lawn mowers; $80.00 sep- 5 C. J. BLACK The Real Estate Man Phoenix Pure Paint Most tasting in wear and color of any paint on the market It will cover more surface per liquid gallon and do it better than any paint on the market. Call and get a Color Card Hewest Creations in Wall Paper, Design and Quality. Will call and make estimate on Painting and Papering . your house. Call Black 1071 O. R. COOLIDGE 1314 ADAMS AVE. DRINK Natural Mineral Water Bottled as It Flows From the Spring IV s Good for what Ails You Complete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FilZQERALD, Proprietor Complete Machine Shops and Foundry J' i I 75 acres under cultivation, 6 farm; 4 miles from La Grande; A 2 6 6 6 6 6 Q9t 331 Use ELECTRIC LIGHT Its Convenience and Economy will Surprise You Let us kit you alt about it EASTERN OREGON Light and Power Company I European Plan Only " Rooms 60c to $1.50 First class Throughout AV0Y HOTEL D. G. BRIGHOUX, -Proprietor. ONE BLOCK FROM DEP01 La Crande, Oregon r y pay Rent? We loan you money to build, and vou pay us as you would rent. J. R. OLIVER. An Indian can be happy without a Piano. But who wants J 6 to be an Indian? A. ' sk STEINWAY, LUDWIG, KERTZMANN, A. B. CHASE and C0N0VER Pianos for sale by , J. J. JCOJJ 6666606666666 Forty-Ninth Annual OREGON STATE FAIR K SALEM SEPTEMBER 12th to 17th $35,000.00 in Premiums and Purses Grand Live Stock, Agricultural and Horticultural Exhibits. Splendid Races, Band Concerts, Free Attractions and Fireworks. Reduced Rates an all Railroads. For further information address FRANK MEREDITH, Secretary. SUBSCRIBE FOR o & PROFESS! "Si!, DIEECTOET. 4 $ A. L. UICHAEDSOX rhyslclan and Surgeoi Office Hours: 2 to 5 p. m. except Sun day. Sunday by appointments. Tele phones: Office, Black 1362; Ind. 353; residence. Main 65; Ind. 312. C 1L ITTOJf, Ph. G. X. D. Ppyslfftan and Surgeon Special attention o Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office In La Grande Nat lonal Bank BnUdlng. hones: Of fice Ma'a 2, Residence Main 31 geo. w. ziinrEKaiAS Ostsopath Physician1 Sommer Bldg.. Rooms 7, 8, 9 and 10 Phones: Home 1332, Pacific Main 6 Residence phone, Black 95L Suc cessor to Dr. E. Moore. DR. M. P. JBEJTDELS' BJ ' Doctor of Op'tlcs. Spectacles -Jid Eye Glasses Fitted . and made to order. All Errors of Refraction Corrected 1105 AdamB Are. Opposite P. O La Grande, 1 Oregon LA 6BA3DE SCHOOL OF MISIG, Co?. Adams arenue and Greenwood St PROF. . PORTER DAT Dt'cctor. T. IL CRAWFOKD Attoraey-at-law . Practices In all the courts of the State and Un'ted States. x Office la La Grande National Bank Bldg La Grrnde, Oregon D2L . A- UUKLTQZ Vetera xr Surgeon Office at Hili'tf Drug Store, La Grants Residence phone, Red 701; Offlct phone, Black 1361; Independent phone 53: hnth phones at leBldenca Chas. E. Cochran Geo. T. O COCHBAX & COCHBAS Attorneys , l a Grande National Bank El La Grande Oregot DB. H. L. U2TDEHWO0D JO. DOHA J. OT3ERTTOOD Office ever Red Cross Dmg store. Phones, office Main 22; Res. Main 728 3. W. C KELSOX Mining Engineer Baker City - - - Oregon N. MOLITOR, M. D. Ppyslclan and Surgeon Coer Adanr -9. and Depot street Offlio Main 68 ' Residues W J. C PRICE, D. TLJ. Dentist Room 23, La Grande Nations.' Building, ho e Black 39t AA664AA6AAAAAAA 6 66666666666666 THE OBSERVER ELGII! HEHS OF INTEREST Elgin, Ore., Sept 2. (Special) Mrs. J. H. Hudson, a resident of Elgin for a number of years, died near Portland, Aug. 29th, where she had gone recently for the benefit of her health. ' Mrs. Hudson has been in very poor health for some time, but ber death came as a great shock to her many friends. The remains were brought here on Thursday's train and the funeral ser vices were held Friday at 2 o'clock un der the auspiceB of "The Women as Woodcraft" of which she was a mem ber. Interment took place in the city cemetery. Mrs. Kirbyof Portland died sud denly of heart failure Auguest 29th at the home of her son. Dr. E. G. Klr of this city. Mrs. Klrby had arrived m few days previous to her death for 3 visit with her son and family. The remains were shipped Tuesday to Portland for burial. Carl Towner spent Sunday In Jos eph. Miss Clara Pepper returned Monday from a visit with her sister In Jos eph. Carl Dittabrant from Summervllle is visiting at the home of S. A. Chap- pel this week. Ivan Thomas made a business trip to Wallowa Wednesday. J. W. Lovel of Wallowa has accept ed a position in the city meat mar ket. H. C. Rinehart was down from La Grande on a business trip this week Tuttle's orchestra went to Wallo wa Thursday to play for a dance given at that place. William Aubin of Walla Walla. El gin's former ball pitcher, is spending a few days here on his return from a fishing trip at the Minarn. Misses Irma and Iolyn Hotchkiss of Enterprise arrived Wednesday to attend the Elgin public school this winter. Don't waste your money buvin? piaster, when you can get a bottle of Clmmbpriain' Liniment fr twenty five cents. A piece of flannel dampened with this liniment is supe rior to any plaster for lame back, pains in Uie side and chest, and much cLeaiier. Treasurer's Call for County Warrants. Scalp Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned treasurer of Union county, Oregon, has funds on hand with which to pay all county and rcalp bounty warrants, which were endorsed "not paid for want of funds" prior to the first day of July, 1910. No Interest allowed on the above warrants after August 25, 1910. JOHN PRAWLEY f County Treasurer. fi i rim r-vurva , tf GAZETTEERH A BasJncm Directory of each Cltr. jnn-n and UlaRe in Oregon ana MahioKton, Kiviuir Descriptive Hiippinc FaclUtlc and Clawtl- f lffl IiMka a . - yr i B- I POLK CO- Ine. Seattle, Wah. J Market Quotations. SUGAR Cash Price Suear. SR7K- v T-.Wf oeei sugar ;b.&5. VEGETABLES New Cry onions. 4c lb: green onions thro bunches for 10 c. tomatoes in. ih new potatoes, 2c lb.; cabbage 4c green corn 20c: string henna. fOr lh- green peppers, 15c lb. FRUIT Oranw. Kn w vw yvi uvauu a lemons, 45c per dozen: Dananaa. 40p per doi; m It. Blackberries 2 boxes. 2r,o- melons 2 l-2c lb: cantalnn in . i 8c; peaches 85c and Jl.00 per box; piums zc id. Grapes, 2 lbs for 25c. MEATS Boes. finished, $9 cwt: cows. '3 1-2 tr i. veal 4 to 4 l-2c ; mutton 4 to 6; chick ens, 12c; fries, 17c. BARLEY Producers' price: rolled, 126; brewing, $25. Wheat. $33 per ton. MILLSTUFFS Brand, $22, shorts, $24. , I COMING SF03T EVENTS Buffalo will try to secure the inn amateur rowing championships. j Gyroscope cars are likel v I feature of the auto speedway carni - .-uuupii ucit j car. Oswego. X. T will hold the Am. ' aimcuc uiuva caampionshln W ketball games Jan. 5. 6 and 7, Mil, The United Hunts, which will hold Its fall meeting at the Plmliro t,u w 14X1 1 U- morc race track Sept J. 3 and B, fa every prospect of the best success of tn career. Sevvr. 1 am tired of life." "Are you really r "1 am, for a fact" "Well, at that I don't belleTe ym gui nujiuiug on me Quite Largt. "We have a new flat" "Is It a larce oner "Yes; 1 am going to get my wife t fan. I think she can use one in lt? Proof. "That fellow Is an optimist" "Why do you think sor "He loaned me a dollar once" Fresh lot of oaraioga tmps Just Received 2 Pounds for 25 cents Royal Grocery and Bakery New and 2nd Hand Furniture Crockery, Glassware all kinds Cooking Utensils, Camping and Prospec tors fitted out. Bargains in new and 2nd hand stoves, $5.00 to $20.00 C. E. SUYDAM 1411-1413 Adams Ave. )3i HAY Alfalfa, baled, $16; timothy, haled, $20. FLOUR High patent, $5.40; family' patent, $5.00; straight $4.60. : .jj Portland Markets. , BUTTER Extra creamery, 35c; store 22 l-224 1-2. BUTTER FAT Delllver f. o. b. at Portland sw cream 32 1-2; sour 30. EGGS Local, candled, 3029. POULTRY Mix chickens 16c8c; fancy 19 cents; turkeys, allTe 20 & 21; pigeons squats, $2.50; dres sed chickens, 1 to 2c higher than alitfc. BARLEY Producers price, iWt Feed 23.50; rolled 25.50 26.80, brew ing 25. WHEAT Nominal track, club, 81 and 88; bluestem 96; William Val ley 90. Valley 97. MILLSTUFFS SfiTtinff nrtpe-Sratt ' $22; mldling, 30; shorts, $24. chop 1' 25. FLOUR Old crop , patents, $5