LA UiCANDE EVENING OBSERVER FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1910. PAGE SIX SPORTSMAN and TELEPHUNfc ' 11 SI i - EVERY TIME a man wants to get away from all connection with the busy world, the telephone is an important helper. The local service is useful in arranging his affairs' at home, and the Long Distance service of the Bell System helps him to decide where to go and what to take. By means of his J3ell telephone he can find out whether the fish are biting or the birds are flying, and whether guides or horses can be secured. . After he has been out a while if he wants to get word from the city, the nearest Eell telephone is a friend in need. Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. Every Bell Telephone is the Centre of the System. MR. CHERRY WILL HOLD HOUSE- WARMING TOMORROW SIGHT lias Installed a riant Thoroughly Modern, to Meet His Business The new laundry, known as Cher ry's New Laundry, is now completed and tomorrow evening Mr. Cherry will have a sort ol housewarming when the public will be welcomed to the new place to see all machinery in op eration. The plant is located on Jef ferson Btreet between Greenwood and Fir. . In installing this laundry, Mr. Cher rv. who is a thorough laundry man, has purchased the very lateBt ma chlnery, and anyone who is acquaint ed with laundry machines knows that it undergoes Improvements each year Believing that La Grande is to grow and that business will Justify the best plant obtainable, the Cherry Laundry has followed closely along this line Everyone should attend the opening tomorrow evening from 7 to 9 o'clock and witness the whirling wheels and sev iuo uirroieui umcuiuea ul opera tion. DIRECTORY OF THE FRATERNAL ORDERS LA GRANDE. ORE M . W. A. La Grande Camp No. 7702 meets Try Monday In the month at the I. 0.0. P. Hall. All visiting neighbors are cordially Invited to attend. I. R. SNOOK, C. D. E. COX, Clerk. ; Women of Woodcraft Grande Rondo Circl- No. 47 meets every first and third Thursday even ing in the month at the I. O. 0. F. Hall. All visiting members welcome. CHLOE ROBINSON, 0. M. LIZZIE ELLSWORTH, Cleric. lfbtkabi crystal Lodge No. to meets every Tuesday "enlng in ths 1. 0. O. F. hall All visiting membera are Invited to attend. MISS ANNA ALEXANDER. N. 0. MRS. JENNIE M. SMITH. Sea. Society Gathers at MHbrook. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Sept. 2. Soc iety folk are gathering at MilbrooK today, attracted by the annual hunt club meeting which will be held to morrow if weather conditions are pro pitious. Many millionaire horsemen are preparing for the hunt, which will begin in the morning and continue through the day. About $2,000 in cash prizes and a half-score of gold and silver . cups constitute the trophies for which the society men and women will compete in hurdle races, steeplechase, horse show and athletic performances. CHILDREN'S HAIR. A. F ft A M. . . . Lit Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. ft A. H. holds reader meetings first and third Satardiys at 7:30 p. m. JOHN HODGIN, W. M. A. C. WILLIAMS Secretary B. P. 0. E. , La Granle Lodge No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock lu Elk's club cornt r of Depot street and Washington Avenue. Vi&Itlng brothers are cordially lnvitod to attend. DR. G. L. DIGGERS, Ex. Ruler. HUGH McCALL. Rec. 8ec. Knights of Pythias Red Cross Lodge No. 27 meets ev ery Monday night In Castle hall, (old Elk's hall). A Pythian welcome to 11 visiting Knights. ED. WRI3HT, C. C. R. L. LINCOLN, M. 0 R. ft S. 0. E. S. Hope Chapter No. 13, 0. E. S. holds stated communications the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month Vl3'tlng members cordially Invited. MART A. WARNICK,Sec. PAULINE LEDERLEE. W. M. Keep It Clean and Free from Dis- rase by Cslnjr Parisian Sage. Woodmen of the World La Grande Lodge No. 169 W. 0. W. meets every second and fourth Tue v'.ay in the month. All visiting mer bers welccm. . " NERI ACKLES, C. C, . J. H. KEENEY, ClerL f ' SEE & I . H, PEARE 1 LA GRANDES LEADIHG JEWELER t When In need of anything In watches, clocks, Jewelry, cut glass, hand pain led China, or any other article carried by a first class Jewel ry store, Investigate our prices before buying and you will s ave money, and be sure of securing first Quality goods. - . If your eyes trouble you, clan ot experience. have them fitted by an opti- Opposite the l". S Land Office, Adams Ate. A 5 1 Pa I lliur SPACE TAKEN BY V i If you want your children to grow up with strong, sturdy and vigorous hair, teach them to use Parisian Sage the world-renowned hair tonic. Parisian Sage is guaranteed by A Newiin, to cure dandruff and stop fall ing hair .quickly in all cases where the hair is thinning out. It Is positively the most delightful and invigorating hair dressing on the market, and for that reason is a great favorite with women of refinement It Is not sticky or greasy, and will make the coarsest hair soft, lustrous and luxuriant. Get a 50 cent bottle from the Newiin Drug Co., and watch how rapid its action. If yon do not live near a druggist, who sells Parisian Sage, you can get it for 50 cents di rect by express, all charges prepaid from Giroux Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. The girl with the auburn hair is on every bottle. ' NEWLIN DRUG CO. Taken Tp. One bay mare branded "I. G." on left shoulder: white front and white hind feet; white spot In forehead. Owner may have same by applying at the city pound. G. V. F ARRIS, 5t rounds?0??. STOVE REPAIRS Bids and Grates fitted to any kind of stoves. 5 Sewer Pipe and Fittings. T7 A . W 11 Will- I have no land of my own to offer. I sell strictly on percentage. Both owner and buyer receive the same fair treatment. I mean that your property Is offered at exactly the price yon place on it. We in vite your consideration of the following listings. City Property Four room house, two lots, good cellar, 1414 Z avenue. This place has been listed for some time at $1100. A special price, if sold during the next ten days, at $950. $ 500 cash, time on balance. . Two story house, with barn, lot 55x90, one door north of M. E. church, South; $1400, f 600 cash, bal ance on easy terms. ... , - Seven room house, situated ; west end of Pennsylvania avenue, plastered stone foundation, city water in house; price $1,000. Why pay -rent? Terms $100 down, balance $15 per month. Fine large home In North La Grande, two blocks, splendid house, barn and out bullding3. Fine or ard; an Ideal home with ample room for garden, poultry, cow and horse. This is an: exceptional fine offer. Price $4,000. . .' . , . .; Nice new home, two lots in West La Grande; price $2,000. A well built house on Main Avenue, facing North; close in; price, $2,500. One-half cash, balance on time. . . Four room house on Monroe Avenue; nice barn and extra well built poultry house. Three lots, four room house with cellar, city water. All in good condition. $1400, easy terms. : House and two lots In Block 1, Grandy's addition, for $1100. Three lots In same block at $900. This is desirable property ' A new seven-room house on East Adams avenue, roomy basement, nlastered. well flniahod J2.6UU. - : ''. 1 12 room house, barn, 8 acres of land, 100 fruit trees, barn, spring, well and city water. Sightly view; nice home In South La Grande. Large 10-room house with entire block of ground. Here is chance for investment; five houses can be built on this property. All close to. the high school building. Good barn on place, price $3500. Five room house, modern plumbing, lot 60x110, near court house, beautiful location, $1800; $800 cash, balance two years. -i ... Seven room house on Adams avenue; well built plastered, basement, desirable location, $2500. $500 cashbalance on easy terms. Four room house, near big brick school house, north of track. $1100. PlaBtered house in North La Grande, entire block, $4,000 on easy terms. Nice home m North La Grande, fruit, barn, accessible to new R. R. shops $1700. ' ........ . .- Town Lots I have some splendid buys In town lots in all portions ot the city. Very good lots for $100. Some extra choice locations at $300 to $750. Farm Lands Fine Stock Ranch 2600 hundred acres near La Grande, 200 acres of meadow land, from which 400. to 600 tons of hay can be cut annually. Well wa ered; reasonable terms, A Near La Grande Fine foothill farm four miles from La Grande, 800 acres, well improved, $16,000, terms. - Sandridge Farm 160 acres well improved. All good land, 70 acres of summer fallow seeded, one half mile to nine months' school, less than one m He to depot , . This Is a snap, $92 per acre. Terms. Sandridge Farm 160 acres near good school and depot adjoining place. Good roads all the way to La Grande, 6 miles. Fruit Farm 20 acres commercial orchard in Fruitdale, trees 8 years old, well cared for and In splendid condition. $7,500. .. " - Ten-acre Fruit Farm! Situated near school house In Fruitdale, trees 12 years old, crop estimated between 2,000 and 3,000 boxes; $6,500, good terms or will exchange for city property. . ; ' i 80 acres one quarter mile from the city, modern house, fine cellar with spring; five acres of fine or chard, crop goes with place if taken at once. Fine dairy, fruit and poultry farm, $5,000. Here is a Snap 320 acre farm, 300 acres summer fallow and Beeded to grain, water right six miles east of La Grande, $52 per acre. Investigate this. Look This Up 500 acres of land eight miles east of La Grande, well improved, fine stock,, alfalfa and grain ranch. per acre. . .. Mt. Glenn Farm 80 acres, all good land, 5 acres in orchard, large barn, several springs near school, rural delivery. Farm produced 40 bushels of wheat to the acre last year. $8,000, very reasonable terms. 50-acre Friiit Farm Situated near Summerville, will trade for city property or will sell on very easy terms Fine Farm 700 acres eight miles from La Grande. Last year this land produced 129 bushels of oats to the "acre. Well improved, $65 per. acre. Terms. , t " In Lower Cove 320 acres, 60 cultivatable, 400 fine fruit trees, fine spring, $4,000, easy terms. " " Grazing Land 210 acres, well watered in . lower Cove, $7 per acre. . Mountain Ranch . Spleudid fruit land, large meadow, several acres in alfalfa, three miles south of La Grande, $8 000. Timber Land 80 acres south of La Grande, $S00, one-half cash. H I a M. & M. CO. REAL ESTATE 10HN MELVILLE I 1423 Adams Ave. I i i La Grande, Oregon GEO. E cwm