SATISFACTION MONEY BACK One Star, 25c SAT1SFACTSON OR MONEY BACK THE ISIS TONIGHT'S PIMP Bronco Bill's Redemption Es aitj . Frontier Hero. . Lazy Farmer Brown Edison. Melcan Domain. Tha Art Lover's Strategy clysse. . Beautiful dishes given to lady patrons of the matinee. See dis play In lobby. -urai;:.ifc I LOCALS I We want to buy your second-hand school books for cash. At Silver thorn's family drug store. , 35 cent size genuine Blue Label ketchup; while they last, 20 cents. Grand Union Tea Co., Adams ave. School books. Bring In your second hand school books now and get the money for them at Silverthorn's fam ily drug store. Don't forget Geddes' 20 cent coffee. Everything for the school children at Newlin's Book and Drug Co. The "Feel" CLOTHES f.:ij ASH GOOO 1 7 AW. is. mM it ) i '-lilt 1 f ' r ' V - " ,, 1 , , , -"r: v." .J Get those old clothes cleaned up. They can be made equal to new ones at The Elite Dyeing and Cleaning Works, Main 64. 6t A thorough renovation Is going on at the Wright drug store. The walls are being repainted, tinted, and some beautiful frescoe work is being plan ned. When the interior Is complete, n wilt nave a mucn improved appear ance.' Cherry Bloosoms at Selders. If you have any second hand school books to dispose of, bring them to the Newlin Book and Drag Co. Six lady apprentices for the millin ery department wanted at once. W. W. Berry & Co. On North Depot Btreet, 2803; 4 room house and acre lot for sale, reason able, for cash. A..E. Royer, Gen'l. delivery. Doctor C. H. Upton has purchased a fine team of sorrels from an Imbler farmer and they will be put on the Upton ranch recently owned by J. R. Price. ; The team is an exceptionally fine one. Pear, the best on earth, at Ged des jJros. today. If you have any second-hand school books to dispose of, bring them to Newlin Book and Stationery Co. Everything for the school children at Newlin Book and Stationery Co. You can always get eggs that are fresh at Geddes Bros. ; Heinze Picklea and vinegar arrived at -Geddes Bros, today. of the Suit ! ... Once inside of one of our Fall Suits you'll feel good all over, Sir! - . Not altogether because we in sure you a perfect fit, but be cause our Clothes were design ed and tailored in , s The World's Best Tailor Shopsl Tou feel certain that the ma terials are right; that the style and the tailoring are perfect, and that there is nothing want ing that goes to make a hand some suit of Clothes. SUITS IH WO OR THREE BUTT0H MODELS We guarantee every rait we sell; for any suit ws cannot fully guarantee is not food enough for us to sell or for you to wear. , . BROS. CLdTHES LA UiiANDE EVENING OBSERVER FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER sold only By IF5v A . t V v a i -j a Pound Two Star, Three Star, 3 Pounds for $1.00 A good established grocery business for sale or lease. A bargain for the right party; good location. Address Y. K., care of Observer. The people of Wallowa , will be shown the me "ts of a certain kind of fruit jar tomorrow. Miss Mary Danes, the demonstrator, left today for that city. She will return to La Grande Jisa Rosa B. Sherman, head book keeper for the Golden Rule Company, today purchased, through the Geo. H. Currey Real Estate Agency, a neat home on Spring street, from Cashier F. L. Meyers. Since "W. W. Bullard, of the Fair store, has Invested in -a fruit ranch, the Fair store employes have apples galore. Mr. Bullard is now termed the "apple king" by his friends, and to show that he deserves the title, he is willing to produce some of the best fruit grown In the Grande Ronde val ley PERSONALS. , W. L. Richardson of Portland, is a guest at the Foley today . F. H. Dougherty of Salem, is a guest in the city, at the Sommer hotel. , Mrs. A. O. Gree of Madisonvllle, Ky., is a guest at the Sommer today. J. E. Cox, representing the J. A. Faldren & Co. Golden Gate tea and coffee, is in the city today. Judge Thomas H. Crawford of La Grande, is a visitor in the city today. Baker City Herald. J. R. Price has moved Into town from his farm and will live near the tabernacle, this winter. Chas. E. Funk and family', well known Enterprise people, were guests at the Sommer last tight. Mrs. A. N. Mayvllle and son, of North Powder, spent last night in the city, the guests of the Sommer hotel." Attorney T. H. Crawford is home from Baker City, where he transacted business yesterday. J. M. Spence, the Observer circula tion man, is in Enterprise today, look ing after the Observer's Interests there. Robert Wlthycombe and Will Vogel, live young boosters of Union, were In the city last night, and were the guest of L.N A Wright. George Burnett of Salem, who is cir cuit Judge of Marion county, Is In. the city today, registered at the Sommer. He Is a candidate for supreme Judge. H. H. Weatherspoon, the man who Is raising apples and potatoes on a Urge scale at Elgin, spent last night In the city. Mrs. B. BoehrMh 6f Palette and Helen 6hawhan of P&Jrette, were visi tors in La Grande last evening, stop ping at the Sommer. Grant B. Dlmick, county Judge of Clackamas county, who is a candidate for nomination to the office of govern or, is In La Grande today calling on friends and furthering his candidacy. OKI a J. S. Market and J. H. Gunther of LaSalle, Colo., are guests at the Foley. E. E. Jasper of, this city has been appointed by Acting Governor Bow ernyin to attend the national irriga tion congress at Pueblo. Ed Rumble, who has been in Joseph and other Wallowa county points, re- Mrs. M. B. Cochran returned to her home in Starbuck this morning. She was called here by the death of Mrs. Samuel Cochran, : . . Prof. Gohrmley was In the city this morning on his way to Umatilla, where he will teach school the coming winter. Mrs. Adcock and Mrs. Palmer will open the Paris Hair Parlor at 209 Fir street. They invite the ladles of La Grande to come to see them. V Mrs. Charles Clements left last ev ening for Roseburg, in response to a summons from there stating that her mother, Mrs.. Whitney, was seriouB'y ill. Mrs. Whitney is a pioneer of Roseburg, and is eighty-four years of age. F. M. Slagel, president of the Pull man Investment company, arrived to day, accompanied by his wife, two daughters and son and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Cleaver, and oth er friends. Mr. Slagle is interested in the noted Wilson orchard tract near Imbier, and he went out there today. The funeral arrangements for. the burial of Prof. Day, who died a few days ago, have not been announced. It will probably be held tomorrow some time. . Children's Eyes SllOllfi M EXAMiEl BEFORE SCHOOL COMMENCES. Ton are a Parent! Your child is In school a certain number of hours each day, using the eyes constantly. Each year the les sons become harder, books are taken home, studies are continued In the evening, the eyes are being overtaxed, the delicate muscles are strained; yet perhaps no thought is given to helping the eyes. I know that injury results from this neglect We must realize that, if there is a cause for eye strain, there must be a remedy, the remedy most naturally would be rest for the eyes. This rest can be obtained by wearing resting glasses. My advice to you is: Come and get my advice; let me explain to you scientifically ,why resting glasses should be worn. I believe that parents use very poor Judgment in not caring for their child ren's eyes, when the remedy is so simple and the cost so slight. My 29 years of experience is at your service. Every known facility for the teatlng of eyes is available, and I guarantee satisfaction In every respect. Charges very reasonable, DOCTOR OF OPTICS PERMANENTLY LOCATED U05 ADAMS AVENUE FOLEY HOTEL BUILDING DR. MENDELSSOHN'S GLASSES GIVE THE BEST RESULTS PRICES REASONABLE. OFFICE HOURS, 8:30 to 12, 1 to 6 P. M. EV ENINGS BY APPOINTMENT, 1LSS0HII 2, 1910. 30c a Pound LJLI.1III Ull HcnanjES name of her lover WHILE LIFE EXPIRES Caaght Between Elevator and Build ingChest Crushed to Pulp Portland, Ore!, Sept. 2. Murmuring the name of the sweetheart , whom she was to marry soon, Mabel Putman, aged 20, a stenographer, died a few minutes after she was extricated from a building doorway and elevator to day. She was" stepping Into the cage on the fourth floor, when the eleva tor dropped, crushing her chest to a pulp. Experts worked ten minutes raising the elevator, while the girl breathed the name of Ralph Burnett, a young man whom she was engaged to two 'weeks. The . girl came from ABhland. Her father is a lumberman. Have Ton Read This Book? A new book, telling how the fear ful appendicitis is caused and how you can EASILY prevent it, is being read with much interest by La Grande people. It is given away free by A. T. Hill. iClassfiedi COOK WANTED At Oregon Hotel. LOST Ladies' gold watch with the Initials L. M. S. engraved on the back. Finder return to the Snod grass grocery and receive reward. FOR SALE BOO sheep, Waiter Glenn, R. F. D. No 2. TO TRADE 160 acres of timber land to trade for - city property. Mac Wood, Golden Rule store. CAN MAKE fBO.OO PER WEEK We want some good hustlers to sell high grade reliable nursery stock. Splendid territory. Expense money advanced weekly. Address 'Albany Nurseries, Inc., Albany, Oregon, Dept. J. ' FOR RENT CHEAP Brick store building, 106 Fir street Apply at the marble works. FOR RENT Modern 6 room house. Corner of Sixth and Penn Ave. In quire of Miss Berger. WANTED A waitress and pantry girl at the Palace Restaurant. FOR SALE Pet pony two years old, suitable for children to ride. Inquire at F. D. Halsten's store. FURNISHED Housekeeping rooms For two or three people. Enquire at Observer office. A BOY Of 18 years, wants any kind of a Job. Call Greek chop house. CRUSHED Iff SATISFACTION 0 MONEY BACK i : : i SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK HOME FROM ASTORIA. Dr. W. F. Phy Completes Duties as Official at Regatta. Doctor Phy, accompanied by Fred B.. Currey are home from Astoria, where the doctor was medical Inspect orthe only inspector among the offi cials and ranked as commodore. The two men m tho rearatt a race &nd Dr. Phy officiated during the events The men report the regatta-to have been a great success. HOME FROM ALBERTA. Fred J. Holmes Returns from Jacket to .Canda on Inspect'on. Fred J. Holmes, president of the M. & M. Company, arrived home last evening from Calgary, Alberta, where he inspected holdings of his own, and those of J. E. Reynolds. The two to gether own a section of land, which is partly under cultivation. On ac count of the drouth, the crops are not up to the standard. Mr, Holmes says a large area of the land in Alber ta is under irrigation ditches, but the plants have not been entirely comple ted, and the Irrigated atresia will b doubled next yea. In Bome parts of Alberta, rain visited the country at the right time and crops are large, but in other sections it is badly dried Make Big Shipment of Sheen. Jay II. Dobbins, Fred Falconer and W, H. Graves this week shipped 40 cars of sheep to Chicago. Owing to the local rate from Enterprise to El gin, which is $16.00 per car, and as the drive from the summer range is no farther to Elgin than to Enterprise, the sheep will be loaded at Elgin and sent out from that point. The shippers are practically com pelled to make this shipment to Chi cago on account of the exorbitant price the farmers are asking for their hay. ' .' The shipment will be watched with a great deal of interest by other big sheepment and if it proves satisfac tory, other big shipments will without doubt follow. Enterprise News-Record. FARMERS' BUSINESS WE GIVE PARTICU LAR ATIENT10N TO THE BUSINESS FARMERS, m COR DIALLY INVITE THEM TO MAKE THIS IHEIR BANKING HOME. The United Sides National Bank, LA GRANDE, OREGON.