THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1910. PAGE FOUR LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER THE OBSERVER PuMhhed Dull- Zxccyl "iviaj Bruc e Dennis, Editor and Owner. Entered et the postoince at La Grande ad second-class matter SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Dally, single copy 6c Dnilv. ripr week 15c ' w r ' Dally, per month Kc This paper will not publish an ar ticle appearing over a nom de plume Signed articles will be revised sub ject to the discretion of the editor. Please sign your articles and save llaappolntmenL WILL BE THE ROCK ISLASD. It will not be long before another railroad is built through La Grande r nd the Grande Ronde valley. Much talk has been heard and there are several companies looking over the proposed route. Our guess is that the Hock Island will be the road that first liuilds through and this railroad will doubtless claim the Summerville pass. At least that is the talk in inner rail- VAflt rtrplov at tfi nfMAnt lima I From Walla Walla the Rock Is land will build into the Grande Ronde valley and from here It will reach North Powder and thence down the Powder river to Snake river. A rum or that seems to have some merit states that the Rock Island has an op tion on the Northwestern road which was built down Snake river from Huntington last year. This will give connection through the Blue Moun tains and will enable the Rock Island people to reach Central Oregon through Ontario. The Byllesbys and others have had men in this section looking up sur veys, but the Rock Island railroad will doubtless be the first to turn ..over the dirt and lay a track. This will likely occur within eighteen months. Such big things move slowly until a certain point in development is reached and hen very suddenly sJJ Toads in the territory make a Jump for the coveted prize. The time is about ilpe for that jump to be made at the famous old Summerville pass and the Grande Ronde valley. , ' By coming this way the North western railroad originally planned to go from Huntington to Lewjaton, u ' never be completed for the same re-' suits will be obtained and it will not be necessary to. go to the enormous expense of building through the box canyons of Snake river where no ton nage would be obtainable. No one should become discouraged for another railroad is sure to come and with it that tremendous develop ment that accompanies the second road. condition, In order to att?rc;it to g?: office. Th'3 tpplies to the republicar side of the house, for it is but natural for a democrat to seek any nomina tion he may choose. If Frank Benson had not been reported very ill, it if very likely there would have been nt candidate in the field for nomination against him. No man ever stood bet ter with the people of Oregon than does Benson, and he probably has more personal friends than any other man In the state. Colonel Roosevelt Is talking' somt very sane and sensible Malk in his speeches on this trip. Can it be that the Colonel, Who is the most popular man the world has ever seen, h22 come to a full realization that the muckrake must be hung on the wall for a time at least? Brady is one Idaho man who knows how. Thanks to kind providence, the rain has at last come. Have you secured space in the Ob server's Annual Industrial edition? This is an issue you cannot afford to miss. It is a record of achievement in the Grande Ronde valley and every public spirited person should see that he is mentioned. KERMIT'S LATEST TRIP. Mtttirn of tna Coional'a Son to Paris . ntvaata a Romanea. ' Although Waster Cupid was Dot men tioned aa being one of those who ac companied Colonel Roosevelt on his triumphal tour of Europe, It now ap pears that be was with the colonel's party most of the time and made at least two crack shots. Ola victims. It Is said, are Miss Margaret Rutherford and Hermit Roosevelt, and the latter bas now returned to Tarla, where the young lady Is spending the summer The two were much in each other's company while the ex-president was In the French capital, and it Is hinted that a bond greater than friendship exists between them. Miss Rutherford is the Bret daugh ter of Mrs. William K. Vanderbilt. Sr band had romea coiupeteiire.. but when she raarri.-d Mr. Vanderbilt she b tame the wife of a multimillionaire, and little Margaret Rutherford ( came a conspicuous member of society and an heiress to some of tbe Vunder bilt millions Young Itoosevelt bas gone to pjiri.. unaccompanied by any member of hi family. He Is, however, twenty years of age and well utle to take care of himself, baring plenty of self reliance. fl bas spent one year at flarvnrd and Intends to do some studying while abroad. Returning by way of Switzer land. Kermlt expects to try chamois hunting in the Alps, depending upon this pastime to get himself into good physical condition for study when he resumes bis university course. The second son of the ex-president Is a lean, loose Jointed young man and looks as thin and undeveloped as his father did at his age and later when he went west to rough It and build op the remarkable strength of body and mind which have made biro one of the most striking characters in the world. Kermlt is a splendid shot and as good on the back of a horse as tbe best of young riders. He keeps himself In splendid trim by outdoor work and was one of the most active mpmhora of the party that hunted big game In Ainca. AVIAT!0NRACES. Now tho Proper Thing t StaU and County Fair. Is the aviation race to supnlant fast horses and balloon ascensions at our county and state fairs? Are we to have aeroplane days, and la the bird The continual talk of Frank Ben son's lllneBB is growing monotonous, ' and strikes his friends In a spot that hurts. Mr. eBnson'g health Is steadily proving and his physicians say indica tions are good for his complete recov ery. He Is a candidate for secretary of state, and will be nominated at the primary election, without doubt. But what do you think of anyone that will make capital out of a man's physical f .7r at ?'V'?ivv . 4 Tb. : vX' iff:!1 ijt'-rSt .Vi.til.V " itW. (':. 9: KKHMIT IIOOSETVELT She Is about Kenuit's age and a noted Iteauty who bas attracted much atten tlon abroad. The present Mrs. William K. Vanderbilt. Sr. was Mrs. Samuel 8. Sands, Jr.. whose husband was killed while riding to hounds. Later. In 1S90, she married Lewis Morris Rutherford. Jr., and to tbem were born two daughters. Margaret and Barbara. Death left Mrs. Rutherford a widow for a second time, and In 1903 she became Mrs. William K. Vender bilt,. Sr., In London. From each hus- GEOBGE PALMER, Pres. P. J. IIOLMES, Tlee-Prea. W. L. BREXIIOLTS, Ass't Cash. EARL ZUNDEL, 2d Asst Cash. F. L. METERS, Cashier. LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK OF LA GRANDE, OREGON United States Depository Capfa, Sutplus and Undivided Profits $200,Md.OO DIRECTORS GZOESl PAXSXB W. L. 3CEKH0LTS W. J. CHUECH F. I. BXTEfiS P. t. HOLIES W. X. FIERCE 0 fit L Vnoto fay Amurican Press Association. GLENN H. CUKTISS AND BAKNET OLDFIELD man to take tbe place of tbe prize pumpkin as a prime attraction? We move fast In these days, and already the aeroplane is racing the locomotive, as was so recently witnessed in Glenn H. Curtlss race with a New York Cen tral special from Albany to New York city and Charles K. Hamilton's speed contest with a Pennsylvania train from New York to Philadelphia and back, again. Curtlss has also figured in a raco with an automobile. It occurred at the Minnesota state fair grounds on June 23. Tbe mao in tbe automobile was Barney Oldfleld. - Despite the many distressing acci dents met by aeroplanists and balloon -Ists of late, records continue to be bro ken. The thrilling flight of Curtlss over the sea, where he covered fifty miles at Atlantic City In a little more than an hour, broke all records of over sen flying, although flights bad already been made across tbe English channel snd New York bay. Extraordinary. "That's funny. There's a lapse of two years between the acts" "Well?" "And they've got the same help." Llpplncotfs G C. PEMSGTON CL L CLEATER F. . BIRKIT With ear tuple mnma anl faculties we caa renter yea tttkltat service and handle year bnilnet to year entire satisfaction. MIND YOUR TEETH. Tha Valua of Kaeplng tha Mouth and Gums Parfaotly Claan. A man is known by the teeth he keeps. The worst thing that can hap pen to our teeth Is for them not to have enough to do. It Is the worst thing that can happen to ns also. Spir itualized and cultured as we have be come, we still fight the battle of life with our teeth, though, we no longer chew our enem!es' ears or throats. Bone cored, enamel coated and rock ribbed as the bills, our teeth are more absolutely under our control than almost any other structure of the body. Neglect them and they decay at once. Give them proper attention and they will go on repairing themselves for forty, fifty, sixty years. Give children plenty of roughening food to chew, and they will get the pearly vigor of the savage tooth with the endurance of the Caucasian's. Above all, the food should be of such a character as to give exercise and massage to tbe gums. Part of this can be given by plenty of coarse food In addition to real food not as a substi tute for It and part by Intentional and vigorous friction with the toothbrush. To brush the gums well Is half, the value of brushing the teeth. Keep the mouth and gums strictly clean, and the teeth will take care of themselves. There are thirty-three dls tlnct named and labeled sorts of bacilli or bugs In our mouths as normal parlor boarders, but they'll behave with per fect propriety unless you clve tbem (carrion to get drunk on. Dr. Woods Hutchinson In urvey. . , OUR MENS CLOTHING FOR FALL and WINTER v. ,f Includes S. NATHAN & CO'S. $15.00 $17.50 $20.00 Hand Tailored Suits. Blue Serges, Fancy Serges, Fancy Cheviots and Tweeds ALFRED BENJAMIN'S CLOTHING Made in New York SINCERITY SUITS-For Young? Men and Men who stay Youn? SOCIETY SUITS-For the Particular Dresser g EIDER HEIMER STEIN & CO'S.--Young Mens Clothing. We cordially invite you to come in this store and see the new fall styles. N. WEST THE QUALITY STORE Sccnriiiir Good Lectures. occasions, even so far back as the The, Eagles will have an interesting coronation of Alexander HI, of Rus- serles of Bhort speeces at the Labor sia, when the Cardinal acted as the Day picnic on Labor Day. The com- delegate of His Holiness Leo XIII. plete list is not ready for announce- Cardinal Vincenzo Vanndtelli will ment, but will include many of the be seventy-four years of age on Dec. tlty's best speakers. i 5 Dext" IIe was orn at Genazzano' in ! t the diocese of Palestrlna. After hold Cardinal VanulellJ Arrives. i ln8 many niinor offices in the church, Montreal, Sept. l.-When his Emin- became titular archbishop of Sar ence Cardinal Vannutelli leaves the j des and apostolic delegate at Constan Enipress of India at Quebec today, - - - -, - " tinople in 1880. Two years later he was appointed internuncio in Brazil, where, however, he did not go, being appointed shortly after nuncio at LJs ben. He received the cardinal's hat on June 5 of the same year. He has an elder brother, SerafinoVannutelli, who is also a cardinal bishop. There are only b!x cardinal bishops in the church, so that one third of these honors are in the Vannutelli family. he will be the first papal legate of the rank of cardinal to set foot upon-the North American continent. The visit of the distinguished churchman is for the purpose of attending the Euchar istic Congress to be held In this city next week and which will be the first gathering of its kind on this side of the Atlantic. Cardinal Vannutelli has long been prominent in the councils of the church. He has represented the pres ent and late pope on many historic ) SNew Kodaks "A fA i w. r- Vt j of Cameras and j f dUUJJlJ JUUI VYCMlld f Political Announcements This column is open to any candidate regardless of Faction or Party and is paid advertising S. P. WILSON, Athena, Oregon, candi date for Joint senator for Umatil la, Union and Morrow counties sub ject to decision of republican pri maries. "I firmly believe In the di rect primary law, economy In the use of public funds, good roads, better schools, strict and prompt enforcement of law, the square deal and eternal progress of man and his Institutions." ? supply your wants 5 in this line. Get the habit of i K Mir A I c buying your FILM PAPERS and CHE- V Wright Drug Co. Reliable Druggists C. A. BARRETT, Athena, Oregon. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the nomination for Joint senator for the district embracing Union, Umatilla and Morrow coun ties, subject to the choice of re publican votera at the primary nominating election to be held on September 24th, 1910. If nomina ted and elected I will work for the Interest of all the people of my district te the best of my ability. favor the maintenance of the di rect primary law end people's choice for senator and believe the people are as competent to nom inate as they are to elect their of ficers. Very respectfully yours, C. A. BARRETT. DR. C T. BACOS, La Grande, Oregon. The Observer Is authorized to announce the candidacy of Dr. C. T. Bacon for coroner of Union county, subject to the decision of the re publican voters at the primary election DR. CLYDE T. HOCKETT, Enterprise. Oregon I wish to announce my candidacy for Joint representative for the 24th representative district subject to the voters of the republi can party at the primary nominat ing election to be held In said rep resentative district, September 24, 1910. CLYDE T. HOCKETT. 2 Samson Windmills, Demlg Pumps Richardson and Bos ton Hot Mr Plants. Pipe Fittings, Bath Room Fixtures and all hinds of Plumbing Goods. BAY & 1WEIFEL Plumbers, Heaters and Sheet Metal Workers. 1 i