AW W ii yc i i. in i n i f VOL. XI LA UttAflDii UJSlOtf COUNTY, OKEUON. "WEDNESDAY,-AUGUST 31, 1910. NUMBER 2C0. v v n v 1 1 r ROOSEVELT TAKEN TO BATTLE. FIELD WHERE ABOLITION. JST FOUGHT Memory of John Brown Honored In Osawatomlc Today With Fitting Speech by Roosevelt Wbo Also Babbles with Conservation and Tor lioration Subjects Gives Praise lo Lincoln and John Brown. Osawattomlo, : ' Aus. 31 Colonel Roosevelt today lewed the Bcenes where the martyred John Brown fought The Colonel was met at Os age City by Governor Stubbs and his .staff, and escorted here, where Con gressmen Murdock, Madison, White, and other insurgents greeted him. Roosevelt was taken to Brown's cab In and later to the field where the Kansas abolitionist, with a bandful of men withstood the pro-slavery foes. Twenty-five thousand accompanied Roosevelt to the battlefield where he dedicated Memorial Park. The pro gram tonight, includes a banquet by Congressman Stubbs at Lawrence. ThA fnlnnAl aula In nart' .' jTenav been two great crlstis 'An oar country's history; first when it wa formed, and then again when it was perpetuated. The formative per iod included not merely the Revolu tionary War, but the creation and adoption of the Constitution and thg first dozen years of work under it. Then came sixty years during which -we spread across the continent years of vital growth, but of growth without rather than growth within. Then came the time of stress and strain, which culminated in the Civil war, the per iod of terrible struggle upon the issue rf s-hich depended the Justification of :afl that we had done earlier, and which marked the second great period wf growth and development within. The name of John Brown will be for ever associated with this second per iod of the nation's history; and Kan sas was the theater upon which the first act of the second of our great national life dramas was played. It ,S7s the result Of the struggle in Kan sas wbkh determined that Cur oun 'try sTiould be ia deed as well as in name, devoted to both union and free- dom. that Ihe great experiment of iStonoeratjc government oil a National scale should succeed and not fail. It was an heroic struggle; and, as is inevitable with all such struggles, It bad also a dark and terrible side Very much was done of good, and much also of evil; and, as was Inevi table with all such struggles, it had also a dark and terrible side. Very much was done of good, and much al so of evil; and, as was inevitable ii such a period of revolution, often the same man did both good and evil. For onr great good fortune as a Nation we the people of the United States, as. a whole, can now afford to forget the vil or at least, to remember it with cur bitterness and to fill our eyes with pride, on the good that was accom plished. Even in ordinary times there are very few of us who do not see the problems of life as through a glass, darkly; and when the glass Is clouded by the murk of furious popu lar passion, the vision of the best and bravest is dimmed. Looking back, we are all of us now able to do justice to the valor and disinterestedness and the love of the right, as to each it was Mven to see the right, shown both by the men of the North, and the men of the South, in that contest which was finally decided by the attitude of the! West. We can admire the heroic val-' . the sincerity, the self-devotion shown alike by the men who wore the HESSI5A5TIIHE blue and the men who wore the gray; our sadness that such men should have had to fight one another, is tem- I " O - a.w iugu LilUL ( 1 CI hereafter their descendants 6hall be found fighting side by side, struggling In peace as well as In war for the up lift of their common country; all alike resolute to raise the highest pitch of honor and usefulness the' nation to which they belong. As for the veterans of the Grand Army of the Republic, they deserve honor, and recognition, such as' is paid to no other citizen of the Republic; for to them the Republic owes Its all. for to them It owes its very existence. "I do not speak of this struggle of the past merely from the historic standpoint. Our Interest Is primarily in the application today of the lessons taught by the contest of half a cen tury ago. It is of iittle use for us tfl pay lip royalty to the mighty men of the past unless we sincerely endeavor to apply to the problems of the present precisely the qualities which In other crises enabled the men of that day to iuccl utone crises, u is naii 'melan choly and half amusing to see the way in which well-meaning people gather to do honor to the men who, in com pany with John Brown, and under the' lead of Abraham Lincoln, faced and solved the great problems of the nine teenth century, while at the same time these same good people nmiisly shrink from or frantically denounce those who are trying to meet the prob lems of the twentieth century In the spirit which was accountable for the successful solution of the .problems of Lincoln's time. k " Of that generation of men, to whom we owe so much, the man to whom we owe the most Is, of course, Lin coin. Part of our debt to him is be- I cause he forecast our present strug gle and Baw the wa yout . . -., "everyAws struggle for human betterment one of the main objects, and often the only object, has been to achieve in larger measure equality of opportunity. In the struggle for this great end. nations, rise from bar barism to civilization, and through it, peoples press forward from one stage &f enlightenment to the ti"ex."0n of the chief factors in progress Is the destruction of special privilege. The essence of any struggle for healthy liberty has always been and must al ways be, to take from some on man or class of men, the right to enjoy power, or wealth, or position, or Im munity, which has not been earned by service to his or their fellows. . "At many stages in the advance of humanity this conflict between the men who possess more than they have earned, and the men who have earned more than they possess, is the central condition of progress. In our day, It appears as the struggle of free men to gain and hold the right of self-government as against the special inter ests, who twist the methods of free government into machinery for defeat ing the popular will. At every stage and under all circum'stanees the es sence of the struggle is to equalize opportunity, destroy privilege, and give to the life and citizenship of ev ery individual the highest posiblo Vil ue both to himself ana to the com monwealth "Pactlcal equality of opportunity for all citizens, when we achieve It. will have two great results. First, every man will have a fair chance lo make of himself all that, In him lies, to reach the highest point to which his capacities, unassisted by special privi leges of his own and unhampered by the special privileges of others, can carry him, and to get for himself and his family substantially what he has earned. Second, equalfty of opportun ity means that the commonwealth will get from every citizen the highest service of which he is capable. No man who carries the , burden of the special privileges of another can give to" the comomnwealth that service to which it is fairly submitted. "I stand for the square deal. But when I say that I am for the square deal I mean not merely that I stand for fair play under the present rules of the game, but that I stand for hav ing those rules changed so as to work for a more substantial equality of, op portunity, and of reward" for equally good sen ice. "This means that our governments. (Continued on page .) OPEN COLUMBIA TO ROBSOFJ IF E; CANADIAN GOVERNMENT TAKES PART IN OPENING RIVER FOR INLAND TRAFFIC PROMOTERS "ARE ELATEO Premier of Canada Promise to .lime His Government Survey the Pro posed Route to Ascertain the Costs Wonld be of Immense Benefit to the Inland Empire Would . Give . River Line from Sea to Robson. Portland, Aug. 31. Open river pro moters are much encouraged by the report that Sir Wilfred Laurier, premier of Canada, yesterday met the Oregon and Washington Columbia riv er delegation at Nelson and said he favored the scheme of making the Co lumbia navigable to Robson. B. C. Laurier said he would immediately in struct, the minister of public works to survey the river from Lake Wlnde mere to the International boundary, with a view of ascertaining the most o? the improvements. ' Wg Aid to Inland Empire. ; Should Canada Join with the. Uni ted States, it is believed the river will be open to navigation from the sea to Robson, and when completed above The Dalles, would immensely benefit the inland empire. It is asserted. I NEEDY - . - V- fl FIRE SUFFERERS RELIEF FUND IS STARTED. Friends of Suffering Collecting Ar. tides of Value to Distribute ..Portland,. Aug. 31. A campaign to raise $5000 for relief of fprest fire suf ferers in Idaho. Washington. Mon tana and Oregon, was , inaugurated here today by the chamber of com merce. People are invited to contrl bute. About half the money will be expended for sufferers In Southern Washington, and others within a rad ius of 100 miles. . - Miss I Prlchard Is likewise collect Ing provisions and, blankets for suf ferers. A large number of cases of destitution are reported. Tat Congratulates Willielinina. .. ; The Hague, Aug. 31. Messages of congratulation from rulers of many nations, including a cablegram of feli citation from President Tart, reached Queen Wilhelmina today and served to gladden her thirtieth birthday. The beautiful young Queen of The Nether lands, always popular with her sub jects, has become almost an object of worship since she gave birth to heir to the throne and thus saved Holland from being swallowed up, by the Ger man Empire. No business of Import ance was transacted today in "this v other cities of the kingdom and a uni versal holiday, with parade, military reviews and sports, was celebrated. Walsh to Fight Britt. Baltimore, Md.. Aug. . 31. Jimmv Walsh, the Boston bantam, and Young Britt, of this city, are matched to box six rounds tonight before the Eureka Athletic club. This will be Walsh's .first fight since he met Pal Moore.. POSSBL 1 III BRADY LEADS HUES film HAWLEY APPARENTLY THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE BUT OUTCOME IS IN DOUBT STATE WILL STAY WET Returns Coming in Early' this Mom. Ing Show Brady Is Loading Repub licans and Will Likely be Nomina ted Insurgents Claim to HaTe Won French the Congressional Nomina tlon Bowen Leading Over Seivelie for Coiiffress. : Boise, Aug. 31. Returns from the Idaho primaries up to this morning Indicate that . Governor Brady will secure the republican" gubernatorial nomination and that James Hawley will be the next democratic candidate for the governorship. ' The Insurgents are claiming a vic tory with Burton French, the con gressional candidate over Thomas Ha mer, the present congressman,, who Is a stand-patter. French is running ahead In northern Idaho, and Hamer is strongly support ed In southwestern Idaho. Arthur Bowen is leading over John Sewelle for the democratic nomina tion, and ft looks like Idaho will re main wet. " ' Insurgents and regulars, admit that French, the progreaalve. has beateo Congressman Hamer for the congres sional nomination. SAY FRIENDS NO TRUTH IN REPORT THAT HE IS DANGEROUSLY ILL. Benson's Political Enemies Said to Ilrt Responsible for Reports. BENSON MUCH IMPROVED A .. - ... . T T w -r -tr w w A Mrs. George Carpy of La A Grande this morningreceived a A leuer rroni Mrs. F. w. Benson A O saying that the governor Is Im- A A proving rapidly and that he A A will remain in California for a A short time yet to perfect his A A health. Admitting that he was A A quite Jll at one time, govern- A A or's wife now affirms that he A A eats well and Is showing all the A signs of rapid recovery. . It is A A uncertain Just when the gov- A ernor will return to Salem. : A Salem, Oregon, Aug. 31. Special. Friends of Governor F. W. Benson em phatically deny that there Is any truth In the report that he Is dangerously ill at San Francisco, and will never be able to resume Is official duties in Oregon. These reports have been cir culated broad-cast over the state by Benson's political enemies, but accord ing to the statement of his friends. they are altogether false, and without foundation. Dr. R. E. Lee Steiner, superintend ent of the Oregon State Insane Asylum who recently returned from a visit to San Francisco, reports that the gov ernor Is very much Improved In health and will be able to rpsume his official duties some time next month; he has been undergoing a course of medical treatment which has covered a period of several months, but the affliction from which he has been suffering Is not cancerous In his nature, and Is not j necessailly fatal. Governor Benson will continue to be a candidate for renomlnation and elec tion as Secretary of State, although he will not be present to participate In the primary campaign,, but expects to do some active work before the November election; he Is relying sole ly upon Is record as a republican and a public official. . " The recent republican state assem bly, consisting of 1209 delegates, un animously recommended Governor Benson for re-nomlnatlon as isecre tary of state. Race Suicide in Kansas. Topeka, Kan., Aug. 31 With wha? glad acclaim and joyous elect . did the people of Kansas welcome Theo dore Roosevelt to this their fair state today. The pride of a pervading pros perity was reflected In the smiling vis ages of thousands who gathered at Os BRwatomfe today to hear the praise of the immortal John Brown from the lipB of one greater than even the Kansas hero whose soul goes march ing on. The former president was not left in lirnnrnnp ot th Vma "m tng" state of its broad fields of wav ing wheat, worth the ransom of a thousand kings; of its cattle on a hundred hills; of Its great factories, its mines and mflls, Its bumper corn and oats cropof all these was he told. Even the activities of the helpful hen came la for a meed of praise. Yet there waa one subject on which the eulogists of the Sunflower Btate were silent silent as the grave. There was one topic which they avoided, Klde-stepped and tabooed. Regarding the baby crop of Kansas, not one word was said. Every effort was made to keep the truth from Mr. Rooaevelt, but the hor rid fact la that 4rtng the last few years of what the Kansas boomers call "unexampled prosperity" the baby crop has been ateadily declining. In 1907, there were 25,990 born within the bordera of the state. The following year showed decrease of 2,130 from the preceding "year. , ' Several reasons have been given for this. lamentable condition, of affairs. The moHtMikely is that Kansas wo, men, in their times of prosperity, are kept so busy with their automo biles, their special functions and their Clubs, that they really haven't time to spare for babies. Fifty Years a Teacher. ' Boston, Aug. 31. After fifty years of active service in teaching the young an idea of how to shoot, Prof samuel Thurber will begin a well- earned rest. Mr. Thurber, who has been master in the. English depart ment of the Girls' High school since 1881, has retired on a pension by the city today. ' A . , The aged pedagogue Wan bom ill Providence In 1837 and graduated from Brown University in 1858. He became principal of the classic de partment of the Providence High school the same year, and since then, except for a period of service in the Union army during the Civil war, he has been actively engaged In teaching. Prof. Thurber, In speaking of his ex periences, said that girls were more honest and Industrious than boys, and needed less watching, but that a" teacher could arouse more Intellectual enthusiasm among boy students. Boys, he said, responded to Intellectual stimulus with greater zest than girls. PROF. DAY DEAD. Pioneer Music Teacher of This City Dies This Morning. Professor Edwin Porter Day, a pio neer music teacher of this city, died this morning at 7 a. m. Mr. Day has been ill for several weeks, though It was only recently that he was about. the city and at his post as always, lie has been making his home on' Green wood, street and conducted hn music studio there. Formerly he lived and conducted his studio oer the Seldeis store. ' . The late Mr. Day. has -instructed hundreds of young people in the rudi ments of, music In this city and bib death will be mournel not only by his many fr'cnds of adult age, but among the young, folks i well. The funeral arlangc-neu's will be I SUB'S FATE I ROOSEVELT MAY YET WIN THE TEMPORARY CHAIRMANSHIP AT ALBANY VICE PRESldENT SfJUBBED When New York Republican Conven tion Is Called It is More Than Like Iy that the Chairmanship Will Fall In t Hands of Roosevelt Fight Is Crowing Warmer G. A. R. Adopts Ca l a m strong iipnunciuiion oi ffnerman. New York, Aug, 31. Vice-Presldnt Sherman may not be temporavy chair man of the republican convention In New York, despite his appointment, following a conference of the state progressives. It is announced Roose velt's name will be presented as tem porary chairman, and the regulars ace preparing to fight against him. The machine is expecting a heavy fight at both the convention and the city prl merles to name convention delegates, and are preparing for it Roosevelt 1.1 certain to capture the county delega tions."." ,' G. A. R. Jolts Sherman. Joplln, Mo., Aug. 31. President Sherman will be Jolted, when he open. a letter from here containing resolu- nuurieu uy ... uie, leaner sonasi O. A. R. reunion. Sherman is enroute to Oklahoma on A speaking tour. Ow ing to Sherman's refusal to speak to the association, It revolted. . , 'The action is unpatriotic and an affront to the old soldiers, and a delib erate insult to the organization alsQ," the letter says. TiavlmialT, ChAftmAK 1 i i , , ,l. v . iiunij uucmiau uau iqjo, me as sociation committee that the matter waa In the hands of the concession- i iwmmiuee, out the association wir ed STUt the committee was informed that the matter was Jeft entirely with Sberman;;.:,;,.;:; '': ,,;.t ,.. . SW-T---1Y ;, . Brelhern Begin Conferenee. isterg and laymen from many states are assembling here today for the national conference of the Brethenr church. This denomination Is what la known as the progressive branch of the Dunkard Brethern. The International Lyceum Associa tion, which has recently made Winona Lake Its permanent home, will also hold dally sessions here during the nm Inn- Ia dnn MYSTERY IN WALLA WALLA Add Throwing Incident Is Burled Tp And Police Are Idle, Walla Walla, Aug. 31. The nollce today . have practically droDDed the case of the acid throwing yesterday, which probably will result in the los3 oi one eye to Fred Cornelius of Mur ray, Idaho. Cornelius left the city this morning for Spokane. No one seemingly knows the identity of the assailant. He was leaving his hotel when the blinding fluid was thrown in his face. Immediately he returned to his room and would not call the police, which leads to the belief that he does not want an investigation of the case. PREACHER TOO FLASHY. Dayton Has Trouble Over a Preacher Who Was Flashy Dresser , Dayton, Wn.,. Aug. ; 31. Reverend Harris,, for three years pastor of toa First Christian church, leaves the pas torate today because he was "toa chummy with sinners,' 'and members of his congregation complained that he dressed too much "like a traveling man." Harris has doubled the membership. ( or the church and Is already over- v. helmwl with raTls 11a uin EMM .!.- announce t Irter. I --v- aiict an offer to go to Waitsburg.