La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 29, 1910, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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$$$0000000000 oooooooooooooo
o the rLlldren when thejr see
he delicious bread made from
he North Powder Best of the
3est Patent flour. It li a meal
for the little ones, with butter,
Jam or jelly, that la wholesome
and muscle building. It looks
good also to the housewife when
she sees the goldeL brown crtaj'
and the white bread inside when
it comes from the oven. It also
smells appetizing when made
from Best of Best Flour. ;
Copyright 1910. by American Press
$$0000000000000 0$$$0$00$0$$000
Excursion Rates to
wben yu .-.uia itiat youd put your
head to soak."
Miss B'atK-hard tried to laugh, but
was too sensitive to laugh at a re-
mark wnicn was untrue, Miss Ashby. tossing her head, "to ex
"I say. Clara.", she said when her cej at any such came.
to the ctrls. The umpires littiilid t h n
I had won the bot, but sentenced ui
to pay it.
"I have no desire whatever.", said
1 Tr m
The Oregon Railroad
& Navigation Co.
For the above occasion a round trip rate of
One and One thiM Fare
will be made in territory shown below
From points north of Riparia in Washington and from all points
in Oregon east of The Dalles,. September 6th. From The Dalles and
points west, September 6th and 7th. Final return limit September
12th. ..'.'!"
For further particulars apply to any 0. R. & N. agent
Or to Wm. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent.
"IIow Is It, Mr. Martindale." said
Miss Ashby. "that you men talk to
each other as you do? Whenever you
and your chum, Mr. Warren, are to
gether you say all sorts of mean things
to each other, but I don't see that
either of you gets angry." .
"Oh. we understand each other."
"I wonder If Sadie and I could do
"No, you couldn't without quarrel
ing." :
Miss Ashby was silent for a moment
then said, "I'm going to try."
"I'll bet you a pound of candy
nrvalnat a ntftr thnt vnn niiflrrel "
' .tii i.l.n h. n I
It was agreed between us that the
two girls should" have a talking tourna-
mont whiio thov ntnved trams of ten
nis, Dick Warren to furnish remarks
for Miss Blanchard. to be thrown iu
occasionally, and I to do the same for
I Miss Ashby. Umpires were appointed.
! and we all met by appointment at the
. court. .
I We permitted the girls to play for
1 awhile without furnishing any re
' marks, during which time they said
what they considered very trying
things to each other, laughing all the
while and congratulating themselves
on then ability to maintain good hu
mor. After the first set had been plav-
ed Dick and 1, each standing by the
girl he was to talk through, began to
put in an occasional word, producing
the following bits of dialogue:
"You give me another ball like that,"
aid' Miss Ashby, ''and I'll swipe you
with my racket" ,',. : .
Miss Blanchard only smiled. -
"Now you're showing your rhinoc
eros tusk." pursued Miss Ashby.
Miss Warren ceased to smile. In
deed, she looked very sober. The tooth
referred to was a blemish to her beau
ty. Dick made her retort.
"That remark was one of your own.
Tou weren't told to say It at alL I
think It real mean of you."
"Deuce!" cried Miss Ashby at my
succcstion. claiming 10 points more
than she was entitled to.
"Tou know very well its 80-40.
What do you want to grab points like
that forr
"If you knew," retorted the other,
"what a mad Jopkjng thing you were
opponent failed to take a ball she
served, "if you'd 6top looking sweet at
Mr, Martindale you'd play a better
game. Everybody knows what you're
up to in that direction."
Dick scored one In putting that re
mark Into Miss Blanchard's mouth.
Miss Ashby threw down ber racket.
"1 'don't care," she said. "It doesn't
make any difference whether you were
prompted to say that or not; you had
no right to say it." Her face was fiery
red, and her eyes were snapping.
Miss Blanchard had not got over the
remark about her tusk and seemed to.
take a malicious - pleasure in saying
what Dick told her to say, sometimes
breaking Into short bits of Irritating
laughter. " '
"Sadie, if you do5't top that gig
gling you'll drive me crazy," I made
Miss Ashby remark. (
"Ob. don't ie silly! You're making a
poor show of yourself. You should
have brought a handglass."
"You'd better have ' brought one
yourself." retorted Miss Ashby, "If
you had you'd have kept your tusk
Miss Blanchard dropped her racket
and strode off the field. ,
"I didn't suppose," she said hotly.
"that this was to be a tournament of ! U,
"Nor have I." Miss Blanchard
chimed in.
"I'll admit" 1 said by way of apol
ogy. "that It's far more pleasant for
friends to say nice things to each oth
er." ...
The people who fear you won't tina
out who tby are unless they tell you
the history of their lives may be in
formative, but they are boresome.
There are persons so mean minded
that they ought to be tliaukful If they
staud any chance of losing their minds
Some persons are really adept at ad
Justing difficulties, but they never can
guarantee that the adjustment will
But still we all like to see a woman
an fruit in the kitchen.
People who don't know beans have
missed a wholesome feast
feel uood.
"When are you happiest?"
"Happiest r
"After I have had the toothache."
"What language do you speak be
sides English.'"
"Prizefight and motor." .
Needed Them.
"Oh. spar my blushes!" said the maid
Unto the man who threw hot air.
"1 will." tie graciously replied,
i'or reail you have none to spare."
The trouble with soreheaded people
is that they are certain to be entirely;
too generous with their grouch.
If any girl were to have the ill for
tune to marry her Ideal the fates would
need to be kind to her.
Sometimes a dimple la worth as much
la the marriage market as a fortune.
, Many a well meaning man In trying
to cultivate friends has. succeeded only
In raising a Hue crop of grouches.
Miss Ashby followed her. walking
erect and with great hauteur. i think
you two men bod better finish it." she
- CI!. CZCau.lcu UVUI 1S1CK HDQ 1,
and, picking up the rackets, we began
to play and to chaff. We both hare
physical defects and did not refrain
from delicate' mention of them.
"Now I'm going to take you in the
bald spot on your forehead." from
Dick.' 1 ' : ".
"And m knock one of those spin
dle pins from under you. Forty-thirty."..
. "Thirty-forty, you mean. Pity your
first baby lessous were In lying."
"You know very well you've Just out
of Jail for perjury."
"VrtW T'tvi irnlniv t nut n VnA
those bow legs of yours. I could throw
a barrel between 'em."
Which eye are you looking at me
with-tbe upper or the lower?"
When we had sent -these delicate
compliments for awhile we threw our
arms around each other and kissed,
after the European fashion, on both
cheeks. This wp did to show our su
periority Jn the matter of ;;wjd.. nature
Look at the pig sty and
then at the co ton field
and; you will decide to
use Cottolene
he Land of OpportuiniSty
Union County where crop failures are unknown whose large diversified Interests appeal to all whose payrolls are second to only one county In the state of Oregon.
With all onr present activity and development we are Just entering npon an era of advancement. ' i
A drive through beautiful Grande Ronde Talley at this season when the golden fields are delivering their annual bounteous yields; when thousands upon thousands of fruit trees are
liearlng heavy loads f apples that will enter the markets of our own and foreign lands, green alfalfa fields with constantly Increasing acreage, telephone Huts runnlug everywhere
rural deliveries, numerous school houses and churches, prosperous homes, all bespeak the certainty of Investment and the Insurance of Independence.
Who are the money kings of Grande Sonde? The farmer, whether wh eat grower, fruit grower, or "stock raiser In short the land owner. Enough gald.
Farm near Talocaset
160 acres of land near Telocasct.
Thl sland was farmed for many yeors.
Price if taken in near future $5 per
Farm near Summerville
80 acres fine fruit land, $00 per ac-,
ere. If interested call and leain par
ticulars. Now in Gourse of
Fine modern house in every re
spect, plumbed, flue built for fur
nace, large basement cellar. Every
thing first , class. Situated on east
Adams avenue, $3,500 on easy terms.
Grazing Land
240 acres, large spring on place.
Good wagon road to tract; consider
able can be cultivated. Price $7 per
$4,000.00 Farm
. 320 acres, 60 tilable; good house,
orchard consisting of 400 trees. Abun
dance of spring water piped into house
and barn, sufficient for the Irrigation
of large garden. Ideal f rut and stoc
ranch or dairying. Situated in lower
Cove, about opposite . Alicel. ' Ono
third down, balance on lime
Home in City
Over two acres, splendid two-story
home, large commodious barn and
chicken house; nice large orchard;
water right, situated'- in North La
Grande. $4,000. '
Other Bargains
We have other bargains In fruit
land, several close to La Grande, and,
several tracts on the Sand ridge, in
cluding some extra fine property ad
Joining Imbler. If you want any
thing in fruit bearing orchards call.
Modern House "
5 rooms, well plumbed, one block
north of court house;, new, $1800.
v Fruit Farms
20-acre tract may be subdivided In
to two ten acre tracts or owner would
sell separate; 11 acres In orchard,
good house and barn; other out-bulld-Ings;
Would trade for city property.
' Price, $7,500.
- 250 acre Farm
70 acres can be put under cultiva
tion, 3 acres in bearing orchard, Mil
fenced; several springs for irrigation,
spring piped.into house. Fine atoirk
and fruit ranch situated two mi'efi
south of La Grande, $8,000.00. 52."00
cash. ,
Will net 10 per cent
Business property now rentln gfor
$85" per month. Bonded lease for two
years; will steadily advance In value.
Price $7,000. .
Sand Ridge Farm
elgh .'-four teres, splendid land, for
either grain or fruit, $8,600; one mile
from Imbler. At least one-half cash
A Real Home
80 acr farm one quarter of a mile
from city limits. Good modern house
with furnace, bath, toilet, cement cel
lar with living spring. Commercial
o'rchrrd of seven acres, ideal dairy
and poultry farm, $5,000 on easy
City Property
House and three lots on Pennsyl
vania avenue, two story, in splendid
repair. Just repainted and papered
throughout, $2,500. reasonabe terms.
Nice little homa
Grande, easy terns
in North La
on this place,
Two-story house and three lots on
North Fir street desirable property,
for only $1,400
Twelve acres and nice two-story
house In South : La Grande, $1,00 ;
100 fruit trees and an ideal place fo
a few cows and poultry. This site Is a
commanding view of. beautiful Grande
Rondo. . ,. ... ,
A new seven-room house on East
Adams avenue,, roomy basement,
pasterod, well finished throughout.
Three lots on Main avenue, facing ;
north for $360.
'Three lots on the beautlfi; sightly'
hil side, west of La Grande ioi t-,000.
; Desirabel lot and houses In nearly
every portion of the city.' " r. v
17 TT
Real Estate and Insurance;
La Grande, Next Door to City Offices