- - fc-- yt ... ,v. vr. PAGE TWO LA GRANDE EVENING ORSERVTO MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1010. L ave a summer Without Headaches 4) Rummpr crirmlH ho a P. iu. a. a wic more trying seasons. . . ashes. Travel, outings or 2 to bring on this affliction. summer. Keep a supply of llewlin's Instant Headache Cure on hand. ' They stop coming headaches or cure head j aches that have already & rAm--Hv w:th a rerrwA nf The remedy you should always have and depend upon, g Price 25 cents f Sold by Newlin Drug Co. La Grande, Oregon An Indian can be happy without a Piano. But who wants O to be an Indian? $ O - O STEINWAY, LUDMG, KERTZMAHN, A. B. CHASE and O X CONOVER Pianos for sale by 4 J. J. SCO J J CANDY riTtiua THt MODCIR Purity CCAIEI Mw Contact Uofi C., lira., Pwllwl, Ortftt W53D53JS DRINK Natural 'Mineral Water Bottled as Flows From the Spring It's Good for what Ails You Contracting Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. Pump Work and Job Work a specialty. BAY & ZWEIFEL, Plumbers and Tinners PHONE BED 1511 , m DEPOT STREET LI GRANDE, OREGON '4 f rprre - srinn time a time when ail 'a exDosure to the sun is aDt 4 Don't have headaches this fA our arrived. A simple reliable f manv vpar? harlr nf them 4 V. us only TJIE OUTLOOK for men's clothing Is for a distinct change in styles. Stop In and sec what men who know, have decided will be worn during the fast approach ing season. We have the advance plates and also samples of the most elegant of the new fabrics. And while' here why not order us to tailor you a suit In the newest fashion. E. C. MOORfc. 111 Adams I hone Mala 735 Save n TJfar Trofit i Buy your teas and coffees at the ' Grand Union Tea company. Abso'ule- ly pure high grade teas, co'-e?, sp't es and extracts. Telephone JUa-k '521. O.ilr. ('. !o-a .! T);,ir- . ' '.'. v.. i.; til:i7 thf i:. ...' . .,,...1 y -:i;e I r (lie rt:k fai.il cine .f ln.wol v'.iiiril.(. It ,. ;,,' .!.... i , . "l " utM-merr, end i-hoii.il i n ;:.;u.ir.t tin; first . uiMiiiu.iiii uMin'iii-fcs (i ii,o towels, it II equally valuable fir children ati.1 aJuItA 1 slwnvs c:;rtf. A McCaskey account register for sale, reasonable. C. E. Suydam. J We Have Them What? Six pound Elec tric Flat Irons at 53.75 Each EASTERN OREGON light and Power Company European Plan Only Rooms 50c to $1.50. First class Throughout AVQY D. G. BRICHOUX. . Proprietor. " CSE BLOCK FROM DEP01 La Grande, Oregon fifty pay Rent? We loan you " money to build, and you pay us as you would rent. I. R. OLIVER. The price is on the boxes that these shoes sold for all season, and to clean thfin up, 3.00 to $4.00 shoes are closed out at $1.38. The Golden Rula Co. Official Notice. All bicyc le riders please take notice lh.it there is an ordinance now in ef ."ix t prohibiting bicycle riding on any and all sidewalks of La Grande be tween the month of April and Novern Lcr 1 of each year. Anyone caught violating said ordinance will be prose- uted to the full extent of the law J. W. WALDEN, , Chief of Police. N'Uce of Final Settlement Notice Is hereby g.ven that R. II. Lloyd, adminstrator de bonus non, testament of Phoebe C. Milne, de ceased, has filed his final account with the county clerk of Union coun ty, Oregon, and the county court of said county has appointed the 30th day of August, 1910, at 3 o'clock, p. m. at the court house In La Grande. Ore gon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. ' R. H. LLOYD. Executor. Aug. 1-8-15-22-29. Notice of Final Settlement Notice la hereby given that R. M. Lloyd, executor of the last will and with copy of the will annexed, of the estate of Frank Milne, deceased, has filed hit final account with the coun ty clerk ot Union county, Oregon, and the county court of said county has appointed the 30th day of August, 1910. at 2 o'clock p. m., at the court house in La Grande, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account and the settle ment thereof. ' R. H. LLOYD, AdmIlstrator. Aug 1-S-lfr 22-29 HOTEL Hkmi HtMt. DIKECTOBT. I ' I.. HTIIARDSON ud Surireon Office Hans: 2 to 5 p. m. except Sun day, funday by appointments. Tele phones: office. Tlack 1362; Ind. 353; residence. Main E5; Ind. 312. . , s. II. mN, Vb. G. M. D. . Ppys'.cian and Surgton rfpeclal mtention 'o Eye. Ear, Nos und Throat Offtc in La Grande Nat ional Bark Building. hones: Of fice Man 'i. Kcsidence Main 32. tiEO. VV. ZIM3ERJIAS Jt5opth Physician Sommer Cldg. Roonij 7. 8, 9 and 10 hones:' Home 1332. Pacific Main 6" RiBidecce ';hone, Elack 931. Suc cessor to Dr. ' . E. Moore. LA GRANDE SCHOOL OF t SIC Cor. Adams arenne and Orieanood St PROF. E. PORTER DAT D'.'ectof.' T. H. CRAWFORD ttoroey-at-law Practices In all. the courts of the State and Un'ted States. Office in La Grande National Bank Bldg La Or nde, Orifon lii. -.A f.HRLTC:C Tei.e.VJ rr Surgecn Office at Hiii'i Drug Store. La Graal Ktisidnnce phone, Red 701; Otnct phone. Black 1361; Independent phone 53: hoth phones at lesidence Chas. E. Cochran Geo. T. Ot COCHRAN & C0CHBAX Attorneys ' la Grande National Bank BE La Grande Orego? DR. M. P. MENDELS- HS Doctor of Optics. Spectacles ?.nd Eye Glasses Flttef and made to order. All Errors cf Refraction CorrecteC j 10P Adams' Ave. Oiposlte P. O Lit Grande, Oregon DR. H. L. U5DEHW00D DX DORA J. TJSBERWOOD Office trer Red Cross Drug store. Phones, office Main 22; ReB. Mala 728 I?. C. NELS9N Mia'.nf Engineer 1'aker City - - - Oregon N. M0LIT0R, M. I). Ppysician and Surgeon Coer Adtra- hn.l Depor stre; Cffi ;c Main 63 Resideac: . C. PRICL D. 31. D. 23, La Grande Nationc. Building, ho. e Black 39v Of the seven wonders of the world probably the most talked about has Deen the Leanins Tower of Pisa which, it is now thought, will share the fate of, St. Mark's campanile iu Venice. It was supDosed that the tow er was out of perpendicular because so constructed. Now, however, an In THI LBANQIU TOWKK OF PISA. Testlgatlon by a royal commission of experts has not only demolished this antique legend, but moreover, has re vealed the startling fact that unless Immediate measures are taken to pre vent It the celebrated campanile, with Its glorious eight tiered structure of marble colonnades, wherefrom Galilei made bis famous experiments on the law of gravitation. Is likely to follow the fate of St, Mark's campanile In Venice. JK ''.-)W'W:"..r,Ij,S IIJUtBE C0JI1HNE3 BEST OF MANY METH ODS UNDER HIS SYSTEM III.. . !,...! CHntt V pcouties, Etc. Used. Dr. F. D. DeLuryea, the noted heal er and teacher, has arrived in La Gande, and taken a cottage at 1425 Adams avenue, where he will treat all chronic and nerve disorders by a sci entific method of drugless healing. Dr. Del.nrypa teache physical culture, right living, how to breathe correctly, as breathing is the vital force of life, how to develop vitality, strength and physical perfection. Dr. De Lurye:i has studied the various modes of heal ing, first through drugs, and later through osteopathy, magnetic healing. Christian science, chiropractic suggestive- therapeutics, and believes there is good in all, and has taken what he considers the best points of each of them and combined the result In hh scientific method of drugless healing. ,The doctor believes that the cure for most all disease lies within ourselves, and if we but exert the power which each and everyone possesses, there can be no disease. n thr U oni one real disease and that is ill health, broadly speaking. Ill health is weak ness manifesting itself now in one part of the body, and now in another. Dr. De Luryea believe that disease or 111 health can be cured without the aid of medicine or Burgery. In fact that disease, whether phys'cal or mental can be cured through the discipline our own bodies. Drugs may modif: the symptoms of some specific ail ment but they will not restore lost health. No matter under what name a disease is classified, in nine eases out of ten it will yield readily to hygenic and rational methods. Consumption for example, is one of the diseaseR which drugs have failed to cure. But it is gratifying to know in this connec tion, that in the past few years iihy sicians have been 'radically changing their method of treating consumption, the most successful of them realizing that ''old fresh air stands first as a cure. That instead of being forced to live in a super-heated atmosphere, with even the window cracks and key holes stuffed up to prevent the un t ranee of the life saving ozone, the patient is now given just the opposjte treatment, fresh, cold air, deep breath ing? etc. Consumption is only onj of the many diseases which can be cured by nature remedies. Dr. De Luryea treats stomach and bowel disorders, nervous affections coughs, catarrh, rheumatism, liver and kidney roubles, obesity bladder affections and all nervous and cbron disorders peculiar to both men and women. . Dr. De Luryea also tor.ebeE you not only how to get well, but to remain in perfect physical condition POLK'S 40 GAZETTEER !f.?w ""d VilliiKe in Orou mui f Aftch t earh place, locution. Hilpplnir FacUUIro and ciai.l. Irf J)iT,?rr 01 ll Butiuew and l'rofeittion. B I POI.K CO, Inc. C'.h. ti.-. .1 u-i i.i.iiirt) lire m!ti :y., I va. (.ewfiii. hattuwriniti' (.'cytl. lU-nu'! Sfi4 Oil till !)i.U. U lnOSLIl' etllf'.t ru lievestbe ii!iig)opeiiti;e.ecreiicinsiind a;J, -"ire i rot:"?? na -".ni n htakhv About Appendicitis. La Grande people can now learn just how appendicitis starts and how they can EASILY prevent It. Ask for Tree Appendicitis book at A. T. Hill's drug store. Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed her final account as administratrix of the estate of En och South, deceased, and tho conntr court of the state of Oregoa for Un ion county, has fixed Tueer the 6th day of September, 1910. at the court bouse In the city of La Grande as the time and place for hearing any objections to said account and the settlement and confirmation of the same. Dated at La Grande, Oreaon. lh the 28th day of July, 1910. EULALIA. PARKER. Administratrix of the estate of Enoch South, deceased. 1 Mondays Aug 1-29 t Cottolene v In Cans 75 cents and ; $1.75 Royal Grocery 1 I and Bakery i A Oeier Woman. Some women are born handso n but through carelessness and inatten tion grow plain and unattractive. The clever woman of today is the one who, though born into the world lacking natural oo Jjjq-j keeping abreast of the times, and lis tening to the voice of reason, turned plainness into beauty. . Beautiful hair is more responsible for handsome women than any one factor, and for that reason every wo man should use Parisian Sage, the greatest and quickest acting hair beautifier and rejuvenator in the world. It gives to dull, faded and lifeless hair a lustre and character that will, in a few days, increase the beauty of any woman. Parisian Sage, the international hair restorer, does more: it stops falling hair, cures dandruff in two weeks, and immediately, stops itching. of the, scalp. It is guaranteed by the Newlin Drug Co., to do all these things or nioutf back. Make up your mind todiv t try Parisian Sage on this liberal ba sis, and remember there is nothing just as good. 50 cents a large bott'e at the Newlin Drug store or by ex press, all charges prepaid, from Gii- oux Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. W. The girl with the auburn hair is on every bot tle. Notice to Contractors. Advertisement Sewers. Sealed proposals will be receive'd br the Mayor and City Council of the City of La Grande, Oregon, until 4 o'clock p. 111. August 24th. 1910. for the furnishing the material and con structing a sewer system, consisting of a septic tank and two main sewers through the city. Plans and specifications to-be see:i at the office of the City Recorder of La Grande, Oregon. Bidders to ac cept as payment the bonds of the city and all bids to be accompanied by a certified check of 5 per cent of the amount of the bid. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids an! add to or decrease amount given, or to change or alter plans wherein the benefit of the city requires. F. L. MEYERS, Mayor. D. E. COX, Recorder. LENOX i The Standard Laundry Soap I The Cakes are Ul weight, f and the Quality does not t i my. r t The cheapest of good I soaps; the best of medium I I priced soaps. ' 5c a bar I Pattison Bros. Have It ? z Gall Us on either phone $ ,' .7 i.