PAGETTTO LA OBSERVES TvRIDAY, AUGUST 2G, 1910. ir KILL EVERT OXE. Cl $ lime 4. lAffhouf'HeadacAes 0 Summer should be a recreation time, a time when j 5 life is really enjoyed and when- vitality is stored for S the more trying seasons. J I The pleasure of many people is spoiled by head- 4 aches. Travel, aoutings or exposure to the sun is apt 4 4 to bring on this affliction. Don't have headaches this 4 summer. Keep a supply of our '4 4 tiewlirfs Instant Headache Cure i 'a I j Ti i : i 3. -l - 1 J m &n liojiu. nicy biup bunting ire&aacncs ur luic iicwj- f fi aches that have already arrived. A simple reliable jf 4 rem dy w'h a Tecord of many years back of them, j J The remedy you should always have and depend upon. J 5 Prcc 25 cens ' Sold by us only Newlin Drug Co. j La Grande, Oregon THE OUTLOOK, for -men's clottiag la far a distinct -cbaage in styles. Stop In .and see what men who know, have decided will be worn during the fast approach ing season. We have the advance plates and also samples f the most !egant of the new fabrics. And while here why not order us to tailor you a suit la the newest fashion. E. C HOOIte. 1118 Adam? 3'lione Mulfl J33 zzriT: ijl" ' ' Steward's oph!house One Night Only-Friday, August 26th Jfs Laughing night-Annual appearance of Richards OPringle's Famous Georgia I?" M WQTD H A H LI tl II Headed by the Dean of Etheopian Comedians, Glarence Powell Supported by Billy King & Kid Langford and 40 others. Mammoth Sfleet Parade at 2: ?0 p. ra. Seats oa sale at usual jdacj. Prices v 25, 50c, 75e aai M i- "rj..."i"-.j.gjuji Muni i . m ,,,,,,,,-f DRINK Natural Mineral Water Bottled as It Flows From the Spring It's Good for what Ails You Contracting Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. Pump Work and Job Work a specialty. BAY 6 ZWEIFEL, Plumbers and Tinners PHONE EED 1S41 9 DEPOT ST EE EI LA GRANDE, OREGON We Have Them. What?. Six pound Elec tric Flat Irons at $3.75 Each EASTERN OREGON Light and Power Company PK0FESS!AL DIRECTORY. j A. "L.' liiniARPSON j lli)lcian and Surgeon Off fee Hours: 2 to 5 p. m. except Sua j day. Sunaay hy appointments. Tele ! phones: Office, Black 1362; IiyL 253; i residence. Main 55; Ind. 312. C. 41. I'PTON, Ph. aUD. Ppys'.clan and Surgeon Special attention ro Eye Ear. Nos. and Throat Off.c In La Grande Nat ional Back Building. vhones: Of fice Man 2. Residence Main 32. .ational Crnsade Arainst Dandruff Ccrms yovr elJin? Wart-tMu America. 4 GEO. W. ZLSMERMA5 03t3oprith Physician Soitflwr Bldg. Room 7. 8, 9 and 10 Phooes: Home 1332. Pacific Main C. Kidence phone. Black 9ZI. Suc csoor to Dr. T". E. Moore. LX 3ANDE SCHOOL OF Ml SIC. Coz Adams arenas and 3readod Et TEOF. E. PORTER DAT k D'.'ecUr. T. II. CRAWFOUD AttDrney-tlaw jpraoitces In all the court of the J State and Un'ted States. Offloe In La Grando National Bank Bldg La Gr ude, Oreton European Plan Only Iwuiua 50c 19 $ 1 .50 First class Throughout AV0I MOTE D. G. BRIGHOUX, Proprietor. ORE BLOCK FROM ptPOl la Grande, Oregon D2i.vA f.HAHLTOiC . Va'.sr.'j r: Snsgccn 'Office At Hili'b Urns B&ne, La Oranb 'iLsaidfltace phone, R4 701; Offlct rhoaa, Black tJCl; Indcpendea' jruuita oi; rma piiona at lesldeocs CK&b. Cochraa Sc. T. Q COCHRAN M COCHRAI Attorney f. a Grande National Hank BJ La Grande Oresoc DR. M. P. HENDELS- H5 Doctor t Optics. SjKctaclofl ?.nd Eye Glasses Fitted .nd made to order. Alt Erro?e of Refractiou Correctet! jlOf Ada?ES' Ae. Oi p06ite P. O La Grande, Oregon "The dandruff, germ is the greatest American pfst of today," declares one of the world's greatest scientists and students of diseases of the hair. In a recent interview he said, "t the germs of the dandruff are not soon annihilated, the United States will some day he known "as the hair less ' nation. The Americans tmust wage a relentless war of extermina tion at once, and I am going to help them.- "My receipt for. killing dandruff, egrms, Gfiandtha aontk aontk aontqk germs, well known as Parisian Sage, Is now being manufactured In the United States." ' There Is only one way to cure dan druff, and that Is to kill the dandruff germs. There is only one preparation that will kill the dandruff germs and that Is Parisian Sage. Parisian Sage is now manufactured in Buffalo, N. Y., by the Giroux Mfg. Co., and agencies have been establish ed In every town In America. You take no risk in buying a bottle of Parisian Sage.- Newlin Drug Co. 1s the agent In this city and 'hey will guarantee Parisian Sage to cure dan druff, stop falling hair, remove all diseases of the scalp, or money back. Parisian Sage is the most marvelous hair dressing and tonic; It makes the hair beautiful, soft and luxuriant in ""M ww. n c-UiCo u.ii iu grow the hair root be not altogether dead The price Is only 50 cents a larg bottle at Newlin's drug store, or by ex press, charges prepaid, from the Gir oux Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. The girl with the auburn hair is on every bottl A, 4 Just Received Large Shipment Star Hams and Bacon X M 1 : t Royal Grocery f I and Bakery 1 t DR. K. L. iDNDERWOOD DX DORA J. UNDESWOOD Offtoe rvor Red Cross Drag store. Phone, of floe Main 22; Res. Main 728 D. W. C. NELSON Miainr Engineer Baker City . Oregor Mhy pay Rent? We loan you money to build, and you pzy us as you wculd rent . R. OLIVER. N. MOLIT0R, M. D. Ppyslclan and Surgeon C.o'ier Adn- an-,1 Depot street Cffi-:c yia'ji 68 Residsac: t9 S. C PElC'j:, D. 31. D. Detiist Koctn 23, La Graode Natioar:.' Buildinc. ''he e Black S9 I WALLOWA LAKE PARK tfvf". At the head of Wallcwa r.flkA.JnRPnh ' Ore .r.., The Beauty Spot for Tourists an d Campers j t500 ket up in the show capped mountains. Cool, j. neainiui. uancinn hnatmn fichmn anW hnnfmn v - . 75 Tents furnished with e-ood hods. erv for nartioe desiring to spend their vacation at the park, pecial picnic parties and banquets arranged on short notice Excursion raieson 0. R. 0. N. Points direct to Park Jk. V Wallowa Lake Amusement Co. $ Joseph, Oregon J FMTjty 1i ; roi CANDY rirwwi THE ODMH CCALCt CmhtHtn C., Kit., Ptrtltrl QrafM luccewJ'ul. t uiiiiierj.i.n'.i (. !..-!. Ktji.iu action tl!s j.Ihh. It lHM'ii'- .!: cou!i. tv lievesihe I :njp,nw:wti)e let'rcii.tiwhhd ftids Cirw ir; -ic v. tta!th Official Notice. All bicycle riders please take notice that there is an ordinance now In ef fect prohibiting bicycle riding on any and all sidewalks of La Grande be tween the month of April and Novem ber 1 of each year. Anyone "aught violating said ordinance will be prose cuted to the full extent of the law J. W. WALDEN. Chief of Police. Finer Grade. A smooth siioknn L'pnt dropped into a quiet village from nowhere, but as he slung around xuch a lovely line of con- Torsatlou nohodv asked for references Soou he va rmiiiip the band itnd the btthi'lmll team uud lettUinj,' a class in Saaday bcIjooI. Everybody said. "lie is a bri k." I Some toonths later he departed with a neat roll tmved away in his jeans. The villagers hud for theirs a nobby lot of stock, that wan beautifully en graved, in a rubber plantation. The nioutliM came and went. The snn rost cavorted across the sky and set man times, but the promised dividends never came. But ntill they were loval They rose up as a man and reaffirmed their belief in him, oiily patting it Wronger. "He Is a gold brick," was what thet said. GO! GO! GO Portland Race Meet Live Stock Show & Harvest Home Fair Sept. 5 th to 10th DANK ER S ' Purss of $1 0,000.00 for trotters. Hotel Purse of $5,ooo for pacers. Special features every day. Wed nesday and Thursday are the big days. Auto races. Baloon ascentions. Any number of free entertain ments. Special prizes for flights of amature aero nauts in their own aero planes. Greatest exibition of fat stock ever he!d West of the Great Divide. A great Midway. Not an idle minute in the week. All entrance tickets are numbered. The luckywin ner gets a pony and cart or $2oo.oo in cash. Treanrer's Call for County Scaly. Warrants. Notice Is hereby given that the. un dersigned treasurer of Union county, Oregon, has funds on hand with which to pay all county and real p bounty warrants, which were endorsed not paid for want of funds prior to the- No Interest allowed on the above. warrants after August 25, 1910. ' JOHN FRAWLEY Aug 25- Sept 1-8-15 Extra choice Bartlett pears anl Eagle valley tomatoes at Geddes grocery. "Percy thinks he owes a lot of money." "He does?" ' "Yes.", "Deab me! Percy weally ought not to twy to think." Nothing to Grip".' J "Nobody can handle him but h!a wife." "And I understand be foiled her once." "How?" . , "By going to the barber shop and having the handle cut off." A Word on Fruit Canning t t I I f CALL IN AND HAVE OUR DEMONSTRATOR SHOW YOU HOW EASY AND SIMPLE 11 IS Pattison Bros. V I ur n n v Ci. Driver mur a ..REDUCED RAILROAD V Ask your local A ins,, .gent for laundry wagon. Party X be sober and reliable and 4le to lake a financial Interest In the business. From 1560.00 to 000.00. An exceptional oppor tunlty for the right party to in terest himself In a good paying business at a good salary. For particulars apply at the new laundry building. A. B. CHERRY, ilgr. "Cherry's New Laundry.