La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 25, 1910, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Away Out West, S. & A.
Out of the Night Edison.
Wilson's Wife's Countenance.
Saved by the Flag.
Song Dreamy Town.
Beautiful dishes given to lady
patrons of the matinee. See dis
play In lobby.
. o
W. L. Kirby of Durkee is at the
Savoy. ; - ' .,
J. S. Clrches of Enterprise Is reg
istered at the ivoy,
J. W. Hale, M. A. Ruckman and
M. E. Johns of Portland are at the
Savoy Today..
"Fenny" Kerr returned home yes
terday on delayed No. 6 from" a two
months visit-" In California.
E. S. Hamaker, at the head of a
big department store at Nampa, Ida.
Is In the city today the guest of his
old time friend John Collier, of the
People's Store.
H. J Hockenberry, Charles Rey
nolds and George Currey arrived
home from the Minam yesterday even
ing reporting but little success in
fishing. Mr. Hockeni berry went to
Portland last nlgnt.
J. E. . Clerry of Seattle Is stopping
at the Savoy. He is here buying a
large lot of heavjr draft horses!
Mrs. Jiin Spence returned last.evn
ing to Wenaha Springs after visiting
with her husband here for a day.
C. M. Stackland and his mother
passed through the city today on
their home from Portland to Cove.
The chicken pie dinner served by
the ladies of the Neighborhood Club
last evening was an unqualified suc
C. A. Ault the Enterprise doctor,
came to La Grande yesterday with
a patient to be operated upon at the
hospital. '.''".'.
D. P. Price a brother of Doctor
C. R. Price of this city passed through
La Grande today on his way home to
Boise from Portland. ;
Miss Alice Hill arrived home to
day from Portland where she has
been visiting friends for about two
months. She was also at Newberg.
Former Conducter and Mrs. F, C.
Topping and child, now living at Ron'
dowa, arrived in this' city last even
Ing on their way to Portland. They
stayed at the Savoy while here.
Jefferson Meyers the Democratic
candidate for nomination to the of
flee of governor, passed through the
city today on his way to Malheur
Judge Ellis, the district representa
tlve lh congress, will arrive In La
Grande tonight from Pendleton to
The United States
National Bank,
visit with A. A! 'Roberts and other
friends here.
J. N. Handrahan and family earns
In last night from a trip into Idaho.
J. R. Sevier of Chilllcattoe, Mo., is!
registered at the Sommer.
Olive Smith of Cove was registered
at the Sommer tbls morning.
L G. Terry of Portland is a guest
of the Sommer today.
Rev. Ford Ellis to in Baker City
G. C. A. Bond of Spokane is still
here, and hopes to nt?et the Commer
cial Club directors tonight in regard
to the coming apple show at Spokane.
, J. A. Handrahan and wife of Jovlta
Heights, near Seattle, are staying at
the Sommer. They were formerly resi
dents of this city. .. .
A porcupine, evidently scared from
the hills by the fires, came to town
yesterday evening and late last night
crawled on the sleeping porch of
the Mrs. Crawfgrd rooming house
and created consternation among the
children and ladies asleep on the
porch. The children scampered to
safety and the ladles threw a tub
over the animal, calling Frank Bay
to the rescue. The pin pig is now on
exhibition in the Bay & Zwelffel shop
Mrs. Ida R. Holllngsworth arrived
this morning from Chelsa Oklahoma,
and will ' b ft rut with hor !
Mrs. W. A. Worstell of this city. The
two ladles Cave not seen each other
in fourteen years until this morning.
The meeting was, of course, a most
affecting one. She plans to remain
here for some time visiting Mrs.
Worstell and becoming acquainted
with others in the city.
Mrs. James Pepper, wife of a for
mer policeman of this city will arrive
tomorrow morning , from Phoenix,
Arizona, to visit with Mrs. W. A.
Worstell and other relatives. Mr. and
Mrs. Pepper are making their home
in Arizona, now, but he will not come
o La Grande on a visit at this time.
Mrs. Ray Waldron of Parma, Idaho,
who has been visiting relatives in
Kennewlck, and Palouse, Wash., was
a guest last night with Mr. and Mr3.
A. W. Nelson.
'.. Press Lewis who has been critical
ly 111 for some time, was down town
yesterday for the first time in several
weeks. He hopes to be able to as
sume hia position with the Grande
Ronde Cash company soon.
Paul Henderson, a lumber buyer
from Chicago, was in La Grande today,
and incidentally was a guest with C.
B. Clark, a former neighbor in Penn
sylvania. C. E. Porter, district manager of
the Pacific telephone company, re
turned to Baker City last evening af
ter transacting business here for a
few days.
DR. HI- P.
Dr. Mendelsohn's deep curve lenses
gives wider field, clearer vision, great
er comfort, improved appearanc. One
charge covers the entire cost of ex
amination, glasses, frames.
Ask any business man, your neigh
bor, or yonr physician, where Is the
most reliable place to have your cjes
The Doctor , is endorsed by all of
the leading occullsts of Portland and
all of the physicians in La Grande.
The entire problem lies ta these
three words KIghtly Fitted Lei let.
Fitted by the right man.
All broken lenses replace! while
job wait Charges are reasonable.
Yonr caae will not pustla Dr. Men
delsohn, and he guarantees Mtlafao
tion in every respect
OFFICE HOURS 8tCt a, a. to 12
M 1 to I p. m.
Spokane, Aug. 25. Hope for the
safety of a party of 85 fire fighters,
headed by Joe Halm, of Spokane, has
ber n practically abandoned today, ac
cording to a special from Wallace.
They have been three days fighting
at the head waters of the St, Joe and
have been unheard from despite the
desperate efforts that have been made
to communicate with them.
Forestry experts today stated that
on an estimate there had been fully
15,000 dollars worth of timber de
st'royed in the state of Idaho.
Forest Supervisor Welgl of Wal
lace today wired that the official of
known dead, numbers to date, among
the fire fighters, 94. Two bands of the
fire fighters, last heard from who are
in the hottest of the bt. Joe river fire
and numbering 185 men are missing
and cannot be located. A relief party
is now enroute to the headwaters of
the St. Joe in search of the missing
men. It is now believed that fully 150
dead will be the count when the full
reports are in. Thirty are dead efr
Setzer Creek, 8 at Bullion,' 1 Boulder
Creek, 2 Pine Creek, 2 Rock Creek.
Montana Sees Relief.
Helena, Mont. Aug. 25. Governor
Norris will probably not send out any
more troops unless the situation in
Montana grows worse. The wind is'
moderating much and snow and rain
yesterday did much to confine the
fires to areas already burning. The
troops are held in readiness, however,
and will be sent out if necessary.
The most threatened district today
seems to be at Thompson Falls in
the western portion of the state along
Clark's Ford Valley. A steady down
pour of rain yesterday saved the Flat
head country and snow checked the
flames in the higher districts in the
mountains and In the Gallatin forests.
Vancouver, Wash., Aug. 25. Forest
fires in Clark county have already
done a quarter of a million dollars'
worth of damage and is threatening
lives. Hundreds of settlers have fled
to the village of Battleground. Eleven
men in Badberry camp are missing.
The village of Eureka is surrounded
and fire and communication with Ye
colt is lost. Before the wires went
down, it is reported 250 'employes at
the Twin Falls logging company, were
hemmed. in with a ravine the only
avenue of escape, The settlement of
shanghai, consisting of 80 houses, was
destroyed last night.
Prospect Is Threatened.
Medford, Aug. 25. The little tpwn
of Prospect is thr'itened, and one
hundred soldiers and fifty civilians
are attempting to check the fire. The
situation at Ashlan) Is improved, and
unless a high wind comes it is believed
the city will be out of darker.
tie Golden -.Rule-Co.
Fall Clothing, Dry Goods
Fadies Furnishings
fin st
COOK WANTED At Oregon Hotel.
want some good hustlers to sell
high grade reliable nursery stock.
Splendid territory. Expense money
advanced weekly. Address Albany
Nurseries, Inc., Albany, Oregon.
Dept J.
WANTED Sewing machines to re
. pair, all makes, by a factory expert
Leave orders at F. D. Hasten's
store. C. M. PACKER, Repairer. My
' last week.
TO TRADE 160 acres of timber land
to trade for city property. Mac
Wood. Golden Role store.
FOR SALE 600 sheep, Waiter Glenn.
R. F. D. No 2.
WANTED Pantry girl at Palace res
It will soon be common amon us all to say we are
looking for something for fall, fall is fast coming
and we haye never been in better position to fur-
w ni.-h fall requirements than we are r.ov. .
Boys Clothing
School will demand a fitting up of the Ghildren. in our WANDESS line of Clothing
you will find Fit Wear and Style that will be satisfactory in every way and at a price
that will be most satisfactory.
Two Piece Suits, Ae e 6 to 1 6 in Wool Sheviott, or Worsted . . . . ' . $3.50
Two Piece Suits, Age 6 to 16 in Gassimeres or Worsteds . . . . 5.00
Young Mens Suits
The Young Men are particular and we have just what they will want for their fall
suit in the GAMPUS line. W ell tailored and neatly trimmed in Worsted, Gassimeres
and fancy suitings, $7.50 $10.00 12.50
Millinery, Ladies Suits Coats arid Waists
We can't say too much about these line3 as they are worthy of comment,
Large line af Ladies Tailored and Linnen Waists , . . ' . $1.50
Fancy Embroideried froni I . ., . '.-.' $1.50 to $3.00
T Our line of ladies suits and coats have began to arrive - and we will be talking
ladies furnishings strcng in a few days.
Mrs. L. Smith the lady who has charge of our Millinery is in the market now
and our stock will be here about sept. 1 st, the most complete and the finest in town.
Owing to the fact that there are a number of people in Union and
Wallowa counties who do not take the Observer and are missing the
news of this wide-awake paper, we have decided to furnish them not
only the best paper In the two counties, but a famous weekly in addt-
tion. '.' ' ' . , . ... . . iV : :
Every Supscriber will Receive
Years Subscription to The Ameri
can Weekly At No Additional Cost.
And those who are not taking the best paper in the Grande Ronde
Valley The Observer can avail themselves of the same offer. :
The American Weekly Is without a peer in the weekly newspapers
of the great West, containing a full magazine and news sections, wltli
articles by Arthur Brisbane Klla Wheeler Wilcox, Elbert Hub ard,
Dr. Parkhurst, Beatrice Fairfax, Alice Jordan, and other noted writ-
In addition the first section bas a page devoted to the boys and
girls, offering them many prizes. A double page of interesting infor-
matlon for young ladies and mo there, embracing a full pattern page. ,
clever suggestions for the nursery, sick room, kitchen and household
to general. Always a number of the latest short stories, one or more
continued stories, 'and one prize complete story in each Issue.
The stock and scientific farming department gives the farmer the
most authentic information regarding the care of their stock and
flocks. The comic page appeals to the old and young alike, a good
hearty langb in each picture. In addition to the above it tells the
news of the world. A full page of sports, showing the standing of all
the large ball clubs In the United States, Is also given.
FOUND At Selder's confectionary
store, a package from the Fair store,
containing three yards black silk,
some Insertion and buttons. Inquire
at Selder's candy store.
FOR RENT CHEAP Brick store
building, 106 Fir street. Apply at
the. marble works.
WANTED Two or three carpenter.
Apply F. 8. Bramirelt
FOR RENT Barn near track. In
quire of J. C. Galling.
FOR RENT After August 27, a five-
room furnished cottage. Apply of
Mrs. J. T. Harvey, at 210.3 First st tf
LOST Near the Savoy hotel, a
package containing tablecloth, also '
one containing letters. Finder re- '
, turn to the Savoy hotel and receive '
liberal reward.
Mrs. L. Smith, who recently sold
her millinery store, Is making a tour
of the coast cities and Spokane, look
ing after the latest styles In millin
ery. She will have charge of the
millinery department at the Golden
Rule the coming season.
Those using it say Geddes Bros.
25c coffee equals most 40c coffees.
Treasurer's Call for Connty
Notice Is hereby given that the un-! eery.
derslgned treasurer of Union county,
Oregon, has funds on hand with which
to pay all county and scalp bounty
warrants, which were endorsed not
paid for want of funds prior to the
first day of July, 1910.
No Interest allow! on the above
warrants atter July 25, 1910.
Aug 25- Sept 1-8-15
Extra choice Bartlett Bears ma
Eagle valley tomatoes at Geddes gro-