PA OK TWO UK GRANDE EVENING OBSERVE!? WPRDAY, AUGUST 25, 1910. i Have a Summer I Without Headaches 4 Summer should be a recreition time, a time when j 2 the more trying seasons. f $ The pleasure of many people is spoiled by head- p j aches. Travel, outings or exposure to the sun is apt 4 f to bring on this affliction. Don't have headaches this J j summer. Keep a supply of our J Hewl'm's Instant Headache 1 Cure t 2 on hand. They stop coming headaches or cure head- j aches that have already arrived. A 'simple reliable jt 4 rpm dv with a. renr-rd of rmriv vears har.U rf them 4 J The remedy you should always have and depend upon, j Price 25 . Sold by us only Newlin Drug Co. La Grande, Oregon Ircmr'TCrTrrv j m . . . . . !& V OPERA steward s Thouse One Night Only-Friday, August 26th - It's Laughing night- Annual appearance pf Richards & Pringle's . . ' Famous Georgia Headed by the Dean of Etheopian Comedians, Glarence Powell Supported by Billy King & Kid Langford and 40' others. Mammoth Sfieet Parade at 2:?0 p. m. Seats on sale at usual placj. Pllccs 25c, 60c, 75c and $1.00 -M, .'J!,,".'.!'.' 111 l,''T''--J.IMiJl..i H i 'if, .m, . " ' " - - - -- - , .. &zrrrr- r'-. tu m ,'ivvttt,, i i i 1 tiaj DRINK Natural Mineral Water Bottled as It Flows From the Spring It's Gaud for what Ails You 'US Contracting Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. Pump Work and Job Work a specialty. RY&ZWESFEL, Plumbers and Tinners PHONE RED 1541 2oj tjejot STREET LA GRANDE, OREGON cens THE 0GIX00K for men's clothing is for a distinct change In styles. Stop in and see what men who know, have decided will be worn during the fast approach ing season. We have the advance plates and also samples of the most elegant of the new fabrics. And while here why not order us to tailor you a suit in the newest fashion.. E. C. MOORfc. 111S Adams I'bone Mala 735 We Have Them. . What?. ; Six pound Elec tric Flat Irons at $335 Each EASTERN OREGON Light and Power Company i I European Plan Oaly Rooms 50c to $1.50 First class Throughout SAVOY D. G. BRIGHOUX,, ' Proprietor. ONE BLOCK FROM DEP01 La Grande, Oregon ULhy pay Rent ? We loan you ""'.money to build, and you pay us as you would rent. J. R. OLIVER. WALLOWA' MOTH s. . . . .. v--' '.''t"'' """ '"" 1 ' iiiii ml i " ' 4500 feet up in the snow capped mountains. Cool, heathful. Dancing boating, fishing and hunting. : ; l v 75 Tents furnished with goo'd beds, etc., for parties desiring to spend their vacation at the park. Special picnic parties and banquets arranged on short notice 0 Excursion rateson 0. R. : Wallowa Lake Joseph, rot CANDY Ntima TNtsooni ouut Mm CwtMtbMqi U, Sir., r1lu DnfM P.Mri ty i ' vt Sim nts. Telf Ind. XV day. tun phones: residence . 'I. I). .IU ' f itf, Nil.--.tide Nut noes: Oi n 32. li K.M IS : it itti and lt . uriuv Main 62 : luvk 9oX. Suc r. Moore. ttOUidn" lu Kill- ' casrr i LA GBAM)K M IIOOL OF Ml SIC. -ot. Adams aveuue and OrHaood Bt PHOP. V.. PORTEB DAI - O'ractof. T. 11. ( IUWTOHP Vttsrsey-at-law Practices u all the courts of the State indfi:n'ted States. ! OiBce In La ,'Trande National Bank Bldg La Or tide, Oregon i, V l.:iftll'0i; V.9:Vi r," S'tTgcon Ofbce at Hiii's urug itoie, La Qranl Rjsldflnce ph'jiie, Red 701; OiDc pnono, Black "361; Indopenden phone 63; h-tn phones at lesldenc Chas. E. Cochran Qeo. T. Q COCHRAN ft COCHBAI Attorneys la Qrando Nattonal Bank Bi . La Grande Oregot DR. M. P. aiEXDELS UN Doctor of Optlcg. Spectacles ?.nd Eye Glasses Fitted and made to order. AH Errors of Refraction Corrected J10D Adams' Ave. Orposlte P. O La Grande, - Oregon DR. II. L. CSDEHWOOD . DX DOIU J. TJTfDERWOOp Office ever Red Cross Drug store. Phones, office Main 22; Res. Main 728 11. W. C KELSON Mia'.np Enrineer naker City - - Oiegoi: X. MOLITOR, S. D. 'i Ppysician and Surgeon ' Co-Tier Adara-4' 3. h ml Depot strst Oifiho Main 68 , Resideac: i. C PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist Room 23, La Grande NatloncJ Building. Tbo e Black 39 rAKE PARK At the head of Wallowa Lake, Joseph,' Ore. 0 The Beauty Spot t forTourists an d t . & N. Points direct to Park Amusement Co. ? Oregon T (ucvetii-ful. C liaiuLnriiiiii's i 'ty.U lUn;cii acts on this plan, it Iikscu- fl.t conli, rv lieges the li-nifSjOpenMheneereiinnibiid aids "slnro h rostsr'rr iha 'v.n: n healthy Official Notice, All bicycle riders please take notice that there Is an ordinance now In ef fect prohibiting bicycle riding on any and all sidewalks of La Grande be tween the month of April and Novem ber 1 of each year. Anyone caught violating said ordinance will be prose cuted to the full extent of the law J. W. WALDEN, ' ' v , Chief of Police. Humor and Philosophy 9r WJVCAt M. SMITH PERT PARAGRAPHS. QOSSIP Is the circulating medium with whiru tb? talkative portioa of the community gets paid for Its hard work. Often a mischief maker is merely a brn boss in a subordinate position. Remaining young seems to be about the only thing that youth Is incapable of doing If be works at It long enough. , There are women who can shed tears as easily and as pathetically as coun sel for the defense. Ever notice that you never meet any body on the road to ruin? When the labels that they paste on themselves peel off It la hard to tell what some people are. When comfort speaks to them most men' can understand her no matter What language she uses. t Women are often foolish, but at that they don't hold any edge over the men. Moral courage Is a good thing, but don't mistake a tough pachyderm for It ' A Happy Loss. Lose your (Touch; you'll never miss It, Though at first It may Mem oumw lo Da )un a trine decent To the people who are near. But with very little practice, Bawlng wood from day to day, Tou can make yourself attractive Wltb a giin nailed on to stay. There Is little satisfaction. Nor Is life the more complete, . If you bite the heads from people Whom in dally rounds you meet. And the mussup isn't pleasant When that little trick you try. They can never sue for damage If you smile and pass them by. ' Tou may think It lends distinction If you Jog along the way . With a grouch on exhibition " Every moment of the day, But when friends who soe you coming Make excuse to 'turn away Tou will find the load Is hardly Worth the freight you have to pay. Be the little ray of sunshine To the people that you meet Let them feel when you are coming That It brightens up the street. ' It's the only way to travel; Every smile will be a boost. And you'll find It worth the trouble When the chicks come home to roost. Right System. A copyrighted his new drama, for he'd heard It stated - It was safer. And It was the public never got a look: B wrote a play, and B, he got his product vaccinated Instead of copyrighted. And, by gosh, it took! ... Celveland Leader. . Tactless. ' "May has lost hor chance to marry that rich young man." "Is that so?" "Yes;. -she' hasn't nrfy tact at all. He asked hor the other evening if she objected to his smoklnir in the house. and she said she did."-Detrolt Free Press. . A Pessimism. This world is but n whirling thing That rii.shis on through space; It always travels In u ring Back to the same old place. And we v.'lm cling as best we may Unto Its fragile shell . Repeat experience day by day, With nothing new to tell. Washington Star. cm FOR S00 SPOKANE ROUTE : On Youi EasternExcursionTrip $60.-2 ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, DULUW, WINNIPEG CHICAGO ..:.$7160 BUFFALO 9L50 ST. LOnS 670 5EW YORK Proportionate rates to other destinations Selling dates July 22, Aug. 3, Sept 8. Final return limit, Oct. 31. Optional routings. Stop.Overs. G. M. Jackson Geo. A. Walton Trav. Pass. Ait Gen. Agt. 14 Wall St Spokane. r,et on Trouble. The man of mirth ko through th. . 'rlav nttT"i i, ,,; ' " .Ml ll.HUIItlt JII...1.I lt.r !,.. Bweniy ir i ... ,.,. hy clsance ' A ami) iro.n u mm, to Lorrui. . PERT PARAGRAPHS. PerbniK Hit, fulliug that gossip im Is a buruiu" desire to ! an Idle rumor get uuy No woman's vanity is deqd until L refuses to wear a picture hat , An ounce of luck Is a wonderful help to any amount of pluck any,, When you have nothing else to do u . wwj jj the handy man to do a bit of reptlr auu peua , toe waking for him to do It It takes'a really skillf'person to' be good and a clever one to stay tLat ' way. . ,. ; .'. .jl You can't use your friends as modi ! as you would like to because they trt generally so busy using you. ' DIs Satanic majesty Is general! dead wilting to light our pathway ;wben we feel that darkness envelops it ! Hime made Chilli Sauce Nectarine Preserves Jams and Jellies RoyalGrocery and Bakery Self Raising Olympic Pan-Gake Flour Makes Delicious Pan-cakes Always Mixed Just Right Elegant Waffles : Delicate Muffins k . ...... 25c A Package! Pattison Bros, f On either Phone Driver for laundry wagon. Party muBt be sober and reliable and able to take a financial Interest in the business. From 1500.00 to 2000.00. An exceptional oppor tunity for the right party to in terest himself In a good paying business at a good salary. For particulars apply at the. new laundry building. A. B. CHERRY, Mgr. "Cherry's New Laundry. t . t. i