LA (JttANDE EVENING OBSERVES WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1910. PAGE THREE o V lyatt. J. Ik 1311 inm IT CEEIAI5L1 . LOOKS GOOD to the rLildren when they see the delicious bread made from the North Powder BeBt of the Best Patent fijur. It is a meal for the little ones; with butter, v Jam or jelly, that is wholesome ' Q and muscle building. It looks 0 good also to the housewife when . Q she sees the golden brown crisp and the white bread inside when , it comes from the oven. It also sraeUs appetizing when made from Best of Best Flour. FOR SAI-E EI All GBQCERS $ Kotlce to Contractors. Advertisement Sewers. Sealed proposals will be received by the Mayor and City Council of ttu , City of La Grande, Oregon, until o'clock p. m. August 24th. 1910, for th. j furnishing the material and con I strutting a sewer system, consisting 1 of a septic tank and two main sewer I through the city. , : ; , Plans and specifications to be sew at the office of the City Recorder o! La Grande, Oregon. Bidders lo ac ccpt as payment the bonds of the city and all bids to be accompanied by a certified check of S per cent of the j amount of the bid. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids aai . add to or decrease amount given, or ! to change or alter plans wherein the I benefit of the city requires, : ' I F. I MEYERS, Mayor. . D. E. COX, Recorder. ' STOP THAT SCRATCHING. Just as Long as Yon Hare Dandruff Your Head will Itch. cow 1 THE UOR1DER WORKER GOLDS J Motor Boat Races. ; Montreal, Que., Aug. 24. A largo fleet of motor boats is assembled at Alexandria Bay in readiness for the series of international races which begin "tomorrow and continue three days. The regatta is under the joint auspices of the Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club and Thousand Islands Yacht club. The races are open to nioior boats of over forty feet and of unlimited for THROAT ECSl 1 iiimi ,i iijmcrnMr1 . i . i , ,,, , , .-.uip,,, ...j 1 AMD LUNGS FOR COUGHS ARID COLDS PREVENTS PI1EUL1GI1! A I had the most debilitating cough a mortal was ever afflicted with, and my friends expected that when I left my bed it would surely be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my case incurable, but thanks be to God. four bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured me so completely that I am if all sound and weU MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. . Mce 50c and $1,00 ABO GUAR AE3TEEDI u ' : a iz HI " , y Sslvrth Ol AiiD GUARANTEED BY C rn s - IS "ftasa O a! 1 It's the little microbes that are gnaM-ing down Into the hair roots. It may take a long timo for these per sistent pest3 to get down to the vital part, but when they do they will des troy the life of the hair In a 'very short time. "I write In short, that my head waa almost running me crazy) and I snw your ad in the Times-Union. I bought a bottle of Parisian Sage at once and tried it, and in a week I could see that my neaa was almost well, and my hair was growing wonderful, and continued using Parisian Sage, and now my hair is beautiful and every body admires it." My scalp is always clean." Your customer, Mrs. S. Din gle, Jackson vllle,,Fla., October, !. 1909. .-. ;.. Tarisian Sag-;, the .most dellglitfJ hair restorer, Is guaranteed by Newllr Drug Co. to stbp falling hair, to cur dandruff and all diseases of the seal; or money back. It Is the most rc freshing hair dressing. In the world. Ladles use It extensively because it makes the hair beautiful, soft and lus urian. 50 cents a bottle from the Glr oux Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. The girl with the auburn hair Is on every bot tle. . ', ; v- . power, and will be run over a course ' er. All bids must be In by 4 o'clock of thirty-two statute miles, half in I P. m., September 7, 1910, and accom- IfoUce to Contractors. Notice is hereby given . that sealed bids will be received by the Mayor and Council of the City of La Grande, Oregon, at the office of the City Re corder for the construction of 1820 Uneal feet of cement sidewalk on Sixth street between Washington ave nue and "N" avenue the, said walk to be constructed according to the Standard sidewalk specifications now on file' at the office of the city record- Canadian and half in Ameiicau wa ters, three times round, starting and finishing at Alexandria Hay. Itrltish t'lcriry ou Tour. Quebec, Aug. 24. The Ven, Arch deacon Madden of Liverpool, accom panied by the Rev. Dr.-Hanson of Del fast, appointed as a deputation to Canada by the Evangelical Alliance of the Mother Country, arrived In Quebec today. panled by a check of 5 per cent of the amount of the bid, the city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. F. L, MEYERS, Mayor. D. E. COX, Recorder. La Grande, Oregon, August 18, 1910. Aug 19-20-22-23-24. Medicines that aid nature uro uiw:ir vm. Suoccfitiful. Chamberlain's Oytii JViuH acts on tikis plan. It loosen' lyMU re lieves the lunvp.npeiixtlip if,c(!l:(!S -lrn $i rcetotti-. r ti!J:r Fresh Shipment All Who Love Little Ones will provide purest of the ipnre in '., Gandv Look for th Seal of Purity Patroitite th "Modern Dealer0 1 Modem CwlBcllor.ry Co., Mfrs.. PortUnd, I ar. STAR HAMS ! 2 of pporttielty I'nion Counly ivhcrc crop failures are unknown; whose large diversified interests appeal to all; whose pajrolis nre second to only one couuty iu (lie stntc of Oregon. With ail our present activity aud development v.e are just entering upon an era of adjanecmcnU ' ' 11 A drive through beautiful Grande Ronde valley at this season when the golden fields are delivering their annual bounteous yields, when thousands upon thousands of fruit trees are hearing heavy loads of apples that will enter the markets of our own and forc-Igu lands, green alfalfa fields with constantly Increasing ncreage, telephono lines running everywhere jural deliveries, numerous school booses and churches, prosperous homes, all bespeak the certainty of Investment and the Insurance of Independence. Who are the money kings of Grande Konde? The furmer, whether wheat grower, fruit grower, or stock raiser in short the hind owner. Enough said. Farm near Talocaset 160 acres of land near Telocaset. Thl sland was farmed for many yeprg. Price If taken In near future $5 per acre.) Farm near Summerville 80 acres fine fruit land, $G0 per ac cre. If interested call and le'arn particulars. Now in Course of Contraction Fine-modern house, iu every re-, spect, plumbed, flue built for fur nace, large basement cellar. Every thing first class. Situated on east Adams avenue, (3,500 on easy terms. Grazing Land 240 acres, large spring on place. Good wagon road to tract; consider able can be cultivated. Price 7 per acre.' ' $4,000.00 Farm 320 acres, 60 tilable; good house, orchard consisting of 400 trees. Abun dance of spring water piped into house and barn, sufficient for the Irrigation of large garden. Ideal f rut and stock ranch or dairying. Srluated in lower Cove, about opposite Alicel. One third down, balance on time. Home in City Over two acres, splendid two-story home, large commodious "barn and chicken house; nice large orchard; water right, situated In North La Grande. $4,000. Other Bargains We have other bargains In fruit land, several close to La Grande, and several tracts on the Sandridge, In cluding some extra fine property ad-, joining Imbler. If you want any thing in fruit bearing orchards call. : Modern House , . t . 5 rooms, well plumbed, one block north of court house; new, $1800. Terms. Fruit Farms . 20-acre tract may be subdivided In to two ten acre tracts or owner would sell separate; 11 acres In orchard, good house and barn; other out-bulld-ings; would trade for city property. Price, $7,500. 250 acre Farm 70 acres can be put under cultiva tion, 3 acres ,io bearing orchard, all fenced; several springs for irrigation, spring piped Into house. Fine sto.'k and fruit ranch situated two mlW south of La Grande, $8,000,00. ?2."00 cash. Will net 10 per cent Business property now rentin gfor $85 per month. Bonded lease for two years; will steadily advance In value. Price $7,000. Sand Ridge Farm eighty-four acres, splendid land, for. either grain or fruit, $8,600; one mile from Imbler. At least one-half cash required. " . A Real Home 80 acr farm one quarter of a mile from city limits. Good modern house with furnace, bath, toilet, cement cel lar with Jiving spring. Commercial orchard of seven acres, ideal dairy and poultry farm, $5,000 on easy terms. City Property House and three . lots on Pennsyl vania avenue, two story, In splendid repair. Just repainted and papered throughout, $2,500, reasonabe terms. Nice little hom Grande, easy terns $1100 v in North La on this place, Two-story house and three lots on North Fir street desirable property, for onjy $i,40(k Twelve acres and nice two-story house In South La' Grande, $4,00 ; ,100 fruit trees and an Ideal place fo a few cows and poultry. This site is a commanding view of beautiful Grande Rondo. A new seven-room house on East Adams avenue, roomy basement, pasterud, well finished , throughout, -$2,600. i Three lots on Main avenue, facing north for $350. rf 1 Three lots on the beautify sightly fi hll side, west of L Grande .o. ri.C-00. ; Deslrabe lot and houses In nearly every portion of the city. ' Real E state and Insurance. La .Grande, Next Door to City Office 9.