PAGE SIX !.A GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1910. r f -Mm it i mm sm of y0Ur accoisiopations l i'-'-lT-'Vwtv.f- . B I In Preparing for a journey the telephone per forms a great variety of services. Reservations are made, last directions are given, good-byes are said, over the wire. The Long Distance Service of the Bell System is of special interest to the traveler- Sometimes the Bell Telephone make a trip unnecessary; sometimes it convinces him that a trip would be profitable. Wherever he goes, he feels the need of universal service, and that is Bell Service. ... . l-'io. Id lb;- Itn . i . Seen learned about U:i l.or.M jv it:tv ? no longer any excuse r t:.- y (iis-nulance ol the poft w hii wthU' a viiiiiiiicr board ing house lyric) In which liieae llDes occurred: Here. sir. i your cirr:int pie, Allei nriilrig currant pw. t'iixi a cuiruni. itirn a 11 y 'Neath (lie . riif-t alternate lie. Louisville Courier-Journal. Net an Authority. There ore .some persons who can't take a joke, but Tot:? I" not one of them. One uf the boys, acquainted with Fogg's frequent changes of abode, asked, hlui which be thought was the cheaper, to move or to pay rent. "I can't tell you. my dear boy." re plied Fogg. "1 have always moved." Pacific Telephone and telegraph Co. w of the System. Willing to Bo the Goat. "'Why should the spirit of mortal be proud?" " quoted the Impassioned orator. Then be piiused a niomeut to let ii take effect. "Well." spoke up a half Inebriated mau ! the nudleuce. "I'll be the goat. Why should It "-Chicago Tribune. Teace Is not mere irantjullllty. for tranquillity may be lndlfference.-Duf-field. . 6 DIRECTORY OF THE. FRATERNAL ORDERS LA GRANDE, ORE M. W. A. I a Grande Camp No. 7703 meets erery Monday In the month at the I. 0. 0. P. Hall. All visiting neighbors are cordially Invited to attend. I. R. SNOOK, C. D. E. COX. Clerk. , Women of Woodcraft Grande Ronde Circl- No. 47' meets every first and third Thursday even ing in the month at the I. O. 0, P. Hall. All visiting members welcome. CHLOE ROBINSON. O. M. LIZZIE ELLSWORTH, Clerk. V'.brlahs Crystal Lodge No. to meets evory Tuesday enlng In tb.3 I. 0. 0. P. hall All visiting members are Invited to attend. MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, N. G. MRS. JENNIE M. SMITH. Ses. Notice to Contractors. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Mayor and Council of the City of La Grande, t the office of the City Recorder, un til 4 o'clock, September 7, 1910, for the construction of S60 feet of cribb ing and the making of a new channel for. the river, according to the plans and specifications now on file at this office. Sald work is to be done along the river near the foot of Fourth street. The council reserves the right to re ject any and all bios, and each bid must be accompanied with a certified check of 5 per cent of the amount of the bid. ' La Grande, Oregon, August 22, 1910. F. L. MEYERS, Mayor. D. E. COX, Recorder Aug 22-Sept 1 ' cm not n5- By using The FAULTLESS Salable Steet Range-Built on perfection lines-The ore quick even heaters-Positive conttol of the fre-f will guaiantee them the best baking stoves on the market-With or without resevoir. You wilt hate to call and see this mod ern kitchen cvnvenience. A WORD TO HOUSEWIVES It is a pleasure to show you this stove if you will call. 10M MELVILLE 1M8 ADAMS AVE. , IE GRANDE, ORE. i Market . Quotations. SUGAR CaBh Price Sugar, $6.75; beet sugar $6.55. . 4c lb; green onions three bunches for 10 c. tomatoes 10c lb.; new potatoes, 10 for 25c; cabbage 4c; green corn 20c; string beans, 10c lb; green peppers, 15c lb. FRUIT Oranges, 50c per dozen; lemons, 45c per dozen; oananas, 40c per doz; " Blackberries 2 boxes, 25c;' water melons 2 l-2c lb; cantalope 10 & 15c Sc; peaches 10c lb; plumbs, 2c lb. Grapes, 2 lbs for 25c. MEATS Hogs, live weight, well finished, $3 cwt: cows, 3 1-2 to 4c; veal 4 to 4 l-2c ; mutton 4 to 5; chick ens, 13c; fries, 20c. Portland Markets BUTTER Extra Creamery, 3535 BUTTER FAT Delllver f. o Portland sw cream 32 1-2; sour 30. EGGS Local, candled, 26 B 27a POULTRY Mx chickens 18 18 1-2 7c; fancy 19 cents; turkeys, alive, 20 & 21; pigeons squabs, $2.50; dres sed chickens, 1 to 2c higher than alive. BARLEY Producers price, 1910; Feed, 25; rolled 25.5026.80, brewing 25. WHEAT Nominal track, club, 86; bluestem 93; Willam. Valley 90. Valley 97. MILLSTUFFS Selling price Bran $22; midling, 30; shorts, $24. chop 19 25. FLOUR Old crop patents. $5.35 Have You i ever tried 4 -juLl9 b. at ' 5 VAJiiviciic; 9. 75 & $1.75 cans f. t 1 A. F. & A. M. L.v Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. & A. M. holds rculer meetings first and third Satardays at 7:30 p. m. JOHN HODGIN.'W. M. A. v. WILLIAMS Secretary B Pi 0 La Granle Lodge No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock lu Elk's club corn r of Depot street and Washington Avenue. Vlbltlng brothers are cordially invited to attend. DR. G. L. BIGGERS, Ex. Ruler, HUGH McCALL. Rec. Sec. Knights of Pythias Red Cross Lodge No. 27 meets ev ery Monday n.Ight In Castle hall, (old Elk's hall).' A Pythian welcome to all visiting Knights. ED. WRI3HT, C. C. R. L. LIVCOLN, M. of R. & S. 0. E. S. Hope Chapter No. 13, O. E. S. holds stated communications the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month Vi3'ting members cordially invited. MARY A. WARNICK.Sec. PAULINE LEDERLEE. W. M. Woodmen of the World La Grande Lodge No. 169 W. O. W. meets every second and fourth Tue ay In the month. All visiting mer bers welcem NERI A3KLES, C. C. J. H. KEENEY, ClerL. 'OO o o o t t SEE i. M. E LA GRANDES LEADING JEWELER When in need of anything in watches, clocks, jewelry, cut glass, hand pain ted China, or any other article carried by a first class Jewelry store, investigate our prices before buying and you will save money, and be sure of securlug first quality goods. v If your eyes trouble you. have them fitted by an opti cian' of experience, , Oppuslle the 1'. S. Land (h'fite, AduuiM Aie. 94400 5 THIS SPACE TAKEN BY M. & M. CO. .'V'V''' xwxxvt raectvsew Ad ditiomi Is now on the Market This will be the mos t sightly addition of La rande. The only addition to La Grande with building restrictions. The lots are large nearly a full acre In each lot. We are going to set out some nice apple and cherry trees on each lot. We are going to mak e the prices reasonable, and most fav orable terms. No interest. No taxes. Come to our office and look at the plat, then get into our automobile and go se e the property. La Grande Investment Co. Owners, La Grande, Oregon Ma f Ki r 1 1 a I t At iTA 1 ?J S Sniirnt urn! Dv lirhnnl forOIrlrrniHT Y T' f f 1 ..itur' cf t. .1 jhil trt''t I Kins. n.r. ) ''d.i'f. Ai:i,! AinlAi-il.i.iiii'.'i 1 i. at-wln. Art., Klrwullon. iJyuinanlMn". ; i;ui.'t:i, niuBt t-9 ov r II e ot fi,; V' ! iy.,...,,.,l.r,; f . n ; :. .1!B i;ui i: nut h ov W x ! --j ?Vff rywjff.P'"f t gs, CM' 5 City Grocery and t at for I JLLEi I I Electrical :: Contracter I ,Ls Your complexion asweh as yn,ir temner $ f)n ilnnr finnth nf Ohcervor 4- is rendered miserable l a disordered liver. 1 :t f By taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver M$?MH$ Tablets von nan iinnrnvo both, See about the Petticoat sale Wests's. Petticoats worth $2.50 $1.69 at West's See the ad. Complete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FilZGERALD, Proprietor Complete Machine Shops and Foundry ; 1 II ' ? A Brl'illil nonrillni nd Hi hool for lm .d nii.. Artif miin K ti,tv rcmro-nln (.Vllpgo. llih Hi hoot .nit Com. men ial work. Urenimur urh'tfttnuchttrtltav. ovarii mr. S. hol (HM nn.-vpt. 1U, lt10. C'Htnios Fr, 4idre. Kfv. .Ickkph i;M.G!'r. 0. B. C, tr. L'Ott'MhU L'MVCKMTT. i'UHTLAKD, ObKSOM. I We are receiving I daily shipments 1 of I Weiser extra No. 1 Ganta-1 vuFo .uou a.o v.y g(m an 01,portunlty for an outlng the large also No. one in qual-1 0, R & N . Ca have arrange a gpe. ny-pnce i o cents eacn. S'l' Tralii Excursion to the Beach To afford residents of Eastern Ore- Eagle Valley Tomatoes, .5 Imperial Brand lbc a lb. t and 90c a box. ' b ' 1 Expect the Idaho Peaches t t this week. , ' T i Cal1 ' ' Pattison Bros. I On either Phone ial train excursion to Portland In connection with their steamers to the stvishore (North Reach, Wash.) The r:te from La Grande is $10.00, which permits of stop-over of two days and a night on the going trip, at Portland, as well as a stop-over on the return trip within the limit of the ticket, which will be September 7th. The special train will consist of chair tars, tourist and standard sleeping cars. Make your reservations early. Ample hotel accomodations at the ho trls on the beach. Enquire of agent for further particulars. J. II. KEEXEY i-9nt. The George Palmer Wm CDS (CflD RETAIL DEPARTMEN1 We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid Rooting Deadening Felt, Building Paper. We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, promptly. Phone Main' 8. r 9a ; oarer than National Banks g V Better than U. S. Gold Bonds . UNION COUNTY LANDS. ' g j Why invest in foreign cities and wireless stock, when j j you have a sure thing at home ? i j See C. X BLACK, 4 wno nas a large list of money makers. ft