LA (JUANJJU EVENING OBSERVER TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1910. PAGE TIIUE n IT CERTAISLI LOOKS GOOD to .the rLlldren Then they tea the delicious bread made from the North Powder Best of the Best Patent flour. It la a meal for the little ones, with butter, Jam or Jelly, that Is wholesome and muscle building. It looks good also to the housewife whoa she sees the golden brown erijp and the white bread Inside when it comes from the oven. It also Bmells appetizing when toads from Best of Best Flour. FOR SALE EY ALL GROCERS Sotice to Contractors. Advertisement Sewers. Sealed proposals will be received by the Mayor and City Council of the I City of La Grande, Oregon, until 4 i o'clock p. m. August 24th, 1910, for the furnishing the material and con structing a sewer system, consisting of a septic tank and two main sewers through the city. Plans and specifications to be see.i at the office of the City Recorder of La Grande, Oregon. Bidders to ac cept as payment the bonds of the city and all bids to be accompanied by a certified check of 5 per cetif of the amount of the bid. Th9 city reserves the right to reject any or all bids aal add to or decrease amount given, or to change or alter plans wherein the benefit of the city requires. F. L. MEYERS, Mayor. D. E. COX, Recorder. Bayond Him. "What Is the price of meatr "Don't bother me " "Don't you waut to make a suleT" "Sure. Hut you are only Retting $175 a week, so yon can't afford it." 19 llit'Toitr " . n Water. "WLy don't you buy your milk of Jenkins?" . "Don't Uke bis milk." "Why?" "Ile Is such a consistent prohl bitloulsr ' ";rti'.t wuru i. u . i vith the punch ing Km. iUt m:ui " "iHin'i mi ni ion it in my wife." "Why ti..tV" "Wiiiiu-ii iH'vi-r mi I"r!:!iu! She will think I iiin Ninum fiimuJi in pusb the hi Vi u mow"!." x . , Attrcti Attsntion. "You thluK mtioti ?.n-a k louder than worts Y" "1 do" "What actions for Instance?" "Well, for one. wtieu a man drops a 6ledpe on a tin roof." FOR coughs kiwg.;f;o,uriss FOR GOLDS THE WONDER WORKER THROAT t B AND LUFJCS nni !nnn 1M iriPT KDMQ'S ft Th Way It Goat. "lie is an awfully sensitive man." "Is that so?" . "Terribly so." , "And is his wife sensitive too?" "Oh. she 'daren't be." Substitute Would Do. "Could you spare me a few min utes?" "My time la worth money." "Oh. well, a half dollar would do as well.'' i Notice to Contractors. Board Walk. Notice Is hereby giver, that j bids will be received at tlie office of I the City Recorder of the City of Lh J Grande, Oregon, until 4 o'clock p. m.. August 21. 1210. for the construction of 540 linotl feet of five foot board sidewalk, on C avenue between Third ,. street and Cedar street, the same t; be constructed according to the plans and specifications now on file in ths Recorder's office. BIdz to be accom panied by' a cfccci cf 5 per cent of the amount of the bid. The Council re serves the riiht to reject any or all bids. F. L. MEYERS. Mayor. Attest: D. E. COX, Recorder. Aug. 19-20-22-23-24. Bargain Rat. "What klud of a borse has he got?" "A good quarter horse." "A quarter horse? I could afford one. myself at that price." I l . ! Anyone who needs a truss needs the J help we provide. Our trusses are high grade and alt guess work is elimina j ted from our methods of fitting. We guarantee entire satisfaction, I NEWLIN DRUG CO. IT PS Fee FOR COUGHS AND COLDS I BasMmRnsMBBaBaaBBanMBasMflHEHw PREVEflTS pnEunonifi I had the most debilitating cough a mortal was ever afflicted with, and my friend3 expected that when I left my bed it would surely be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my cass incurable, but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cure! me so completely that I am all sound and well MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. Vice 50c and $1.00 ABSC -jlaLY GUARANTEED I Trial Bottle Free "-"'r'" '"" ' -."""".! o;.v AND GUARANTEED OY ' unnK vjuauty Brand corree and get your Notions FREE We will refund purchase price in case customer has cause for dissatisfaction. It is there fore to the interest of the customer to use our brand. Great care has been taken in selecting ind blending this coffee, and with ordinary care the customer is assured of a PURE CLEAN WHOLESOME . and Delicious Beverage. . . i . ilverthofTi's Drug. Store 1MLT Packed expressly for FIR & ADAMS The Land of Opportunity Union County where crop failures are unknown whose large diversified Interests appeal to all; whose payrolls are second to onlj one county In the state of Oregon. With all our present activity and development we are just entering upon an era of advancement. A drive through beautiful Grande Konde Talley at this season when the golden fields are delivering their annual bounteous yields, when thousands upon thousands of fruit trees are bearing heavy loads of apples that will enter the markets of our own and foreign lands, green alfalfa fields with constantly Increasing acreage, telephone Hues running everywhere rural deliveries, numerous school houses and churches, prosperous homes, all bespeak the certainty of Investment and the Insurance of independence. Who ore the money kings of Grande Rondel The farmer, whether wbcflt grower, fruit grower, or stock raiser In short the land owner. Enough saJd. Farm near Talocaset 160 acres of land near Terocasct Thl sland was farmed for many yep -3. Price If taken In near future $5 per acre. Farm near Summerville 80 acres fine fruit land, $60 per ac cre.1 If Interested call and learn particulars. Now in Gourse of Contraction Fine modern house in every re spect, plumbed, flue built for fur nace, large basement cellar. Every thing . first class. Situated on east Adams avenue, $3,500 on easy terms. Grazing Land 240 acres, large spring on place. Good wagon road to tract; consider able can be cultivated. Price $7 per acre. $4,000.00 Farm 320 acres, 60 tilable; good house, orchard consisting of 400 trees. Abun dance of spring water piped into house and barn, sufficient for the Irrigation of large garden. Ideal frut and stock ranch or dairying. Situated in lower Cove, about opposite Allcel., One third down, balance on time. Home inCity Over two acres, Bplendid two-story home, large commodious b,arn and chicken house; nice large orchard; water right, situated In North La Grande. $4,000. Other Bargains We have other bargains ' In fruit land, several close to La Grande, and several tracts on the Sandrldge, in cluding some extra fine property ad Joining Imbler. If you want any , thing in fruit bearing orchards call. Modern House 5 roomB, well plumbed, one block north of court house; new, $1800. Terms. Fruit Farms 20-acre tract may be subdivided In to two ten acre tracts or owner would sell separate; 11 acres In orchard, good house and barn; other out-buildings; would trade for city property. Price, $7,500. 250 acre Farm 70 acres can be put under, cultiva tion, 3 acres in bearing orchard, all fenced; several springs for irrigation, spring piped Into house. Fine stoi'k and fruit ranch situated two mPe& aoirth of La Grande, $8,000.00. ?2.j00 cash. . Will net 10 per cent Business property now rentln gfor $85 per month. Bonded lease for two years; will Bteadlly advance in value. ' Price $7,000. Sand Ridge Farm eighty-four acres, splendid land, tor either grain or fruit, $8,500; one mile from Imbler. At lead one-half cash required. A Real Home 80 acr'farm one quarter of a mile from city limits. Good' modern house with furnace, bath, toilet, cement cel lar with living spring. Commercial orchard of seven acres, ideal dairy and poultry farm, $5,000 on easy terms. rty House and three lots on Pennsyl vania avenue, two story, In splendid repair. Just repainted and papered throughout, $2,500,- reasonabe terms. Nice little hom Gratde, easy torus $1100-. . in North La on this place, Two-story house and three lots on North Fir street desirable property, for- ony $1,40C ' Twelve acres and nice two-Btory house in South La Grande, $4,00 ; 100 fruit trees and an ideal place foi a few cows and poultry. This site is a commanding view of beautiful Grande Ronde. A new seven-room house on East Adams avenue, roomy basement, pasterod, well finished throughout, $2,600. Three lots on Main avenue, facing north for $350. V- s ' . Three lots on the beautlfr. sightly, hll side, west of La Grande to: flr000. Deslrabel lot and houses In nearly ,t , eyerjr portion of the city.. O lis i. Real Estate and Insurance, La Grande, Next Door to City Offices