PAGE SIX LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVE! MONDAY, AUGUST 22 1910. U si: A I ' ! i 1 ! f i l f -:i !IAfiIKG SIM of w ACCOMODATIONS In Preparing for a journey the telephone per forms a great variety of services. Reservations are made, last directions are given, good-byes are said, over the wire. i The Long Distance Service of the Bell System is of special interest to the traveler Sometimes the Bell Telephone make a trip unnecessary; sometimes it convinces him that a trip would be profitable. Wherever he goes, he feels the need of universal service, and that is Bell Service. Pacific Telephone and,ff, Telegraph Co. S j; Fvew Rail Ta fflnliAmi tU r vtiv . r Jul JOHN ANTIIOM MAKMKD. Rondowa Promoter Takes I nto Ilim self a Wife at Jtondowa Sunday. Rondowa. Ore., Aug. 23. Special. Quiet, serene and picturesque Ron dowa was the secene of a quiet wed ding yesterday, when John Anthony, proprietor of the hotel here, postmas ter, and general-lu-thief of all affairs pertaining to the gateway station, was married to Mrs. "Stella Taylor. Mrs. Taylor has been chef of the dining room department of the Anthony ho tel and Is well-known to tourists and trainmen on the- Joseph branch. ' Mr. Anthony was formerly a resident of La Grande, but moved to Rondowa when the Joseph branch line was put In service. BOX ( Alt KUKS. y -v: . .v.-i f rj"v - . -''1 I -I 1 1 ;"' 'if- . u Carload of Hay Shipped from the East, Rurued in Yards .Lnt Msrlit Fire destroyed a carload of hay and the box car in which it was being shipped, in the local yards last even- ing. The car was brought in from the j east late In the e'nlng, and about i thirty minutes later, the car was no I t'iced to be afire.. The destruction was complete. DIRECTORY OF THE FRATERNAL ORDERS LA GRANDE, ORE M. W. A. Ia Grande Camp No. 7703 meets tiery Monday in the month at the I. 0. 0. F. Hall. All visiting neighbors are cordially invited to attend. I. It. SNOOK, C. D. E. COX, Clerk. J"hrkah8 Crystal Loge No. to meets every Tuesday "--ening la th.3 I, 0. 0. F. hall All visiting m'embers are invited to attend. MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, N. 0. MRS. JENNIE M. SMITH. Sea. "Dan" Anthony I Forty Leaven worth, Kan., Aug. 22. Dan- iel Reed Anthony, Jr., who edits the Leavenworth Times, and represents the First Kansas district in Congress, i is today receiving the congratulations of friends upon attaining his fortieth birthday. "Dan" was renominated for Congress In the recent primaries and with the exception' of Phillip Camp bell of Pittsburg, was the only "regu lar" republican to be approved by the sovereign voters of the Sunflower state. Both Anthony and Campbell represent mining and industrial dis tricts, which indicates that the Insur gency now prevalent in Kansas is con fined to the agricultural sections. An thony'B father, one of the pioneer edi tors of Kansas, was a brother of the late Susan B. Anthony. Women or Woodcraft. Grande Ronde Circl No. 47 meets very first and third Thursday even ing in the month at the I. 0. 0. F. Hall. All visiting members welcome. , ' CHLOE ROBINSON, G. M. LIZZIE ELLSWORTH, Clerk. A. i & A. M. Gra;ide Lodge No. 41, A. F. & A. M. holds reuler meetings first and third Satnrdays at 7:30 p. m. JOHN IIODGIN', W. M. A. c. WILLIAMS Secretary D. 1 0. E. , . La Granle Lodge No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock hi Elk's club cornt r of Depot street and Washington Avenue. Visiting brothers are cordially invited to attend. DR. G. L. DIGGERS, Ex. Ruler. HUGH McCALL. Rac. Sec. Knights of Pythias Red Cross Lodge No. 27 meets ev ery Monday night in Ca3tle hall, (old Elk's hall). A Pythian welconid to all visiting Knights. .ED. WRI3HT, C. C. R. L. LINCOLN, M. of R. & S. 0. E. S. Hope Chapter No. 13, 0. E. S. holds stated communications the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month Vi3'ting members cordially invited. MARY A. WARNlCK.Sec. PAULINE LEDERLEE. W. M. Woodmen of the World La Grande Lodge No. 169 W. 0. W. meets every second and fourth Tuer ay in the month. AH visiting mer bers welcom. NERI ACKLES, C. C. J. H. KEENEY, ClerL mi OR2 jonn ivieivme HARDWARE, STOVES, TINWARE. WINDMILLS and Tanks I PLUMBING. AND STEAM FITTING GALVANIZED IRON WORK La Grande, Oregon I Market Quotations. SUOAR Cash PriceSugar, $6.75; beet sugar $6.55. VEGETABLES New dry onions, 4c lb; . 'green onions . three bunches for 10 c. tomatoes 10c lb.; new potatoes, 10 for 25c; cabbage 4c; green corn 20c; string beans, 10c lb; green peppers, 15c lb. FRUIT Oranges, POc per dozen; lemons, 45c per dozen; Bananas, 40c per doz; " . Blackberries 2 boxes, 25c; water melons 2 l-2c lb; cantalope 10 & ISc 8c; peaches 10c lb; plumbs, 2c lb. Grapes, 2 lbs for 25c. MEATS Hogs, live weight, well finished, $9 cwt; cows, 3 1-2 to 4c; veal 4 to 4 l-2c ; mutton 4 to 5; chick ens, 13c; files, 20c. , Portland Markets BUTTER Extra Creamery, 3535 1-2; store 22 1-2 24 1-2. BUTTER FAT Delllver I. o. b. at Portland sw cream 32 1-2; sour 30. EGGS Local, candled, 26 Q 27c. PQULTRY Mx chickens 1818 1-2 7c; fancy 13 cents; turkeys, alive, 20 & 21; pigeons squabs, $2.50; dres sed chickens, 1 to 2c higher than alive. BARLEY Producers price, 1910; Feed, 25; rolled 25.5026.80, brewing 25. WHEAT Nominal track, club, 8C; bliiestem 93; Willam. Valley 90. Valley 97. M I I.LST UFFS Selling price Bran $22; midling, 30; shorts, $24. chop 19 25. FLOL'R Old crop patents. $5.35 j Have You tried 4 i ever V t 75 & $1.75 cans m m i SEE J. H; PEME LA GRANDES LEADING JEWELER i t Wluui in need of anything la watches, docks, jewelry, cut glass, hand painted China, or any other article carried by a first class jewelry store, Investigate our prices before buying and you will gave money, and be sure of securing first finality goods. If your eyes trouble y,u. have them fitted by an opti cian of experience. 4 r Opposite I he I . s. . h( 0f,,.,., A(Illms Xytt. 4 THIS SPACE TAKEN BY M & M. CO. randview HI VV )l (1 I f I 4 'vvvvity'vtfM-lByv,9 Is now on the Market This will be the nios t sightly addition of La raude. The only addition to La Grande with building restrictions. The lots are large nearly a full acre in each lot. We are going to set out' some nice apple and cherry trees on each lot. We are going to mak e the prlaes reasonable, aud most fav orable terms. No Interest. No taxes. Come to our office and look at the plat, then get intp our automobile and go se e the property. La Grande Investment Co. Owners, La Grande, Oregon I t J I T as y . t ' I We are receiving ! daily shipments f I of ! n II - - 1 a 11 m llOLQ. I ill I ! 1 M l S-'LLi. .1 11 inn j I I All Who Love Little Ones will provide purest of the pure in Candy . . . . . a . i.ooK ior toe oou 01 rnniy Patronize the "Modern Dealer Utitn Confectionary Co., Mln., Portlind, OrtfM City Grocery g Bakery and t u. r: wlson I Electrical ;: Contracter I $ One door South of Observer, x Complete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FilZGERALD, Proprietor Compete Machine Shoos and Found a E. If. . Greeu Is New , York, Aug. 22. Edward How land Robinson Green, son of Hetty Green, who has recently taken charge of his millionaire mother's extensive financial interests, is 42 years of age today. He was born in London, while lii3 parents were touring Europe. Weiser extra No. 1 Ganta-1 loupes which are very large also No. one in qua!- $ itv..nrir IK renfe mpIi Special Train Excursion tn 1 he Kciicii Eagle Valley Tomatoes, Imperial Brand loc a lb. I and 90c a box. i Expect the Idaho Peaches 1 this week.. i Call Pattison Bros. On either Phone To afford residents of Eastern Ore gon an opportunity for an outing the O. R. & NY Co. have arrange a spe cial train excursion to Portland in connection with their steamers to the seashore (North Heath, Wash.) The rate from La Grande is $10.00, which permits of stop-over of two days and a night on the going trip, nt Portland, as well as a stop-over on the return trip within the limit of theJ ticket, which will be September 7th. The special train will consist of chair fars, tourist and standard sleeping Make your reservations earlv. Ample hotel accomodations at the ho- i tels on the beach. Enquire of aeenf fm-' The George Palmer QQJ(VDtS ED2 (CCD RETAIL DEPARTMEN1 We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid Roofing Deadening Felt, Building Paper. We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, promptly. Phone, Main 8. f cars i Safer than National Banks 2 f. 13 .l - 1.1 it n . K ucucr man u. 3. liold Bonds UNION COUNTY LANDS. ..jr "ivci ih iore;gn cities and wireless stock, you have a sure thing at home ? See C.; J. BLACK, who has a large list of when 4 i ! further particulars. J. H. KEENEY, Agent. I r i r 1