La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 20, 1910, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    PAGE 3.
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O '-(UUBai kotices
Catholic Church.
Morning service at 7 a. m.
Late service at 10:30 a. m.
Evening service at 7:30 p. m.
ft htrjmmmmwfoiti
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r irsc Doowmff or lvuumerv ror
F or Early Fall Saturday
Our shewing of Millinery far exceeds anything we
have ever carried. Call and see the latest.
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Baptist Church.
Sunday school at 9:43.
Preaching service at 11.00.
' B. Y. P. U. prayer meeting at 7 p. m.
Evening services at 8 p m.
The morning theme will be the
fourth .lesson on the life of Joseph?.
The evening theme, "The Pastor's Re
latlon4o Civic RlglVs of a Town or
Civil Government."
First Presbyterian Church
Washington avenue and Sixth street.
S. W." Seemann, D. D., minister.
Morning subject, "A Prayer that
Evening subject, "Is Christianity a
Failure?" '
Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Superin
tendent, Mr. W. L. Brenholts.
C. E. service, 7:00 p m. Leader Miss
Oma Richardson. Prayer . meeting
Thursday; 8:00 p. m. Subject, "The
Second Psalm."
. i
Bortlcn Compuiiy Planning on Install
Inir In Enterprise Soon.
Enterprise, Ore., Aug. 18. Spf il.
That Enterprise will shortly have
one of the biggest plants of the Borden
Condensed Milk company's various
plants is expected, according to the
negotiations that are now on. V. H.
Nollinshead of Auburn, Wash., a rep
resentative of the Borden company, a
In this city conferring with the offi
cers of the local commercial dub.' n
an interview with President S. L. Bur
naugh of the Commercial club, it was
stated that the Borden company are
not looklug for any bonus, free site
nor anything of a similar nature. All
the company asks is that the dairymen
about Enterprise, guarantee to furnish
25,000 pounds of milk each day for
the first six months, and that at least
2o0 gallons of pure water be furnished
at the regular city water rates.
In that Enterprise gets its water
from tremendous mountain springs of
pure, clear snow water, the item of
good water Is readily solved, or fur
nished. This water is piped to tho
city's reservoir, from some four miles
Into Hurricane canyon. Its purity is
unquestioned and it is as clear a3
crystal, and as cold almost as Ice.
If the milk supply is forthcoming, it
is not doubted by the Commercial cub
here that one of the biggest plants of
the Borden company, within a year,
will be in operation at Enterprise.
Enterprise Hoy Hurt.
Enterprise, Ore.; Aug. 20. Special.
Robert Beay, the little 0-year-old
son of Mrs. John Bear of this city, had
the flesh peeled from the middle fing
er of his right hand today while play
ing about a hay cable. The cable was
drawn through a ground pulley by a
team of horses at one end with a large
nay iui k aitacnea to tne otner end.
The little fellow caught his finger j
in the ground pulley. The fleah wasi
peeled from the bone and tlio end of i
the bone pulled off. , '
Central Church of Christ.
Ford A. Ellis, Minister.
"The Testimony of John," is the
subject of the evening sermon. The
minister will impersonate the charac
ters that are mention in a portion ot
John I. The Bible is great literature
and it makes wonderful reading. The
characters are made real to the. hear
er. .
"Universal Brotherhood of Man" Is
the subject of the morning sermon,
which will be preached at Allcel.
There will be one service in the morn
ing in the Central church.
Bible school at 9:43; communion at
11; Christian and Junior Endeavor at
7; preaching at 8 p. m. All are In
vited to these services.
Dr. Clyde T. Hockott.
Candidate for joint representative of
the 24th Representative District, sub
ject to the voters of the republican
party, at the primary nominating elec
tion, to be held In said representative i
district, September 24, 1910. i
I was born and raised on a farm in ,
Douglas county, Oregon, and received ,
my education in the Oi :on school?.
Is now on the
This will be the mos t sightly addition . or La'rande.
The only addition to La Grande with building restrictions.
The lots are large nearly a full acre In each lot.
We are going to get out some nice apple and cherry trees
on each lot.
We are going to make the prices reasonable, and most fav
orable terms. No In terest. No taxes.
Come to our office and look at the plat, then get Into our
automobile and go se e the property.
La Grande Investment Co.
Owners, La Grande, Oregon
I have always been a firm believer ,
In, and an advocate of sound republi
can party principles.
I believe In the holding of a state
assembly before the primaries, for the
jiurpose of perfect r
tlon, and formulating a party platform
and the recommending of candidates
for state offices, according to their
competency and fitness, and the direct-
primary for making party nomina
tions. I believe In the enforcement of all
laws and the management of public
affairs In the Interest of efficiency
and economy.
If I am nominated and elected, I
will, during my term of office, oppose
any legislation, tending to repeal, or
nullify the direct primary law.
I will favor the Improvement of the
standard of schools; the publishing of
our grammar school text books by the
state; a modern and uniform system
of high-way improvements; a more
rigid enforcement of our inspection
laws; keeping In mind the Interests
of the tax-payer first, last, and all the
TK 1
Driver for laundry wagon. Party
must be sober and reliable and !
able to take a financial interest
in the business. From 1500.00
to 2000.00. An exceptional oppor
tunity for the right party to in
terest himself In a good paying
business at a good salary. For
particulars apply at the new
laundry building'. -
Mgr. "Cherry's New Laundry.
I'liliMi County where crop failures ure iinkuown; whose liirue diversified Interests liwtll; whose pa) rolls are second to only one county In (he slate of Oregon.
'Willi nil our present activity mid (leu'lopment we are just cnicrui'; upon an era of advancement.
A drive tluoiiu'Ii lieuutlful Grande Ronde valley nt this season when the polden fields are dellverlnif their annual bounteous jleMs, when thousands upon thousands of fruit frets are
l.eiirliitf heavy loads of apples that will enter the market of our unu and forelcu lauds-preen alfalfa fields with constantly Increasing aereime, telephone lines runiilnu; everywhere
rural deliveries, numerous school ho uses nnd churches prosperous homes, nil bespeak the certainty of Investment and the insurance of Independence
Who are the money Units of (iiamle Rondel The farmer, whether wheat grower, fruit crower, or stock raiser In short the land owner. Enough said.
Farm near Talocasei-
1f0 acres of lrtnd near Telocaset.
Thl sland was farmed for many yoprs.
Pi ice If taken !:: '.: vr future fo per
Farm near Summerville
80 acres flue fruit land. $00 per ac
cre. If Interested call and learn particulars
Now in Course of
Fine modern house la every re
spect, plumbed, flue built for fur
nace, largo basement cellar. Every
thing first class. Situated on east
Adams avenue, $3,500 on easy terms.
Grazing Land
240 acres, large spring on place.
Good wagon road to tract: consider
able can be cultivated. Price $7 per
$4,000.00 Farm
. 112(1 acres. GO tilahle; good house,
orchard consisting of Ml'trees. Abun
dance of spring water piped into house
and barn, sufflctajit for the irrigation
of large garden. Idoal frut and sto. l,
ranch or dairying. Situated in lower
Cove, about opposite Alicel. One
third down, balance on time.
Home in City
Over two acres, splendid two-story
home, large commodious barn and
chicken house; nice large orchard;
water right, situated in North La
Orande. $4,000.
Other Bargains
We have other bargalnsv In fruit
land, several close to La Grande, and
several tracts on the Sandridge, In
cluding some extra fine property ad
Joining Imbler. If you want any
thing In fruit bearing orchards call.
Modern House
5 rooms, well plumbed, one bloc;-:
north of court house; new, $1SOO.
Fruit Farms
20-acre tract may bo subdivided in
to two ten acre tracts or owner would
sell separate; 11 acres In orchard,
good house nnd barn; other out-buildings;
would trade for city property.
Price, $7,C0'.
250 acre Farm
70 acres can be put under cultiva
tion, 3 acres in bearing orchard, .til
fenced; several springs for irrigation,
spring piped into, house. Fine
and fruit ranch situated twoSnl'es
south of La Grande, $8,000.00. ?2,"00
Will net 10 per cent
Business property now rentin gfor
$83 per month. Bonded lease for two
years; will steadily advance in value.
Price $7,000.
Sand Ridge Farm
eigh'.y-four acres, splendid land, for
either grain or fruit, $8,500; one mile
from Imbler. At leact one-half cash
A Real Home
80 acr farm one quarter of a mile
from city limits. Good modern house
with furnace, bath, toilet, cement cel
lar with living spring. Commercial
orchard of seven acres, Ideal dairy
and poultry farm, $5,000 on easy
City Property
House and three lets on. Pennsyl
vania avenue, two story, In splendid
repair. Just repainted and papered
throughout, $2,500, reasonabe terms.
Nice little ho in North La
Gracde. easy terms on this place,
Two-story house and three lots on
North Fir street desirable property,
for ony $1,400
Twelve acre3 and nice two-story
house In South La Grande, $4,00 ;
100 fruit trees and an ideal place fov
a few cows and poultry. This site Is a
commanding view of beautiful Grande
A new soven-room house on East
Adams avenue, roomy basement,
pastered, well finished throughout,
Three, lots on Main avenue, facing
north for $350.
Three lots on the beautlfi:? sightly
nil side, west of La Grande J-,1.000.
Deslrabel lot and houses in nearly
every portion of the city.
D :i i
iecu Lsmre ana insurance,
La Grande, Next Door to City Of fi