LA OUANDE EVENING OBSERVE!? SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1910. PAC ' .LVi: THE ISIS -TONIGHT'S PROGRAM George Coyne, representing the Harden & Son company of Portland la here today selling his Tru-J Fruit rhaolates. J. F. Kellup, a prominent gunman of Imbler was in the city this morn ing, drumming up a crowd to attend the practice Eboot at Imbler tomorrow. Mrs. 0. II. Gosset, daughter of J. M. Selder of Cove, returned to her home In Portland this morning, after a brief visit at Cove with E.D., Selder of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Logan and children re turned last evening from Salem and Portland. At Salem Mrs. Logan aW -tended a reunion of her parents, sis ters and brothers. M. H. Rice of the Oregon Fire Re lief Insurance company is here today, and with J. ,W. Oliver, the local agent. Is adjusting the grain loss of G. G. Gray at Imbler. mi ueorge ACKies, the pioneer resi- jljljkjjajL ,ent of thla city- wn with Mrs. Ack H0OOOO00! e8. ave been making their home in t . LOCAL tTEMS. rtland ior tvo b T I now are guests In the city, has been V . . --, quite ill at the home of James Uawley 4$4OJon Pennsylvania avenue. He is some- ' - I I . .. J Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCall were Hot "ual "i'iovea louay, The Hero Engineer. Kalem. The Little Mother of the Babv Show. The Sheriff. A Hunting Story. Song Take me Up in Your Air ship, Willie. Beautiful dishes given to lady patrons of the matinee. See dis play In lobby. AMISSION 10c- Lake visitors last evening. W. N. Kendall, the safe expert from Spokane, was in La Grande today on business -matters. Harold Carpy went to Rondowa to day to join the Carpy family on a camping nip. ...... " . , Mrs. 0. L. Harned left this morning for her home in Detroit. She has been visiting her son "Doc" Harned, con ductor on the Joseph branch. J. J. Parsons and wife, now of Nam pa, but formerly of Elgin, were in the city today on their way to Elgin to visit with Mr. Parson's parents. FARMERSTONESS j W GIVE PARTICU LAR AT1ENTI0N TO THE BJliiS FARMERS. WE COR DIALLY INVITE THEM TO MAKE WIS WEIR BANKING HOME. The United States National Bank, LA GRANDE, OREGON. Edward Kiddle, who raises more hogs probably, than any other man In Oregon, wag among those who regis terday at the Imperial. Portland Ore gonian. Newton, C. Gaunht, architect on the new Bchool "building, has returned r.. . Miss Wllnia RInebart is visiting with friends at Elgin today. George Chandler Is over from Elgin today on business matters. . N. W. Yeager returned from a fish ing trip to Wallowa today, and is reg istered at the Savoy. "Bill" Klinker, who represents the Pacific Paper Co., left La Grande this morning for a visit to Elgin. J. M. Choate. a well-known Sum merville merchant transacted busi ness In La Grande this morning. Wallace Brun,1en, an engineer on the Snake river run from Grange to Umatilla, accompanied by his wife, is In the city today visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Alexander, Mrs. Brunden's parents. William McKinney, assistant cash ier of the American National bank at Pendleton and C. E. Bonney, a promi nent dry goods merchant of- the same town, were In the city this morning! with their families, on their way home from a very pleasant outing at Joseph. They were accompanied by Miss Maud Craford. W. B. McCarty, traveling represen tative of the flouring mills at Baker City, was in La Grande this mornrintf selling "Elkhorn" flour. This Is the mill erected by Charles Broadway Stout of Peoria, 111. Shortly after it was finished, fire of unknown origin consumed it, and Mr Stout Immedi ately rebuilt on the original site. Tin flour has been on the market since last spring. ' (Auuitiouai Locals on fage 4.) fi HA. X : V'iiust froof ' GOLDEN RULE O 1 1 WARNERS M H Rust Proof and Every Pair Guaranteed The lines that a Warner Corset have gives a perfect fit tot any form. Brarsieres, soft eas garment, worn w ith or without corset as a support. Very comfortable, per pair 50c No. 168 is a good substantial corset for medium figure, either duck or batiste , 11.00. No. 281 A garment for medium stout person, rather long waist, heavy boning $L59 No. 277 Long Corset, deep skirt, for medium figure ............,..$2.00 No. 2C6 For tali, stout, large person, made high bust, extra'long back. $3.00 Outing Underwear in Get Your Notions Freel 1 - v 1 0 The season Is Just opening for' these goods, and never before have we been in a better position to serve your wants.1 The assortment is large and v - . .... Fine grade Outing Gown, well and neatly made $1.00 Skirts, and children's wear, all prices. 4 DALTONS - J - ' Muslin Undervear The last of the season for these gowns and there are a great many old lots to close put. Former prices will not be taken Into consideration, as Gowns, C5c up Drawers ." . 28c up Skirts . .................... , Clc Mp By buying Quality Brand TEA, COFFEE, BAKING POWDER, SPICES and EXTRACTS i We give coupons on each purchase ? . K icuccmauic in notions f. EVERYTHING GUARANTEED S Satisfaction or Money Refunded rA ' s DALTONS trihe (ffidDlUKEN OSULE Another New Line toe Ad Dainty Clothing for the Baby lust received a complete line for the baby's wear. Knit Bootees, Flannel Gowns, Knit Leggins, Outing Gowns, Embroidered Jackets, Fancy W ite Dresses, Hoods of Every Descrip ion, Infants Fancy Sweaters, Soft Sole Shoes and Slippers SEE OUR DISPLAY OF INFANT'S WEAR The Quality Store Broom corn Is higher In price, but we have not advanced the price of our whisk brooms. First-class ones at all prices. NEWLIIDRUG CO. P. MENQELS5DH fj DOCTOR OF OPTICS PERMANENTLY LOCATED N AT 1105 ADAMS AVE., OP POSITE POST OFFICE. DR. MENDELSSOHN'S GLASSES GIVE THE BEST RESULTS. Dr. Mendelsohn's iWp curve 'tinses l" Hivts wmr ik'hi, clearer vision, prc;iT.- t3,. ,,,,(.. ..t l.v 1 . -.. ex jticharse SOCIETI A most pleasant picnic was enjoyed Sunday by 2 couples at Manito Park, The outing was In honor of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bay of La Grande, Ore., Mrs. D. F. Pierce of Los Angeles and Miss Welch of Portland, who are the house guests of Mrs A. L. Mitchell. The afternoon was spent In various social amusements. A picnic dinner was partaken of in the late afternoon. Those rresent were: Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Bay, Mrs. D. F. Pierce, Miss Welch, Mr and Mrs B J Muffet, Mr and Mrs A L Lundquist, Dr and Mrs New ell, Mr and Mrs J B Mitchell, Miss Maud Hayfleld. Miss Mitchell. Miss Mabel Mitchell, Miss Agnes Finnlgan, Miss Dorothy fierce, Miss- Alberta Lundquist, George Mitchell and Ar thur Mitchell. Spokane Inland Her ald. .','". The Le Jaunesse club last evening tendered a miscellaneous shower to Miss Ruth Bush, at the home of Miss Ethel Gulling. A hand-made Mexican Buffet cover, a gift from the club of which Miss Bush was a charter mem ber, was the principal present of the evening. The Gulling home was made j extremely pretty with red roses. Iland- palnted place cards were provided by the hostess-ln-chlef, Miss Gulling. The menu consisted of: Teed canteloupe', combination salad, Permeiito sand wiches, fruit punch, creamed shrimp on toast, olives, nuts, wafers and brick Ice crenm and cake, coffee and mints. The club mfmbers present were: MIksos Irenn Murphoy, Ftta Foley, Ruth Hush. VJhc fiiillfnz, Florence Rime N. IC WEST covers the entire,1 cost of 'jiuni'Vr-.ticn, glasses, frames, ij A-L jour nciVIi')ir or ymir physl. re U th most reMaMe lrce in e jour eyes fitted. The Doctor is endorsed by till nf fi'he leading occnlist-? of Portlan ! and d ill of the'physlcinns In La Grande. j l ne entire problem lies in These f.hreo words liitthtly Fitted I.eitips. Fitted by the riqht man. 1 All broken lenses replaced iltiie ton lvaft. ( liartrrs nre reaon:ibIc. Your case will not puzzle Dr. Men lilsohn, and he guarantees saflsfac !on hi every respect. OFFICE INJURS 8:30 a. ra. to 12 m.; 1 fo 5 p. m. 'TEXnGS BY APP0IM5TENT . I McCall, nnd rarjorie Mf-Call.. Last Monday afternoon "Brother" (Arthur) Thiesen, son of Mr. and Mrs. P, J." Thiesen celebrated his eighth birthday anniversary with an after noon party given some of his young gentlemen friends and companions. Lawn games Interspersed with Ice cream and cake made a delightful af ternoon to the youngsters In attend ance. "Brother's" guests were: Mes srs. William Hessle, Everett Hessie, Eugene Newlin, Val Rinehart, Walton Shea and "Brother" Newlin. Many fine presents were received by Mr. Thiesen. ' 4 ' . In honor of Mr. Burke Williams one of Eugene's prominent young business men, a Jolly tallyho ride to Hot Lake occured Thursday evening. The affair was planned by the Misses Huff and was a succes In" every way. At the lake dancing was indulged In by the seven couples who enjoyed the occa sion. ',.' .Society next week will arrange It self to conform without a hitch to the Neighborhood club chicken pie dinner at the I. O. O. F. banquet hall Wednesday night. The dinner com mences at 6:30, and continues until 8 o'clock. The menu will be publish ed early next week. An affa?r de wedding took place at Model restaurant banquet rooms last evening, when seven young men dined in honor of Oscar Jackson. The event was a preliminary to the Jackson Bush wedding next week. The guests were Oscar Jackson, Walter Francis. Frank Conners, Archie Bacon, Forest Ivanhoe.'J. O. Snodgrass and A. W. Nelson. Mrs. C. P. Newlin entertained the Five Hundred .club last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. II. C, Grady won the prizes., , ' Noliee fo ('extractors. Hon nl Walk. Notice is hereby. f;iven tl:at sealed bids will be rect ivM rtt th office of the City-Recorder of the City of Lti Orand. Oregon, unt'i I o'clock p. m., Ai'rtist 21, 1910, for the construction Msstiedi C 'A COOK WANTED At Oregon Hotel. WANTED Sewing machines to re pair, all makes, ty a factory expert Leave orders at F. D. Hasten'! Btore. CM. PACKER, Repairer. TO TRADE 160 acres of timber land to trade for city property. Mac Wood, Golden Rule store. WANTED Work by day, by strong young woman. Charges $1.50 per day. rnone Mam 728. FOR SALE 500 sheep, Waiter Glenn, R. F. D. No 2. WANTED-taurant. Pantry girl at Palace res- WANTED Two or three carpenters. Apply F. S. Bramwell. FOR RENT Barn near quire of J. C. Gulling. track. In- FOR SALE Town lots close In, ce-. ment sidewalks, streets on city grade, cash, $575. Phone Red 1141. of D-10 linet.l feet of five foot board Mrs. Lloyd Pcribr; Thnminy aft-r-j nwm ente:1'i.lned In .honor of. Miss liuih Busih, a !OTiu!nr ui-ir.'her of Vt ! La Grande school teachlnar force,' who ! next week Is to marry Oscar. Jackson ! of this city. Tt wng an .if(ernoon func I tion.. nnd towel betr.mine: for the eane- iclal benefit of the brlde-prosrierrtlve : sidewalk, on C avenue bet woon Third i wns followed by a dl!c!noq two-conrpe luncheon. Many .f the guests were j bo constructed according to the plans former companion teachers of Mips! and specifications now on file in the Bush, nnd the affair, was one of the : Recorder's office. Bids to be accom mrmt plea;.nt of the several functiont; ' panted by a check of 5 per cent of the ushering In the wedding next week at ( amount of the bid. The Council re the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bush, serves the ripht to reject any or all Mrs. Rcrlher's gue?ts were: Mrs. J. bids. G Snodgrass. Misses Gertrude Reiver, j F. L. MEYERS, Mayor. Effle Billings, Helen McHngh, Nell Attest: D. E. COX, Recorder. Dlsqua, and Ruth Bush Aug. 19-20-22-23-24. FOR RENT After August 27, a five-, room furnished "cottage. Apply of Mrs. J. T Harvey, at 2103 First at. tf CAN MAKE $50.00 PER WEEK We want some good hustlers to sell high grade reliable nursery stock. Splendid territory. Expense money advanced weekly. Address Albany Nurseries, Inc., Albany, Oregon. Dept. J. FOR SALE The M. J. Haley' resi dence on Washington avenue is for sale at a bargain.' Apply at La .- Grande Investment com pen v. ' WANTED A horse, to weigh about 1200 pounds, also a harnessInquire of Dr. C..II. Upton. ; Htrar-t and Cedar street, the same to FOUND At Solder's confectionary store, a package from the Fair store containing three yarda black silk, some insertion and buttons. Inquire at Selder V candy store. WANTED Position as bookkeeper or , general office work. Real estatr office preferred. Best of reference! Address G. J. Englehardt, 1402 ( street. - . - -