La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 19, 1910, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Ha ve - 3 S
1 , K
the more trying seasons. 5
The pleasure of many people is spoiled by head- f
aches. Travel, outings or exposure to the sun is apt 4
Without Headaches
J Summer should be a recreation time, a time when
5 life is really enjoyed and when vitality is stored for
f aches that have already arrived. A simple reliable
to bring on this affliction. Don't have headaches this
summer. Keep a supply of our ,.
NevUtfs Instant Headache
on hand. They, stop coming headaches or cure head-
rem dy wl'h a reccxd of many years back of them.
The remedy you should always have and depend upon.
Price 25 cents
' Sold by us only
Newlin Drug Co.
La Grande, Oregon
for men's clothing is for a distinct
change la styles. Stop In and see
what men who know, have decided
will be worn during the fast approach
ing season. We have the advance
plates and also samples of the most
elegant of the new fabrics. And while
here, why not order us to tailor you a
suit In the newest fashion.
Phone Main 735
One Night Only-Friday, August 26th
It's Laughing night- Annual appearance of
Richards & Fringes
Famous Georgia
Headed by the Dean of Etheopian
Comedians, Clarence Powell '
Supported by Billy King & Kid Langford and 40 others. . ;
Mammoth Pf-eef Parade at 2::'0 p. m. Seats on sale at usual plac?.
prIce 25c, 60c, 75c and $1.0')
We Have Them.
Six pound Elec
trie Flat Irons at
$3 J 5
Light and Power
o o
PhjIcian and Surgeon
Office Hours: 2 to 5 p. m. except San
day. Sunday by appointments. Tele
phones: Office. Black 1CC2; lad. 353;
residence. Main ZZ; Ind. 212.
e. ii. crrox, p. g, m. d.
Ppysfcian and Surgeon
i Special attention to Eye, Ear. Nose
j and Throat Office In La Grande Nat
i lonal Bark Building, tones: O:
! fice Main 2. Residence Main 32.
1 03t3op3th Physician
EoiEmer Bid?., P.ooms 7, 8, 9 aDd 10
Phones: Home IS":. Pacific Main CS,
lusidecce phone, Black $51. Suc
cessor to Dr. r. E. Moore.
Natural Mineral Water
Bottled as It Flows From the Spring
It's Ciood for what Ails You
Contracting Estimates Cheerfully Furnished.
Pump Work and Job Work a specialty.
Plumbers and Tinners
Rooms 50c to $1.50
First class Throughout
La Grande, Oregon
Cor. Adams avenue and Greenwood St
tton:ey-at-law - . '
Practices :n all the courts of the
State and I'n'ted StateB.
Office In La Grande National Bank
Bldg La Gr tide, Oi"n .
( Vs'.sr. j r;- Scrgecn
Office at Hai l Drug Store, La Gran It
Residence phone, Red 701; Office
phone RlnrV IRfil - InATMffi44
phone S3; Wh phones at lesidenc
What Is Itch DirtI !
It is xhe old Anglo-Saxon name for
dandruff, and it Is a good one. If you
hae dandrnfi you have itch dirt, and
the little microbes that are part and
parcel cf dandruff, are working per
sistency night and day, and sooner or
later, will reach the very life of your
hair and destroy its vitality. ; '
Then roull be bald bald to stay
for not event the wonderful rejuvena
ting power of Parisian Sage can grow
hair after the hair bulb or root is dead.
Parisiaa Sage cures dandruff. Newlli,
the druggist, sells it, recommends If,
and guarantees It; only 50 cents a
large bottle and your money back if
it fails to cure dandruff, falling hair
and itching of the scalp. If you da
not live near the Xewlin drug store,
wljere Parisian Sage is sold, the Am
erican makers, the Irons Mfg. Co., Buf
falp.-X. T.. will send you a bottle for
50 cents, all charges prepaid. There Is
no hair restorer so good accept no
substitute. The girl with the auburn
hair Is on every bottle. .1 '
We have an unusually complete
stock of trusses, and we know how to
fit.iheru. Prices from $1.00 up.
Chai. E. Cochran Geo. T. O
Attorneys x
La Grande National Bank EI
La Grande Orecot
To Celebrate Railway Opening. .
San Francisco. Au?. 19. Prepara
tions have been made for a big cele
bration at Oakland next Monday, when
J the first passenger train on the west
ern Pacific will arrive, Inaugurating
permanent passenger service. Busi
ness will be suspended In Oakland
by thousands from San Francisco and
other bay cities, will join in a great c i
vic Jubilation. ''.-
Doctor of Optics. ,
Spectacles r.nd Eye Glasses Fitter
and made to order.
All Errors of Refraction CorrecteS
1105 Adams' Ave. Orposlte P. O
La Grande, Oregon
niucVfor the 'an J mirror"e took?"
"I see," the clerk would reply. ntt
one is three and six."
Office crer Red Crou Drug store.
Phones, office Mala 22; Res. Mais T28
Mintojr Engineer
Baker City
Mlhy pay Rent? We loan you
money to build, and you
pay us as you would rent.
1. R. 0UVER.
5. B0LIT0R, V. D.
Ppyslclcn and Surgeon
Cs-ier Adaa' -5. hnvl Depot atret
CB:e Main C8 Resldncj ti
. C PRICE, D. M. D.
Room 23, La Grande Natloai.
Buildinr. ho e Black 39
At the head of Wallowa
Lake, Joseph, Ore.
The Beauly Spot
forTourists and
hHQteet up in the snow capped mountains. Cool,
heathful. Dancing boating, fishing and hunting.
75 Tents furnished with good beds, etc, for parties
desiring to spend their vacation at the park. Special
picnic parties and banquets'arranged on short notice
Excursion rates on 0. R. & N. Points direct to. Park
Wallowa Lake Amusement Co. t
Joseph, Oregon J
444444 0004440
State Fair Season.
Chicago. Aug. 19. With the open
ing of the Iowa State Fair at Dei
Moines next week, the state exhibi
tion season will be on in full blast In
the central West and Southwest With
prosperity generally prevailing
throughout the agricultural regions,
these annual displays promise to be
actually, as well as in the small bills.
"bigger and better than ever before.
September will be a busy month
for those who follow the big fair cir
cuit Following the Iowa show, which
closes September 2, comes the Minne
sota fair at Hamline, the Ohio fair at
Columbus, and the Nebraska -exhibition
at Lincoln. All of these open
September 5. The following week
comes the Wisconsin, Indiana and
Kansas state fairs, running from Sep
tember 11 to 1. The Michigan stateJ
fair at Detroit is scheduled to open
on September 19; the Oklahoma fair
at Oklahoma City on September " 27. ;i
Lipfon Croker's Goest
Dublin, Aug. 19. Sir Tboma Tip
ton is today the guest of Richard
Croker at Glencalrn, the beautiful nal
ace of the ex-boss near Dublin, and
will remain during the great tajtwl
lioive show. '
Mr. Croker and his niece, Air Stel
la Cowman, who act the part of lx s
tess, will remain at'denali'i" until
Gt to'H-r, when they will go to' Ameri
ca. Mr. Croker. will spend tlio winter
it Prim Beach, Fla.
We have all that's good and new in
perfumes. XEWLIX DRUG CO.
Ghe Quick Action.
A. T. Hill reports that A SIXGLE
DOSE of simple buckthorn bark, gly
cerine, etc., as compounded In Alder-i-ka,
the new German appendicitis rem
edy, relieves any stomach or bowel
trouble. Many La Grande people are
being helped. '
.a )e depended npon" is an expression
oil like to hear, and when it is used in
- -owlioa witht'lnmir!ain'G.Iic, Cholera
-n.i Dinrrliofa lltn.e.iy it means tV -fails
to cur diarrhoea, dt wnt-
iowel CompLln'w It is pleasant to tal .
qsally Talua!-'.! far children and
A Shrewd
American Girl
Copyrlgbl. IH10. by American Preis
Sliss Christine Atherton. an Enulhou
girl whose birth bad been of ordinary
parent, was a guest at the seat of the
Duke of Brentnard. Miss Atherton
waa in loTe with the duke's oldest son
and heir, the Marquis of Hiddleton.
Among the guests at the duke's resl-
flence. Slapper Grange, was a Kansas
girL Miss Edith Brown, the daughter
of one who if be bad been tlUed would
have been called the prince of packers.
Miss Brown was expected to Inherit a
large fortune, and this waa the reason
for her being at Slapper Grange, for
the Brentnard were not overburdened
with ready cash. aDd the marquis was
on the lookout for a wealthy American
Now. Miss Brown had no more rev
erence for a title than for a member
ship of a sewing society. She was one
of the kind to see through a millstone.
and It was plain to her that the mar
quis wanted her for her money, snd
Miss Atbfrton wanted the marquis for
So long as I dont want him my
self," mused Miss Brown, "why
shouldn't I help , this -young English
girl to get hlmr
Now, there was a skeleton In th
Brentnard doset; The duke, who was
an eld man, was a kleptomaniac. He
was not aHowed when In th rit tn
go Into the shops without a footman
to roiiow blm and jwy for what he
the Illinois State fair at SnrlnrffeM nn
September 30. The first day of Oc-1?" ,Wn W gentleman appro-
tober witnesses the opening of the
Missouri stae fair at Sedalla, and on
October 15. the Texas state' fair be
gins at Dallas.
prlated an artld the footman would
step np to the clerk behind the counter
from which it was taken and ay:
"7.raoe shopping today. 'Ow
This would be followed up- by other
purchases acquired in the same wax
and duly paid for by' the footmaa
There was nothing upon which thf
marquis was so sensitive as this mania
of his father. lie bad made every ef
fort to avoid the disgrace, even to an
attempt, to shut his father np, but as
kleptomania is not a form of insanitr
that warrants confining a person 1e
bedlam the duke maintained his lib
erty. -
One morning Miss Brown remained
in her room when the others were down
to breakfast and, being alone on the
floor, went Into Miss Atherton's room.
toon an toe jewelry the poor irl had.
carried It to the duke's apartment and
slipped it into the pocket of a coat she
found bang'ns la a closet. Then he
went downstairs to breakfast.
After the meal Miss Drown kept Miss
Atherton under observation so that she
might be the Crst to meet the English
girl i;f ler tie discovery of the loss. Just
before luncheon ' Miss'-Atherton -came
out of her room with a terror "stricken
look oil Iur face. Miss Brown was in
the ball.
".My Jewels!" exclaimed Miss. Ather
"What of "em?- asked JHs Drown,
putting n finger on bpr lip to enjoin
caution. .
"They're gne.
"Hist! The duke? Ton fcuow bis
faiiingr ;;':
"I've heard of it."
"Don't say a word about It. Thi
marquis would ut-ver forjrivp you."
"Do you renlly think it best?"
"I do."
"And I must lose the gemsT
"Never mind that; they will come
uai'h i you. .
That night at dinner Miss Atherton
appeared without a particle of Jewel
ry. The marquis noticed It but.made
no comment. After dinner be Joined
Miss Atherton on the terrace. He
never noticed the absence of anything
belonging to any of his guest3 with
out dreading lest his father had pur
loined it
"Christine." he said, "why did yow
leave off your Jewels today at dinner?"
"Oh, they're so Insignificant." she
said, "compared with what the other
Indies wear."
"Miss Brown, for Instance."
The lady named hrd that day ap
peared bedizened with a small fortune
In diamonds.
"Hers are very hftndsome."
"Lmph! These Aineriean&,.don't
know when or where to load up with
stones. - "
When on future occasions the mar
quia noticed that Miss Atherton still
refrained from wearing her Jewels be
wondered. Then one day Miss Brown
spoke to him of the omission.
"She doesn't wear them,- said the
marquis, "because she's ashamed of
them." - i.
"Nonsense." replied Miss Brown.
That s not her reason. She has too
much kindness in her to hurt your
feelings by giving yon the true one."
"Good gracious! Ton don't mean
they have been stolen!"
"I do."
"And the thier?'
"Search your father's pockets." !
The marquis made the search and
returned the Jewels. The Incident de-!
cided him on marrying for love or
money. lie proposed to Miss Ather
ton. much touched that she had pre
ferred to lose her finery to accusing
his father.
"As for that American girl." he add
ed, "she bad the Indelicacy common
among her countrymen. She did not
hesitate to remind me that my father
is a thief."
Miss Browri left the grange covered
with Jewels, but when she got In a
train she put them in her satchel.
SiitaKa Baau.
Mr. Binks-Is that you, JohnnleT
Teu your sister there's no hurry. We,
have plenty of time.
Johnnie Can't stop now, Mr. Blnks.
Sister was washing her hair today an'
lert it hangln' on th' line, an' the!
wind Just now blew it over the fence.
an' I'm hurryln' so's I can sret therd
before the bull pup chews It!" Cleve4
land Plain Dealer.
. Unafraid.
Who's afraid of a cow?
They're so aentla and kind
Tou can so up quite close and they
none of 'era mind.
An' they Ilka Httla girls, so It heard
Deonla aav.
But I wish, oh, I wish, they waa furdar
away! -
Pooh! .Who's afraid?
They're as rood as can be. '
An' one's a child cow that Is younger than
An' they give us good milk, an there's
nothing to fear. -
But I wish. oh. I wish, that my daddy
was nerei .
Harper's Magaatee.
An Economical May
"Good morning !" said Mrs. StinJayJ,
"Pardon my calling so early, but I
saw your advertisement for a cook"-
"Buf interrupted Mrs. Hiram Off en,
"surely yon are not after the placer
"Oh, no; I need a cook myself, and I
thought yon might send to me all the
applicants you reject-Catholic Stand
ard and Times.