LA GUAtfDE EVENING OlTKVEU WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1910. i County Court Proceedings. Bills audited and allowed by the board of county commissioners at the August term, 1910. . General Find. Name. For what allowed Amt Eniil Niederer, services as Jan itor, July, 1910 $50.00 John McRae, services as stock inspector, July ....25.00 'L. Stilwell, services as fruit in spector, July 88.00 N. Molltor. services as secretary , county board of health .'.8.92 M. K. Hall, services as county physician .'. ' 25.00 Boys & Girls Aid Society, allow- ance for July, 1910. ......... .10.00 ' Jos. S. Smith, supt. poor farm, July. 1910 65.00 Geo, llammell, , worK on poor farm- 52.00 ,W. T." Stein, services as deputy' 'assessor '.. I. ......... .60.00 Ruth Bush, work In school sup- . erlntendent's office. 22.50 F.'P. Chllders, prisoners' board For July, 1910 7.12 : Exchange Livery, livery hire as , per bill ...........5.00 ' Honry Chambers, caring for Gil- lis, pauper ' 15.00 " N. K. West, mdse. for court 4 D I AM w SOUTHERN HEAD R FINEST QUALITY RICE OW s X. '; ' "' ' ' 'T : V ' ' O mm- 9 t NO Cut Glass and Hand Painted China 'From now Until July 17, low price on cut glass and wm ju vuu iu exatmue ivy siock ana get a gooa se lection before buying your ifts.1'" -! All styles of, weddinjr rinirs includincr Tiffanv. O 0 rv..i;A- i i Quality considered. - I will Save, You Money. J. H. Peare, THIS SPACE TAKEN BY M. & M. CO. An Indian can be happy with out a Piano. But who wants to be an Indian? f STtlMAY, LUDWIG, KERTZMMN, A. J C0N0VER Pianos t G O o lb l house ..2.16 Cherry's New Laundry, laun dry as per bill .....3.25 B. Fenton, serving .. subpoenas State vs. Graham ........... '.2.b0 Henry & Carr, mdse as pr bill... 13.65 J. O. Snodgrass, groceries for poor larm ,t. 32.75 Hill Drug Store, drugs as perbill 4.45 Newlln Book & Stationary Co. mdse as per bill .;.....,..'... 17.10 J. J. Quinland, repairs at poor farm ..,.... ...........6.00 La Grande Observer, printing as . perbill .485 Home Ind. Tele Co.,' phone rent as per bill ........13.05 E. O. Light k Power Co.,' lights ' as per bill ..6.80 City of La Grande, water rent for :? July, 1910 . ; W.v. .. ; ;'. ...... 17.60 Tom Brasher, services as deputy assessor ................... .132.00 Glass & Prudhomme Co., mdse as "' perbill ......,,,...,.26.00 Scout Pub. Co., printing as per bill ...;.v...... ;.....;,.... 6.00 Paci Tel. & Tel. Co., phone rent . as per bill 16.00 V. A Maxwell, coroners' fees , Dean et al Inquest ..."...,,...6.00 Alex Slater, Cons, fees, Dean ' et al, inquest .6.00 .OND mm THE MARKET DGKASS 1 will make a sneciallvf hand painted China It X ' La Grande's' Leading Jeweler, Opposite Land Office a CHASE and for sae by Scott C. E. Sherman., witness, Dean ' et al. Inquest .1.70 Virgil Zumwalt, witness fees, Dean et al, inquest lt70 N. Schoonover, ' witness ' f J as, Dean et al. Inquest ..........1.70 J. M. . Johnson, juror. Dean et al, inquest ........1.70 J. W. MInnIck, Juror, Dean et al . inquest ....... ...1.70 F. A. Bid well, Juroit Dean et al ,' inquest ........1.70 R. L. McMillan, Juror, Dean et al Inquest ..1.70 B. W. Bates, Juror, Dean et al Inquest ..........1.70 W. A. Maxwell, J. P. ft Const. fees, State vs. Wheeler ......14.50 W.A. Maxwell, J. P. & Const. fees, State vs Smith ........14.50 J. A. Graybeal. Juror, Clr. Ct June term, 1910 ...... 28.40 J, A. Graybeal. Juror, Clr. Ct. , ' .June term, 1910 ........ ... . . .6.00 James McClure, Juror, Clr. ct. term. 1910 .28X0 C. H. Hill, Juror, Cir. Ct. June term, 1910' ...31.20 James Peach, Juror, clr. ct. June terra, 1910 . ......10.40 C. Forsstrom, Juror, Clr. Ct - June term, 1910 ............. .6.20 Geo. E. Becker,-Juror, Clr. Ct. June term, 1910 ...30.60 Henry McColdrlck, Juror, clr. Ct June term, 1910 ...... i.. ..... 5.40 R. A. Hug, Juror, Clr. Ct. June term, 1910, Wm. Slegrist, juror, ....32.00 Clr. Ct. '" 3.20 ....16.20 Ct. ; : ! ....12.C0 Ct, June term, 1910 J. A. Masterson Lee Humphrey, Juror, June, term, 1910 ,. Dexter Eaton, , Juror, June term, 1910 ... T. D. Todd, Juror, Clr. ' term, 1910 Clr. cir. ...33.CO Ct.June i ' j' ..i....... 22.60 (To be Continued.) '" " Waiting Thstr Turn. ;" ' "They tell : t!i::: In xoine restau rants they wve ntlit fur chicken." "That i jiuo." " ' "And squirrel for rabbit." ' "Very IlkHy." "And what is the Htibstltute for squirrel V" "There I nono. 'P.ut nrvir fear but something will. In? fonml Kliould they become popular as mi artlile uf diet." Place of Honor. "I suppose you, are the hend of your own house?" . "You bet! 1 am president, of the matrimonial firm." ' "And your wife'" . "Huh! She's only the cashier." f ' Inturmountablo Objection. "How do you like your new boss?" "All riyht but for one thing." "What's that?" . "He In the boas." ViVll HAVE il' ONE ONTH CRtO , Both Rich. "What are you umklng?" "Failures. What are you?" "Sume thing." It Difforance In Fooling. "When I grow up to be a men," Bald little Willie Jones. "I'm going- to be a president I feel K In my bones." "When you trrow up to be a man," Said little Tommy Brown, "I think I reel It iu my bones That they will turn you down." MINCED SEA CLAMS Being nothing, but clean white meat of the famous razor clams and not adult ? erated in any manner. 1 Positively no sand t 'n these Clams. I :5- I CAN I'.' Gall Pattison Bros. ! On either ' Phone mm . STIMSON-CONOVER By MARTHA V. MONROE Copyright. U10. by American Pre . i : - Association. One night a man was brought before the sergeant at the desk In a police court charged with burglary. "nello, Stlmson," said the sergeant "You turned up again? I haven't seen you for so long that I thought you'd reformed." "I'm not Stimson," replied the man, who was dressed la working costume, "and I've never been here before." "Take him in." The next morning the case came up before the court There had been a burglary in Ben Warfleld's store War field had entered bis place of business with a light and cornered a man rob bing his cash drawer. The robber knocked him down and ran. The store keeper got up, followed, called a police man, and together they made chase. Warfleld in court testified that while in pursuit of the fugitive be bad turned and walked toward them. Undoubted ly knowing he would be captured, he hoped to go by them unrecognized. Dut Warfleld had got a good look at blm in his store by the light he carried and knew him at once. The rest of the evidence against the prisoner was fur nished by a picture in the rogues' gal lery which, though It was not a flat tering likeness, was near enough like convict mm. , . '. The prisoner claimed that he was John Conorer, a workman in a foun dry. His employer's superintendent him (.uiivu iii lug .uiuu uim ieauueu that the man. under the name of Con over, had gone to work for the concern a week before, claiming that he bad not been employed, for some months, i Thnt was all the witness knew about Wm.: ' . , ' Being an bid offender. Stlmson was sent to the penitentiary for seven years. Before he started bis wife came to see him. acting hysterically and de claring thnt she and her children were starving. This only confirmed the ver dict, though it excited sympathy. No one ever heard of Stlmson having had a wife and family. ' But the case was decided, and there is too much work before the courts except in the cases of those who have money to pay lawyers and costs for a little matter like that to attract even attention. ' One night three years later a man was brought Into the same sergeant as had received Stlmson, whereupon the sergeant, who was a facetious man. said: "Hello, Stlmson! You here again t 1 haven't seen you for so long that I thought you'd reformed." "I'm not Stimson. My name's Con orer." "Well. I like that I'd know that mug of yours among a thousand. We've got you In the gallery. But what did you say about being" "Conover?" . "Yes Conover. It seems to me the name's familiar. Now I remember all about It. The last time you came In here you tried the racket of mistaken Identity;' said your name was Conover. But hold on. You were sent up for seven years. You couldn't get out this early on good behavior. When did you break Jail?" ' v . "Sergeant,", said the prisoner, chang ing his tone, . "I was cllngin' to a straw, and that remarkable memory of yours has broke it. Three years ago you sent up an innocent man who look ed like me, and this time I was think In' I might possibly get off by clalmln' to be him. But It won't work." The sergeant looked at the man, greatly puzzled. ' "Did you do the burglary Conover was sent up for?" he asked. : "Yes, I done it. They chased me, and all of a sudden I heered 'em stop. The uext day 1 sor In the crlm news in the paper that a bloke as looked like me was took. He's doln' my time now. If you wasn't on to it I'd 'a' tried to prove I was htm. No credit to the way you cops work things that I didn't Your memory floored me." . The real Stimson went up, and in Hn-o the real Couover came down. One nl"ht ht walked Into the station and stood In-fore the sergeant. He was not recognized. Maddeued by his Impris onment for an offense he had not com ' milted, deprived of the power to work for his wife and children, he had at tempted to escape, was caught and had boon Ireated with unusual, severity. Xo wonder the serceant didn't know hira. He had nged in appearance twen- vears. "Who ure you?" asked the sergeant. "John Conover!" Used as he was to the hard side of life, the serpen nt started. "Are you sure I'm not Stlmson?" "I had nothing to do with your case; the court did it. You were unfortunate in looking like a jailbird." "I came to say that while I've been in Jail my two little ones have died for want of proper attention. My wife till lives. If this were not so you would go after my children." , The man walked out, and the wr geant wIjhhI the sweat front his brow with h'.s eoat m.7s IK Un?w 'by' Con over's icol; t'rt n-j'- :i ',! stood !- twees blm and deatn. The next day Conover walked into Warfleld's store. Warfleld, bearing a footstep behind him, turned. lie bad heard of his mistake mnd was brood ing upon It at the time; otherwise be would not. have known thla host of Conover. A. few minutes later a clerk found Warfleld on the floor in a fit No one wu with him. and he never told who had been with blm. ' ; - The Musio Was Fatal. A New York politician once found it necessary to attend an entertainment at an orphans' home and he was hav ing a bad time of It The selection by the boys band was particularly distressing. Turning to a friend the politician said with shudder, "No wonder they are orphans." Success Magazine. , . . , - : Multiplication. . I had a little secret. And It just belonged to me. . But Betaey Morris stayed all night. ; And as we watched the fading light , , It slipped out ere I knew 'twu gone -; As slyly as could be. .,;.' And now my little secret That I guarded faithlessly -Belongs to Betseyi Morris, too. The whole wide town and me. St. Nicholas. . The Only Way. . "Why did he leave all his money to the black sheep of the family?' 'Tie said the other children were too good to go to jail." v ' "Well?" . "And he wanted to fix it so the black sheep would be too rich." Kansas City Journal. What He Got , ' . Each night erejils coming ' He sent her a lot rs n . .. With a true lover's knot. And then when he thought He'd perfected a hit Be asked her, and all . He got back was a "Nit!" Houston Post Something Appropriate. "See my new canoe?" said the. boat enthusiast. "I haven't christened it yet I want something neat and ap propriate to pnlnt on its bows." "I suppose it must be short" "Not necessarily." "now would "This Side TJp With Care do?" Washington Star. Like the Trip? ' Pretty good weather to sail to the pole On an Iceberg, broad and high, , WHh icy dreams for to cool your soul 'Neath an Icicle bordered sky. But over and over the task to do, For the bread that's life to the land and you, ;. And never a vision of rest In view TM time for the last "Goodby!" ' Atlanta Constitution. Needed In New York, Briggs I see now they have a com puny to operate a line of flying ma chines across the English channel. Griggs That's a good Idea. Let's hope that some day we will have a line across Broadway. Town and Country. Complete equipment for rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE ; (' ' P.(F4lZGERALD,. Proprietor, u ,,,,' n . . a ' " ...... Complete Machin Srops and Foundry The George Palmer wm EOS CdD RETAIL DEPARTMENT 7; ; " We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid Roofing , Deadening Felt, Building Paper. : : - .J ;,;""'..1' i' 7'.' We are prepared tojfurnish and deliver material, , , ; promptly. Phone Main 8. ' . ;J Safer than :Natidhal; Banks . Better than U. S. Gold Bonds ; UNION COUNTY LANDS. Why invest in : foreign cities and wireless stock, when you have a sure thing at home ? See C. j. BLACK, who has a large list of money makers. ' X Humor and. X 5 Philosophy X r nvrcAr m. smra : PERT PARAGRAPHS. CUCCESS Heetns to justify the means Still, you occasionally meet a mad who feels like keeping the means oui Of Sight - ' ; i Blessed are the uses of adversity, and we piously hope that our enemies on!y may enjoy them. It takes herculean efforts to raise al man. but most any oM cnump can pull him down. We can run away from out plain duty, . bui consequence! have an extreme . ly ugly way oj h u n 1 1 n g us ut and driving m Into a corner. Swift's Vemium lams aeon W sM 4 A SSSfe BA J Bakery V. R. WILSON Electrical :: Contracter One door South of Observer. resetting . and repairing IRON WORKS r! VrT IT0TH and 5