yn; friday, august 12, 1910. XACL '4 i ! i 8 I ! it 1 ;,f,i H ff pk iS S Sifc ft W W V " "W 3' V! n Lid via the 1 m r - (3Do D2o o Tuesday , Aim, 23, '10; . Schedule of Train Leave Baker Gity Tuesday, Aug. 23 Haines North Powder Union Junction ; Hot Lake f La Grande Arrive Portland Wednesday, Aug. 24 6:16 p. rn. 6:35 p. m. "6:60 p. m.j 7:30 p. m. 7:40 p. m. 8:00 p. m. 7:15 a. m. Special Train Pullman, Tourist Chair Cars EGSQS TLAX CHAtTACQCA. Colored Baptists ef Scrthwest lie! J E!g adhering. hlagm'ficenf River Ride on the Steamer "T.J.Potter" Round Trip Fares Baker Gity ' Haines and North Powder - ' -Union and Hot Lake La Grande - -Joseph, Lostine, Enterprise and Wallowa Elgin and Imbler '') $12.50' 11.50 10.50 "10.00 12.50 10.50 Spokane, Wash., Ang. 12. Speakers of national reputation 'and the largjt choir of colored singers every assem bled in any of the coast states will be featured at the Chautauqua of the negro BapUsts 'la-, Calvary Baptist church, Spokane, August 24 to 29, when representatives of the race from various parts of Washington, Oregon. Idaho, and Montana, are, gathered at the general state convention. Among the prominent speakers in vited are Rev. Dr. E. W. D. Isaacs, secretary of the National - Baptist Young ePople's Union of America, who promoted the negro Chautauqua move ment and conducted meetings at At lanta. Ca., and Mobile, Ala.; Rev. Sut ton E. Griggs, national, educational secretary and author and lecturer of note; Rev. Dr. William Beckham, general field secretary, who has just returned from the world's missionary conference In Edlnburg, Scotland: Rev. Dr. J. Gordon McPherson, gen eraV secretary of the convention, and formerly pastor of., Calvary church will deliver the annual sermon. Rev.v Jesse L. Murry, apstor of the local church, who is at the bed of a lit re committee In charge of the Teceptlon and entertainment of the delegates promises that nothing will be left 'un done for the comfort of, .the visitors, He will also be assisted by the young people, who are now being organised under the ( direction of S. A, , Harris, con venUon. "... v. ' '' . The convention will close wltn'a missionary rally In the state armory, or one of, the big .theatres,", said Dr. McPherson.: , "We look for "a large at tendance , as we expect to secure re duced rates on thv aeioru aonf fiofw duced rates on the various railroads!" days from the date of the first publi cation ef this notice without penalty. Interest or costs; and each propeity owiier is hereby notified that on ap plication to the undersigned, he will be allowed to pay such assessment Jn ten annual Installments, the first in stallment thereof being due and pay able on or before the 6th day of Oc- Exenrsfoa to tie casbor?. On Tuesday, August 23, the 0. R. & N. Co. will operate a special trala ercurslon to Portland in connection with their Btearaers to North B?act resorts. This Bpeclal tra!a will leave La Grande at 8:00 p. m., arriving In Portland at t: 15 a. m. Wednesday. August 21. Passengers have choke of tober, A. D., 1910. All property own-1 steamers leaving Portland as follows: era Interested are hereby notified to j The T. J. Potter leaving at 8:20 a. m. appear at my office In the city na!I Wsdnesday and Thursday, or t and 'par the same. I steamer Haasalo leaving at 8-.0O p. m: D. E. COX, Wednesday and Thursday. Make yoar Reorder of the City of La Grande, On- reservations for sleeping cars NOW. goa; . Ask the agent for further particulars, Atisr -12 1 J. H. KEBNSST. Agent . oooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooo o o , fWW o 111 A. IT CEETAIJfLT LCGaS good to the fLlldren when they sea the delicious bread made from the North Powder Best of the Best Patent four, it is a meat for the little ones, with butter, jam or Jelly; that Is wholesome and muscle building. It locks good alra to the housewife waaa she tees the g older, brown crt;? and the white bread Inside whn It comes front the oven. It also smeCa appetizing w&?a, r;ida : from Best of Best Flour. F83 SALE ET ALL O O o o o o o o o o o o o o ;,000000000000000 ooooooooooooooo " Tickets good'for return until September 7th, and allow stop over at Portland, one day and night on goin tfipif desired, and any time within the limit of ticket on return trip. For further particulars call on J. H. Keeney, Agent, La Grande, orVrite to Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. . 4 , Much Appendicitis In La GrandV " ; Many, people In La Grande haVe chronic appendicitis and' mistake It for stomach or bowel troubled If you have Ind or gas on the stomach or bow els, sour stomach or constipation, try simple buckthorn, bark,1 glycerine, tc. aa compounded in Adler:i-ka, the new German appendicitis remedy. A sin gle dose of this "simple remedy will relieve you you w'.;i be surprised at the' quick 'actMi. A. T. HILL. ij Notice to Contractors. Advertfsement Sewers. ; Sealed proposals will be received by the Mayor and City Council of the City , of La Grande, Oregon, until 4 o'clock p. m., of August 17th, 1910, for the furnishing ! materials and and ' constructing.) ' A disposal plant and 1400 feet of 30-lnch pipe. 1050 feet of 22-inch pipe and 1160 leet of 18-inch, pipe, to be constructed according to the plans and, specifications on file In this of fice of the. City Recorder. ' Bidders to accept the bonds of the City of La Grande, Oregon in pay ment, and each bid to be accompan ied by a check of 6 per cent of the amount of the bid. The Council re servesthe right to reject any or all bids...; ,v; o ; .-V By orders of the City Council. , ., P. L. MEYERS, Mayor. D. E COX, Recorder i ; - ARTHUR CURTIS, City Engineer.' La Grande, Oregon, August 3, 1910. Aug 5-6-8-9-10-11-12-13-15-16 . Jfatffie of Final Settlement Notice is hereby g.ven mat R. H. Lloyd, adminstrator de bonus non, testament of Phoebe Milne, de ceased, has tiled his final account with the county clerk of Union coun ty, Oregon, and the county .'court of satd county has appointed the SOth day of August, 1910. at 3 o'clock, p. m. at the court house in La Grande. Ore gon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account and tha settlement thereof; R. H. LLOYD, Executor. Aug. 1-8-15-22-29. i i FOR COUGHS ny r rfi SSs. ' ' SSSs. PPi , VisS II Tl TPQi LI H Lriffsn UJJl MJiMJ K THE WOWDER WbRKER FOR' GOLDS FOR THROaAT jwiwiiHiMiw- 1 ,i i iimsamwrwHiiriM , , . ?. - AH p :; , , . . . I FOR COUGHS AMP COLDS PREVEIITS PnEUUOUIA . y I had the most debilitating cough, a mortal, was ever afflicted with, and my friends expected that when I left my bed it would surely be for my grave. .. Our doctor pronounced my case incurable, but thanka be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured me so completely that I ara all sound arid well-MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. : . .... imiim'll.i lit 1 Ylce EGc and $1.00 ; ABSC fHLY GUAR AMTEEP I Trial BottlsTm 1 CO; j AND GUARANTEED BY C STIES'::; Notice of the recorder of the city of La Grande, Oregon, of assessment for the- improvement of Adams avenue, from the center of Willow street to the west aide of Cherry street. ' ; Notice is hereby given that the as sessment roll for the improvement oi Adams avenue from the center of W'V low street to the west side of Cherr street, being in improvement district No. 1, in the city of La Grande, Ore gon, under the provisions of ordi nance No. 467, Series 1910, entitled, "An Ordinance declaring the cost of improving Adams avenue' from the center of Willow street to the west side of Cherry street and assessing the property benefited thereby,: de claring such assessment and directing the entry, of the same in the docket of city liens, and authorizing the Is suance of improvement bonds on the property benefited by said improve ments", the same ielng In improve ment district No. 1, in said city, Is row in my. hands for collection, and that any assessment therein may be paid to me at any time within .sixty Meire. tit 4f IT ok Meirejii to. yon a A house of 5 rooms Good condition ' Two lots 100 x -135 west front,- good location, 20 young fruit .trees on m place. ' .Will self for $2,000, $500 down, balapcJ time to suit purchaser. Let us show you this at once. ' -VP LA GRANDE INVESTMENT GO. t 4 Eagle Valley Tomatoes Payeiie Cantaloupes How on the ' ''' '"'." ', " ''.- ' Market ,00 FOR THE) 1 , Save money on furnishing Your Home Hert F, D. HA1STEN o o o lioym uo icery I and Bakery DRINK v. Natural Riineral Water ! Bottled as It Flows From the Spring It's Good for what' ftils You