r vf t ! i I - I II... , A , r ; n . A . A ' 1 1 1 U'M i I . j j . 1 1 -yi MM h H ! si M j j I V M VOL. XI LA mtAJSbt:. UJNlOjS C0UN1 UKEUUN. FKIDAY, AUCiUST 12, 1910. NUMBEIl 2J t. TEETH CAUSE DEATH. - FAI.'TII NiVAM.OWS llil.MEV. FA p mm mm w a v w WILL BEBITTEIi ' TIIUGIIT CONSULTATION BETWEEN TAFT AND ALDEICH THIS MORNING SETS GOSSIP GOlG 111 GOT SECBET1 indications are that Conflict Between ', Regulars and Insurgents will Nat V End With Primaries bnt Will Con. tinue Into the Election Proper ' Taft-Aldrlch Coasnttatloi Consider v d Important Phase, f Washington; Aug. 12, it is pernim- ently rumored t'ifu Taft has offered ; the secretaryship cf the Interior to President M. C. Thompson, of the Ohio State University, in case R. A, Ballin- tr resigns. The rumor is milch cred- ited as it is known he is in favor with Progressives in Ohio, and also num- ierlng many x regular republicans among his supporters. Moreover, no Ohioan is a member of the cabinet. The conference between Taft and ' Aldrich, following the publication of .a letter of explanation regarding his . connection with the Intercontinental Rubber company, and charges made by Senator Bristow tba't the company Is a trust, and derives great profits from a tariff which bears Aldrich's name, is -causing wide comments From an ex planation of the visit, the political wiseacres predict the coming cam paign, as it is to be managed by ad ministration forces, will be an effort to "rlplain" he whole tariff situation, and they further predict a clash be tween -the-jegulars and lnsusgents s which - manjj republican leaders ar dently hoped would end with the pri maries will be fought out even more ' hitterly as the campaign advances.T Aldrich Calls on Taft. Beverly, Aug. 12. Senator Aldrich arrived today and held a conference with President Taft. It is believed Al drich Informed,, the president he in tended to issue further statements lit answering Brlstow's chaVges that Al drich voted to increase the rates while Iq a Rubber company,. .1 ' f Secretary Macvegh and ' Hitchcock will confer with Taft this afternoon. FO R EST FIRE IS E Bl'RN THEMSELVES OUT WITHOUT .; SERIOUS DAMAGE For a Time Terry and Its Sawmill v Feared General Conflagration ; " Forest fires Ignited by sparks from passing locomotives, last evening and pight, gave signs of becoming a. gen f eral conflagration that would not only work Its way to valuable timber tracts ; ' near Perry, but ; might also sweep dow'n on the townof Perry and eradl , ca'te the large mill and lumber yards 4 and many residents there,' from the map. However In the dead of night, the blaze burned Itself out on its own . accord, and today the flames are prac t. tlcally extinguished. . ; On Both Sides of the River. " , V The blaze started simultaneously on ,,both sides of the river just 'below -v. Black Flat,. and Just above the old residence part of Perry. 'i The blazes, -worked In opposite di rections through the scanty under--.J brush and rough Umber stands, but ' burned Itself out before reaching the ''4 more valuable timber. While it did last, it gave considerable scare, as 1 the tinder-like underbrush and dead v logs burned with great rapidtty. While Chew in? Gum Girl Swallows False Tetth. Louisville, Aug. 12. Miss. Ullie Hunt, according to a coroner's jury, died today 83 the result of swallowing her false teeth. While chewing gum, her teeth became loose, and she swal loed them, strangling to death. .. .. . "' Ta Tear IslaaJa. '.Manila, Aug. 12. Secretary of War Dickinson and General Edwards, chief of the bureau of Insulac affairs, will leave tomorrow tor a tour . of the southern islands, returning to aMnila to sail for Hongkong, September, 2. They will stop for a time at Peking, where they will be gjven an elaborate reception by Chinese officials, and will return to the United States by way of the Siberian railway. Wealthy Romaa Kldnape , 1 : Rome. - Aug. 13-Slvatore Setta. a wealthy land owner, was kidnapped to day by brigands, and la held la ransom for ten thousand dollars. Recently Signor Ruina, a millionaire, was. killed when his family. refused to'pay,th, PHI LISTS E POLICY OF WIDE PUBLICITY IS ; ADOPTED BY DIRECTORS Effort to Educate Every Individual In County Abont the Fair ; : A meeting of the '. Union County j Fair association directors was held last evening, and a policy ot,Uberal ad vertising adopted; the premium lists. 2500 In number, arrived this morning by express from the state printer. With two such Important events trans piring in close proximity" to each oth er, 'county fair matters have been given an Impetus that Is encouraging. At the meeting last evening a policy of exploitation was adopted that will mean a school of instruction will be Instituted, which will educate every man, woman and child in the county na in thft features of the coming event. The advertising will hot be confined to any one line, but several methods, beBt adapted, to the purpose, will be followed. v.J, The number of premium Hats la lar ger than usual, and the consignment is here much earlier than usual. This will permit of a general distribution that will spread the gospel of fatrdom to a large number of people.' TRANSLATING "CHARLTON CASE. Italian Legal Document Being Made English at New York Today; '' New YorkAUg. 12-VA judlcla state ment of facts in the Charlton murder at Lake Como, which was filed before the Supreme court of New Jersey, is being translated from Italian to Eng lish today. By agreement, the hearing nf r.harltnn's extradition will be held about September 20.. i In .case the sur render of Charlton Is not aiiowea. me state will apply for the appointment of an Insanity commission.'' . .-.,5 , J ' ' '.'. ,. ., i Little Alexis is Six. .St. Petersburg, Aug.J 12. -Little Alexis,' Czarevitch of Russia, who, if he lives, will some day 9e called upon to rule the mighty empire. Is six years of age today. Celebrations of a pub lic kind were held today in this ami many .other Russian cities. The' Czarevitch 1b a beautiful and bright youngster. His birth dispelled the superstitious fears of millions of Russians who had seen the " wrath of God," in the fact that the first four children of the Czar were girls. A Needed Improvement. The new coat of paint bfirg put on the depot, is making a noticeable im provement in that structure, and pas sengers on the overland trains are presented a more attractive view dur ing their short stays In La Grande. OFFftlH HER III FB I i Hill ollilljli JfEN ECSMING TO SCENE OF FLAMES TO STAY PilOGllLSS OF FIE IF . 4 PASSIM VTMft' t VnO AP Plirrn inn iv-n , . BT FIRES SWEEPING iGiTEEfimiEsiiEe 0 r water Fertst Fires ire Sncb Worse Teday Iiaho Resene In t LEa, Fmt are Rash lay U that;ct!oa-.IJttle' ; I ; V ' ' Bf f ltsf' More th an Retarding Flumes' ' ' I WaHaeeIJa, 'X& ' 12-Dandre4jj I families t Wai!a tay are pack-1 Insr fcclotglsys ani yfi lea lor! Spaku iu4 .titer wtslde pebts, to cacaj the dangers f the forest (ires Whlcli aye raglnj ear,' ah! tbreatea. ln$ a portion ef the, town. With i dense smoke enveloplnf the elty, burnlnjr embers falling, ea'rried fey the winds Wallace Is endangered. Should the wind beeome stronger It U' be HeTed that nothing can save the city, An apical ha been sent to Spokane lor a hnndred men, and the govern- ment Is asked to send troops.'; " ,v Lewiston, Aug, '' , ' 12.SeTeral new fires were found today la the Clearwa ter mountains, and forestry officials have little hope of doing more than retarding the progress of the flames until the ralus. Seventeen new fires were , reported . during the last 86 hours. There is a heavy wind' and thousands of sheep are" endangered In the grass fire Ih the region of Koe skla. - ' :s y-r'- The fires in the Clearwater forests are' much worse, according to Super intendent Webb. A heavy wind pre- vailed during the greater part of to-' day,, spreading, the fire, rapidly. The largest nre reportea is at the Keuy, GRAFT OK :i5E5IiliH . Sulphur, Okla., Aug. 12. The Inves tigating committee convened here to day. George Scott, son-in-law of Chief McCurtain, of the Choctaws, testified he entered an agreement with McMur ray, ly which he received pay for In fluence in behalf of Indian' land con tracts. Scott declared that when Mc Miirray telegraphed him to help create sentiment in favor of the .contracts, he went to Washington at his own er penses. His telegram saying, "Sherman and Curtis know what we want," meant both were familiar with the situation, and that they had an unusual fund of information regarding the. Indian af fairs, he testified. He declared it did not mean In any ay, that they were In terested in McMurrayj During the New York, Aug. 12. Tuat Theodore Roosevelt may be temporary chairman oMhe'New York state republican con-1 vention onv' September 27, is the re- ' port circulated today. Another culler today , was Pinchot, who galne ad mission; through the "back door. Ills conference was short, , - : . ' "Pinchot was here a couple of mfn ut s i his morning, and I suppose yor T-.-g wondering what devilment he ae-i (nniplished in thut time." said Roose- . velt. 1 Roosevelt to.-lar received a stream 1 Ei! TOWARD HEEDS .it Great Creek section! toward", the North Pork while ffnother la burning at the Pete King trail aectlon : A force is employed to fight -the fires, numberlns three hundred. men.; 'ui arc uecun. . ne camps re do miles from Koeskla, and one pack train 'is enroute to Koeskla to got pro visions. Reports received today atate the fires started y an electrical Btorm Sunday, an It is expected other tires are' started thai; 'have not been discovered as yet.1 V j, - ' M ' Worse ar Missoula. ; Missoula, Mont., Aug., 12. Forest iures are worse. High; winds, are j blowlnr. ne tlt Bwept away tools, tents, provisions,1; and belong- lng to tire ' fighters on Bear creek. Fires along Cay use creek cover three or four townships. The region" Is heavily timbered, an- dgf eat property loss Is expected, ? Deputy Supervisor Spauldlng of the Lole forest, has left for the reserve with 75 men. Prom the town of Lole, r party will take pack trains to what Is known as Packers Meadow.. The fires there' will ' be fought first? Lole forest Is cleared of,fire now, but three fires, are sweeping from different di- - rectlons upon the reserve, andji .large force is fighting desperately. OUT crfcs8-examination the witness dented he sent letters signed, with McCur tain's name to R. C. Adams at Wash ington. ' As an attorney, endorsing the con tracts, Scott said that he had person ally paid for telegrams seat to Wash ington and was not afterwards reim bursed . ' ",,.M Congressman Miller then examined Scott and drew from him the. admis sion that while treasurer at Choctaw, he 'withheld government warrants from those with whom he was un friendly, while he paid others imme diately. He also testified he discount ed the government warrants on a 10 Ier .cent .bails, adding he though the practice ; legitimate. Scott ' admitted he collected more than $1,000 In tax contracts for McMurray. M DC u Mill M - v a : y i o . -of visitors in his office. Senator Elk Ins was the first and was followed by Rev. Swift, president of the tract sdc letyY'BE. Sunny. of the Chicago Un ion League 'club; Robert Morris 'of New York, of the law firm of Morris nn1 Plants ATnri-to nau ' .r,iincn1 In r iie t. a. perore uie venezge.an claims c-ommlssloii . ' . "'' ' To -Slop Betting. Cleveland. Aug 12. Acting upon In formation that betting was behig per mittnd at the Randall race track, (r. !!armon today ordered It stopped. Ylrxinln Toun In Danger of Being Swallowed I'p. Tauten, Virginia. Aug. 12 Resi dents of Taunten are hurriedly mov ing their homes, terrlfltul by the ap pearance in the town's renter of gap ing holes In the earth. Already sever al houses are engulfed and others are Ihreatened. ., . KtluatrUk Entered. T .'ew York, Aug. 12. Kilpatrick, Yale's great football end and captab of the EH track team, will sport the colors of the 'New York Athletic Club in the national all-around champion ships at Chicago tomorrow. Martin Fh?rMan will not uphold the honor of the; Irish-American Athletic Club at the Windy City meet, and there are rumors that he haa been taking life too easy and la out of condition. Kilpatrick la in fine form and has all the requirements of a first-class all-around candidate. He is strong in the jumps and' has excellent runslng ability in a field of heavyweights. He weigh, 195 pounds, which should maU hlm itroair la weIsM TAKEN TO SALEM. IN HOPE OF RE. COVERING SANITY. Has Mania That he Is Called to Be -N Bishop Brooded over Transfer Rev, Charles :Bradley, for many years In the;, Alethodlat ministry In Eastern Oregon, ' was sent to Salem this morning In ' charge of a guard from the asylum, and the reverend will be treated with hopes of curing his" malady, that he may, be able to return to his family, consisting of a wife and six children, all ot whom live at Cove. I The. case . fa particularly pathetic. Until a year ago Mr. Bradley was pas tor of the Elgin Methodist church but I t.t the last conference was transferred i.i r.airu city.';' it tw-ems he was dls-;'--.' ''(' ''nscr. and com iik'uiuu to btoui uvei u uuiil U ellecl nl Uis mind. ' ' ...lie carries a mania. ' lit labor un deV the Impression tli .l . lies Iihh Ua.I a Divine call to act c" n ('l.io-rf-.t . Ms mind was continually working along such channejs. He Is not violent, but is clearly Insane, and bis friends hope that the treatment, which will be given hlm at Salem', will prove beneficial. His wile and family are now at Cove. Gate of Heaven Closed. . Peekskill', N. Y., Aug. 12. Visitors to a small church named the Gate of Heaven,, near this city, have recently been surprised to see this notice post ed on its door: "Gate pf Heaven Closed for the Summer."" New York Rural Carriers. Watertown, N. Y., Aug. 12. Rural letter carriers from nearly all the postofflces of the state, are here to day to hold a two-day convention. . . German Workmen Get -Raise ' 'Berlin, Aug. 10. As a result of 'the decision of the Trades' Arbitration court, Berlin workmen employed in the building trades today received a small raise id w'fees, and will be granted a further Increase October 1. : National Club Opeiis. ; New York. Aug. 12. As the actors on Broadway, who are swarming to town to get. ready for "autumn produc tions, are pining for fistic entertain ment, Director Tom O'Roufke has ob ligingly consented to reopen the Nat ional Sporting Club tonight. The at traction Will be a ten-round go be tween Tommy Ross and .11m Smith. Ross gave Al Kaufman a hard tussle at the Fairmont Club last year, and Is expected to show something of a (lass tonight. Wcudliug ut Louisville. Louisville, Aug. 12. Joseph Wend ling, accused o'f Alma Kellner, arriv ed today and was placed In Jail. Con m mm is FIi!DIllE GAB. S DIG IITOF REST at inn ; X.RAY PLATES SHOW EXACT L4V A . CATION OF BULLET IS NEAR UPPER PART OF TnROAT (18 BLOOD 'mm YET Doctors stand Ready to Remove the' Missel the Iafttaat t&&t It Aimn, Eh Elood Is Becociras; Iafected Sleeps WelL and has lint Little : Trouble Swallowlaa; Ills Food HzU : let Lodged sear Pharalx. - perature has risen a degree since . morning, and physicians admit that It may Indicate an infection hss set in. They believe, however, the in creased , temperature la due to dlffl- eultv In fcrAnthlnw A'rlntr tY.a rltr Hobokeni-July 12. -Mayor Cif.iar passed a good night . '. , He slep seven hours and was. c(vm-' fortable this morning. 'lid has"aa ex cellent general condition. $ '. . ' A aurgeon, who will directthe op eratloji, If one Is neqeasary U' con stantly at the bedside. So far n in fection Is apparent. He.' atf. an "early breakfast ; X-ray plates, taken yesterday, we're developed today, and show the bullet la lodged in the vault of the pharnix," back of the nose,-from: whence It could ne quicaiy extracted, ir an operatlpu Is undertaken. The 'patient says he hasilttle diffi- cation of the missel. Two samples of blocd are taken dally, but bo far , there has been no Bign of Infection. ", At 12:30 the following bulletin was; issued : "The Mayor . is comfortable..' He Is taking nourishment and Is stead ily Improving." I Gaynor fell asleep at 10:00 and ttt 1 -?.n 14 atlll slpontnir ' ' . Shows , Good Control. . , ; , r Pails, Aug; 12! Hubert Lathanti drove an Antolnette'bl-plane sixty miles today In three hours, hie cir cled Effll tower at the finish. , i . London, Aug." 12. The world's reS ord for altitude In an aeroplane, war broken today 'by J. Armstrong Drexel, an American. . SUBMERGED AUTOMOBILE LEADS TO DISCOVERY. ; Portland and v. Anacortes Residents 4 : 'Plunge Over Drawbridge. 4 ' Bellingham, Aug. 12. The discovery of the top of an automobile In th tiver at .'.Mount Vernon this morning. has served to confirm the fears that ft T TtIrton4 an AMnt. 11 h. v wnmuui an, nuatui ICB lively mnnd and C. R. Sterling, a Portland auto salesman are lying In the bottom of the river. ' ' v, They left Mount Vernon Tuesday evening, and have, not been seen since. The drawbridge a Mount Vernon was. open at( the jlnie .hey should hive reached the rfvey, and It Is supposed they plunged In. Storage Tank Explodes. ' Sisterville, Va., Aug, 12. a storage tank of the Riverside OH company ex ploded today and a general conflagra tion of oil wells .tanks and ware- Nutses of the company is threatened. Mp.ny tanks .caught fire by the explo sion, and .thousands of barrels are burned. ' AUTO RUNS INTO ! 0PEI II :