La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 11, 1910, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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FsMIabed Dally i:xeril "urdaj
Bruc e Dennis,
Editor and Owner.
Entered at tbe poatotiice at La Grande
M second-class matter
UsMed Pre si Telegraph Service
Daily. tingle copy...
Dally, per week....
Dally, per month....
This naner will not publish an ar
ticle aprearlng over a ncm de plume.
Flpned articles will be revised sub
ject to the discretion of the editor.
Please sign your articles and save
This year the Grande Ronde vallev
went dry. Usually kind providence
provides, but this is a case wherein
providence overlooked this valley to a
tertaln extent. Yes, there are crops
raised this season, and some very!
good ones. But think of what would I
lave been raised 'had. the Grande
Ronde valley had Irrigation. Think of
what tonnage of crops would , have.
teen marketed bad there been plenty )
cf water In the valley. " ," ' 'j " J
... And wnen it is coitsiuereu turn w
ture has provided a natural Irrigation
' system for this valley, only needing
the work of man to complete, It seems
too bad that the plant has not been
erected for these many years and lhat
men who are now growing old should
not have had the benefit of It, But
there Is no use crying over spilt milk,
according to quotation, and the thing
to do Is to face the situation as It now
..exists.: : v-
Let every land owner study this Ir
rigation proposition with the keenest I
Jnterest. See if there Is any chancel
for ft mtolake on the part of those who
favor It. Figure out Just what in
crease will be made In values and crop
production. After thU Is done. 11
would seem that sentiment should b
unanimous for the project.
There never was a more favorable
proposition puj up to any people who
wanted water.. It is free from profit
to anyone except the men who bene
fit; It Is proposed to form the district
ttmllar to a school district, which will
be self-governing;, there Is no .chance
tor graft; "no chance v for watering
bonds; no chance for any heated pro
motion. It Is as plain as the rays of
the sun and at fair as as can possibly
: On October 22nd, many thousands of
acres of government land will be
' thrown , open to settlers In Wallowa
eoonty,. It will not be a drawing out
on the other hand, it will be a regular
Oklahoma rush;' for the land. Accord
ing to accurate figuring It la possible
for 1500 people to obtain government
' land under this opening.
Here Is La Grande'a rhum-e to not
In the world's spot-light. The east
and middle states have thousands of
tltlzens who want government land
This was demonstrated by the rush or
tbe last Indian reservation opening. If
these people only knew what Wallo
wa county had to offer them they
r. J. HOLMES, TIee.Prrs.
F. L METERS, Cashier.
United Stated Depository
Ctfttil, Surplus and Undivided Profits S2C9.C00.09
GZC2S1 falkxb
w . J. cscsca
W. H. HZfiCE
WIUi ear tatti mnrcei aas fatlUties we can reader yea efftrle at
tervlce sad kaidle Jtsr kiilati s to year entire satlfacllon.
- .
would come here by the thou&ands to
settle that land.
What would such a rush mean foi
La Grande? '
Do not all people going to Wallowa
necessarily -have to stop In this city
both going and coming?
And those who secure land must
transact business with the land office
at La Grande. This requires time. No
person who attends such an opening
ever gets away without spending some
But aside from the money feature,
which would amount to thousands of
dollars to the city, the chance to show
what Union and Wallowa counties
have to offer In the way of homes,
grain, hay and fruit lands, and
live stock propositions, would be the
best obtainable.
Here Is a chance for local real es
tate men to do more- advertising and
obtain more results than they could
from two years of regular events. And
it Is a chance for La Grande as a city
to get a( place on the map perman
ently. The. essential thing to be done Is to
adveilse this land opening in eastern
and middle west newspapers. Reach
the people who are Interested. If any
thing is done in the matter It must be
done soon.
It Is of the greatest importance that
every eligible voter register so that
he may have a vote at the coming
election without going to the trouble
of having to be aworn In. When It Is
-V KSJ V 4C-
holders to awear him in, he frequent
ly forgets to vote at all, and that Is
not right Every citizen owes It to
his country to vote. The registration
books are now located In the rear of
the United States National bank In
La Grande, and there Is little. If any,
excuse for not registering.
.: I-a Grande's new high school build
ing Is assuming a symetrlcal appear
ance. Next to voting bonds for a
building, the greatest satisfaction Is
witnessing the rapid construction of
the structure". - " .-..
. Athletics and the Unfit.
Those who are unfit should not In
dulge In athletic games Is a warning
by Dr. Woods Uutcblnson in Outing. .
A boy, for Instance. Is a little weak
after a mild attack of infectious fever,
pneumonia, influenza or tonsllltis, and
his heart is beating faster and m're
violently than It should on exertion.
But the team wants him or be wants a
record, or both, and away he goes into
. "Suddenly one day the heart can no
longer drive on Its overload of blood,
and down goes the runner or oarsman
la an attack of heart faUure,' aad ath.
letka get til til fiterCrL: :
.The. sannr danger Ilea when there Is
no training, tbe sport elng purely in
formal. It lies also where the girl Just
convalescent persists In taking part in
long anticipated dance. Only that
phase of common sense which Is mani
fested In common prudence Is neces
sary to avoid such perils.
The Red Hat.
The chief Insignia of the cardinal's
dignity, his red hat. had as Its original
significance the Idea that the wearer
was to be at all times ready to shed
his blood In martyrdom for tbe church,
' Persian Rugs.
Every district In Tenia has Its own
style and designs of rugs, yet the
mere uame Is no guide to quality, as
good and bad rugs are turned out In
all districts. Tbe choicest are woven
In silk and wool.
W. L. BRENH0LT8, XtX sb.
' ' F. B. BTRKIT
t - ... 1
I ne uwi sur.
. (This) famous little bit of verse m t
written many run ago. it is supposed J
to be tbe Boston child's version ot "Twin
kle. Twinkle, LIU feUar." Tbe author is
Scintillate, scintillate, globulse ovivlvlc.
rain would I fathom tny nature ape-
Loftily poaed In other capacious
Strongly resembling- gem carbonaceous.
Wnen torrid Phoebus refuses bis presence
And ceases to lamp with fierce incan
descence. V
Then you illume the regions supernal. '
Scintillate, scintillate, semper nocturnal.
Then tbe victim of bosptcelees peregrina
tion Gratefully balls your minute coruscation.
lie could not determine his Journeys di
rection .
But for your bright scintillating protec
tion. Not For Gentleman's Ears.
"Repeat the words the defendant
used," comma tided counsel for the wo
man plaintiff In a cane of slander being
tried In tbe first criminal court of New
ark recently.
"I'd rather not bashfully replied tbe
defendant. "They were hardly words
to tell to a gentleman.'
Whisper them to the Judge, then."
magnanimously suggested counsel. And
the court waa obllged to rap for order.
Song of the Bullfrog.
The frog sat on the lily pad
And wooed the pollywog.
Be asked her In bis manner sad
If she'd be Mrs. Prog.
"Yes. 1 will wed you." she replied.
"Tour greenbacks come in chunks,
And I'll delight to be the bride
Of one with lots of plunks."
And that is why. my little dear.
Upon the midnight atmosphere ,
lou bear the bullfrog's song so drear
V ' ' Kerchunk! ". ' :' "
Kerplunk!" ;
' - V Harper's Weekly.
To Be Regulated. r-.,
. William B. Rldgely, former comptrol
ler of tbe currency, said of a certain
peculator recently: , .
"Tbe man is as Ingenious as a horse
trader's son who was once unexpected
ly called upon by bis father to mount
a horse and exhibit Its paces.
"As be mounted be leaned toward
his father and said: i: .
" 'Are you buying or selling? "-Success
After the Ball.
After the ball was over
See her take out a glass eye.
Put her false teeth In a basin,
Lock up her bottle of dye.
Stand her cork leg In tbe corner,
Hang up her hair on the wail. .
And then what remains goes to
. bye, i
, A-f-t-e-r the ball.
';u -Ally Sloper's Half Holiday,
Our Country.
Foreigner I suppose that pompous
looking fellow over there who acta as
If he owned tbe earth la one of tbe
rulers of the people. t
American Ob, no. Tbe ruler of tbe
people Is that Insignificant looking fel
low over there all by himself. The
pompous fellow is supposed to be one
of the servants of the people.-Puck.
False Friends.
Tbe man who slaps your shoulder and the
man who grips your hand
Should be forever banished from this
peaceful, happy land.'
Tbey play their brutal pranks and think
you'll treat them as your friends.
And If you dare protest they laugh as if
to make amends.
., .'' Buffalo Express.
Makind an Imereaalan. .
''Madam, if you had a child to weep
' OVef,";su'ggested tbe lawyC.!the all
'mony tolght be blggOr.",.- . ,
, '-But I have none." , . ., .
"At least you have a dog?" '
"Alas, no," , ' - .
- ""Then there's nothing; else to do.
We'll have to take thv rubber plant
Into court." Washington Herald.
la Her' Bathing uit.
She's as Tatr as the Illy. No makeup has
In tbe matter of beauty she has no fads,
lba's as fair as the illy. yt plump as
can be.
But I've frequently noticed the lily pads!
-New York Times.
The Latest tOanoe.
Flratnlghter-'flave yon seen Mile,
rewclotaes ib her great Salome dance I
. Frontrdw-Tes. and 1 must say aha
oatatrlpa anything of the kind 1 have
ever seen. Tonngstown Telegram.
thing la
a, a
Busio in the
And there's nothing that softens It more
then how does It come that there's nota
lug so bum
Aa tfc wuslo la the home next door?
, Oevelasd Leader. ,
"Did you see that man who had bee
so long to the gold fields weep when 1
sang the song about homo last nightr
"les; i suppose you struck a miner
cbord."-Balrimore American.
To Scale Him.
I'm a great lover ot practical things.
1 aote on practical folks.
But I'd like to so after the bids and tbe
Of the chap who plays practical jokes.
-Browning's Monthly.
Self Evident. '
"Baldwin, w-wlll yon atoka a smo
gler "Rambo. you've hten tfrtna-tne
to i rr nm nv ih;w!p
w mwi.ww.b . t , niilwiiil m
u. u . - , ,
waiter Wellman te Attempt This Trip
In Hie Meter Ealloen.
o far this has been a season of
great progress in aviation on land, but
before tbe year closes it la expected
that the bird men will also nave con
quered the ocean. In fact, arrange
ments are now being made for a flight
by airship across the1 Atlantic from
New York to London. Tbe attempt
rill be made by Walter Wellman
j shortly In the motor balloon known as
the America, which was built for tbe
Wellman polar expedition and twice
severely tested In voyages on tbe Arc
tic ocean north of Spitsbergen.
Tbe America when she starts on her
long voyage will carry a crew of six
men. Including a Marconi operator
and. of course, a full outfit of aero-,
nautlc and navigation instruments.
by-American Press Association
8ome of the latter have' been specially
made for this voyage.. An Idea of tbe
carrying capacity of the America is
conveyed by the simple statement that
she could take her crew of lx. enough
gasoline for a day's run and seventy
five passengers. The fuel supply for
the transatlantic voyage la carried In
a' steel tank with a capacity of 1.G00
gallons. .. i- - :
"If goes without saying that the at
tempt of Mr. Wellman will be a most
Interesting aeronautic engineering and
scientific adventure.' Men have long
talked of crossing the Atlantic by bal
loon or airship, but this will be tbe
first actual attempt to make the voy
age. It Is all the more interesting be
cause a Marconi wireless equipment Is
to be carried on the airship.
New Flans of the Association Far Se
curing Heme of the Author.
Daring his lifetime possibly no Amer
lean author was more beloved than
Joel Chandler Harris or more sincere
ly mourned at death. Tbe creator of
Br'er Rabbit and Brer Fog and Sis
Cow and Mis' Meadows and de gals
bad won for himself tbe love of mil
llou. Especially was he loved by tbe
children, and the child who has not
beard the tale of "Br'er Rabbit and
the Tar Baby" or the story of "How
Br'er Bear Lost His Tall" has Indeed
missed a part of the heritage of child
hood. For him tbe animals have no
meaning. After tbe death of Mr. Har
ris an L'ucle Keuiua Memorial associa
tion was orpauixHl. tbe object of which
Is to purchase the home of Uncle Re
nius from the Harris heirs aod make
a memorial of It. It la now planned
to make this movement International.
The stories of tbe escapades of Br'er
Rabbit are known all over tbe world.
having been translated. Into seventeen
languages, and tbe memorial associa
tion propose to give the children' of
every land an opportunity to help. The
Harris borne la a modest cottage in
Weet End. a suburb of Atlanta, and It
baa been tbe Mecca of hundreds who
knew his tales. The property la as-'
sessed at 125.000, and aa soon aa It be
came known that the Uncle Remus
Memorial association could boy the
property several rich men offered to
give the entire amount.
The association plans to Install a li
brary In part of the bouse, to preserve
sae mortal rooms where Mr Harris liv
ed snd worked and to convert the
grounds Into a playground for children
It hs also ln WKgteI that a free
im. , .j i. ii i U!. i)n,. u . i), 4., i i .v . . i i
The Hat for Your Head
No .Tore
Entire Line
of Fall Styles
on Display
at this
New Stetson Shapes
: andi
The largest and most complete
line of Men's Hats ever shown
in La Grande is how ready for
your selection.
Weve a Shape for You
Mo' CCo
The Quality Store
Political Announcements
This column is open to any candidate regardless of Faction
or Party and is paid advertising
S. F. WILSON, Athena. Oregon, candi
date for joint senator for Umatil
la, Union and Morrow counties sub
ject to decision of republican primaries.-
"I firmly believe In the di
rect primary law, economy In the
use ot public funds, good roads,
better schools, strict and prpmpt
enforcement of law, the square deal
and eternal progress ot man snd his
C. A. BARRETT, Athena, Oregon. I
hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the nomination for joint
kindergarten "De conoucted In the
house. Upon the lawn a fountain will
be placed, reproducing tbe well known
four footed characters of his stories la
bronte or marble. It la fitting that
the home of Mr. Harris, who under
stood and Idred children, should echo
through the coming years with the
shouts of children.
in October Colonel Roosevelt will
visit Atlsnta and make sa address for
the benefit of the asaoclatJoa.
What 8aved Him.
"He was going to mortgage
house to buy an auto.
'.'But he thought better of It, did hef
"Tee; be had nothing else to mort
gage to keep It ro repair? -
. Caustic.
"I am my own' was.'.
Tou arer
"I certainly am?
"I thought 1 noticed something lai
about your training?
Playing Safe.
A man should always he on guard
To watch Ms sin besetting,.
And when he hasn't got a cinch
He should rut out his betting.
No Less
senator for the district embracing.
Union, Umatilla and Morrow coun
ties, subject to the choice of re-,
publican voters at the primary.,
nominating election to be held on :
" September 24th, 1910. If nomina
ted and elected I will work for. the
interest .of all the people of my
district to the best 'of my ability,
favor tbe maintenance of the di
rect primary law and people's
choice for senator and believe the
people are as competent to nom
inate as they are to elect their of
ficers. Very respectfully yours,
8tMe Names.
Kid Bustum. the lightweight, 1 rased tel
His punch was esceedtnclr hard
But 1 found, to ray grief, when 1 chanced
to inquire.
. Chllde Weeks was ths name on his card
1 listened enraptured when Mellada sang
Bbe wakened the god in my heart
With her marvelous voice till t found
with a pang.
She wea plain Mrs. Patrick McCart.
t ....
As Disco, the diver, comes down with a
My bosom with wonderment thrills.
But somehow It shortens my pleasure ml
That his true name is Thomas P. Mitis
Whan Edmund ricsaro. the tragedy king
- Brings Hamlet and Shr'ock to town
1 never go near him. i can't care a thlnal
or taientea people born Brown.
I take ao delight as 1 gaae at the naases
That history asks us to view.
Old Plato was likely a Smith or a James
Aa4 Caesar perhaps a Deoew.
Newark gvenlng News.
Results your doctor desires will be
Insured If we compound the presnrtp
tlon. Onr drugs, services and prices
are right. KBWUN DRUG CO.
' ata)r-f!MHien Trlhnna.