La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 11, 1910, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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iflmouf Headaches
.maf efcrniM a Vprrp.itmn lime, a time when
wJJiiiAaWl OllVUAU W w 7 -- w. .
2 me is really enjoyed and when vitality is stored for gj
the more trying seasons. 2
, Die pleasure of many people i spoiled by head-
aches- Travel, outings or exposure to the sun is apt 4
to bring on this affliction. . Don't have headaches this J!
summer. jsep ouyyjj vu
4 on hand. They stop coming headaches or cure head
caches that have already arrived. A simple reliable
5 rem dy with a record of many years back of them.
p The remedy you should alwas have and depend upon, g
Ikvjlitfs Instant Headache
Price 25 cenfc
Sold by us only
Drug Co.
La Grande, Oregon
We Have Them.
What ? .
Six pound Elec
tric Flat Irons at
: $M5
light and Power
If you ' could see how - gome factory
made clothing is put together The
sklmylr g of materials, , the inferior
lnterlinlngs. B t none of these things
occur in a suit of our tailoring. That's
why one rult of ours will outlast two
of the factory made. Order one and
the wear will prove It
"Csa be derwoded anon" U in nnnalM I
we all like to Lrur, tod when it i ued in
ecBDection ii h UaralrIio'i Colic, Cholera'
ar.d lirrh(wa I.'euxnly it mentis t'
cr foiui to cure dikrrWa, tiywut '
complaints. It is pleasant to Uh
1 1 thy pay Rent? We loan you
vii money to build, and you
pay us as you would rent.
Rnrnnaan plan fl,r
Rooms 50c to SI. 50
First class Throughout
La Grande, Oregon
. The Carter's Idea.
Beetle? had been out Uie the algst
before, or. rather, be had stayed la
tat la a mtte affair, and about all he
sad left to (tiow (uruu tbe morning
was aa old fashioned sway-from-home
snade headache. Id Hope of relief be
bad sought bin old friend, tbe barber,
and tbe tarter bad been busy oo Bent
ley's bead and face Tor tbe past bour.
"By Jove. Keif said Bentley a
tbe barber nibbed tbe top of tils bead,
"that feels mighty good. 1 can tell yoo.
The can who Interned massage waa
ooc only a genius, but a benefactor to
tbe waote bumaa race. Tbey ought to
put op a statue to blm. There's aotb
log nke tt wbeo a fellow feels seedy.
There's only one trouble about It."
-Vt Us Itr asked Karl, boptng thai
perhaps be might overcome tbe dlffl
"Why. ira all on the outside." said
Bentley. "If there were only some ap
paratua that would enable yon to get
Inside a fellow's bead and clear out
tbe pains of tbe morning after, what
a bieiwlng tt would be." ' 1
"Veil." aatri Kart. "I rink tnat maybe
some day dose racunm cleaner fellers
Till do dot already. VotT'-Harper's
. The Practical Gost.
M. Jules liens rd wan tb mayor of
Corbigny. In the Xievr. Every Sun
day he contributed to to Journm de
Clamecy. and this in th -n t tnmpi
he used to give tbe pMKifit. Writing
of the Journal OfnYlei. ii-t up on
the waQ of tbe main' mxl with ft n
one ever reads, be said-
I bad forgotten the posts Ou of
them never misses a numtier. Standing
on Its hind leg, with its froot ifgs
reMtlnr on rh ftnafr It nmrM Ira
horns and beard from right to left,
like an old woman reading. When tt
has finished 'reading, as the offidai
sheet has an appetizing smell of fresh
paste, the goat eats It. After nourish
ing the mind one must feed the body.
Thus nothing Is lost In the commune.
What a pity that all novel readers
bare not the stomach of this practical
goat! They might then eat the books
they had read, buy more, and so the
man of letters would lo tbe end be
able to eat In bis ram. "Paris Letter
to London Globe.
Scheolma'ans Take Setk.
Seattle. Wash, Aug. ILSchool
ma'anufof other sections cf the coun
try who are desirous of a change of
air and scenery and an Increase In
salary should sit right down and rite
a letter applying for a Job, addressed
to the educational authorities of al
most any city or town In Washing
ton, Idaho. Montana or Oregon. The
chances are ten to one they will find
the offer snapped up immediately,
owing to the great shortage In the
crop of teachers in the.Nortbwest As
there are more men than women In
this section, and pretty schoolma'ams
are always quoted above' par In the
matrimonial market but the educa
tional authorities want nothing said
about that phase of the matter. It is
to that, that the presen shortage of
schoolma'ams is due.
Resales of Hanslckers.
CollegevlIIe. Pa., Aug. 11. Hunsick
ers from all over Pennsylvania and
from other states are the guests of the
Montgomery county branch of the
family at a big reunion here today.
Henry A. Hunsicker of Germantown.
is preparing a family history, In
which he tells the story of eight gen
erations that have lived In Pennsyl
vania. . "
Attorney-et-law .
Practices !a all the courts of the
State and Ua'ted States.
OSce in La Grande National Bank
Bld La Grade, Oregon
Di-.j r.HjftiTO:;'j r Scrgccn .- .i
Office at HiU'a Drug tore. La Gna
Residence phone. Red 701; OSca
: phone,- Black 1361; Independent
phone 63: Wa phones at lesldenea.
Chaa. EL Cochran Geo. T. Q
La Grande National Bank El
La Grande . ' :
Ortgoa t
Full Penalty.
Mrs. Peckem Henry, what punish
ment should be meted out to a man
who proposes to a woman and. then
refuses to marry her? Peckem lie
should be compelled to marry her.
Exchange. '
Didnt Want Trouble.
Tbe Playwright - Honestly, now.
what do yon think or my new play?
Tbe Critic-Don't ask me. You're so
: much bimer tind stronger than I am.
o O 6 6 e
' Phjslclaa aid Sargeoa
Office Hours: 2 to 5 p. m. except Sun
day. Sunday by appointments. Tele
phones: Office. Black 1362; Ind. 353:
residence, Main 65; lnd. 312.
DB. B. P. S5BEIS')inr
Daetor af Optics. .
Spectacles -nd Eye Glasses Fitted
and made to order.
All Error of Refraction Corracted
1105 Adams' Ave. Opposite P. a
La GnuidN Ortgsa
ex S&2A j. TjirnrsTOCD
OfSce ever Red Croaa Drug atore.
Phones, office Main 22; Res. Mala 721
. Mlalnr Enrlneer
Caker City , - -
C. II. UPTOS, rh. G. HL D. '
Ppyslcian and Surgeon
Special attention to Eye. . Ear, Nose
and Throat Office In La Grande Nat
ional Bnk Building. vhones: O
fice Main 2. Residence' Main 32.
Ostsopath Physician
Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7, 8, 9 and 10
Phones: Home 1332. Pacific Main 63.
Residence phone. Black 951. Suc
cessor to Dr. r. E. Moore.
Cor. Adams avenue and Greeawood St
X. K0LIT0R, H. D.
ppyslcian and S:rgeca '
Cj'-ser Asara- r unl Depot street
CTC-c Main 68 R6sidJc
J, C PRICE, D. M. D.
Hootn 23. La Grande Nation:
Building, "hoi.e Blick 39
Laundry Tatrons Xotlce
Cherry's New Laundry, having tak
en their horse and wagon from us. It
becomes necessary for us to bandls
the work, which has formerly been
handled by that wagon, with our own.
Oar deliveryman hap not attempted
o become familiar with the calls
heretofore made by the other wagon,
consequently some of their patrons
may be overlooked.
A phone call wjll bring our wagon.
We have been able to procure suffi
cient help, so that we can now handle
all work without any delay.
A. B. C. LAtJNDRT. '
fftUAiiT jvr cmmrcQ ana
" . ' ' ' ' ' u " " " sawawawaaasssssaasssn 1
Ladd Park, which Is located in the center of Laurelhurst, Is to be im
proved at once, and when the prupo sed Improvements have bet uiade it
will be the most magnificent puctlo park in Portland. These improve
ments Include the creation of extensive botanical gardens, an enlarge
ment of the present natural lake pow there, and scenic drlvewajs and
Residence property fronting on or convenient to a public park la al
ways In demand and brings high values.' The' boulevards of Laurelhurst
have been made to conform to the proposed driveways of the nark. As soon
as the Improvements in Ladd Park are completed, then prices in Laurel
hurst lots will advance i nother notch or two.
r ' . , ' , ' . -' '...' ....
I " " ..on
Hie Addition with Cfiaractef
Laarelharst is a good place to Invest money In.
The titles are perfect A warranty deed with full covenants and a certified abstract of title will be given to each purchaser.
The prices are low. This" Is nearly always the case In placing a new addition on the market The prices are made very low to get
people Interested. The value of all the property Increases as new homes sre built, and those who buy early share In the Increased
value, because they help to make It ,
BECAUSE The population of Portland is growing at the rate of 30.000 a year, and all of these people must have homes. The building statistics
for the past 21 months show that SI per cent of the permits granted for residences have been issued for home on the East side. To
day 73 per cent of the people in Portland live on the East side, and 27 per cent on the West side. tv ...
Does this mean anything? . ' ' " '" "
It means wonderful advances in east side prices In general, and Laurelhurst In particular, because Laurelhurst prices are now Just
about one-half of the real values.
It surrounds the new city park that Is to be improved at once, and made "one of the great scenic attractions of Portland, adding value,
to all adjacent property.
The lots now selling at an average price of $1150 each will be worth double that amount in one year.
,,w uu,u, cyctiai ininrrnrnis to tnoae wno commence building this year. ..2smj ?i4iSv
Chaa. K. Henry, president Chas. K. Henry Co- Portland; owner Henry Blav
frank F. Uead. president Seaboard See. Co 8attl. v '
Paul C. Murphy, director Bankers Trust Co., Tacoma; V. P. Laurelhurst
Co, Seattle.
. B. Unthicum, secretary Williams. Vood A Iinthlcnaa. Portland.
James B Meikle, former secretary Seattle Chamber of Commerce.
Kdw. Cookingham, vice-president and manager Ladd 4 TlltoB Bash. '
u A. Lewis, manager Allen ft Lewis, wholesale grocers. Portland.
H. R. Burke, of the Royal Insurance Co.
Chas. K. Williams, manager Morris Bros., bonds.
Hear7 Frlea, of Wakefield, Friea ft Co, real estate. -""
Robert R Strong, manager of Corbett Estate. " J
George J. Dekum, of Chas. K. Heary Co.. real estate.