V LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER "WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1910. r PAGE FOUR THE OBSERVER rsblSftbed Except Sunday Bruce Dennis, Editor and Owner; Entered at the posioiiice At La Grande as second-class matter Fnlfed Yrtrn TeU graph Sf"Ic SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Pally, single copy Daily, per week.............. Dally, per month.... ' 6c 15c CEc This paper will not publish an ar ticle appearing over a nom de plume. Signed articles will be revised sub ject to the discretion of the editor. Please sign your articles and save HsappoIntmenL. f BOWE JMf .1 X A XD THE BANKS. Safe, conservatve bankers of this date will applaud the attitude Gov ernor Bowerman las taken. Me says bankers of Oregon cannot promote companies outside of the state, and then place stock of those 'companies as assets in their banks. - Probably the per. cent, of bankers who would do a thing of that kind is smalt, but there anould be none. The banking truBt Is sacred. A good bank is only a reflec- tnt f h mn who run It. - It la B mirror showing up the character - and Integrity of the interested ones! .Indi vidual character counts ,for as much ln.'banking as it does In the medical of legal profeBsion, and possibly more in some cases. ; That 'is why the "state guarantee" of deposits amounts to nothing. You cannot under any consideration legislate honesty into individuals If they are not normally 'honest. Good banks, do not need any deposit guarantee, and poor banks are always a nuisance. ' '; In promulgating a ruling of the state banking department Governor Bowerman says: "This of course, will have no effect , on present stocks In the banks. I have so desire to cause a shakeup in bank ing circles, but as long as I am In the executive office It will be my Intention to see that depositors In Oregon banks are thoroughly protected against spec ulation of this nature. I have never believed In that style of banking. Where there is a stock that has a per xoanent and fixed value and pays . a wp'ir dividend, tbli rule win, of course, noi oe in erieci. , . . . j "But where the banker is actively i interested In promoting the affairs of j some concern which has a more "or. lesi shaky foundation and uses . the stocks of that concern bs an asset, the state bank examiner has been in structed to require that, banker to place money art the, asset in lien of the doubtful atock security. "The depositor should have the ' v. GEORGE PALMER, Pres. F. J. HOLMES, Tlce-Prts. F. L. METERS, Cashier. LA GRANDE NA OF LA GRARDEi OREGON Udtcd States ' 'Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $200,000.00. DIRECTORS 0ECSSS rJLLBZB IT. J. CSVSGB F. J. HOLMES W. L. BfiEXHOLTS F. I SXTEBS W. M. PIERCE Wit nr. b rcMtmi ul itnta ai jot otsIw Vj I 1 BUY DIRECT AND jj 'i windows, eic, oirect irom u. omu i" c.UIoru. of building n.et and corn par prices, which ar. actuaiwholesaie. You or any competent builder win And tJiat what we aeni yon jm fVl,U VALUE AND BEST QUALITY: if not. your money positively refunded. WE SAVE YOU MIDDLEMEN PROFITS Bend v list of material you need and wo will prove thut we save you from l to 13 on .tho -bill. On prioo o tTOjwu. hip anywher.. a.nd f or catalogu. I privilege to Invest his own funds In this class of Investment. In my opin ion a banker has no right to gamble his Judgment against the Judgment ot the depositor and take all profits, If there are such, and cause the deposi tor to lose, if the stock proves to be an unsatisfactory investment." THE LAND SHARK M1SASCE. We notice an investigation is on re garding1 the Hillman promotion , in Central Oregon, and we sincerely hope it will be one without fear or favor. Not knowing Just the merit of this particular proposition, It Is out of or der to pass Judgment upon, it. but there are many land promotions Just now in the Northwest that should be stopped. Usually any kind of a busi ness deal based on land has some mer it, but so cleverly have the sharks in this part of the country builded their game that the investor at so much per month, In many instances, has no chance whatever, to come clear and obtain possession of property that he has paid several hundred dollars up on. , There Is always a class of men who want to live by their wits, and very frequently they turn their attention to promotion. Now, healthy promotion is legitimate and right, but Jt is very hard for the average promoter to keep in the healthy class. He sees some thing that he can shade a trifle and he does It. . The next deal is a little more so. until finally he has lost all sense of honor and the game is to un load something of little or no value on the other fellow at a good price. This is being- done daily In Oregon. Men came here with' stock in foreign companies and sold it. They came with patent rights and sold them at big prices. They came with a hedge plant and sold, state, rights for grow ing it. Now the game Ib to sell real estate contracts In Klamath Falls, Hllman, or some other Interior point where no one will ever go to Investi gate conditions. , ; This sort of work Is giving Oregon the name of a fakir's state, and all good, sound business men should frown down such schemes. JOE CANS DEAD. such cleverness that he was urged to make boxing his profession. In 1894 Gans began to show the real Btuff in him and from that time until he fell before Nelson be fought every light weight that Bought a battle with him, and sometimes he took on the wel ters. After fighting his way through the eecond and third raters he cbal-, lenged Franke Erne. The champion was then if his best and Gans was forced to "atop In the 12th round. His eye lid was almost completely severed and the blood blinded him so that ho could not see Erne. In their next meeting Gans won In the first roun-1. A Crooked Career. When Gans became champion' he if. L. BBENHOLTS, Ass't. Cash. EARL ZUNDEL, fd AssH Cash. TlGtJAL BANK! Depository C. C PENIXGTOX O.L. CLEAVER F. B. BTRKIT facilities ai wife y ffkt to jm entire atlsretlm. SAVE AfOViT 1 a m BODSX.SBCSrS ?oriT osm CHlXSBir." fell Into bad hands and for several years he was known as the crookedevl fighter that ever stepped between the ropes. His greatest fake fight was with Terry McGovern in Chicago in 1SG0. He had agreed to lay down for the benefit of a coterie of negro gam blers, who made thousands out of the match. Cans tried to quit In the first round, but was afraid of being mobo ed. In the Becond he kept his, promUe, From that time until .his memor able fake fight with Jimmy Britt in San Francisco In 1904, he participated In a number of crooked fights, allow, lng his opponent to stay so that he and his backers could -win the round money. His fake with Britt was one of the rawest ever attempted and al most forced his retirement from the ring. . Gans placed himself in better hands however, confessed that he had been crooked and said be would fight hon estly, and from that time until hla last fight, he 'was aboslutely on tho level. . . . Gans' one vise was gambling. The thousands that he made in the ring he lost at "craps." He retained enough out of the proceeds of his last fight to build a hotel In Baltimore, but the place is now heavily mortgaged. EN TERfJIIIlL nnrasin nnnnii .mtni.3 mum INCREASE IN; PAY ROLLS IN LA GRANDE BIG ITEM Railroad News and Personals of Gen eral Interest to Railroaders. Approximately $5,000, or to be more explicit, one-eighth of the mileage payroll now handed out monthly by the O. R. & N. in this city, will be added to the list of paychecks here every 16th of the month, if the O. R. &, N. terminals are moved to Ontario, as planned. Not alone will the mil age be increased about eight miles for every time "out" on the East end, but additional power and equipment and additional round, house men will be necessary. The added 'distance is about one-quarter of the present mil age for enginemen, freight train crews and conductors, or one on the East end and therefore about one-half of one-eighth of the entire milage in and out of La "Grande. This Is an appre ciable sum, Indeed.; - Railroad Personals and News. . Among the Important railroad offi cials In the city today for a few minutes was Joel ; L. Priest, - indus trial agent for the O. S. L. at' Boise. i J. H. O'Neil, traveling passenger ag ent for the O. R. & N. Is In La Grande again today. He has' partially recov ered Trom slight Injuries received yes terday morning. .; - .'V Engine No. 22, located at Huhting- ton as a switch engine, has been re ceived in, the local Bhop for repairs. Engine 209 wenOout as helper for Number 7 this morning, following a careful overhauling. ' The wrecker was called out late last night to right a freight train on a siding. Engine 386 was backed on the Biding and was derailed without acci dent. The wrecker was needed to straighten matters. Combine Business with Pleasure. Take a trip to the seashore and en Joy the delightful ocean breezes and pleasures at Che beach, stopping over at Portland If desired. Special traln and a special fare. Tickets will be un sale August 23, and will be good for return until September 7. A trip down the Columbia River in daylight on the fine and fast steamer J. T Potter, Is one of the attractive features of the trip. The rates are attractite . Bl? Aviation Meet Aubury Park. N. J., Aug. 10. At In terlaken Field, bordering on beautiful Deal Lake, the kings of the air are gathered together today for what promises to be a record-breaking avla- j tlon meet Orville Wright Is person ally ln charge of the program, which will continue through ten days. Dally nights will be made by several aerial stars. Including Walter Brooklns. who will attempt to break his own record for altitude. There will also be an attempt to establish a new record for a fifty mile night, twenty-five miles to sea and back. Demonstration of the in The Kind r t wo The best lines we can buy are at your service and we invite you to come in and examine them Tuf-Nut Gloves ' Gordon Hats Nana Tan Shn Rnor nf ih Pod 0'-r2.!!s StcttOH H ts ' ;-; ; Keystone Gorduray Pants ; Standard work shirts If we laiew of any better lines than these we would buy them; but we do not. Do you? If you do come in and tell us about them. possibilities of aeroplanes for military UBes will be Friday's feature. , There , will also be an amateur day, when . amateur flyers will be privileged to j show what they can do with their ma-! chines. ; Special Train Excursion to the Beach To afford residents of Eastern Ore gon an opportunity for an outing the 0. R. t, N. Co. have arrange a spe clar train excursion . to Portland, In connection with their steamers to the seashoF(North Beach, Wash.) " The rate fromLa Grande Ib $10.00, which permits of stop-over of two days and a night on the going1 trip, at Portland, as well as a stop-over on the return trip within the limit of the ticket, which will be September 7th. The special train will consist of chair cars, tourist and . standard sleeping cars. Make your reservations early. Ample hotel accomodations at the ho tels on the beach. Enquire of agent for further particulars. ' a J. H. KEENEY, Agent. We sell "the best drugs procurable at. the closest possible prices. Wu$ you buy of Us yoi can depend upon, no matter what the price. Newlin Drug Co. v -' -' . WANTED Work V day, by strong young woman. Charges $1.50 per day. Phone Main 728, WANTED Pantry girl at Palace res taurant. Results your doctor desires wllr be insured If we compound the presnrip tlon. Our drugs, Services and prices are right. NEWLIN DRUG CO. Land Applications Dented. Peculiar manipulations of the tim ber and 'stone act. as applied to the public lands were brought out In three cases passed by Judge Robert S. Bean In the United States court yesterday morning, says a' Portland paper. Harry W. Dunn, of Eugene, lost a Lane county timber claim be cause the government proved that he had erroneously proved up on the land as agricultural, while W. H. Glenn, of Eastern Oregon, lost his claim because he had taken agricultural land under the timber and stone act. After the government officers had attacked the patent secured by W. H Glenn, the defendant being charged with having taken agricultural and grazing land under the timber and stone act. the owner of the land raised on demurrer the question that the patent barred the United States from Inquiry Into the representations which it was secured. Judge Bean o 9 iOH That Gives Satisfaction The Quality Store y v , Big Four Sox Patapsco shoes Political Announcements This column is open to any candidate regardless of Faction or Party and is paid advertising S. F. WILSON, Athena, Oregon, candi date for Joint senator for Umatil la, Union and Morrow counties sub ; Ject'to decision of republican pri maries. "I firmly believe in the di rect primary law, economy In the use of public funds, good roads, betterschools, strict and prompt enforcement of law, the square deal and eternal progress ot man and his institutions." C. A. BAI.RETT, Athena, Oregon: I hereby announce myself as7 a candi date for the nomination for Joint erruled the contention and tn case will go to trial on its merits. ' But In the third case' decided the settler won a clean-cut victory over ; thespeclal agents ftrtd the office of the t United Statea attorney. -James II-'- Fisher, was accused of having filed on j 160 acres of Wallowa county timner land, after having made an agree ment to turn the land over to- C. R. Elliott. Elliott was charged with hav ing furnlBhed the money to buy the j land. The complaint was based on the evidence Of a Wallowa county citizen with whom Elliott has a standing quarrel, and who professed to have knowledge of the conspiracy by which the land was acquh-ed. Both Fisher and Elliot denied knowing of the trans action. The court ruled that the un supported evidence of the Wallowa county citizen was Insufficient to counteract the denials, and the patent was allowed to stand. just now everything points to a lively development ot mines In the country tributary to Sumpter, saya the Baiter City Democrat. Building permits to the amount of over $80,000 were Issued in Eugene ln July. A "catetpfller threshing outfit cut 65 acres of grain ln one day In TJma tilla county. Eugene claims to have more street railway than any other town ot Ita size In the country. Large numbers of toothesome torn cod are being caught near the mouth of the Colum'bla. H Keystone Oeralls Menzies Shoes senator for the district embracing Union, Umatilla and Morrow coun ties, subject to the choice of re publican voters at the primary nominating election to be held on September 24th, 1910. If nomina ted and elected I will work for the Interest of all the people of my district to the best of my ability. ' favor the maintenance of the di rect primary law and people's choice for senator and believe the people are as competent to nom inate as they are to elect their officers- Very respectfully yours, CI BARRETT. ln fJve precinct8 in Harney county, up; to the last weekt not a voter had registered. EvidenUyJthe people are not mucM MCited over pollUcs up tnere;. -'-'-r' , ; '..'v . .v ; . Flora, Wallowa county, Is to have a third' hotel, and is otherwise boom ing. - , . FARMERS'BUSINESS UTE. GIVE PARTICU LAR ATIENTION TO THE BUSINESS FARMERS. WE C0R DIAILY IHVITE THEfA TO MKE WIS WEIR BAHKING HOME. The United States National Bank, LA GRAHDE, OREGON.,