La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 10, 1910, Image 1

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1 INN I j V t 1 1 r i I I I t I
AW:. W VL A(Vvr tV-N t
C 1 1 M
After Few Tears of Fighting that
Was of the lowest Sort, Negro Sud.
denljr Turned a new Leaf and is
Given Credit for Ending Life as aa
Honorable Fighter Left bn a Small
Ferrune Xelsen Really Killed Him
Baltimore, Ar.' 6. Joe Gans, the
Old Master Is no more. He has been
gathered to the master of all mas
ters. Death, with which he fought all
the courage that marked his marvel
ous ring career, has placed, the last
mark on his record. But he went
down for the last time fighting grim
ly, not for a purse, but that he might
see his old "mammy", and his child
ren for the last time and bid them
He died at 8;30 this morning, sur
rounded by a group of friends, his
wife and foster' mother, at his home
In Baltimore. ;
With the passing of Gans the ring
has lost one of Its greatest lightweight
boxers and most lovable figures
Once admired, then erecrated for per- i
mittlng himself ' to- be drawn Into
crooked contests; then, after his
atonement, beloved in spite of his col
or, Gans' career is without parallel In
the annal9 of the ring.
Tuberculosis., the malady which
has laid its blighting fingers on other
great colored fighters, notably Peter
Jackson' and George Dixon, wore
down the once sturdy frame which
pulled the black boy through many a
Four years ago, lacking one mouth,
Gans was one of the most perfect
fighting machines that ever stepped
into the ring. One month later, Sep
tember 3, 1906, his physical downfall
began. Forced to tear needed flesh off
his bones to meet the conditions iru
posed by Billy Nolan, then managing
Battling Nelson, for the contest with
the durable Dane for the lightweight
championship, his magnificent const!
k 4 tutlon was undermined and he was
i - i tv.n i,iui .nina v)tn hart
uever again iuc v" "
successfully defended his title, agajnst j
scores of fighters from !the tluuThe
won It from Frank Erne In 4902, un
til his second encounter with Nelson
July 4, 1908.
Two days before the first Gans-Nel-son
battle, Gans, try as he might in
his stuffy gymnasium, could not tear
of the pounds of flesh that Nolan said
must come off. Becoming, desperate,
the negro took to the hot alkali road
under a blazing sun,, repeating the
performance next day. '
Starred During Training.
Nolan' insisted that Gans weigh in,
with full fighting togs, scaling not a
fraction of an ounce over 133. Gans
needed the money from that fight and
would have cut off a leg to make the
weight. : For three days he ate little
'more than a bite of toast three times a
day. slaking his thirst wih a tiny cup
of tea. ,
When he. woke on the day of that
battle at Goldfield he weighed 133
stripped; but he had to get below
. that to-allow for the trunks and the
rest or his fighting togs. Out on the
road he went without a bite to eat.
at 10 o'clock that morning he had to
step on the scales for the preliminary
welgh-ln; Nolan insisted that the n?
gro must step on the scales twice be
fore the ringside scaling. Fearful le?c
he be overweight. Gans worked alnost
until the last minutes. Whn ho
stepped on fie scales he Ml off part
of his scanty ring attire. Nolaft qulcklv
j observed this, aud made him put on
the missing garment. -The
result of that battle is too well
known to require more than a passing
mention.' , For .42 rounds the boys
fought savagely under a blazing Ne
vada. sun. Gans, owing to. his weak
ened condition, being put to the se
verest test of his life to keep the
onerous Dane from whipping him. He
was forced to resort to everyv trick
he knew and the exhibition he cave
under such trying .conditions, w'as
simply marvelous. A few seconds af
ter the opening of the. final , round
Gans went down under a blow that
Referee Siler held was foul. Gans wis
awarded the battle.
It was the last great fight however.
The weight had killed hlm and when
Gans won the championship from
Erne In a. round, he soon began to
fade. When he made his last battle,
Which was .with Jabez White, the
Englishman, in New Toxk March 12)
1909, he was only a shadow. The. two
beatings that Nelson gave htm in San
Francisco in 1908 were the. finishing
Starts Fighting at Sixteen
Gans was born in Baltimore in 1376
and began fighting at the age of 16. He
was substituted for Knv k fiw.i
to show up ' at a little local boxing
show in his home city. He whipped
two boys that night and his' reward
was $5
McAllister Congressional Hearing In
dlcates that Congressman. Creager
Played. to.MeMnrray fer LoaB" in
. Return for, Congressional Influence
Ramon's. ..Xestlmoaj Precipitates
, New Phase of Hearlaar.
,11 M
HN Condition Not Snch that It Would
Be Safe to Probe for Lead Unless
An Affection Sets In That Wold
Necessitate Sach Action Tempers
fore Is Xearly Sermal Slept Three
New York, Aug. 10. A letter threat
ening death to William Edwards,, a
Gans took up boxing because he was street cleaning commissioner, who ov-
Inclined to 111 health. He displayed I erpowered Gallagher, who. shot Gay-
nor yesterday, was received today. The
(Continued on Page 4)
letter Is written in German script,
couched in vulgar language. , It de
clared Edwards will be dead within
24 hours. It was signed, "A Friend
of Gallagher's."
Swift Justice Administered
Hoboken, Aug. 10. New Jersey will
mete out swift Justice to the assailant
of Mayor Gaynor, Prosecutor Garvan.
of Hudson county, began the inquiry
today, and will present the evidence to j
the grand jury tomorrow, asking for
TECHxfCALITY IX LAW MAY AID an Indictment against Gallagher. It Is
mi l nui tut
l-ULLU'.J lilt
each way from the hospital. Motor
men running cars in the vicinity aro
ordered not to sound gongs and to ruj
at slow speed. The street in front of
the hospital 1$ kept clear, and only si
lently moving automobiles are allow?!
to approach the doors.
Gaynor's brother, Thomas, from
Springfield, Ohio, almost a twin to the
Mayor In looks and bearing, arrived
today. As he ascended the steps of
the hospital, an audible murmur of
puzzled surprise arose from the crowd.
:. Within the hospital the mayor lay,
apparently suffering considerably. He
is cheerful, and Joked freely with the
nurses, particularly bewailing the isck
of solid' food.
London Whacks Roosevelt. '.
, London, Aug. 10. London newspa
pers liken the shooting of Governor
Gaynor of New York, to the assassin.
tlon of Boutres Pasha by Ibrahim
Wardanl, In Egypt The Evening
Star says: "The assassination ' of
Premier Boutros la parallelled In the
attempted assassination of Mayor
Gaynor. Will Rooevelt dare prophecy
disfranchisement In New York City, or
a forcible dissolution of Tammany
hall. He should do so, in order to be
consistent with recommendations re-
Hoboken. Aug. 0. Dr. Lederie, of St gardlng the English rule in Egypt. We
Mary's Hospital, Issued a bulletin at j hope the crime will bring home tolgressman Creager will be called to
eleven this morning, regarding, the I Roosevelt his folly In his execution to I testify regarding the alleged reports
Prisoner In Uebolea Cell Weeps when.
Told Uuit he Mast Spend Long Term
In Prison If . Gaynor Recovers
Black Hand Threats Received I
' Worry Police If Gajnor Ciw
tiers, mat win te Delayed. ' "
McAllister, Okla., ' Aug. 10. Cou-
condltlon of Mayor Gaynor: ."The these affairs.'
Mayor continues to do well. There Is
a unanimous opinion among the at
tending Burgeons that an operation is
not necessary at this time."
He slept three hours last night, and
took some chicken broth this morn
ing. He seemed stronger, following
the shock of the shooting yesterday,
and the probing for the bullet. He
was able to talk freely with his wife
. today. .. ; ,)
on his part to borrow money from Me-
Murray. This decision followed toe
I testimony "of Hamon that Creaer
imade at Is considered a direct re
quest of McMurray for J1.00Q. IIam-
on's testimony intimated the money ;
wan asked Jn exchange for Oreager'
influence . : . 1
Hamon testified he, was In Creag-
er's office at Washington, June 2. A
luncheon waa suggested and "the two
His "Release May be Demanded Be
cause of Alleged Legal Flaw.
I predicted the trial will begin early
next week..'. ... ... , ... ;- .. v .;.,..-v.
Marvin says: "We are expecting an
Indictment against Gallagher for as
sault with intent to kill. The penalty
i la a. maximum sentence of " twenty
Quebec, Aug. 10. The , fact that 1 . h ,. k th Mtreme Den.
Crippen and Uneve were arrested on aUy RS under tne commutatlon law,
board a vessel, which territory Is tin- ih. . wI1 nmnnnt t. tw,iVfi
der federal Jurisdiction, may prove a w,th good behavlor A change
serlouB technicality in the way of the for the. worBe in Gaynor's condition
trial. Attorneys representing crippen wU1 probably delay the prosecution of
may demand a release for the prison- te assailant,
er on the ground of an illegal arrest. Gallagher Bpent a leepfess night.
To Resume Crippen Inquest. men told he woul, recelve a long
London. Aug. 10. Prot. Beppet , 8entence even jf Gaynor r:overed. he
London's leading surgical expejt, will wept It ia believed he was drlnklng
present his report at the resumption heavlly before the shooting, and that
or tne inquest over tne auegea re- the sudden stoppage of stlmulantB Is
mains of Belle Elmlre, the . actress causIng nerv0us reaction, as officers i
wife of Dr. Crippen tomorrow. All that ag8ert he la breaking down,
was found of the body of Mrs. Crippen Frequently during the night Gallag-
was turned over to the distinguished her paced the cell( occaBlonany 8it(lng
doctor, who has devoted many days down and hoidIng hi8 he, He com.
to making a minute examination. plained of the wounds inflicted on his
Whether Dr. Crlppe nshall be convict- head by Commissioner Edwards, who
ed of the crlmev with which he. is punlshed him severely at the time of
cnargea, aepenas to a consiaeraoie ?x-1 bia canture
tent upon the testimony to be otrerea
by Dr. Pepper. ; .
The preliminary autopsy failed ta
reveal even the sex of the victim. The
absence of certain organs, which hafl
been carefull removed, hampered tha
work of' the investigators. Unless it
can be shown that the body found in
Crlppen's London house was that ol
a woman, and that woman presumably
Mrs. Crippen, many attorneys bellm
that the trial of Crippen will result in
his acquittal on the ground of insuffi
cient evidence. Crlppen's confllctiuj;
statements and his flight all point to
his guilt, but this circumstantial evl
dence will likely fall to the ground If
the prosecution is nnable to prove that
Belle Ellmlre is dead. Much depends Washington, Aug. Id. Senator
upon the attitude of Dr. Crippen and Fnnt of California, Is slated to succeed
Hospital physicians have examined UrRAP jOXIGHT WILL TIIIX OUT men went out together and were Join-
the x-Ray pnotograpns ana agreed "POSSIBILITIES" : 5 I H by IcMurray. Creager suggested
not to remove the bullet unless inrec- . .. . ;,; , ; I to McMurrar he needed $1,000 for ex-,1
t1rM its ddVAlAnan T la Haa OfAd tr ha I , u . 1 4. . 1 . il.
remaritaDie tpat tne Duuennaea us - . y o ,f money to Creager,
course: where it did without severing M I,V"ian .",u:iac,kW JOso n
blood vessels. In order to remove the
He. Wins Fight Tonight.
pieces of lead, the doctors , must cut
through the veins ' and arteries. It
will probably cause, weakness from Philadelphia, Aug. 10. Rain this af-
loss of blood when the strength Is ternoon threatens to postpone the big
needed to resist the shock caused by
the wound.
A consultation at noon decided upon
a plan of treatment.
Every bulletin issued Is awaited by
a tremenduous crowd, which snr
rounds the hospital since Gaynor was
taken there. His temperature at the
time of the third . bulletin was one
and one-quarter degrees above normal.
When strength has returned the pat
ient will be taken to the mountains
for a rest. - - , " ' -
Details of police were assigned In
handling the throngs and although
the crowd was orderly, every effort
was made to keep , the people quiet
when favorable bulletins were issued.
Authorities shut off traffic in Willow
aenue for a distance of one block
On cross-examination Hamon testi
fied heconsldered .Creager's words a
direct request for money. He' Bald
Creager told McMurray that he Intro
duced the McMurray bill to congress,
At la tor Hurt.
Verdun, France, Aug. 10. A flight
In a monoplane today resulted In- aa '
accident to Lieutenant Ballangers, of
the French army, who was painfully
Political Wind Indicates that He. Is
Man Wanted for Secretary .
Langford-Kaufman battle which was
to take piace tonight. , ,;
Philadelphia, Aug. 10. Al Kaufman,
the Frisco heavyweight, and Sam
Langford, the Boston "Tar , Baby," injured, when the aeroplane struck a
win wir im fnr nir rnnnrin nt thn fence, and overturned. The drivers
American League baseball park this hand was crushed.
evening, old Jupe Pluvius permitting.
The men, both of whom aspire to the Official Calling Days.
heavyweight belt now worn by Jac' I Beverly, Aug. 10. Monday, Wednes-
JohnBon, will meet at catchwelghts day and Friday will be "conference
for a guaranteed purse' of $5,000.. days" with Taft. The president de-
If Langford Is Buccessful, It is said cided to see visiting politicians who
he will challenge Johnson for a $20,- want to talk over the coming cam;
000 side bet in real money. "If Kauf- palgn on thoBe da-s. Others will be
man Bhows up well, Hugh Mcintosh devoted to vacation except when Im-
Is said to be ready to make an offer portant admniBtraton matters come
of $25,000 for a battle between Kauf- up for settlement.
man and Johnson in Australia. '
If weather conditions should not he
favorable for tonight's boxing bee, It
will be pulled off on the first clear
night following. ' , .
Harry Edwards is promoting the
affair. ,'5r -
Langford continues to be the favor
ite." ' ' . ' '
Thirty Xlne Indictments for Lynching
' Detective
Ms girl friend at the trial.
Mutual Benefit Association.
Ottawa. Ont, Aug, 10. A national
convention of the Catholic Mutual
Benefit Association' of Canada, was
opened here today. The 1'aBt report 0!
the auditors showed that the society
had a balance over all liabilities In th
reserve fund of over $300,000.
Ballinger, according to credited ru
mors. Politicians, believing Crane and
Ballinger discussed the retirement of
the secretary at St. Paul for the sake
of the party at the coming campaign.
It Is believed Flint, who Is announcsd
to be a candidate for re-election, Is
tentatively selected for the place. ',.
. Long Branch f arnlvaL
Long Branch. NV J., Aug. 10. A
series ui lui is iiua uitriiiuuu auu : 1
County Political Aspect Situation
Takes on Active Tone,
Three candidates have stepped to
the front In filing nomination papers
County Judge J. C. Henry, John Fraw-
ley and IR. Snook are the men, who
have filed their nomination papers for
nomination to the offices of county
judge, county treasurer and county
recorder, all on the republican ticket.
Mr. Henry was elected four years ago,
for his first term. Mr. Frawley has
been county .treasurer for several
terms and Mr. Snook was elected
county recorder two years ago for his
fjrst term.
Catches Mallurd Duck
Photographer Ritter. holds the dis
tinction of catching, or rather captur
lng mallards out of season, without a
gun. He round one on sixtn street in
front of his studio last evening, and
took It Into captivity.
Eagle's Carnival.
Eagle's Mere, Pa.', Aug 10. Many
decorated boats are entered today In
the annual lake carnival, and the af
fair promises to be more of a gala 00
casion than ever. . 1 i
. Swedish Bishop Speaks. -
Providence." R. I., Aug. id. Bishop
K. II. G von Scheele, officially repre
senting King Gustav V, ' and the
river carnival tonight will he the In- ehnreh of Sweden, will Bpeak hro
augural features of the Lnng Branch 'da.v at the local celebration of tho
carnival. The celebration will close I fiftieth artniersary of the Swedish
Saturday with an automobile florn! ! Lutheran charch In America. Tho
parade and a Mardl Gras carnival m bishop Is accompanied by Lady von International Congress of Archlvls'o
, ' ; Sineeie. and uoranans.
Round.Uu of Elks.
Livingstone, Mont, Aug. 10. Monks
of Mone-Tal-Nak will hold high revel
in this city this evening as the fea
ture of 0ie annual carnival and state
convention of Montana Elks.
Newark, Ohio, Aug. tO.The grand
ury today rt'turned thirty-nine in
dictments,' five for murder In the first
degrpe., In the, connection 'of the lynch
ing of Detective Etherlngton several
weeks 'ago. . 7
Congress of Archllecls. .
.Brussels. Aug. 10.Crcatlon of Mi
international bibliographical aid
documentation union is the principal
matter - before the convention of the
- , Sfay Causes Fire.
Portland, Aug. 10. The explosion
c' r. rc!H.1oid slay in a woman's shirt
waist, caused destruction by fire, of
the United States Laundry today, at a
loss of ?S0,000. Two hundred are tem
porarily out of employment. .7
. Present County Judge who has da
dared hla Intention of becoming
candidate for re-election.:;, ,