I .. xrVENING OBSERVEB TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1910 PAGE EIGHT a w, m st w- n V sj t i 4 4 4 4 SEWS ERG ITlSiinCiTOX Iperaste Centre MU at tapital Carlo f tkl Stalk. TTkcat lr Geed. " Spokane, Wasb-Aug- S- S;cUL Vrct; vr's for era's are mccb. b?tei Washington. Aug. S. Men aad iea frrm thirty-five countries will f ilher la Washington soon, but tHeie v HI be no babel of voice for the men ua wcxen will be the delegate to ve Sixth International Esperantj ronncci. whkh !3 to M In scr!--: J or. 4 to 20. J than noted In the report tent broad- Thoagh tie delegate are costing cast from various point in the west." rere from the farthere?t point of the said D. E. Stephen, executive asaiat world, yet there will be.no confnalon j ant In grain investigation of the de f f mother toEges, int a free ccver-j partment of agTicnitare. who 1 in i ition la a common language- j Spokane from WaibJngton, D. C on a Approxixnately liO) delegate are tour of Idaho. Washington, Oregon, xpected, and a program, elaborate ! California and Texas, to Investigate ior a cosTention of such a nature baa the nf-s of fanner id the semi-arid ren prepared. Distinguished ling- district and the requirements of the '.ist of tbls and otber countries will experiment stations established- by te present and these men will trans- the federal government In the Jorth ict tbe bas!nerf necessary to the i?is- western and Pacific states. - remsemination of their Idiom.' j- Throughout Montana the wheat Aside from the serious meetings crop is fair," Mr. Stephen said. "It On the Scsday of the congress t:- OOOOOOOOOOOO i 5eUee. fl TtrfnniDy Wednesday. An- i ii here a much of tie service 19 th. gatrawa books sitle will be ia Esperanto. It is ei- tvr rBon county will be placed 0 ia the rear room of tbe United l w t.iM Vlfnal bask ail rer- A v. cial morning meetings will ze hell O the Episcopal and Catholic church. O petted that sermon in Esperanto wi'l be delivered. Srsecial AM joid discussion, easy Interested fea ture have been prepared for the sev en days of the congress. There will 1e an elaborate open air presentation r,i Shakespeare "As Yon Like it." br the Hickman players. The lines have keen translated into Esperanto by Dr. 'Itj Kellerman, of Washington, an! with the player drilled antil they are perfect The spectacle of men anl women from all sections of the globv Vastly following the performance, will le witnessed. Another featore standing oat fro?n game on the afternoon of Thursday. August 18. Space has been' TeserTd is better a distance from the railroads than alongside of the rigbts-of-way. It is particularly good in tbe Gallatin valley, where on field I aw what will yield Vi bushels to the acre.. Most of the farmers there are tiding tbe soil in the right way. The valley has but little rainfall generally and this year It wa lower than usual, and yet the crops are as good as almost any where. Farmers near Judith Basin al so will make from 30 to 40 bushels tc the acre. Tanners in the humid district are 41. w Mm Q ist ration may be mii at the Oj5 foHowing hoars: From 5:13 to O, C and from to p- m. Ta:s Q a Q is done to accomoiate the gen- A & era.! putlic aid everyone Hg-, ible Is requested to regisier. A t l F1EW BRIDGE 0j CilERIilE gednGsday Jpacials on the i jtisle Bargains picked up here and there over our im mense stock that you should not miss In Minnesota, for example, the north western part suffered from severe 'at tbe ball park of the Wasbingl "m ( dronth. but In districts where dry American league team, and the deJe- ( farming was practised the famers re gates to the Esperanto convention wCl ( port good crop. Farmers every Ktiend the game In a body. Many of . where are learning that H pays to till tbe delegates will be treated to tbe'e . the soil thoroughly, even tn wet sea- rirst exhibition of tbe American gars uut the play will be understood by ill Tbe officers of the American asoc'a- sons, while doing so during seasons of drouth it insures a crop." Mr. Stephens had a conference with THREE SETT STRrClTEES TO BE BHtT THERE Bridge Siperiatewdeit U Takiif ,"Xeaarrseits fer Rad ITe-ri. Three new bridges are to be built on Catherine creek by the county this fall. County bridge Superintendent F. Campbell has gone, to Union from where he will take a horse to Cather ine creek and take the measurements : for the bridges seeded along that stream. The stream is a popular highway, notwithstanding that it leads to interior points where the country a mecca for fishermen and campers in I great numbers, but the bridges have. the past year, been la need or repairs Tbe three new ones will be placed where mostly needed. New' Dress Ginghams worth 12 1-2, on .sale Calicoes, new supply the best grade Mens light weL ht brown underwear , Extra good value black Lisle hose Turbans and new hair goods 10c 5c 35c 9c 35c Press braid (5 yd. bunch) 1 c white and colors ' - Bath tow els, extra large 1 91 r on sale . Canvas gloves, regular 10c grade Overalls, Fmck's Union 0C Made R. R. on sale OeJC Romper suits, ages 2 to OQr 6 years, on sale J7t- 9m fair JACK CXEIL IXjrRED. ilth Jon of Esperantists have had tran';.-1 John T. Burns, secretary of the rrr ted into Esperanto, a baseball gtild? Fanning Congress, during his stay in especially prepared for this day by Spokane, and promised he wot'le jne of the leading baseball writers nt "boost" for the fifth session of fiat ' 'SVasbington. j It has also been rumored that t'n. pire Silk O'Laughlin has been dniied Dy an Esperantist and will give tl" lecisions in the common langag. Some trouble was experienced In translating the "strike tuh!" slvsnn of the famous umpire. Fepalar Fasseager Areot Meets Slight AcrideaL . ' ' Today Jack O'Xeil, traveling pas senger agent for the O. R- & X., la in La Grande on business and be is c LOSTIIE LIKES I7BITEUP tOXXERCIAL AhVB ORDERS EX. TBI ( OPIES OF IT. boost literature. Mr. Bue, In speaking for the commercial club, affirms that the article is one of the best ever written about that community and the club Is greatly pleased with it AXEL SOT BROKE organization in this city. Octotw Z to 6. c?n bl trip through the North western and Pacific states, saying al so that the educational side of ths big convention of farmers and the exposi tion of dry farmed products ar of greater value than can be measured ;n dollars and cents. rying his right hand by his side and not attempting to use It. This mail ing, while riding from Pendleton to La Grande in the caboose of a freight train, a slight accident occurrcl which threw him from the caboose cupalo to the floor, striking his har.fi and wrist The injuries are not set -lous. Secretary Bae Writes to Observer Ex- pregftiag CIsVs Appreelatloa. Losilne's commercial interests are highly elated over the recent descrip tive wrlteup in the Evening Observer, touching upon the advantages, re sources and possibilities of Lostine, In Wallowa county. The commercial club of that place, through its secre tary. M. K. Bue, has asked for'a large number of additional papers with the article in It, and they will be used as Delay at Alee, Idaho, on Erroneoa fall Blamed to Brokei Alto. I hat nothing like a broken axei happened to the machines with which the La Grande party went to Yellow .one. and returned reaching her a few days ago, is the statement of members of the party. The Observer was erroneously informed during the progress of the trio that an axel on delaying the party at Alco, Idaho, for three days. The facts In the case were that the party rested there one de-B' oUgKiJt(edK. aonffwfw aonwf day because they were tired and while the tourist were rssting Mr. Church had some repairs made to one wheel. The entire trip was made without ser ious delay or mishap to either of the two machines. The expense account during the en tire trip to the Church machine, was $.70. which eliminates the possibility of p broken axel. Gaa Still Sinking Baltimore, Aug. 9. Cans is sinking rapidly. It Is not believed he will the Will Church machine was broken, live through the day. it D' V ft Dx n n Q v n n " : Below you may see a sample of the many listings which I hold. If you want to buy or sell I will be pleased to tjave you call. MANY BARGAINS IN CITY PROPERTY Insure Your Grain Many farms are insuring their grain now in the field during tbe per-, lod of harvest and stortns. If Inter ested call or phone an.-. . Why PayRent? 1 have a seven-room plastered house, sightly view of city and valley. City water in house, stone founda tion. Terms $100 down, balance on easy terms, ifther $15 per month or $100 every six months. Now in Gourse of Contraction Fine modern bouse la every re aspect, ' plumbed. Hue built for fur nace, large basement cellar. Every thing first class. Situated on east Adams avenue, $3,600 on easy terms. ; i r f r Grazing Land 240 acres, large spring on place. Good wagon road to tract; consider able can be cultivated. Price $? per Fruit Farms I .have several choice buy- In im proved fruit farms, where the or chards are all the way from 7 years to 13 years of age. Tbe crops are n.w on the trees and speak for them selves. To Illustrate, we have one 20 acre tract with 14 acres of bearing orchard, 6 acres on which the trees are 13 years old. 8 acres seven years old, water right; every acre first class land and crop goes with place, if taken very soon. Price only $6,5100. acre Other Bargains We have other bargains in fruit land, several close to La Grande, and several tracts oo the Sandrldge, In cluding some extra fine property ad Joining Imbler. 'If you want any thing in fruit bearing orchards call. Sand Fidge Farm elgh'r-four acres, splendid land, for either grain or fruit, $3,500; one mile from Imbler. At leatt one-half cash required. Farm in Lower Cove 160 acres splendid timothy land, own er has been farming It In grain for seven years. River runs through a portion of It '60 per acre. Farm near Talocaset 160 acres of land near Telocaset -Thi sland was farmed for many yr3. Price If taken In near future $5 per acre. . , Farm near Summerville 80 acres fine fruit land. $60 per ac ere. If interested call and learn par ticulars. . ' . Opportunity for Speculation 80 acres adjoin ins the city. Crop growing on no less than 20 acres, fine large spring. This place Is all well fenced, county road running along entrle side of place, making It suitable for sut division Into small tracts. The price is only. $37.50 per acre. This land it cut up would eas ily bring $100 per acre. Land on two sides of it cannot be bought today for $100 per acre. A Real Home ' 80 acr farm one quarter of a miie from city limits. Good modern house with furnace, bath, toilet, cement cel lar with living spring. Commercial orchard of seven acres. Ideal dairy and poultry farm, $5,000 on easy terns. City Property House and three lots on Pennsyl vania avenue, two story. In splendid repair. Just repainted and papered throughout $2,500, reasonabe terms. X!ce little horn Grar.de, easy terns $1100-. in North La on this place. Two-story house and three lots on North Fir street desirable property, for only $1,400 Twelve acres and nice two-story house In South La Grande. $4,00 ; 100 fruit trees and an Ideal place fov a few cows and poultry. This site Is a ' commanding view of beautiful Grande Rondo. A new seven-room house on East Adams avenue, roomy basement pastered. Veil finished throughout, $24500. Three lots on Main avenue, facing north for $350. Three lots on the beautirr.- lightly hil side, west of La Granda K,m Destrabel lot and houses In nearly every portion of the city. ii 11 o Cuff R eal Estate and Insurance, La Grande, Next Door to City Offices