La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 09, 1910, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Fmichinrr Touches Bcinrr Added
To The Foley Hotel
11 Utt iniOilM. ULUUO vv
(Child vf GhuUy.
CMltHub ftsfititle.
Sou Juki a jitfe fV.-wv
JJeautfful 4tohea 2.fy
patron f .the" jwt.. $ '
ylay In Jobby,
-mra it-
pvlr Home (or Trarelers w III adopt European Plan this Fall K,
Sew Fsrniture and Latest Ira proYfments Added Throughout 'the K
BaUdlng. '5
Julius iiofa'ili jui Era.i; dry fca
.Prof,. ln tvf H'lihtti ftusineaa
George 3dour d Jkuwo.! t regis
wtd at Ibe JBawy toUi.-
L. W. Touns, ff 3CE,gJwve Mo ,
rcibfra At Ht: Cwmbat.
j&Ibb Yeath LfesSa'aa of Union,' lit a
jruBt at the Toy Setftl today.
Ijetennined to keep abreast with
i the times and the rapid growth of La
Oranlte. the Foley hotel la now re
i ceivlng the finishing touches of an lm
i. provement campaign which has trans
i formed the large building Into one of
the most modern hotels in the north
i The Foley hotel has been a part of
I La Grande since 1891, when Jerry Fo
ley erected the first brick hotel bu'.lj-
Ing between Portland and Salt Lake,
la those days it was uncommon to
Ifave a room with a bath and this ho-
tel was the first one on the 0. R. &
X. outside of Portland to boast of llMt
luxury. Business grew with the city
and In 1900 Mr. Foley found It neces
sary to build an addition to the re
read large hotel building. . '.
Change Interior Appearances.
This Bprlng when the Foleys decid
ed to run the hotel themselves afie
having had It leased for some time.
planB were drawn for extensive Inter
ior changes and work has beea In
progress all summer. Of the 111
guests' rooms, of which many are en
suite, each has been thoroughly gone
Miss MJJtrt JEaore of . North
Powder is lm twlsj visiting friemto.
S. Faulkner, representing the Port
land Ort-gcmiso!. !s in the city today.
C JG. Hol. proprietor of the Jos
t jh brick yard, is ia La Grande todiy.
W. H. WooJward and wife of Baker
City are registered at the Somraer to-
E. McE. proprietor of the MeCra?
hotel at WaJSowa. is In the city o.r
over and brightened with paint and
paper and In many Instances new
plumbing has been Installed. Nothing
has been spared to make tho rooms
first class and each represent quite;
an Investment of capital as they now
stand. . : . -;
Lobby Has Been Improve 1
A hotel lobby , Is a giver of In.pres-
the new Imperial hotel plant in Port
land. Grill Room to be Improved.
It will only be a short time until
the Foley hotel will cease the Ameri
can and adopt the European plan,
which means the wtabllshment of a
first-class grill. "With that end In view
I mprovements are being made in that
department, consisting of new furni
ture, fans and a music balcony, which
jwlll be" used by an orchestra that
will furnish music for Sunday evening
dinners and special occasions.
Install a Ladles' Lobby.
What has been used as a parlor
heretofore on the second floor, will
be utilized lor guests rooms and the
hallway, which Is 38x30 feet is to be
fitted with easy chairs, tapestry and
soft cushions for a ladles' lobby. Thin
is a new departure and it is thought
will be very popular with lady guests
who desire a few moment's rest, yet
do not wish to go to their rooms,
i Xevf Fire Escapes Added. ,
'Fire protection in a hotel Is one ot
the essential things and the Foley
Brothers did not overlook this for
they have had erected three of the
best inventions In the fire escape line,
The new ladders are so swung that
the weight of one person will swing
the ladder from a horizontal to a per
pendicular position, thuB permitting
easy exit from the building. With
three of these it is possible to remove
every gueBt from the building In a
brief time. - '. . , '
Trees are to Stand.
The touch of nature that ia so no-
g oeasonaDie lviercnanaice
is what you want these days. When the busy time
is over then you will listen to New Fall Goods talk, etc.
J So we are going to tlKyou about something you want
o now. This minute now
Dishes for harvest hands
You always need an extra supply
at this time. Plain white, . Johnsons'
English Sun-Porcelain
Gups and saucers, per set
T inch plates per set -
C i l n.).U JtU
1 inch
O 10 platters
Jellic Glasses
Nice clear well finished Optic Glass
per dozen ' ';-''""!- 5c
Economy Fruit Jars
Pints per dozen
QuarU per dozen
One half gallon
- 5M0
- $1.75 O
All size jars, these are good for
preserving. Per gallon - - 16c
Pure Ply moth Manilla, all sizes
This is considered the best make of
rope on the market. Per lb. -
Fod A. E3"as went to Allcel . this
morning in lie Interest of his con-gre&atioiL
L. M, Tnfl c Spokane Is transact
ing business i city, staying at
the Somber.
Ray WSliaa sleft today for Salem,
where be win xlsit with relatives for
as Indefinite lime.
JL P. WiT acd son of Pendleton are.
la L GraaJ twiay on their way
fcorae tsvm VrISw-wa Lake.
1 . 1 1
C -V. IjWiSs a prominenv rrsiurui
of Bakr CSty. UU Grande visitor
In L Graal xtlT. today.
Mrs. Frank NMmi ot Rock Creek
la at the Savoy today, wUh her dansh
ter, Tannia, wh t very tck.
- Prof, KbbUnf of Valparaiso Uni
versity, U her to tech the conimer
tlal course at the La Graade Hl:h
school next year. .
C W, Thurston, who has been in
Portland, la here visiting his college
friend. W. R. Oorle. Mr. Thurston
will atay a few daya.
W. R, Andero. a prominent young
man of was in La
Grande tM mornlnf, visiting with J.
F, Camr-heN c,t
Sister Superior Conrad, aister of
Mrs. Johana Gntoft of this city, is
apendlnit few 5T with relatlvei.
She t the grandmother of the Foley
r. w. Goodman, employed ' in an
automohlle ahop at Taktma. returned
to hla home today after a tUlt with
Wa wife and danjhter in this alty for
a few daya.
'-w..'..'.:, ''
Summer Underwear, light shoes for harvesting, work g
shirfs, belts, hones, machine oils ,
:JVe cater to your ivans ;: Quality the same, prre, less
0O0O"C iOOO v
0. R. Sllterthorn arrived home this
morntn from a atay in Portland with
hia family and business visit t a
Seattle Nit timWr will return home
about the last of Annat .
Robert Sakln. Jr.. eon of Supreme
Judge and Mrs. Robert Eakin of Sa
lem arrived thla morning to spend a
few daya with friends here. Mr. Ea
kin baa been a ttudent In Willametts,
and has won considerable diatlnctlon
as an orator.
sioa for it is the first portion tha ; is
seen and therefore impresses itself
ttpon the gweat. With this fact in
mind the proprietors have used excel
lent taste and have worked the lobby
over from floor to ceiling. The walla
are finished m Oregon, fir two thirds
of the way to the celling and the In
tervening space Is tinted with pink.
The ceiling Is of steel carrying a late
design and painted in a color that
harmonlieB with the walls. New writ
ing desks, easy chairs and settees
have been installed. The lighting ef
fect has also been changed and is pat
terned after the latest ideas of elec
tricians who devote their time to plan
ning for the larger hotels of the
country. Four large chandeliers will
be installed at once and the door lead
ing to Adams avenue will be of the
revolving type.
. The lobby is covered with Raecolith
the most, modern floor covering for
hotels and public buildings. This
same composition will be used on the
dining room and kitchen floor,
A newt stand and large cigar cae
will be placed In the northeast cor-
t er of the lobby.
Large Range on Way.
The large steel range built rp-
tally for the Foley hotel, has n- ar
rived as yet, but is expected any day.
When It comes the hotel will clo? its
dining room for a few days to :all
the range and make other kit'h A Im
provements. A steel celling i. be
placed in the kitchen and Mng
done to make a thorough!;- - "iry
Interior. The kitchen plant. - ' h in
cludes range, different mi"' for
preparing food, cold store- irt
ment, etc, will be complet sry
detail and will be along tl. : '' : of
ticeable around the hotel In the shade
trees that have been carefully nursed
ior years, is to stand. When the city
'decided to pave, deie was some talk
of removing these trees but the hotel
owners urged their Importance . so
btrongly the project was finally abari
1'oned and a cement section has been
laid around the trees, giving plenty
ot room for the roots. and trunks io
With these many Improvements Lu
Grande cannot help feeling a special
frlde In the Foley Hotel, and Jerry
Foley, the owner, shows a great sa'to
faction over the change. The young
men in charge are energetic and kiow
the hotel business so well that tU
traveling public are assured always
of the most careful consideration and
perfect service. ,
A, O, Young, of Elgin, who b a
brother of the noted pitcher, Cy
Young, was In La Grande last nint.
Rev. W. H. Bleakney, Ph. D., prin
cipal of the Pendleton Academy, wbb
a business visitor in the city this
morning, returning the mornng.
L. M. Johnson, representing the
Holt Manufacturing concern of Walla
Walla, is in La Grande. He has sold
combine harvesters to McKennon &
Ledtitter and Tom Ruckman. .
The ' operation performed on Miss
Heaton of Enterprise at the hospital
yesterday to remove a tumor, was
Tery successful. The work was done
By Doctors Hockett and ult of Enter
prise and M. K. Hall of La Grande.
' For that dirty , feeling, try Blue
Mountain liver pills. Best on earth.
Get them at the Red Cross Drug
i V1' .
At the head of Wallowa V
Lake, Joseph, Orei
The Beauty Spot
Teheran, Persia, Aug. 9. Twelve
are dead and Nationalist Leader Satar
Khan is Imprisoned as the result of
an outbreak between the government
and insurgent forces. Three hundrol
are In dungeons.
Rebels made an attack upon ths
guards at the Northern part of the
capltol, retreating before . the rein
forcements sent to aid the guards, ui
til they were driven into a stone en
closure. Bombardment compelled th
Insurgents to surrender. .
New films In all sizes just in. Good
for six months. Stock up before yon
go to make sure of best results from
your snaps. NEWL1N DRUG CO.
Dandruff Means Baldness.'
Wise people say there is nothing
sure in this world but death and taxes.
But that dandruff means baldness
later on, is Just as sure as either
death, or taxes, and every physician
knows It.
Dandruff is caused by a germ a
vicious, persistent, tenacious germ
that up to the discovery of one of the
world's greatest scientists, was sup
poso.bressep aonw aonwtaonw aonwy
posed to be unklllable. That discov
ery Is calle Parisian Sage, and New
lln, the druggist, who Is the agent In
La Grande, guarantees it to kill every
dandruff germ and remove all traces
of dandruff fn two weeks or money
lack. ,- - .
But Parisian Sage la mor than a
dandruff Iller; It is guaranteed to
stop falling hair, Itching of the scalp,
and all diseases of the hair and scalp.
It contains just enough of sage
properly combined with other Ingre
dients to make an woman's or man's
hair grow luxuriantly. It makes ev
erybody's harsh, lusterless hair
change to soft, lustrous and beautiful
hair. A. Newlln sells It at 50 cents a
bottle, or you can get It direct from
the American makers, The GIroux
Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y., at the same
pice, by express, all charges prepaid.
The girl with the auburn hair Is on
every bottle.
4500 feef up in the snow capped mountains. Cool, j
heathful. Dancing boating, fishing and hunting.
6 7K Tor to
- vv 1V1.IH lUlllidliVU 1I1VU KVUU UBUOi ObO. ivi uai wvu
J desiring to spend their vacation at the park. Special ..v--
ywuui parties ana oanqueis arranged on snonnouco v
Excursion rates on 0. R. & N. Points direct to Park' &
:' ; - ' ,"" - - - -
Wallowa Lake Amusement Co.-
: . Joseph, Oregon X
Get out Your Gun, Use Some 3 in 1
Shooting Season on Grouse opens Monday morning, Aug., 15
I have in stock everything to make a day's shooting pleasant and
profitable. Loaded shells," the famous Selby and .Toppenweln loads,
3 1-4 drams Dupont powder, 1 1-8 ounce, any size shot. These are spe
cial loads, 40 lbs pressure on the powder, which gives a close, even
pattern of the shot. No crippled birds with this load. It kills dead.
Full line of Hunting Coats, Caps,v Cartridge Belts, and can fit anyone.
Gun cleaners and 3 in 1 oil, the only thing for your gun. It will knock
the rust and take out pits.
of a pleasant day's shooting is your gun.
I have the well balanced 16-gu age Winchester, also 12-guage for
close hard shooting. They are the world's best make. Also in stock,
Marlin and Remington repeating shot guns. Double barrel guns in
standard makes. Call and get prices. It is a
pleasure to show the line of sporting goods I carry.
FOR BIG GAME SHOOTING I have high power rifles and metal
lie cartridges in any size or quantity. I Invite you to call or phone
for any information regarding guns or ammunition.
F. L Uliy Z'ZZjr F. L UII)