La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 09, 1910, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Published Dally Except 8undaj
ruce Dennis,
Editor and Owner,
Entered at the posiouice at la fjnwds
as second-class matter
United PrfH Telegraph Service
Daily, single copy. 6c
Dally, per week.:.....-...... 15c
Dally, per month....... 6Ec
This paper will not publish an ar
ticle appearing over a nom de plume.
Signed articles will be revised sub
ject to the discretion of the editor.
Piease sign your articles and save
Mayor Gaynor of New York, is lying
at death's door today, as the result
of a crank and a gun. It is a tragedf ',
that Is shocking in the extreme, and
besides the wounding of a great man,
presents to the public the Impossibil
ity of protecting life . against the
In the same category appears th8
liar the crank and the liar go well
together. Laws cannot thwart the de-
fall before them. In the case of the
New York mayor, it was a crsfcik who
sought his life. In many other cases
it Is the liar who seeks the reputation
and good name of some man or wo
man. Society has never yet found a
method of organization that will give
protection against them. The world
has existed for a long time, and yet
history records Just such events as
happened, today in New York, occa
sionally. ' Mayor Gaynor is probably next to
the president of the United States in
Importance. He is at the head of the
largest city In this country, and May
or Gaynor has proven to be. a man
large enough for the gigantic 'unde
taking. That he should be assaulte-i
in this way Is a burning disgrace. It
brings to mind merciless murder of
Lincoln, the lamentable ending ot
Garfield, and the atrocious crime that
took from this country that able and
plendid citizen, Major McKinley.
The Oregon Railroad and Naviga
tion company, with Its usual desire to
,-eee this state Improved, has Issued a
booklet on Walnut growing that Is
complete In data and fact, and tells
of the profit returned from this kind
of farming. ..; v- , '
The booklet tracts walnut growing
as a coming Industry of national im
portance and points to the success of
a number of individuals who have 't
comparatively a small way, made th?
venture a success. There are por
tions of the state especially adapted
to this tree, but the booklet sets forth
the fact that many portions not ye"
raising walnuts, will prove to be good
for that purpose.
The volume Is neatly printed au'i
should have a place in every librurr
in the state. It may be had . by :t.l
dressing William McMurray of tV.
passenger department.
' The uncertainty of life is again
shown by the death of Harvey W.
Scott He was at the Johns Hopkln3
F. J. HOLMES, Ylce-Pres.
F. L. MEYERS, Cashier.
United States Depository
Capital and Surplus $180,000.00
Yf. M.
With oar ample mrarces aai faellltlei we can reader job efficient
service aid handle yaor baslaea i to jear entire satisfaction.
institution and under the care of seme
of the most eminent physicians and
surgeons. Just at a time when it was
thought he was recovering, his heart
action weakened, and the great edito.
passed out of this life. All of which
goes to show how uncertain this ltf'.'
really is.
If you are a candidate, it is high
time that petitions were being circu
lated, and it is also high time thai
you get your friends to register. Fo
really there are not enough names
registered as yet to make a good old
fashioned shucking bee.
The Oregonlan, edited for so many
years by Harvey W. Scott, in yester
day's issue, printed an-editorial on
his death, from which we take the
following extract:
No word can be written now by the
poor pen of a sorrowing associate that
will fitly commemorate the death of
Scott. Here at his desk are the
silent relics of bis life and labor.
Here is his worn scrap-book, there
his eraser and ink-pad, yonder t lie
many works of his varied reference
library. Above, is an enlarged full-
length portrait, a perfect semblance j
of his living presence; and near at j
hand a smiling desk-picture of a baby
grand-child. It seems incredible that
his alert and vigorous step may not
...... V- Vfc t.
.wwA ft. u " t A 1 4..-.. MJ
key Inserted in the door and his day's
work begun. Everything Is here as
he left it; yet naught can ever again
here be as he left it. '
Mr. Scott's death was a vast sur
prise to his fellow-workers. True, he
had been quite sick, but he was bet
ter, and he knew and felt that he was
better, and that in all human .proba
bility he would soon return to his ac
customed dally tasks. 4 He was seventy-two
years old, and ever, but he had
been strong and well all his life, with
a physique as powerful and reliable
as his dominating intellect; and gbod
health was with him largely a habit.
It seemed that he must live for years.
All his office affairs were arranged
in the expectation of a long life, and
there was no preparation by his asso
ciates for his passing, even in the re
cent three months. But here is the
end; the work must somehow go on.
Yet how will it be done without the
vast resources of that mighty Intel
lectual reservoir to draw pri, or his
perfect courage, and firm determina
tion to rely upon, or his unfailing good
will toward those who had his confi
dence to depend upon?
The greatest monument to Mr.
Scott's memory Is his achievements
through the Oregonlan. Of them there
Is no need to write now. But a word
may be Bald about his personality and
the every-day side of his character,
and of his own outlook on life. He
was a good man and a good friend.
He had a strong likeness for a few
persons, and deep dislikes for afew
others. But the list of the former was
much larger than many have thought,
while of the latter, in the closing days
there were practically none. He was
a strong partisan, b,ut it was easier
to conciliate and placate him than
cay have been supposed. If he be
lieved In a measure, he followed his
opinion anywhere to its logical con
sequence. If be believed in a man,
he found a way of letting him know
It not by empty professions, but us
ually In some substantial and effective
manner, for he would not or 1 could
not adopt the little arts that smaller
W. L. BRENHOLTS, Asst fash.
EARL ZUXBEL, 2d AssH Cash.
men have of manifesting friendship :
for others.
Continued from page I
and chatted cheerfully a few minutes
At one-thirty Dr. Lederle said Gay-1
nor's condition was unchanged. At j
three o'clock the Mayor's condition ii j
sqid to be satisfactory. An X-Ray ;
specialist is endeavoring to find tb j j
bullet .
Worked Ills Way Into Prominence ,
While Studying Law. j
Gaynor was born in Whitestown, 1
New York, 1851. . He was educated 1
in Whitestown seminary and in Bos-
ton, where he remained studying and j
working in Journalistic capacity un-
til he as twenty-two. In t 1873 he j
moved to Brooklyn and studied law
and at the same time was employed
by New York and Brooklyn news-!
papers. He was admitted to the bar
in' 1875, going into active practice. He j
rapidly gained recognizatlon .as at
lawyer. In 1893 he waB elected su
preme Justice 'of the state of New
York.' Gaynor was elected Mayor last
year, and was talked of as a possibil
ity tor the democratic nomination for
president. - .
' Send back to us for what you need !
in,., drug store goQds while on your I
vacation. You know you'll find our !
goods and price right. s Mall orders j
have'prompt attention here. NEWLIN :
FOR SALE -Town lots close in, ce- ;
ment sidewalks, streets on city i
grade, cash, $575. Phone Red 1141. 1
8orry Ha Spoke.
There la a certain West Philadelphia
bachelor who is very fond of children.
Recently when be was riding on a
Chestnut street trolley car a woman
sat opposite ulin with a baby la her
arm. Suddenly tbe baby began 10
cry. Every one In tbe car seemed lo
be annoyed and a general scowl went
around that Is, every one except tbe
bachelor, lie tried to snow by the
benign expression of bis face that tbe
trying of the baby was sweet music to
blm. . He smiled at tbe youngster, but
the noise only grew louder. Finally
he leaned across tbe car.
"Perhaps there's a pin sticking blm,"
be said in a slage whliier and after
the manner ot one who understands
all the complexities aud troubles of
baby , life. There whs a profound si
lence In tbe car unitl tbe mother an
swered: ' .
"No. (here's no pin sticking blm."
she said at last In a tone of scorn and
with much empbaslK on tbe last word.
Then she routlnued. "He's maml be
cause you're making faces at blm."
After tbat tbe bachelor lapsed Into
penstrciieKM. -riilladeipbtii Times. ,
Th Starling' Tongue..
It' is extraordinary bow many per
sons are under tbe Impression that, in
order to enable a bird to talk, it Is ab
solutely necessary to cut or slit Its
tongue. I have beard that this fal
lacy bad Its origin In the following
story: A umn bnd a onuiber of star
lings In a large cae marked "Fine
Toung Starlings - Only . 1 Shilling
Bach." and as each would be pur
chaser arrived the man would say.
"There's a One bird there, sir, point
ing out one of them, "but I want half
a crown for blm. because he's tbe only
one with a cut tongue, so be is bound
to be a talker." He would then pro
ceed to catch tbe bird and show the
cut tongue and invariably succeeded
In effecting a sale. This dodge would
be repeated as each new customer ar
rived and departed! rejoicing at his
good bargain. The reader perhaps is
not aware that all starlings have a
very peculiar formation at tbe ex
tremity of tbe tongue, which gives the
appearance of a little piece baring
been snipped out of it. London Strand.
- . . t
The Crested 8oramr.
"1 was surprised to run across an old
acquaintance up at tbe coo tbe other
day. The last time 1 saw him was in
the lower part of Brazil when I was
trying to posh Yankee notions," said
a commercial traveler. "This acquaint
ance Is known a crested screamer.
He is one of the best fighters I ever
bet my money ou. Hi l about as
larjrf a a turkfy vimi dm pry as they
make 'ui when 1)1 tiuhtlng blood is
tip. De bus tutu Hliurp Kpura instead
ot two. and tbe odd iblng in toe spurs
are on tb? wings lustetid of the legs.
Tbe birds rnn wild, tint the natives
tamed them and tnught tbeni to fight
hawks and other eueuiles of poultry.
They are fine poultry protectors. A
fight between two of tbem is the most
exciting thing in the way of sport
down there and is more popular than
a cockfight" New Tork Sun.
The Kind
The best lines we can buy are at your
service and we invite you to come
in and examine them
Tuf-Nut Gloves Big Four Sox , Keystone Oeralls
Gordon Hats : , Patapsco shoes ' Menzies Shoes
IN apa Tan Shoes ; Boss of the Road Overalls V. Stetson Hat3
. Keystone Gorduray Pants Standafdwork shirts '
If we knew of any better lines than these we
would buy them, but we do not. Do you? If
you do come in and tell us about them.
It la a Wise Child. 1
An official of the immigration bureau
at Ellis island told a story of a wise
tittle immigrant child.
"A little girl came over in tbe steer
age in search of her father, whose
name she gave us. We sent for the
man, and be came and looked at her.
, " i can't tell whether this is Mary
or not,' said he. 'I haven't seen Mary
since she was a ' baby about three
months old. How can I tell then,
whether this Is Mary or not?
; "It was a question we couldn't an
swer." so- we- looked from him, to tbe
child and from the child back to blm,
remaining silent. . ? '
"Finally, when we were, all at our
wits' end, he looked earnestly at tbe
child and said plaintively.' 'Am I your
father? -
"And the wise little child answered
quickly, Tes, you are.' .
"And so we made her over to him."
New York Press.
"Hang on Tight"
When a smoking car with thirty-five
passengers Jumped the track, a rail
road engineer in tbe car, off duty, yell
ed to tbe passengers to "bang on i
tight," and while the car turned over
no one was hurt.
Hang on tight" Is good advice In
most upsets. Tbe man who lungs on
tight to himself when bis temper I
upset will get through without hurting
either himself or others. Tbe man
who "hangs on tight" to bis earnluir
ends with a competence. The mau
who "hangs on tight" to bis place
when business upsets come generally
holds down his Job. The man wbo
"bangs on tight" when discouragement
or even disaster upsets others Is a
man to be hopeful about, because be
.will keep right side up whatever else
turns over. Philadelphia Press.
Saved by a Dream.
"Hints conveyed by dreams are oc
casionally worth heeding." says the
London Chronicle. "The Inte Lord
Dufferin when in Paris dreamed that
be was in a hearse ou tbe way to the
cemetery. A few days later, as he was
about to enter tbe elevator of a. cer
tain hotel, be was startled to flud that
the attendant was a double of tbe
driver of the hearse la his dream. Be
thereupon promptly left the elevator
and walked upstairs. Tbe car ascend
ed without him. but as it neared the
top something in tbe mechanism gave
way. and the passengers met their
death. Had they also; one wonders,
been forewarned in a dream?"
A Veracious Monater.
The most voracious of all marine
beasts of . prey is the orca, or killer
whale. It reaches a length ot twenty
five feet, and its Jaws bristle with
teeth from four to six Inches long and
as sharp as a dirk knife. Its digestive
power is proportioned to the tremen
dous efficacy of its Jaws. It seems also
to be an atrocious glutton, as one spec
imen examined contained In its stom
ach thirteen porpoises and fourteen
seals. ..
rioiigmaii s
That Gives Satisfaction
The Quality Store
Political Announcements
This column is open to any candidate regardless of Faction I
or Party and is paid advertising 1
F. WILSON, Athena, Oregon, candi
date for Joint senator for Umatil
la, Union and Morrow counties sub
ject to decision of republican pri
maries. "I firmly believe in the di
rect primary law, economy . in the
use of public funds, good roads,
better schools, strict and prompt
enforcement of law, the square deal
and eternal progress of man and his
!. A. BARRETT, Athena, Oregon. I
hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the nomination for Joint
A Paraian Hotel.
Some years ago an effort was made
to establish a European hotel at the
Junction of tbe two most traveled
roads of Persia. Each room of this ho
tel contained some articles whcb I at
least have never found In any hotel
In either Europe or America. Amon?
them were a nlgbtcap. a hairbrush
and a toothbrush. Perhaps It was on
account of this extravagance that the
scheme failed. : An American mission
ary as he was leaving this hotel one
morning was asked by a servant what
he bad done with the hotel hairbrush.
This dignified man in clerical attire
with his wife and children . was pre
vented from leaving tbe hotel until it
was ascertained tbat be bad spoken
the truth when be said tbat be threw
the brush under the bed to Hcam amrav
a cat Mrs. Colauhoun In Lob Aneeloa
Times. - ' . ..
Fifty Man and On Elephant -
Interesting tests were recently made
In London to determine the resoecrJva
pulling power ot horses, men and ele-
pnants. Two borses weighing 1,600
pounds each, . together polled 3,750
pounds, or 650 pounds more than tbeir
combined weight. One elephant
pounds each together pulled 3,750
pounds, or 3.250 pounds less than its
weight Fifty men, aggregating 7,500
pounds in weight, pulled U.750 pounds,
or Just as much as tbe single elephant
but. like tbe borses, they pulled more
than their own weight. One hundred
men pulled 12.000 pounds.-St Louis
Difforance Definod.
Mrs. Mucbwed (reading paper) Can
yon tell me the difference between a
Tisit and a visitation! Mr. Mucbwed
(dryly)-A visitation, my dear. If one
may Judge by tbe spelling. Is some
thing longer than a visit For instance,
when your mother comes to see as It
would be correct to call It a visitation
senator for the, district embracing:
Union, Umatilla and Morrow coun
ties, subject to the choice of re
publican voters at the primary
nominating election to be held on
September 24tli, 1910.. . If nomina
ted and elected I will work for the
Interest of all the people of my
district to the, best of my ability.
favor the maintenance of the di
rect primary law and people's
choice for senator and believe the
people are as competent to nom
inate as they are to elect their of
ficers. Very respectfully yours,
' - C. A. BARRETT.
Especially tha Police,
. Female Mendicant I'm a poor wid
ow woman with eight small children.
Can't you give us some clothes? Lady
j -Tlie only clothing 1 have to give
'awayjs one of my husband's coat.
Female Mendicant Give It to me. good
lady. I might marry again. There are
several gentlemen as have their eye on
me. New York Journal.
' ' 1
..''" i . . . ,-.
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The United States
National Bank,