La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 09, 1910, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Details of
When Parisian Sage Is Guaranteed
to Stop Falling: Hair, or Money
Back! '
A luxuriant head of hair Is God's
birthright ' to every man to every
woman. , .
If your hair Is falling out; If It u
splitting; If It Is turning gray, if it
is full of dandruff, it it la harsh and
uncontrollable, then it Is diseased,
and prompt action should be taken.
r Parisian Sage Is a real hair restor-
er; it will darken faded hair; it will
stop dandruff in one week by prompt-
mi i .jjjjfcj
n i j
The O. R. & N. will on Aug.,
23rd, run a special train start
ing from Baker City to aii
Beach Points
Excursion will he
furnished later
ly killing the germs that Infest the
roots of the hair. v 1
Parisian Sage is the most delightful
hair dressing in the world; it is pleas
ant, invigorating and refreshing. It
makes the hair soft, beautiful and
luxuriant. Wherever 'Parisian Sage
Is known, it is the ladies' favorite hair
'dressing. '
; -We urge all women who desire
beautiful hair, to try Parisian Sage.
If, after using one bottle, you do ;
not say it is the most delightful hair -
dressing you have ever used, you can J
have your money back. The price Is,
MJ LEj xjj
Uj ion Rex was taken down a year ago with lung trouble. We
doctored some months without improvement. Then I began giving
Dr. King'a New Discovery, and I soon noticed a change for the be? r.
X kept this treatment up for a few weeks and now my son is perfectly
well and works erery day. - SAMp rippee, Ava, Mo.
only 50 cents a large bottle at New
lin's drug store, or by express, char
ges prepaid, from Giroux Mfg. Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y. The girl with the au
burn hair on every bottle. ,
. Licenced and Wi'Jth'd. .
Prank Oabhart of l?nion county and
Gertrude Williams of this county
were granted a marriage license this
afternoon by "Cupid" Saling. ' They
immediately adjourned to the office of t
Circuit Judge Bean, where they were
united in the holy bonds of matrix
mony. -Pendleton East Oregonian.
AND 00
50c AND $1,00
j Made ia Washington Day. I
j- Seattle, Ausr. 9 Sj;eia. Saturday,
j August 27. will be "Made la Washins
I ton" Day, and will be celebrated by
' various commercial organizations as
a date for the exploitation of home
made products and wtde publicity will
be given to the appeal to the public
for the support of home industries and
the consumption of Washington pro
ducts In preference to outside goods.
Ia this connection, the recent repub
lican state convention adopted two
resolutions, as follows: "That in the
new erection of public buildings In
this state by the federal government
that the representatives and senators
In congress, from this state, are re
quested and urged to use every honor
able effort to have specified and used
in all such public buildings materials
from this state where readily avail
able, whether from forest, mine, quar
ry, mill, factory or foundy.
"That If in Its wisdom the legisla
te of this state should see fit to au
thorize the erection and appropria
tion for any state building that It
would help home Industry by provid
ing that all material used In the erec
tion of such buildings be from tlie
state of Washington, where . readily
available. - We have the materials; we
have the mechanics, whose skill !:
equal to the best.
. Captain BartUtfa Yhn Cheer
A aeries of Revolutionary scenes
were given in a Lotidou theater torn
montha after the close of that memo-
jrabie war. On the one aide, was the
I English army In full red coated 'uni
form, with every barton tn tu exact
place. Opposite them was the Ameri
can army, composed, as lae theater bill
stated, of "artisans, cobblers and ttnk
era," arrayed Ib their working dress,
with buttons of every size and bue.
When the curtain dropped, i Captain
Bartlett of Plymouth. Mass.. the dap
tain of a ship then tn port, stood up in
bis seat In the pit and. Id a voice as If
given from a quarterdeck In a squall,
called, "Three cheers for the artisans,
cobblers and tinkers who were loo
much for King George and his red
coats," and. with a wave of his hat, be
gave these with a will. For a short
time there was silence in the theater,
followed by an enthusiastic John Bull
appreciative cheer for the pluck and
assurance ofthe Yankee captain, who
became the lion of the city, receiving
Invitations to clubs and free tickets to
theatrical and other entertainments
while he remained In port .
Notice to Contractors.
Advertisement Sewors.
Sealed proposals will be received
by the Mayor and City Council of the
City of La Grande, Oregon, until
o'clock p. m , of August 17th, 1910,
J for the furnishing materials and and
' constructing.)
I A disposal plant and 1400 feet of
30-lnch pipe, 1050 feet of 22-inch pipe
and 1160 feet of 18-lnch pipe, to be
constructed according to the plans
and specifications on file in this of
fice of. the City Recorder.
Bidders to accept the bonds of the
City of La Grande, Oregon in pay
ment, and each bid to be accompan
ied by a check of 5 per cent of the
amount of the bid. The Council re
serves the right to reject any or all
bids. . .
By orders of the City Council.
: ;' ' P. L. MEYERS, Mayor.
D. E COX, Recorder
ARTHUR CURTIS, City Engineer. ,
; Ia Grande, Oregon, August 3, 191 O.
Aug 5-6-8-9-10-11-12-13-15-16
Red Astrican
Yellow Trans
parent APPLES
and Bakery j
' . ' ..' : '
sere " is
nterest to you
A house of 5 rooms, batty pantry and cellar
Good condition. - Two lots 100 x 135 west
'front, good location, 20 young fruit trees on
place. Will sell for $2,000, $500 down, balance
time to suit purchaser. . Let ; us show you this
at once. . ; ''' ', - . '. .:'
- ; n t u " ! Illl I II I . . "
k" :. : ,- . - : .. ... . . I-::.::. -::"::l:;;..-,:.v.;...:-:; V r.Tii"'r Y'T ' Y.'l1
i nits
Save money on furnishing
Your Home Here
Natural Mineral Water
Bottled as It Fows From the Spring
It's Good for what Ails You
Queenof the Northwest Resorts
Near the Mouth' of the Columbia River, on theWash-
ington Coa?:: .
The place to spend Your
Summer Vacation
Twenty-five Miles of Magnificent Beach. Level,
compact and smooth.
Many thriving and tidy communities, delightful ho
tel, cottage,, tent and camp life,"' All the comforts
of home and the healthful, invigorating recreation
of the seaside surf bathing; fishing, clam digging
beach bonfires, riding, racing, hunting, strolls and
drives through picturesque wooded headlands. -
Reduced Rates from all parts of Oregon and Wash.
Oregon Rail road and Navigation Co
Season Rate: Wm "Portland Round Trip, $4.00
. Three Day Saturday, to Monday Rate, $3.00
Piircliate tickets and make reserr ations at City Ticket Office, 3rd and
i Washington Streets, Port land, or Inquire of any O, R.
'& N. agent ,elsewh ere for Information
. jicjii i.KAi, ucierai raison ger Aj nt, rortlan. Oregct.
s. :
- s.