LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER TUESDAY AUGUST 9, 1910- PAGE TWO m. sb a m a a - ss. a m, & - a m . j e I Have a Summer 'mhout Headaches g Summer should be a recreation time, a time when J J life is really enjoyed and when : vitality is stored for j S the more trying seasons. . 5 f ine pleasure oi many peopie is spouea oy neaa- f 9. aches. Travel, outings or exposure to the sun is apt j ? to bring on this affliction. Don't have headaches this j J summer. Keep a supply of our J m m m mm s. .... TRANSFERflFD M7 ' - the HOMESTEAD LEAVES RANDALLS j 1IASDS FOB FIRST TIXE. (nowlecke of Present Owner Got Property from Ills , Father who Got It From State. 4 uuic f. on hand. They stop coming headaches or cure head- f 4 aches that have already arrived. A simple - reliable jj j rem dy w.'h a record of many years back of them, j J The remedy you should always have and depend upon. 5 i Price 25 cents X Price 25 cents Sold by us only W. W. Randall has sold the Randall homestead of 160 acres to Doctor C. H. Upton of this city, through ..e George H. Currey real estate office. and the sale marks the passing of one J of the oldest homesteads In the coun- ty to hands other than the Randalls. W. W. RANDALL Newlin Drug Co. La Grande, Oregon YOU'LL HE STRUCK li-irtf W A If you could see hew some factory made clothing Is put together The akimplr.g of materials, the inferior interllnlngs. B t none of these things occur In a suit cf our tailoring. That's : why one suit of ours will outlast two the wear will prove It. C W. BAKER. ?! ? I A S&, ...X Functions of the Eye is necessary to fit spectacles as they . should be fitted GLASSES fitted by simply trying glass after glass until one is found that gives good vision, areapt to PROVE INJURIOUS . There are no haphazard methods in my tests and your eyes are safe in my hands HEACOCK After farming for twenty-four years, Is able to retire and live in La Grande. His "160" is . one of the choice farms of the valley. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Ucated next door to Post Otitce 1 I A AJmi be depended upon" is tn expression w all like to bear, and when it b used in connection with Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy it mean tV ' never fails to care diarrhoea, dysent'. bowel complainlg. It is pleasant to ta! iially Tsluable for children and U. of the factory made. Order one and i w- w- Randalls father got the.lanl from the state and recent owner, W. Randall, farmed It for twenty-four years. , Crop s Splendid One. The crop which goes with the place Is a fine one. Shocks of grain crowd each other in pleasing uniformity ov er the entire field. The place is loca ted near - the river and has always been one of the feature wheat farms of the valley. Hfhy pay Rent? Wetoan you money to build, and you pay us as you would rent. ! I. R. OLIVER. Randall to Quit Farming. Except for. the fall threshing per iod, Mr. Randall Is to retire from all things farming. He is living in La Grande and has accumulated enough from bis "160" to be able to retire, the same as many other farmers are do ing. The price' paid for the land Indicates owner of land made purchase today Its value. Nine thousand six hundred was the price. Mr. Upton, the new following his whole-hearted conver sion to the altruism that Grande Ronde soil is excellent security. "Loot here. VVilklns." said a doctor to his boy In buttons, whom be bad occasion to reprimand. "1 cau't stand any more of this nonsense. You'll have to turn over a .fresh leaf." "All right, sir." was the witty re sponse; "you shan't complain of me again, sir. I'll be an entirely new page." London Opinioo. The Psalms. Many years ago a new clergyman was taking Sunday duty in - a remote hamlet among the, Yorkshire wolds. After morning service the old clerk came up to him and observed: "So yej calls them 'Sauums,' do ye? Noo, wet never knew what to make o' that 'ere' P. We alius calls 'em 'Spasms. H j London Scraps. ' . All on One Sid. "I am told your bride Is very pret ty," said Miss Peppery. "Yes. indeed T replied Mr. Con Seet. "Several of the guests at tbe ceremony were pleased to call It a 'wedding of beauty and brains.' "Weil. wVll! She must be a remark able 'womao! That's an unusual com bination in one person." Grit Grit is the grain of character. It may generally be described as heroism ma terializedspirit and will thrust lnto heart, brain and backbone, so aa to form part of tbe physical substance of t the man.Wblpple. Ladd Park, which is located is tbt center of Laurelhurst, la to be im. proved at once, and -when the proposed Improvement have bet nade it will be the most magnificent public park In Portland. These Improve ment! Include the creation of extensive botanical gardens, an enlarge ment of tbe present natural lake now there, and scenic driveways and walks. Residence property fronting on or convenient to a public park Is al ways in demand and brings high valu es. Tbe boulevards' of Laurelhurst have been made to conform to the proposed driveways of the park. As soon as the Improvements in Ladd Park ar e completed, then prices in Laurel hurst lots will advance tnother notch or two. V'v ' '. kJ : . LJ V--....- I i 7 V I . , The Addition with Qiaiacter : Laurelhurst is a good place to Invest money in. BECAUSE.. The titles are perfect. A warranty deed with full covenant and a certified abstract of title will be given to each purchaser. BECAUSE The prices are low. This is nearly always the case In placing a new addition on the market. The prices are made very, low to get people Interested. The value of all the property Increases as new homes are built, and those -who buy early share In the Increased value, because they help to make it BECAUSE The population of Portland Is growing at the rate of 30,000 year, and all of these people must have homes. The building statistics for the past 21 months show that Dl per cent of the permits granted for residences have been Issued for home on the East side. To ) ' day 73 per cent of the people in Portland live on the East side, and 27 per cent on the West side. " Does this mean anything? It means wonderful advances In east side prices In general, and Laurelhurst in particular, because Laurelhurst prices are now Just about one-half of the real values. ' BECAUSE It surrounds the new city park that Is to be Improved at once and made one of the great scenic attractions of Portland, adding value to all adjacent property. BECAUSE Tbe lots now selling at an average price of $1150 each will be worth double that amount In one year. BECAUSE We ara offering Special Inducements to thOBe who commence building this year. OFFICERS AND DIRECTOKS Chaa. K. Henry, president Chaa. K. Henry Co., Portland; owner Henry Bio... frank F, Mead, president Seaboard Sec Co. Seattle. Tanl a Murphy, director Bankert Tmst Co., Tacoma; V. P. Laorelnnrst Co., Seattle. B. Llnthlcum. secretary Williams, Wood A Linthlcum. Portland. James B. Meikle, former secretary Seattle Chamber of Commerce. Edw. Cooklngham. vice-president and manager Ladd Ttlton Bant. L. A. Lewis, manager Allen ft Lewis, wnoieeate grocers, roruaao. V. R. Burke, of the Royal Insurant Co. Chaa. K. Williams, manager Morris Bros., bonds. Henry Fries, of Wakefield, Fries ft Co, real estate. Robert H. Strong, manager of Corbett Estate. George J. Dekum, of Chas. K. Henry Co., real estate. SAslskHsS