La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 08, 1910, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Will Ai Yoters for Ifc-Eloctlon
Standing on Official Record
The first man to file bis nominating
papers In Union county was County
Clerk Ed Wright, and by bo doing, he
opened the campaign for this year.
Mr. Wright will ask for re-election
purely on the record he has made as
En official. Not only need the term
he Is now serving be used In Judging
whether he should be retained in his
present position, but be is willing that
his career as deputy before he ascend
ed to the office, be also scrutinized.
The general opinion prevails that
Ed. Wright will not bare opposition in
This campaign. He was born In Un
ion, has been Identified with the
county every day of his life, and It is
f ratifying to his trends to be able to
ttate that there are no black spots on
bis career. He comes from a strain
of blood that has done a great deal to
ward building this valley and Eastern
Oregon, hence the large number of
trtends woo are eninuwasuc in "uia
Officially, th county clerk's office
has never been better handled in the
eopnty's history, according to able
critics, than It has under the admin
istratlon of Ed Wright The courtesy
he exetends to all patrons is well
known from one end of the county to
the other, and no person ever made an
Inquiry there who did not receive
prompt and careful consideration. i
Another feature, which is believed
to have a strong bearing on Mr.
Wright's candidacy is the economy
be has practiced saving the county
nany dollars on supplies and in con
ducting his department
Sws Proems on Every 81de Has
Good W ord for La Grande, Also
Prof. II. A. Hallowell, dean of the
faculty at the Idaho State Normal, at
Lewiston, returned yesterday to La
Grande, from a trip Into the Wallowa
country. Prof. Hallowell visited En
terprise, Joseph and Wallowa Lake.
Speaking of the valley, he said:
This was my first trip into that
country, and it was a revelation to
me. Not only did I enjoy the scenery,
but the general appearance of pros
perity on every hand, Impressed me
favorably. .
There is a fine county high school
building at Enterprise, and another
High school is now being built at Jos
eph. Both of these towns should
grow rapidly. I might say the same
of Wallowa, ' for I understand new
lumber mills have recently been built
there. There Is a rumor that the
Crelghton 300 acre ranch near Joseph,
Is to be divided into ten acre farms, i
If this is done Joseph will benefit im
mensely. "AH of the valley, it seems to me,
is In a sense tributary to La Grande.
For that reason, If for no other, La
Grande itself will develop wonderful
ly within the next two or three years,
for the .continued prosperity of, the
valley is unquestioned.
"La Grande is surely progressing.
The new $75,000 High school building
will, when completed, be a model of
its kind. I had the pleasure of going
over the building, as It now stands,
with Supt. Stout, who explained to me
the general plant. The citizens of La
Grande are to be congratulated upon
the enterprise and Interest in educa
tional affairs."
Beginning Wednesday, Aug- 0
0 ust 10, the registration books
for Union county will be placed
In the rear room of the United
States National bank and reg-
Istratlon may be made at the A
following hours: From .5:15 to
6 and from 7 to 9 p. m. This 0
4 is done to accomodate the gen- J
eral public and everyone elig-
A lble Is requested to register. A
Argalng- McDonald Escheat Case.
The attention of the court is direct
ed today to the argument In the Mc
Donald escheat case. The state.
through its attorneys, has asked for
& receiver for the estate. Prosecutor
Iranhoe and Attorneys Cochran rep
resent the state and Turner Oliver
represents the defense.
Lawn SoctaL
Lady Macabees will hold a lawn bo- ' : -
cial at the home of Mrs. Prank Jolly, j O. E. Silverthorn, the druggist, is
corner Main and Spring, from 3 to 10 spending a few days In Portland,
?. m. looking after business matters.
Laundry Patrons Xotlce
Cherry's New Laundry, having tak
en their horse aid wagon from us,
becomes necessary for us to handle
the work, which has formerly been
handled by that wagon, with our own.
Oar deliveryman has not attempted
to become familiar with the calls
heretofore made by the other wagon,
consequently some of their patrons
may be overlooked.
A phone call will bring our wagon.
We have been able to procure suffi
cient ttAln. nn that w .n m hanril
all work without any delay.
Dedal Aisle
(Tuesday Specials on the jtfisle
Bargains picked up here and there over our im
mense stock that you should not miss
New Dress Ginghams 1A.
worth 12 1-2, on sale lvC
Galicoes, new supply the ' . C
best grade uC
Mens' light weight brown 9C
underwear ' ' OOC
Extra good value black A
Lisle hose 3C
Turbans and new hair or
goods OJC
Press braid (5 yd. bunch) 1
white and colors ' C
Bath towels, extra large 1 Ol -
on sale 12C
Ganvas gloves, regular n
10c grade
Overalls, Finck's Union , Qd-
Map R. R. on sale OuC
Romper suits, ages 2 to QQ
6 years, on sale OSJC
4 GUt Ahiays belter
Doctor Boiler Beaten.
London. Aug. 8. A Hindu wrestler
defeated Dr. Roller of Seattle, at
wrestling today. The first fall was In
one minute and forty seconds, and the
second one in one minute and nine
Jiew Automobile Purchased
Frank Leavlt. the machinist, has
purchased a new automobile of the
White Steamer variety.
Claude Woodell, a farmer near AM
cel, has purchased an E. "M. & F. au
tomobile from the M. & M. company
G. M. Richey has a new seven-pa
senger touring car j
Investigation Renewed Today.
McAltster, Okla., Aug. 8. J. C. Mc
Murray. holder of the Indian con
tracts, in the bribery charges made
by Senator Gore.'wlll probably be the
first witness in the investigation com
mittees, which resumea today A num
ber of Indians will probably be called
to the stand.
day, caused a sensation, was recalled
today. He retold Saturdays story of
an alleged offer of a bribe by McMur-
ray. , ,..-.
It was shown by the testimony that
the McMurray firm, employed as at
torneys In land sales, was also re
tained to resist payment . of taxes
on Indian property.
, New Clarionet Player.
C. Kirkpatrick, of Spokane, a broth
er of H. G. Kirkpatrick of this city,
will make his future home fn La
Grande, and will materially assist in
the perfection of our popular band.
ordered the military withdrawn.
Gang Sear Death.
Baltimore, Aug. 8. Joe Cans is
close to the end. He la In a semi-
whose testimony Satur- comatose state. Only the family Is al
lowed to visit him.
Corn Crop Bad.
"Washington, Aug. 8. The corn
of the United States is in worse shape
than at this time last year, according
to the department of agriculture to
day. Estimates bade up to August 1
give only 79.3 per cent of a perfect
crop this year. .
Troops Unnecessary
Columbus, Ohio, Aug. , 8. Mayor
Marshall notified Governor Harmon
today that troops are no longer neces
sary in Columbus to control the street
car situation. Following the receipt
of this communication, the Governor
National Printers Meet
Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. 8. The
International Typographical conven
tion opened here today. The day was
spent In addresses of welcome, etc.
Ben Burrows, a popular Pendleton
wood and coal man, was a business
visitor in La Grande today.
IT D ' ;py;vf'v':; T TV rj n n
rritfflnrfTiTn frnnn t inrim I rrri 77nrrnn (rtifnvn (c
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Below you may see a sample of the
IV be pleased to have you
many listings which I hold. If you want to buy or sell '
Insure Your Grain .
Many farms are insuring their
grain now in the field during the per
iod of harvest and storln?. If Inter
ested call or phone mv
Why Pay Rent?
I have a seven-room plastered
house, sightly view of city and valley.
City water in house, stone founda
tion. Terms $100 down, balance on
easy terms, tither $15 per month or
$100 every six months.
Now in Gourse of
Fine modern house la every re
i spect, plumbed, flue built for fur
nace, large basement cellar. Every
thing first class. Situated on east
Adams avenue, $3,500 on easy terms.
Grazing Land
240 acres, large spring on place.
Good wagon road to tract; consider
able can be cultivated. Price $7 per
Fruit Farms
I have several choice buys in im
proved fruit farms, where the or
chards are all .the way from 7 years
to Xo years of age. The crops are
n."w on the trees and Bpeak for them
selves. To illustrate, we have one 20
acre tract, with 14 acrts of bearing
orchard, 6 acres on which the trees
are 13 years old. 8 acres seven years
old, water right; every acre first
class land and crop goes with place.
If taken very soon. Price only $6,500.
Other Bargains
We have other bargains in fruit
land, several close to La Grande, and
several tracts on the Sandridge, in
cluding some extra fine property ad
joining Imbler. If you want any
thing In fruit bearing orchards call.
Sand Ridge Farm
elgh'r-fcur acres, splendid land, for
either grain or fruit, $3,500; one mtle,
from Imbler. At least one-half cash
Farm in Lower Cove
160 acres splendid timothy land, own
er has been farming It In grain for
seven years. River runs through a
portion of it $60 per acre.
Farm near Talocaset
160 acres of land near Telocaset
Thi sland was farmed for many yefr3.
Price If taken in near future $5 per
Farm near Summerville
80 acres fine fruit land, $60 per ac
cre. If interested call and learn par
ticulars. Opportunity for
80 acres adjolalns tLe city. Crop
growing on no less than 20 acres,
fine large spring. This place Is all
' well fenced, county road running
along entrle side of place, making It
suitable for subdivision Into smalt
tracts. The price Is only $37.50 per
acre. This land if cut up would eas
ily bring $100 per acre. Land on two
sides of It cannot be bought today
for $100 per acre.
A Real Home
80 acr farm one quarter of a mile
from city limits. Good modern house
with furnace, bath, toilet, cement cel
lar with living spring. Commercial
orchard or seven acres. Ideal -dairy
and poultry farm, $5,000 , on easy
City Property
House and three lets on Pennsyl
vania avenue, two Btory, in splendid
repair. Just repainted and papered
throughout, $2,500, reasonabe terms.
Nice little horn
Gracde. easy terms
$1100 .
In North La
on this place.
Two-story house and three lots on
North Fir street desirable property,
for only $l,400i
Twelve acres and nice two-story,
house in South La Grande, $4,00 ;
100 fruit trees and an Ideal place fot
a few cows and poultry. This site Is a
commanding view of beautiful Grande
A new seven-room house on East
Adams avenue, roomy basement,
pastercd, well finished throughout,
Three lots on Main avenue, facing
north for $360.
Three lots on the beaut! rn" lightly
hll side, west of La Grando ;:.aao.
Deslrabel lot and houses In nearly i
every portion of the city, jf
i Ja JLo
Real Estate and Insurance,
La Grande, Next Door to City Offices