La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 08, 1910, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Russian Lion.
Child of Ghetto. ' . ,
Childish Escapade. .
Micro Clnemotography or Sleep
ing Sickness -
Song Just a Little Ring From
Beautiful dishes given to lady
patrons of the matinee. See dis
play in lobby.
Misses Theo and Esther Schwaeger
of North Platte, Neb., are here to visit
with Mrs. E. Polack for a month or
so. ' '
Jack Patten, the Henney Buggey
company representative is here today
calling on the local agents, Bolion
Bodmer Company. ' .
James B. Trumbull, special agent
for the Franklin Fire Insurance Co.
of Seattle, is in the city today calling
on the business circles.
"Coal OH" George Beaumont, who
travels for Standard Oil. and never
has to fear competition, Is spending a
few days In La Grande. -
o $
O O ( Q oO
B. F. Smith is down from Joseph for
a few days. ' 4
Mrs.. Henry Spence of Wallowa, is
in the city today. ' ."
Mr. Levy, the Union druggist, was
a Sunday vlsltqr in La Grande.
John Stevenson of Boise Is here to
day looking after business Interests.
r J. S. McDonald, a prominent Btock
man of Imnaha, Is at the Foley houte.
Thos. Burke, the Observer lynotype
man, spent Sunday with his folks in
Raker City. .
Doctor M. K. Hall was called to E)
gin last night to consult with phyai-
Attorney T, II. Crawford has gone
to Los Angeles to visit his eon.
R. II. Archord, one of the heavy
capitalists of Joseph, Is spending to
yda in the city. He is at the Foley.
A. J. Scott and A. J. Douglass of
Seattle, are staying at the Saroy today.
' D. S. Crowe, who was at one time
in the barber business here,' being ft
member of the firm of Crowe and Jol
ly, is in the city visiting with friends.
He may locate here permanently.
clans attending Wo. Porter, the ma: f,ght witn & w,n
James Burnett and Dad Stultz, driv
ers for the McCarthy livery barn, re
turned today from up the mountains
where they drove rigs carrying fire
fighters. They report the smoke very
dense, and that the boys enteed tle
who was shot last Friday.
H. A. Sonne and wife, and children
of Baker City, passed through the city
today on their, way to Joseph where
they will camp for a week.
Editor H, A. Galloway and little son
Robert, passed through the city last
night on their way to Aledo, 111., In
response to a telegram saying Mr.
Galloway's mother was dying.
Nate Zwelffel spent Sunday In the
city with his family, ' returning this
morning again to Wallowa where his
firm has the contract for plumbing
the new church at that place. The
same firm also has a contract for re-
plumbing the bank building at Elsin.
'.J. R. Moore, the Laurelhurst sales
man, departed this morning for his
summer home on Catherine' creek,
where his wire and baby are spending
a few days,
,000000000000000 00000000;
A. S S (A f
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11 n
If r .
Seasonable Merchandi
f t !
is what you want these days. When the busy time
is over then you will listen to Nov Fall Goods talk, etc.
So we are noinrr to HI vou about something vou want
now. This minute now
Charles Moore and C. H. Pluger,
head men of the Bell Telephone com
pany, are here Inspecting Bome work
Just completed. S. D. Kltnball, fore
man of the construction crew In this
district, spent Sunday in the city.
"Greasy Bill" Lindsey, who travel
for the W. P. Fuller & Co., Is in the
.city selling his wares.
E.'P. Dodd. former editor of the
Pendleton Tribunte, is here visiting
friends and Is staying at the Foley.
: Miss 'an Heaton, a sister 6f Mrs.
Snow Heaton of the Enterprise News
Record, was brought to La Grande
yesterday to undergo an operation for
appendicitis. She was in charge of
Doctors C. A. Ault and C. T. Hocket,
and Mrs. C O'Nell was also one of
the party in charge of the girl
Wallace G. Trlll.for the last year
an attorney located at Joseph, depart
ed last week, announcing his location
at Bend, or some other. Central Ore
gon point. This morning he called On
his friend, Receiver Eberhard, at the
land office, and confessed his mistake,
Indicating his Intention to permanent- j
ly locate at Enterprise, the county
seat His family will shortly remove
bere. . :-Vy'- 7' ; 1 '
Dr. and Mrs. M. K. Hall, Mr. and
Mrs I. E. Dunn and Will Church, who
comprised a portion of a party of La
Grande, Union, and Baker City people
who toured Yellowstone park, have
returned home. . They automoblled
1250 miles but left their machines m
the park and took side trips by team,
going to all the points of general in
terest. They went south to the fam
ous Jackson Hole. All enjoyed the
journey greatly, though it was ted
ious at time and thrilling often
Dishes for harvest hands
at this time, p'lain white, Johnsons
English SunPorcelain
Gups and saucers, per set
7 inch plates per set - -
6 inch vegetable dish
7 inch , '.
O 10 platters . . . .
Jellie Glasses
Ml f o Me . : - nrxv Lens
Permanently located 1105 Adams Ave., Opposite I
Dr. Mendelsohn has been, at the request and endorsement of all the city
physlciaasipermanently located here since August 1, 19Q?vanji:during this '
yci iuu una ircuieu pruicBBiuuau nvar 17 siuu pauents, among tnem 179 chil- -
dren, and can truthfully say that I ha ve succeeded in doing better work and .
more work than any man ever did in Union and Wallowa counties. This
proves that I have conducted my prac tlce on a basis that appeals to every
one. My business is on a square deal to everybody. I rarely hear com
. plaints and am always ready and willing to correct any error that I make.
My 29 years expercice In the practice of Optics In itself
is a valuable asset v
If your eyes trouble you, see me. I believe my extensive experience and '
. skill, togelher with my honesty and sincerity of purpose, I can give you a
guarantee of truthfullness and satisfaction. I refer you to your neighbor.
Ask your physician, and all the physicians In the city, who is the most re
liable man in the city of La Grande to fit your eyes.
We duplicate exactly any lens, no matter who made or prescribedit. Save j
the pieces and we will do the rest while you wait. I
The Entire Problem Lies in These Words:
Your Case will not Puzzle Dr. Mendelssohn
Office Hours, 9 to 12, 1 to 5. B 3pecial appointments
in the evenir ;
I annendorsed by the most promlneat ocnllst iV rtland.
Nice clear well finished Optic Glass :
per dozen - - ' - ',45c
Economy Fruit Jars
Pints per dozen
Quarts per dozen
One half gallon
- $1.10
$t 35
- $1.75
All size jars, these are good for
preserving. Per gallon ; -
Summer Underwear, light shoes for harvesting,
shtf hones, machine oils
We cater to your wants
A. -
Qualify the same, pre. Jess
-Pure Plymoth Manilla, all sizes
This is considered the best make of
rope on the market. Per lb. -
Hugh Blew of Baker City
Sunday guest In La Grande,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Scrlber and Mr.
and Mrs. H. M. Bay hav broken camp
at BlackHat near Hilgard, and are
again, in the city ; ,
Mrs. Hugg of Enterprise, Mrs. Mc
Gee of Elgin, and Mrs. Hamilton of
Wallowa, were at the Savoy yester-
Dpctor G. Ralston and family of
Boston, and Miss Hale, also of Bos
ton, were guests at the Savoy over
Sunday. . .
Mrs. B. M. Hutchinson and , Miss
Ethel McKennon left this morning for
the Head of the Lake, at Joseph, to be
gone for a week. ;
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rumble went to
Wallowa county this morning to visit
friends and transact business mat
ters. ' , ' 1
Frank Conners, advertising mana
ger for the N. K. West store, arrived
home this morning after a vacation
spent in Potland and Willamette val
ley towns.
At the head of Wallowa
Lake, Joseph, Ore.
The Beauty Spot
Mr 8. Fred Bock, who has been at the
hospital for several days, Is recover
ing and it Is expected that Bhe will
be able to return to her home this
.Mr. and Mrs George Stoddard have
returned from an extended tour of
California, where Mr. Stoddard looked
after lummbering Interests for the
Grande Ronde Lumber company.
Miss Ruth Bush, who has been chap
eroning a party of young ladles at
Stevenson's cabin up Mill creek, came
down yesterday, having surrendered
her position to Miss Berger. The
campers expect to remain a week.
' For (hat : dizzy feeling try Blue
Mountain liver pills. Best on earth.
Get them at the Red Cross Drag
8 tor. '
Jester-Poor old Skinflint has bis
troubles! Jlmson What: Why, he's
making barrels and barrels of money.
Jester I know, but the price of barrels
has gone ap.
4500 feet up in the snow capped mountains. Cool,
heathful. Dancing boating, fishing and hunting.
; ' - v1
75 Tents furnished with good beds, etc.", for parties
desiring to spend their vacation at the park. Special
picnic parties and banquets arranged on short notice
Excursion rates on 0, Rl & N. Points direct to Park
' ' ' ' . , - ,
Wallowa Lake Amusement Co. t
f Joseph, Oregon
Alaska's Coast Region.
The coast region of Alaska has a
mild . climate, not colder than the
northern part of Puget sound or of
Scotland. The stand of trees Is dense,
averaging for considerable areas 25,000
feet per acre. Sitka spruce forming
about 20 per cent of the stand and
western hemlock about 75 per cent
Although by far the most abundant
species, western hemlock does not pro
duce as large individual trees as the
spruce or western red cedar, tb for
mer occasionally showing a diameter
of six feet with a height of 150 feet
and the cedar diameters of from three
to four feet. ' , .
Those Questions.
Wadsworth (at the telephone) Hel
lo! Is this Main 3967? Voice at the
Other End Yes. Who do you want to
see? Wadsworth-Is Mr. Usmmersley
there? Voice at the Other End Tes.
Do you want to talk to him? Wads
worth No. I want to kiss him. Chi
cago Record-Herald.
Happiness is not found in self con
templation; It Is perceived only when
It Is reflected from another. Johnson.
Keeping His Word.
, "Mr. Dusrln Stax said be was going
to retire with a fortune."
"He has kept his word. Whenever
be goes to sleep be puts his wallet
and bis check book under his pillow."
Washington Star.
Man's Inhumanity to man makes
countless thousands do likewise. Life.
"Btaek Bart" Road Agent,
Charles EL Bollea. known to fame tf
"Black Bart," was Incomparably tni
most conspicuous character In the bit
tory of western stage robbers. From
1875 to 1883 "Black Bart" Is knows to
have committed twenty-seven stage
robberies single handed. Northern Cal-
lfornla stage drivers stood In constant
fear of this unique desperado. On va
rious occasions the drivers were able
to give a good description of his figure,
hair, feet and hands, yet no clew to his
actual Identity was gained during the
tight years of his stage robbing ca
reer. He was finally betrayed by a
laundry mark on a cuff which bad
dropped from his wrist when opening
a treasure box which he had taken
from a Wells Fargo stage In San Joa
quin valley. When be was finally cap
tured In Sao Francisco the detectives
were amazed to find the famous
"Black Bart" a slight, quiet mannered
man of flfty-flve. familiar in face to all
the 8an Francisco detectives. He had
for years frequented a little restau
rant near police headquarters where
many of the detectives dined. W. CL
Jenkins in National Magazine.
In the Stilly Night
"What la itr the druggist sleepCy
Inquired from his bedroom window.
"This lsh drag store, ain't Itr asked
the man who had rung the night bell.
"Tes. What do yon want?"
"Want to look in your city direct!
minute an' shee where 1 live." Pfe
delphla Ledger.