La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 08, 1910, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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1 1
1 1
Si' t
1 1 H
Published Dally Except Sunday
Bruc e Dennis,
Editor auJ Owner.
Entered at the postouice at La 'S'flnds
as second-class matter
United Pms Telt graph Service
Dally, single copy
Dally, , per week
Dally, per month..
It has lost a friend who has worked tlmej Cities and towns are asked tojf
hard for the devt'opment of this sec take similar s:eps to supply men
lion. Portland Is In deep mourning when called upon, with arrange
for her most prominent resident has , ment3 for transportation. Every c!tl-r-pnsert
to be. pzen Is urged to spare neither friend
The example of this worthy man's
life will be lasting. Ills career proved
what an Individual may. do who is
willing to continually work and strive
for knowledge, at the same time re
membering It always pays to be
square and honorable. That example
will be worth much to the rising gen- greater force,
eratlon; it has been worth a great
deal to the present generation. And
while In the very nature of human
nor foe In reporting violations of the '
fire motives. It Is pointed out by tbe
Association that if the warnings wide
ly circulated earlier. In the season,
had resulted in such steps, loss of life
and property would have been largely
avoided. .They still cpply with even
This paper will not publish an ar
ticle appearing over a nom de plume.
Signed articles will be revised sub
Ject to the discretion of the editor,
pjease sign your articles and save
When a great man dies, the entire
nation feels the shock. It is so to
Northwest country than can ever be
day, -Harvey W. Scott, editor of the
Portland Oregonian, is no more. He
passed away lust night at the Johns
Hopkins Institution in Baltimore.
For Bome time his health had been
poor, and of late, close friends fear
ed the end was near. He bad reached
what might be termed a ripe, old agi.
pn. w sav. yes, for no man on the
Pacific coast had ripened under the
hot rays of experience, of observa
tion, of careful and earnest study so
much as Mr. Scott. Of the seven nat
ional .'characters In newspaper work,
throughout the United States, -'.ha
stood in the front rank. Of the great;
broad-minded men or the West, he
stood above all others. Of the me.i
who loved and worked for the state
of Oregon, he stood In a class by him
self. His pen has done more for th
Northwest country tha ncan ever bo
computed; his personality was a pil
lar for every Westerner, and newcom
er, as well, to rally around. With Har
vey Scott's support, the battles of the
Northwest were fought and won.
Without H many would have been
without a doubt.
To our mind Mr. Scott was the per
sonification of modern newspaper
work. He retained enough of the
"country newspaper" methods to give
his work a touch of individuality, yet
he was at the head of a newspaper
that has few equalB and no superiors
In the metropolitan field. ':
No traveler ever entered the state of
Oregon without having the name of
Harvey Scott Impressed Indelibly up
on his mind. The mere fact of being
an editor did not cause such impres
sion, but It was' caused by the strong
character of the Individual. Tht
character shone through the Oregon
lan's editorial page In such a way
that every reader almost felt he had
, a personal acquaintance with the
' great -editor, it brought him close to
his people regardless of their belief.
. ' Today Oregon mourns the loss of
: her last national character George
H. Williams, the only resli'
- J , 1 lata who'-was in Mr. '
, k .' passed awajft several '
r v 'now that hlsMlfe-lonh ' i
seriate has followed him -
two vacant chairs that wi
some tlma to fill, if It Is po
fill them at all.
The newspaper fraternity of this
state feels deeply the death of this
master hand. Eastern Oregon knows
events, Mr. Scott's life could not have The 8ptar and Bow and Poisoned Ar-
lasted many yeare longer, his death j rows Their Chief Weapons.
nevertheless causes deep grief i Our know' edge of the pygmies of
throughout the state and the north-! New Guinea shows that In habit they
j are nomadic, nownere tilling tne
I ground, but depending for their living
" a ' . entirely on their skill in hunting and
FOREST FIRES. ! fishing. Their chief weapon is the
That the many disastrous forest bow. their arrows being generally
fires of the past montb are but an 1 poisoned either with the famous upas
earnest sign of worse to come unles or some other similar vegetable poison.
people give more active heed to warn- j ,n 80me ca8,'s 0 species of strychnine.
Ings. is the tenor of a review of the They also ,D,ake, use the fPear an1
.1 . 4. . .... ,. an Ingenious form of spring gun
fire s tuatlon by the Westrn Forestry K . , ,i,.
' 1 which Is common to numerous other
& conservation Associauon, oaseu up- fftr.R. frii
on advices from private and official
fire fighting agencies throughout the
Pacific Northwest. August has com
menced with conditions Infinitely
more dangerous, for besides Increased
dryness of the forests due to pro
longed absence of rain, almost contin
uous fire fighting has only' Sept in
check Innumerable fires which still
smoulder to be fanned beyond control
should strong wind prevail.
Throughout most of Oregon and
Washington, up to the present time,
more extensive organizations by tim
ber owners and the forest service
than ever existed before, has fairly
well counterbalanced ' the' unusually
great number of fires. Most of them
have been controlled promptly. Never
theless the aggregate of small out
breaks in valuable timber represents
heavy losses. The Santiam, Klamath,
This is formed by set
ting a flattened bamboo spear attached
to a bent sapling, which Is fastened to
a trigger in such a way that it Is re
leased by the passerby stumbling
against an Invisible string stretched
across a game track. These spears are
really' Bet for game, and to the Initi
ated they are obvious enough, as their
presence Is always indicated by cer- I
tain well known signs, such as a j
broken off twig placed in a ciett suck. ;
In war these signs are removed, the
removal being equivalent to the mov- J
Ing of buoys In a mined channel. The
wounds Inflicted by these hardened !
bamboo spears are necessarily serious.
The mental qualities of ,the Negritos j
are extremely undeveloped, nene of
them being able to express a higher !
numerical idea than three, but all ob- !
servers who have met them nnlte in
saying that they are a merry little peo- '
pie, with great Ideas of hospitality !
when their confidence has been gained
and provided tbey have not been pre-
The Kind That Gives Satisfaction
The Quality Stofe
The best lines wejean buy are at your
service and we iuvite you to come
in and examine tnW
Tuf-Nut Gloves
Gordon Hats
Napa Tan Shoes
Big. Four sta
Patapsco shies
Keystone Oeralls
Menzies Shoes . ,
Boss of the RoidOveralls
Stetson Hats
Keystone Gorduray Pants
ndard work shirts
London Times.
f the
Wallowa and Hood River district in vlously ill treated. They are not can
Oregon, and the Grays Harbor, and tilbals and are generally monogamous.
Colvllle districts in Washington have
suffered seriously. Three men and
Tour women have been burned to
death in these two states already and
the season is not half over.
Since all forces are fighting day
and night, with no time to make re
ports, It Is Impossible to estimate the
damage done in Idaho and Montana,
though doubtless there has been much
exaggeration. In Idaho, especially,
where timber owners' fire associa
tions are highly efficient, what seem
ed an almost hopeless situation, has
been gotten pretty well in check. In
the Coeur Ad'lene district but three
fires remain not reported under con
trol, these being on Pine and Graham
creek, near Wallace, and on the west
side of Lake Couer d'Alene. In west
ern Montana, the situation 1 sabout
as bad as It can be, all available help
being enlisted without any certainty
of the outcome,, if rain does not soon
Intervene. , j
The association emphasizes that the
most dangerous pprtion of the season
Is still to come. There are fires ev
erywhere that are barely being held
In leash. New ones rtll overtax all
"xlstlng organization...' Since condi
is threaten under which fire may
long distances, timber owners
. urged to extend patrol beyond
nelr own tracts to all danger points
Establishment of citizens' fire bri
gades Is advised, organizing In ad
vance for having help, leadership and
equipment available without loss of
If we knew of any better li
would buy them, but we do
you do come in and tell
s than these we
t. Do you? If
about them.
, SlmpU Rulos For Trsatmont if You
Havo tho Nerve to Uto Thorn.
The treatment of a rattlesnake
wound resolves itself Into the appli-
F. J. HOLMES, Vlce-rres.
W. L. BRENH0LT8, Ass't fash.
EARL ZCNPEL, U Ass't Cash.
F. L. MEIERS, Cashier.
United States Depository
Capital and Surplus $180,000.00
Many Things .Concerning Thtm That
Seienc Cannot Fathom.
ren. sheltering under a tree onChlsle- ca a few ver 8,mP,e le In
hurst common, was struck by light- "i ffUUUU
Ding and kllled-one of those dreadful l8nak usaaly does ,ne very thln be
Instances of the sort of personal touch" nould DOt d-bat Is. goes tearing off
with which lightning seems to select ; t0P "P fjr tne nearest human
its victim, for. though one child is re- habitation, thereby Increasing the ex
ported to have been thrown down, nel- , rulation and disseminating the Tlrus
ther apparently was injured. There through the system more rapidly. The
are many instances, of course, of this man should sit calmly down and hind
trange selection, due In most cases , bis handkerchief around the limb (if
probably to some accident of clothing, jit is a limb), break off 'a 'stout twig
There Is a well remembered case which and Insert beneath the handkerchief,
happened some years ago at Cam J producing a rude tourniquet, and twist
bridge, when three young men were ; until the circulation is effectually shut
walking across an open space ot off.
ground, and the middle one of the i With a sharp knife make an X In
three was struck dead, while the oth- 'clslon over the wound, taking care
era were untouched. The Inquest
showed that the young man who was
killed had nails In his boots, whereas
the others were wearing boating shoes. 8UCj rigorously upon the wound
The phenomena or thunderstorms
have been the subject of much study j
in America. Rut If thunderstorms can !
be classified, tlii v fliv t'.ll tint thor
oughly nndersi
know - mhat r.n
which -fcm! S. ;
in the riitr .
cloud ju -k :
We cannot n .
lightning iu ii l itucti.
know what Is tin r.'n i
trlflcatlon ninnlfested in a
London Spectator.
it yet
LJ, -.f
i.i but
'. n- 'lec
Tickling tho Dtbtort.'
John Hariftt wsim only twenty -seven
years old v. lien President Cleveland
appointed blm lululsier to Slam. The
first Important task which confronted
the youthful envoy was to press a
claim agalusi ilio Siamese government
for $1,000,000. Experienced ambassa
dors warued blm against using threats
in obtaining the money. "Be cunning;
avoid arroga ace." tbey said.
"That is." responded Mr. Barrett,
"you rnvor tickling with a straw to
pricking with a bayonet"
The statesmen nodded assent
When the young minister had finally
succeeded in collecting the claim the
ambassador! asked in astonishment,
"How did you accomplish It?" .
"By tickling." explained Barrett "I
had to tickle them almost to death,
though, before they agreed to pay it."
to penetrate deeper than the fangs
have done. If be has good teeth and
oo canker in bis mouth, he may now
does no good to suck the original
wound. It is quite difficult to get nnv
virus back through an o'tilm:
greater in caliber than a tin- .
If all this Is done wltlio . '
chancea are that' the pat'. -fer
no greatfTlnwiiri'itl"!'
experience. ''IMw ;- ,
handy tk?kf !lvrr nf r-- ;t
cauterize the wonml tit"i v.
tor that, a lirnmi ,;r''
serve. Aft-
bis tourtihi'i; ' "
a portion "
ter the ! '
pable of !:
poison If
Wood hi:k. "
Political louncements
This column is open toany eqidale regardless of Faction
or Party and is pW advertising
a. F. WILSON, Athena, Oregon, candi
date for Joint senator for Umatil
la, Union and Morrow counties sub
ject to decision of republican pri-
. mariea. "I firmly believe In the di
rect primary law, economy in the
use of public funds, good roada,
better schools, strict and prompt
enforcement of law, the square deal
and eternal progress of man and his
C. A. BARRETT, Athena, Oregon. I
hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the nomination for Joint
ator for the district embracing
goo, Umatilla and Morrow coun-
subject to. the choice of re-
voters at the ' primary
ating election to be held on
ber 24th,; 1910. If 'nomina-
d elected I will work for the
of all the people ot my
to the best pf my ability.
maintenance of the dl-
fleers. '
mary law and people's
r senator and believe the
re as competent to nom-
ey are to elect their of-
ery respectfully yours,
(telephoned film this afternoon he said
I be thought It might bejtitfe for yon to
) """ri Hway -fcr lhe-iUf 4Wuek.
ii in
I never
...-a didn't
iiitued a
u.-ver took
V'fcnow. He tI.I ; r i
' 1 fwl feu f n ii ' .
'' 'Jit ;' :j.
..ilng. in-! I
Dalf uu Ii - WlUhiui Ackroyd
was still ;i it corner alone
thinking It mw.-rUrugo Reiord-Her-aid.
if. J. cnmcn
"1 fi. Ju CLEAVER
With ear ample reatarcei and facilities we can renjer you efflclrnt
iervlce aid handle jtur to year fv atlf action.
His Other Name.
The candidate for the place of coach
man had been weighed and was not
wanting, according to his new mis
tress' lights. Then the question of his
name, which was Patrick, came up.
The mistress objected to It in ber heart,
so she explained that It was ber cus
tom always to call ber coachman by
his family name. Had be any objec
tions? "Not the slightest, ma'am."
"What Is your last name, Patrickr
Titxpatrlck. ma'm." .
Rctst v if For Dig-
just !-! M: a : d tinished
!packln- f :, ..!. rtp.-r wiuiam
Ackro.vd ii a i.m; .:;i ii-uway nckeu
for her nml t'j.'lr nvo .laughters little
Bessie came duwn with n severe case
of whoopins t t'iigU. The doctor posi
tively refused to let the child start on
a long Journey, and even If be had
thought-It wife for the little one to
leave borne he assured Mrs. Ackroyd
that she would, not be permitted to
take the patient Into a hotel anywhere.
"Isn't It a sbamer the distressed
lady walled. "Here we are with every
thing In our trunks, and my husband
has even bought our berths in the
"It is unfortunate, but I don't know
what yon can do except sit down and
wait four or five days. It may be safe
then for yon to start away."
When her husband got home that
evening Mrs. Ackroyd was weeping.
"Don't take it so bard, dear," he said.
"It might be a good deal worse. Our
little one Is likely to get . along all
right The doctor says the case in't
an unusually severe one, and wbr:i 1
Carrying e Bundle.
A stylish looking woman who looked
as if she had rather die than carry a
bundle that wouldn't go into a hand
bag went into the women's suit depart
ment of a big store lugging a paste
board box half as big as herself. Other
customers present wondered at her un
dignified action, but the saleswoman
did not wonder.
"There is one time when the proud
est woman on earth will carry a bun
dle," she said. "That is when some
garment has been sent bome finished
off badly and has to be brought back
for alterations. If the customer would
only telephone to the store we would
end for the garment, but that would
take time. She wants it finished with
out, delay, and ra(her than wait ahe
brings it down herself." New York
Sun. -
The Old Friend-1 understand that
your practice la getting bigger. The
Young Doctor That's true. My patient
has gamed nearly two pounds In the
last month.
. Mrs. Stull
smoke up
iJobn, no true man will
wife's curtalnB. Mr.
say not Airyhofly
lus would tie a tsetk.
I jwetfr i-lgaiW.aKO
Those who
command otbe
:ommand themselves
Wanted Help.
Wife (crying Id a troubled dream)
Help! Help: flub Poor dear! Wor
rying about the servant problem even
In her aleep.-Boston Transcript '
DIALLY ita them
The United St
National Bank