PAOE TWO LA GRANDE EVENING OBSKUVKK MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1910 1 H i! : p 1! LllSIl IS HOOD ill Prof. H. A. Hallowell, dean of the Lewlston State Normal, visited here a few days ago. The coming year will be the best In the history of that state Institution. During the past year 272 students were enrolled, an Increase of 73 over the previous term. This , year an enrollment of 400 is expected, making a total, including the practice school, of 600. ThlB will make the Lewlston Normal the largest of the lx normals of the Pacific Northwest. Three new buildings have been com pleted during the year a central testing plant, a splendid gymnasium which Is Bald to be the finest In the inland empire, and a well equipped j manual arts and domestic science ; buHdlng. . ( ' J Six new numbers have been added to the faculty, which now numbers ! twenty-five. The new faculty mem-' bers are all graduates of Eastern' universities und especially .well-qualified for their work. They are Dr. Sam uel W. Brown, graduate of Stanford end Columbia universities, head of the department of education; Mrs. Theo dora Tt. Browltt, graduate of Wiscon sin rniversity, librarian; Mr. Guy L. Chlesman, graduate of Lake Forest University, assistance In science; Miss May E. Wakeman, graduate of Colum bia university, assistant, la manual arts; Miss Mary Frazec, rural training teacher, and Miss Alba Bui as, gradu ate of Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, head of the new domestic Bcience depart ment Several new courses for' teachers have been added for next tail,- the mqst Important of these being the ru ral school training course and the course'for special training of teach ers to teach domestic science and the manual arts in the elementary and high schools of the state. 'The Lew Iston Normal is the only institution west of the Mississippi, training teachers to teach domestic science in high schools. the art of war. They will leave Ba ker City at 7:45 Sunday evening In a special car, and will arrive in Port land Monday morning at 11 o'clock, bound for the north. A large number of guardsmen from this city will go, and they anticipate an' enjoyable and beneficial trip. The new uniforms ; were received this week in Portland, and will be issued to the men in time j for use at the encampment Thcnew j suits are of the same make as those j used in the regular army. Baker City j Herald. 1 BAKER JIILITIA TO CAMP.. Members of ('oiiipuuj A. will Li-ave Baker Sunday Stent . All Is now In readiness at the local headquarters of Company A, Third Regiment, Oregon National Guard, for the trip to American Lake where the boys will spend, ten days in learning When the train passed through La j Grande Sunday night at about 11 P m., Captain Haines was seen by an Observer reporter, as he scoured the depot for a couple of recruit3 that failed to show up here. The captain says that this year, it is almost an Im-' possible task to get the men to make the trip. A minimum enlistment of forty-one men-Is supposed to be had j Dy eacn company, wnue wis year the Baker company numbers twenty-sis, with possibly two or three extra pri vates, to be picked up adong the trip. Severe tactics were used ; at Baker and yesterday two members of "A" were confined in the guard house, but escaped an hour or 'so before the train pulled at Another militiaman J was given a dishonorable discharge for refusing, nj the last minute, to make the trip. AVIV ?M Tnr ' - "vv ' Try-; : T .,. V the Functions of the Eye is necessary to fit spectacles as they should be fitted GLASSES fitted by simply trying glass after glass until one is found that gives good vision, areapt to PROVE INJURIOUS There arc no haphazsrd methods in my tests and your, eyes are safe in my hands HEACOCK; EYESIGHT, SPECIALIST Lccated next door to Post Office v flips: x) : jr. Sheriffs Sale. Notice Is hereby given that by vir tue of an execution and order of sale and decree of foreclosure and sale ls- 'ew Gj mnaslnm at Normal School. sued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the Btate of Oregon, for the county of Union, bearing date the 7th day of July, 1910. and to me directed and delivered upon, a judg ment and decree duly rendered, en tered of record and docketed in said court on the 27th day of June, 1910, in a suit wherein William M. Blakely was plaintiff, and Asa L. Roberts and Hattle R. Roberts were defendants, 7VidgmeJt being In favor of Bald j.iit'u:. igalnst said defendants lor the. cum . :' i.-O.SO, wlh interest at 8 per cent per an.iUtn from June 27, 1910, and the further sum of $20, for costs an disbursements 1 : ' sell on Saturday, the 13t'a day of Aug ust, 1910, at 2 o'clock p. m., of said day at the front door of the county court house In the city of La Grande, Oregon sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said plaintiffs judgment,. Interest, costs and disbursements and accru ing costs, all the right, title and in terest that the said defendants and 'each of them had on the date of said mortgage to-wlt, August 20,. 1908, or have since therein obtained In and to the following described real proper ty, to-wit: n Lots Two, Three and Four of Block One Hundred , and . Thirty-five of Chaplin's addition to the town of La ' Grande,. Union county, Oregon. Dated this 11th day of July, 1910, at La Grande, Oregon. ' . ; F. P. CHILDERS. , Sheriff of Union County, Ore. July 14-21-28 Aug4-ll . Don't waste your money buvlnjat plastei- when you can get a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment for twentv-five cents. A piece of ! fiunnol dampened with this liniment uigure j rior .to any plaster for luriie back, pains in the side and chest, and much cheaper. ' , Ladd Park, which Is located In the center of Laurelhurst, Is to be im proved at once, and when the proposed improvements have bet- made it will be the most mcgnlficent puoiic park In Portland. These improve ments include the creation of extensive botanical gardens, an enlarge ment of tbe present natural Jake now there, and scenic driveways and walks. Residence property fronting on or convenient to a public park is al ways in demand and brings high values. The boulevards of Laurelhurst have been made to conform to the proposed driveways of the park. As soon as the improvements in Ladd Park are completed, 'then prices in, Laurel hurst lots will advance mother notch or two. N ' The Ai adition with Gh aracter BECAUSE, BECAUSE BECAUSE i BECAUSE BECAUSE BECAUSE place to invest money In. ". "' " T' warranty deed with full covenants and a certified abstract of title will be given to each purchaser, Is nearly always the case in placing value of all the property Increases a new addition on the market The prices are made very low to get as new homes are built, and those who buy early share In the Increased Lanrelhurst Is a good '.The titles are perfect. A The prices are low. .This people interested. The value, because they help to make it. The population of Portland Is growing at the rate of 30,000 for the past 21 months Bhow that 51 per rent of the permits day 73 per cent of the people In Portland live on the East side, Does this mean anything? ? ' V . It means wonderful advances In east side prices n general, atrd Laurelhurst In particular, because Laurelhurst prices are now just about one-half of the real values. It surrounds the new city park that Is to be improved at once, and made one of the great scenic attractions of Portland, adding value to all adjacent property. , The lots now selling at an average price of $1150 each will be worth double that amount In one year. We are offering Special Inducements to those Who commence building this year. a year, and all of these people niuBt have homes. The building statistics granted for residences have been Issued for home on the East side. To and 27 per cent on the West side. I ' " OFFidEftS A!ND DIRECTORS - , Chas. K. Henry, president Chas. K. Henry Co., Portland; owner Henry Bid... frank F. Mead, president Seaboard Sec. Co., Seattle. Paul C. Murpby, director Bankers Trust Co., Tacoma; V. P. Laurelhurst 'Co- Seattle. " l. B. Linthicum, secretary Williams, Vood ft Llnthicum, Portland. James B. Meikle. former secretary Seattle Chamber of Commerce. Edw. Cooklngham, vice-president and manager Ladd ft Til ton Bank L. A. Lewis, manager Allen ft Lewis, wholesale grocers, Portland. IT. R. Burke, of the Royal Insurance Co. Chat. K. Williams, manager Morris Bros., bonds. Hennr Fries, of Wakefield, Fries ft Co., real estate. ' Robert H. Strong, manager of Corbett Estate. "i "7 T George J. Dekum, of Chas. K. Henry Co.. real estate.