IA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1910. PAGE FOUR THE OBSERVER riMis.bfd nj Eieept Sas&ay Brug e Dennis, Editor and Owner. Entered at the postomce at La 'J-aruI e aa second-class matter Tatted Pros Tcugrspa Service ' " SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Dally, alngle copy nnr. ner week Daily, per month 5c 15c , cording to the nucber of namea now appearing on tha booka one would think there aa scarcely any popula tion la this valley, which, is not the case by any means. It is gratifying to note the steady increase in revenue from La Grande's water department. A city cf this size consume a great deal of water and at the nominal cost charged here, it does not seem that any great amount of revenue would be produced, yet as a whole, it amounts to considerable. Tie department has almost everything un der the meter, the only correct way to sell water. 71 This paper will cot publish an ar ticle appearing over a nom de plume. Signed articles will be revised sub ject to the discretion of the editor. Pieaae sign your articles and save lisappolatrfien". . HIE SILLS OF TOOLE , dam Hunter and HttnUd. A nearolgblrd aportsnian strolled into Hale bote) oc the sbcre of Loch Carroo and complaining! said. "Just seen a seal, shot at It ttrv times and missed It each lime. At dinner so boar later be sat next to a tourist wbo bad a bandage round bis bead. "Dad an accidents asked tbe sports man. "Aevklentr growled the other. "At tempted murder, you mean. I was having a bath about an hour ago wbt'i three times from tbe shore and shut ' I pan or my ear on. i con i enow wny uch animal are allowed cot without a license " Then silence rvigned sujreme. Lon don Telegraph. The attempt to make Senator Bourne a common enemy to every re publican who believes in organization will r.ot work. That is what his ene mies are earnestly endeavoring to do. but the saa:or. like all public men. will have friends In both camps des pite such efforts. The assembly is a rratter of principle and should not be z cs:Zzn 2ar man !:cHvidia!!y. Ki last the head of Irsltt-d Wireless j.st. been indicted. It has been long, hard fig?.t. In which the govern ment h vigilant and careful. So well were the utn who promoted this com5-n eairtncbed. that it re quired considerable out r, )in in order ! t,lla coulj be rendered. . j; would not seem that those who Have evidently prorated from the sal of what appears to be practically a worthless stock will meet a fair and Impartial trial, with chances very far for their conviction. Doubtless hun dreds of stockholders w31 feel good over this mote on the part of thfl government, for there Js little doubt that mSsrc presentations were made to innocent purchasers in order to sell United Wireless. In this part of Ore gon there were many who bought stock, which was their privilege, and thev did so. filing the company was managed by honest and reliable peo ple. It did Jiot appear very gqod on the face of It for a twenty mIir.on dol-, lar company that never paid a evi dent tad no right to manipulate its t-ka above par. That however, was some frenzied finance, and might J Bate been forgiven If the officers had - pushed the business and put it on a j palng basis. Such was not done I and no wthose who have lined tneir nnrtPi with money from the Inno cent, are called upon to face courts. In seliisg the old court house to I'nitro school district, the co-jniy court undoubtedly did what was test for all concerned. Some advocated glvins the building end grounds to the dis trict but that wonM establish a bad precedent and might have created dis erd in the future. In our opinion the transaction terminated very satisfac torily. LavicHness. " "In days of old luxurious people had cloth of gold placed beneath their feet" "Tea." replied Mr. Cbujrgins. "'But those times were comparatively ?co nomicaL Now we want nothing less expensive than rubber tires between as and the earth." Washington Star. Thara Was No Music "What Is the greatest Bb that ever Impressed Itself oo jour experience. Snapper T "We!!. ly ail odd, tbe worst one I ever beard was that your quartet per petrated last night when they came round to the boose and sang There's Music In the Air.' - Among other crops at this season of the year is the petition crop and judging from the number la circula tion it appears that candidates must be thkk as files. Cnder the present j law it I necessary for each candidate J . to 'obtain a certain ier cent of the" Sandy voters ia his district its order to getibungalo rxcs'tioa on the oallo. The Tarme of Exchanoa. "We wish to arrange for an ex- ghange of prisoners" announced the South American dictator. "On what basis?" inquired the lead er of the other side. - "The usual basiseight generals for a rood, husky ' privite." LoulsvCla I Courier-Journal. Wos nongman s ClothW The Kind That Gives Satisfacloh 17 Ao The Quality Store WEST The best lines we can buy are at yoi service and we invite you to com in and examine them Tuf-Nut Gloyes Gordon Hats Napa Tan Shoes Big Four Sox Keystone Oeralls Patapsco Shoes Menzies Shoes Boss of the Road Overalls Stetson Hats' Keystone Gorduray Pants Standard work shirts . Quick Sprint. Pikes-Da t rich gny "In de took quite a fancy to me. He took me around to de stable, show- jed me de f 5.000 bulldog be had Just bought and asked me if i could beat It Doubtless Senator Cuxnalns rea!lr : Gritty Ueorge-And what did yon say? thinks he is a greater man than Taft-! Sandy Pikes-Sntiin. I just beat it. But quite likely he is who holds to that opinion. n'.ac than Taft.! Sandy Pikes-SntUn. I just the only mm ! Chicago News. " If we knew of any better lines than these we would buv them, but we do not. Do vou? ' If you do come in' and tell us 1- ..a alrV aDOUl V THE OIL WELL' SHOOTER. SBC1ETY Political rlnnouncemenfs. v : -9 1 when tbe well baa become clogged or ; apparently exhausted to begin or re- I ncw the flow by exploding nltroglyc I 8mtimas Blown' fnto Eternity With j I His Own Ammunition. i &, , In certain of the petroleum prodoc-' , Hini In onenlnran'oil well-Mmetlmea U IfliS COIUmil 15 ODtll tO 31? CZlldiam KQSTultSS 01 tatOtt tbe BE SrKE M REGISTER The general feeling In I'nion and Wallowa counties seems to be that registration Is a thing that can be put off unta the last minute. So it can. but always when things are left until the very last chance, some one fails to appear. It is so with registration. Just as sure as many neglect this im portant duty, just that sure is there to be confusion on election day caus If extra labor for Judges and clerk. The matter of voting is not only a privilege accorded all citliena. but it la their duty as well. No matter what you may stand for. see that your name ia properly registered and when election day comes V sure and de posit your ballot. If the arrangements go through to nave the registration records removed to the United States bank building there will then he no excuse whatever for not seeing tM ia attended to, Ac- Two weddings cf local interest have occured during the past ten days, and while there have been no particu larly fashionable weddings In the city in that time, tbe marriages one at Baker City, and the other at Port landwill bring two stranger mes dames to the city within the next month. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCall .dmrkahI .deslniEQD aonw aonww J Mrs. S. E. Spiker was given Thursday who were married at Portland, will be "at home on West Adams avenue. S.r,mher 1. and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. tag a sumptuous lunch at the close e ai me oonom oi ine wen. iu of the session. After the luncheon mpJTtllTUSe, ' . . . . . . plodes readily by the dropping of a the visitors returned home having en- ttptA WBO CJLrrle3 Joyed the visit very much. These In- . nitroglycerin from well to well for this ter-lodge visits always cement friend- j purpose Is known in the oil regions as ship and create acquaintances that are , a "shooter." bound to be pleasant'and lasting. The shooter has a wagon In which to 1 carry bis explosive. A square box on The 36th birthday anniversary f f ' r the seat ts carefly padded, and i Dea ii lias ueen vouuij liuea vua :- esris of nltmplrrvrln. which Is a mo- evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j bses-Uke Cui)Jt b fastens down the Jacob Spiker." 1309 Y avenue, and a j cover and drives slowly away to the delightful and entertaining evening j well that be Is to shoot Usually be or Patty and is paid advertising senator for tbe district en)racing Union. Umatilla and Morrol coun- S. F. WILSON, Athena, Oregon, candi date for Joint senator for Umatil- . la. Union and Morrow counties sub ject to decision of republican pri maries. "I firmly believe In the di rect primary law, economy in the use of public funds, good roads, better schools, strict and prompt enforcement of law, the square deal and eternal progress of man and his Institutions.' Clark will also be permanently loca- j was enjoyed. Beautiful presents were j makes the trip very early In tbe morn- t,l hr Rentember 1. Mrs. Zulu Zoe OUmesi Clark, cor.)?s to La Grande from Clarion, near Pittsburg. Pa., and Mildred i.Maurer) McCall is a popular Chicago girl who will make La Grande her future home. Fifteen members of the Crystal Re bekah lodge No. 30. 1. O. O. pad a fraternal visit to the F.ebrkah lodge at Summerville Wednesday night. Mrs, Addle Grout, president of the grand assembly of Oregon, wis, on? of the visitor. All the La Grande people were splendidly entertained by the Summerville lodge, the hostess serr- CE0EGZ PALMIR, Pre. F. J. nOLlXS, Tlee-Frts. W. L. BEESH0LTS, AssX faa. EARL ZFSDEL, U Cask. F. L. M1TEKS raler. GRANDE NATIONAL E OF LA GRANDE, OREGON . United States Depository Capital and Surplus $180,000.00 DIRECTORS awarded the gnest of honor. The fol- j in to avow the customary travel ana lowing were the guests: Mr. and Mrs diminish the chance of danger. xi, v v, s! For the most part the roads are bad. i ' , . t, . ... .! and the wagon jolts along In a way to Spiker. Mr and Mrs. Frank asb-,. anT tnt an .V- burn. Mrs C. A. Logne. Mrs. Paul ; ddedlT nervous. If It Is dark there Barn. Miss Jane Widlis and Mrs- Kath- j jj gmt danger that a wheel may drop erine Taylor. j Into a hole with force enough to deto-, " i nate the explosive Several wagons Mrs. W. II. Bohnenkamp entertain- j bearing shooters and tbeir loads have ed the Fire Hundred club Friday af- i be Wown up, but do one ever lived . to tell what sort of Jar caused the ex tern oon. Honors were won by Mrs. j pjofejon , Jay Van Buren. Light refreshment ; Ia a uttle Is ever found ex were served. j cept the great hole In the ground which the explosion has dug, with possibly a Last Wednesday evening Mis Lena wheel of the wagon a quarter of a Jones pleasantly entertained the P. j mile away In oe direction and another T. & T. central girls at her home with : tb PP direction. a three-course luncheon. The home I loTfrr . . . , , . j 80 to 240 quarts or nitroglycerin In was very prettily decorated in pinkj, wtgQ tmx b and white sweet peas and the lamp qnlte if tt abould explode to shades were of an attractive cream j leave no trace of the driver of the color. The central girts and other j vehicle. voune ladies who were the guests. nen me snooter rescues ine weu were C. A. BAT RETT. Athena. Oregon. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the nomination for Joint ties, subject to the cbolceof re publican voters at the rlmary nominating election to be jld on September 2h, 1910. If srnina ted and elected I will work pr the interest of all the people of my district to the best of myMlity. favor the maintenance of ie di rect primary law and jople's choice for senator and belice the people are as competent tc .nom inate as they are to elect tbir of ficers. Very respectfully yrs, a A. BARRTTT. oomo MisfKa. "... Ccnssienea. ? -Ton a. n,rf tb on wlm n.s, h-r- ,Q tbe commission of evil sooter Is when I called last year." said the busl-l bntuon,? witness against thee; tho art Xtess visitor. looking down at the fus?y a thousand ajmlnst thyself. Aotber . I .. K. .. : lime man seated at the desk. ; lu"u " "'w, -I am sure I am. I have been here; not--vuari- ten years." ."1 wouldn't have recognired you. "There may be a reason for that." Tear "Looking you over, I don't believe you are tbe one who called." -thyself thou anst It la better to suffer wrong thsn to do It, and happier to be sometmes cheated than not to trust -Johnsor. The Way It Works. "Are riches dangerous ? "Well, a rich man Is apt to get Into trouble." i "Explain." , "Brown had always been poor until last year." lauirs una were lur .umis. ; wv mvmra u. 1 Weil, WDSt or toat Misses Pearl Murchlson. Celes-j aicQ Is to be treated long torpedo j He got riv hi and now tU Love, Elsie Wright. Netta Lea.. luu" ,rr P'"w "nin r,slDs u- sued for alinw-ju; Green. Cecile Smtih, Haael Jones. , f t d u xV.oa w, tn.Q ; A little chap four years of age met I Ruth and Madeline Jones. i a thousand. When one of the tubes n wt th misfortune to have his aat S j filled It Is lowered with the utmost blown Into the river When tt reached AcThing Voids. care to the bottom of the welL This m his father said to to: l -Brooks." said Elvers, "that's the operation Is repeated until the shoot-1 "If Bdw J0 dkla bkw ow 'secoDd time I've heard you use the er Is satisfied that the load is heavy , t" . phrie aching void.' I wish you ; tell me bow a void can ache. ! I When aC U ready a bar of ton. known ! "I fastened to my feet Is dropped Into the p. X. ECLLTS w. a. cnrsoi F.L.EXTT2S C C. PEMX6T0X CL L (XEATER . fi. BTBXIT W. U BXXSIIOLTS TT. 1. PURCE smlc Ml I tslaws ta jaar eaUre atJfacUa. -w.n " R roots, reflecting a mo- ! as a Tod evil." ! wt Af hrtl'nw tooth. i weL The In "Tint It leaves hia hand ! Acute Sonso of Hoanna. don't you sometimes have the bead- the shooter takes to his heels, seeking . Camille-Clarence isnt so dlSdent 'acber-Chlcago Tribune. 1 a place of safety. j when he Ult to you throogh the ! Suddenlv the earth trembles: there phone, is bei Estel'.e Isat ae? Even Is a crash, followed by a snap; a tnuf- ( through the phone I can bear bis heart fled sound arises and becomes louder j Cutter.-ExchaDse. and louder until a column of ell and " water shoots from 73 to 100 feet Into ' Know tH. Outcome, the air. The country for hundreds of i Sympathetic Father-Parted from feet around is filled with clouds of ' Harry forever, have you? Well, per spray floating to leeward. When this " baps it's Just as well oot to see each rnnYiAam ttA v.Tt I. In oiiHa an. tfllhr f.tr ST nr two T Jf I the shooter re-eiv l:!s fee and drives ' - Matrimonial Felicity. Mrs. Quackenboss Am yo' daughtah happt'y nur'd. Sistah Sagg? ! Mrs. Sagg She sho Is! Bless good iness. she's done got a husband dat's Iskeered to death of her:-Woman's ; nome Compankn. ; Ton ; crslc ky If ywi do ; ry a long face. not continually car- j away.-Hsri'' Weekly. A runny temper gilds tbe edge of life's blackest, cloud.-tiuthrie. FARftlERS'BUSlNES M Cl)IE PARTICU LAR ATimiON 10 THE BUSINESS OF FARfifEKS. mCOR DIALLY IHVITE THEM TO MAKE WlSWEli BANKING HOME. i i ' P The United States National Bank, LA GRANDE, OREGON. J