LA GRANDE EVJMXG OBSfcttVEf THURSDAY, AUGU&T 4, 1910. l'AOE GEVEIJ lEPETITilFuIl ITER IS fll, i - - COMPLETE i El land owners interested, CAS LEA UN BOUNDARY returned from the garden the mom ent she did, the house would hare burned to the ground. It is supposed that the fire was originated by a mouse gnawing some matches on the top shelf in the pantry, burning the shelf and numerous other articles which were on it. Humane Moving Picture. i Marliei Quotations. I titioa will be Acted Upon bj Conn. tj Court September 7. Full description of the proposed joundarles of the La Grande Irriga tion district, are published today in lie Observer and will be given the Inquired publication between date and he Tth of September when the coun- y court will take action on the mat er. The boundaries are merely ten ative and may be changed at will by he county court on request of the Jand owners in the district. The pe- ttfrm in In romnlian-ce with the sta tute, and is to notify the property owners in and around the district that ihey are to be given an opportunity to express themselves before the county c6urt at the stipulated time. The ten tn "hnnndnrieq should be read .with care, that people living in or near the district wfll he versed on the exact boundary lines. Why be bald San Francisco, Aug. 4. Moving pictures, which have lately come, in( for much criticism, will be put to a good use by the San Francisco Society for the Prevention of Cmelty to Ani mals. It is proposed to depict the work of the society In the pictures and the films will be' made to show the rushing of ambulances on emer gency callB, the rescuing of injured and abused horses, the relief of side and sore animals, the examination of work horses and the arrest of brutal offenders against the law. The lat ter will be led ot court and will "'gel theirs," doubtless, to the delight of I the spectators. t. $ New Sweet Potatoes SUGARCash PriceSugar, $5.75; beet sugar $6.55. VEGETABLES New , dry onlonB, 5c; fresh peas 10c; rhubarb 3c; headi letuuee 10c; radishes, 3 bunches for 10c; green onion's, 3 bunches for 10c; tomatoes 15c lb; new potatoes, 10 for 25c; , cabbage fcc lb; grn corn, 25c doz. String beans 10c lb. . ,- FRUIT Oranges, '60c per dozen; lemons, 45c per dozen; oananas. 40c per doz'; . ';' blackberries, 2 boxes for 25c water melons 2 l-2c lb; cantalope 10 & 15c lb.; peaches, 10c lb.; plums, 10c lb. MEATS Hogs, live weight, we! finished, $9 rwt: cows, 3 1-2 to 4c; S to 3 1-2; veal 4 to 4 1-2; mutton 3 to 4; chickens 13c; fries, 20c; U 3 Fsrtland Market BUTTER Extra Creamery, 35 35 1-2; store 22 1-2 24 1-2. BUTTER FAT Dellrver i. o. b. at Portland sw cream 32 1-2; sour 30. EGGS Locai, candled, 2b 27c POULTRY Mx. chickens 1616 1-2 ;7c; fancy. 17 1-2 cents; turkeys alive, 20 & 21; pigeons squabs. $2.50; dres sed chickenB, 1 to 2c higher than alive. BARLEY Producers price, 1910; Feed, $23; rolled. $25; tore whig. $24. WHEAT Nominal teack. ' club, 8788; bluestem 9396; Willamette Valley 97. ' MII.LSTUFFS Selling pnee Bran 21'l-2; mldllngs SO; shorts 22 1-2; chop 1925. FLOUR Old crop patents, $5.35 THE CLASSIFIE CQLUiM A I 1a7 A BRINGS RETURN WIimi 'Parisian Sage is Guaranteed to Stop Falling Hair, or Money Back ' ' A luxuriant head of hair is God's birthright to every, man to every woman. ) If your hair is falling out; if it u splitting; If it is turning gray, if lr is full of dandruff, if it is harsh and uncontrollable, then it is diseased, and prompt action should be taken. Parisian Sage is a real hair restor er; It will darken faded hair; It will stop dandruff in one week by prompt ly killing the germs that infest the roots of the hair. Parisian Sage Is the inoBt delightful '. hair dressing In the world; it is pleas- ant, invigorating and refreshing. It makes the hair soft, beautiful and luxuriant Wherever Parisian Sage is known, it is the ladies' favorite hair dressing. We urge all women who desire beautiful hair, to try Parisian Sage. If, after using one bottle, you do not Bay it is the most delightful hair dressing you have ever used, you can have your money back. The price Is only 50 cents a large bottle at New lin's drug store, or by express, char ges prepaid, from GIroux Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. The girl with the au hurn hair on every bottle. A 9a 4 nrsi ut iffCtjccidvtf Wc ' '.j- IT CEKTAIMil , LOOKS GOOD 'to the' children when they see the delicious bread made from the North Powder Best of the Best Patent flour. It is a meal for the little ones, with hutter, Jam or Jelly, that la whoiesome and muscle building." It looks good also to the housewife whaa she sees the golden brown crisp - and the white bread inside when it comes from the oven. It also smells appetizing when made from Best of Best Flour. FOR SALE EY ALL GROCERS TO TRADE 160 acres of timber land to trade, for city property. Mac Wood, Golden Rule store. it 1? 1 BURNISHED ROOM For genUeas; cnly. Nice location. Close in. C&I1 np Red 352. v tt FUKMSHED ROOMS 1612 Adams Ave., $8.00 per month, phone red T41. NOW Get that summer suit cleaned and pressed at Pennington's. Phone Black 851 or 44. : TO RENT Suite of furnished rooms. Inquire at 1311 O. ave., or phone Elack 822. FOR SALE Two Jersey milch cows, phone Red 3S62. ; . HOUSE FOR SALE Modern 7-room house at 1806 First street is offered at a bargain it sold at once. Call Red 901. WANTED Sewing machines to-repair, all makes, by a factory expert. ' Leave orders at F. D. Hasten's jtore. ' 6t FOR RENT Barn near quire of J. C. Gulling. " track. In- FOR SALE Corner Lot, .close In cheap. Phone Red 1141. , LOST A surplus worn In Episcopal choir. Leave at Observer office. WANTED Two or three carpenters. Apply P. S. Bramwell. FOR RENT Barn suitable for t'uree' horses. Inquire at this office. ROOM and BOARD 1617 Fourth Et m 'Por umL Oregon S City Grocery and 4 r. , I-i r ' 5 oaKery FIRE NARROWLY AVERTED Counsel llome in Ladd Canyon Saved - By Timely Return of Housewife. Ladd Canyoni Ore., Aug. 4. Special Discovery of a fire in the nick of of time was all that saved the home of Frank Counsell Sunday evening. The children were away from the house at play; Mr. Counsell was at Hot Lake, and had not Mrs. Counsell I Printers' Promises You've had experience, maybe. But there's a difference in printers. ' ur premises are made to be kept and we keep them! Try us next time. The Job may cost you a little more, but there's satisfaction in - being sure. Our printing Is sold on the assumption that there's economy la qnallty. LEA'Jhiton's Prhtery Successor to Bid F. Lewis LEWIS BUILDING We Have Them. Six pound Elec tric Flat Irons at $3.75 Each liTEi' OREGON Light and Power Company European Plan Only Rooms 50c to $1.50 First class Throughout SAVOY HOTEL KMIQAnt Ml(t lMy bohool lof mrl. nnni-r nt, pf bL.ter.of tt. John b.uti.tKmi.i&:T I Vll"elt. Arnilouilc anilQ V Irnii ntiiril Iiii-lit., Ari, i.iocuuon, ojuiuh.Iuui.i (Uviiiimt futile oiiut I on r II j emu! I TlmSitw Snpriw,Ottic 28, Sl.Htl.n-i Ha'!.P1'ar i,C- I I ;'.berlain's Colic, Oiolera tiiJ I)!ar . I .Ilcmctiy is tH.';ir the best known med I . . 1 use for the relief and cureof howel p IU-piH. 1 cures griiMii, uiurruuea, I unterr, and should be ttt'ken nt the Grxt 4 unnatural looeiieB of the bowels. Jt is I equally valuable for children and mlulta. It 1 always cures. Your complexion as weft as vour temper h rendered miBerable by a disordered liver. V9 taking ClKinilpr!ain's Stomach and Liver I'a'M.U V(Hl can IMIKWVO Until. Safer than National Banks t i A Better than U. S. Gold Bonds ! UNION COUNTY LANDS. Why invest in foreign cities and wireless stock, when I you have a sure thing at home ? X See C J. BLACK, All Who Love Little Ones wilL provide purest of tat pure in : Candy Loot lot ta Seal M runty Patronli $ tt "Modttn "Dealer ( mr i m -m mm- fAM A Wilson O Brittan, Electrical Contractors. Prompt and caretul attention given all work. Alt werk guar anteed to pass underwriters examination. Best ELECTRIC IRON on the market; also ELEC1RIC FANS One Door south of Observer ; ' Office who has a large astjof money makers. DIRECTORY - OF THE. FRATERNAL ORDERS LA GRANDE, ORE s . M. W. A. , La Grardo Camp No. 7703 meets e?ery Monday in the month at the I. O. O. F. Hall. All visiting neighbors are cordially Invited to attend. ,. I. R. SNOOK, C. D. E. COX. Clerk. Women of Woodcraft Grande Ronde Circl- No. 47 meets every flrBt and third Thursday even ing in the month at the I. O. O. F. Hat!. All visiting members welcome. CHLOB ROBINSON. G. M. LIZZIE ELLSWORTH, Clerk. A F & A M Im Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. & A. M. holds rejruler meetings first and third fiatardays at 7:30 p. m. JOHN HODQIN, W. M. A. C. WILLIAMS, Secretary , . , B. P. O. E. . ,. La Grande Lodge No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Elk's club corner of Depot street and Washingtoa Avenue. Visiting brothers are cordially Invited to attend. DR. G. L. BIGGERS, Ex. Ruler. HUGH McCALL, Rec. Sec. D. G. BRIGHOUX, Proprietor. "Can be depended upon" it an expression r all like to hear, and when it is used in connection with Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera jtnd Diarrhoea Remedy it means- V t r-?ver fails to cure diarrhoea, dysent fowel complaints. It is pleasant to ta' .-jtiallv valuable for children and t ONE BLOCK FROM DEPC: La Grande, Oregon ; OBSERVER V'.bfliahs " Crystal Lodge No. 10 meets every Tuesday -'ening In the I. O. O..F. hall All visiting members are invited to I attend. ' MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, N. G. MRS. JENNIE M. SMITH. Ses. - - aak a ' c b s k .m. - - Cut Glass and Hand Painted China From now until July 17, I will make a specially low price on cut glass and hand painted China. It will pay you to examine ray stock and get a good se lection before buying your gifts. All styles of wedding rings including Tiffany, round, oval, etc., at lowest prices in Eastern Oregon, Quality considered. I will Save You Money. v La Grande's LeadinJeweler, - Opposite Land Office J. H. Peare, . ' - '-..'..V. ' Knights of Pythias Red Cross Lodge No. 27 meets ev ery Monday night in Castle hall, (old Elk's hall). A Pythian welcome to all visiting Knights. .ED. WRI3HT, C C. R. L. LINCOLN, M. of R. & S. O. K. 8. Hope Chapter No. 13, 0. E. S. holds stated communications the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month Visiting members cordially Invited. MARY A. WARNICK,Sec. PAULINE LEDERLEE, W. M. A PK0FESSI051L DIS2CT0ST. $ O 4 C U. UPT0X, Ph. G. M. D. , Ppyslclan and Surgeon Special attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office In La Grande Nat lonal Bank Building. Phones: Of fice Main '2, Residence Main 32. Woodmen of the World La Grande Lodge No. 169 W. O. W. meets every second and fourth Tues day In the month. All visiting mem bers welcom. f ' NERI ACKLES, C. C. J. H. KEENEY, Clert. Hfhy paiRen? We loan you money to build, and you pay us as you'would rent. J. R. OLIVER. WANT ADS PAY GEO. W. ZIMMERMAN 03tsopath Physician Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7, 8, i and 10 Phones: Home 1332, Pacific Main 63, Residence phone, Black 951. Suc cessor to Dr. T, E. Moore. LA GRANDE SCHOOL OF Ml SIC Cor. Adams avenue and Greenwood St PEOF. E. P0STE1 DAT K'octor. T. II. CBAWF0HD Attorney-at-law Practices In all the courts of the State and Un'ted States. Office In La Grande National Bank Bid? La Gmde. Oregon !:. i. A ciirlto:c , Veterin rr Surgeon Office at Hill's Drug Store, La QranJs Residence phone, Red 701; Offlca phone, Black 1361; Independent - phone 63; hoth phones at lesldencs. Chas. E. Cochran Geo. T. Of j COCHEAN ft COCnEAK Attorneys 4 Ia Grande National Bank B). La Grande . Ortfoa DR. M. P. MENDELSOHN Doctor of Optics. Spectacles r.nd Eye Glasses FittaJ and mad to order. 1 All Errors of Refraction Corrctd 1105 Adams' Ave. Opposite P. O. La Grande, Oregoa DR. H. L. UNDEEWOOD DX D031 J. USDEBW00D Office over Red Cross Drug store. Phones, office Main 22; Res. Main 728 t. W. C NELSON Mlalnr Engineer Baker City Oregon N. K0LIT0R, X. D. Ppyslclan and Surgeon ' Co'ier Aiara- 3. hnd Depot street ' Ofll-iO Main 68 Resldeac: ft J. C PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist Room 23, La Grande Nations.' Building. ! houe Black 39&