LA UKAHDii fcVIitf& OBSERVER TUESDAY, AL PAv HE ISIS -TOM'S P10GUB- Funeral of King George Vli. (Vlto). Mountain Bllzmd. Castaways (Kalem). Modern Cinderella (Vlto). Song I Won't Be Homa Until August. Beautiful dishes given to lady patrons of the matinee. See dis play In lobby. '. V -UM 11c- J . LOCAL .THS. Q Mrs. M Patterson of Kamolla is reg istered at the Savoy today. . George Alexander of Cove la a coun ty seat visitor this afternoon. . .. T. L. Wilkinson, aJ well known resl- today. Mr. and Mrs. Dawson of Pontlac, Mich., are here visiting Prof, and Mrs. Day. '.' '.' . "". J. L. Code, extra trlcker at North Powder spent yesterday in the city visiting friends. E. B. Morelock, a Portland man, is staying at the Savoy today while trans acting business matters here. Sain A. Herring, northwest distribu tor of refrigerator cars'. Is in the city toda conferring with local fruit men. " . : Miss Ada Sleasln of Spokane Is V the city this afternoon on her way home from a visit with friends on the Joseph branch line. ...': H. C. RInehart, the piano dealer, ar rived home from a business trip tt Portland, lasting several days. ' Mr. and Mrs. L.V. Massee took their departure this morning for Joseph where they will turn, campers for a week. Night Chief Dispatcher Andrews has returned with his family from the seashore, where they have been spend ing a vacation. The Alert, of the Island City Sun day school will give an Ice cream and lawn social Saturday evening, at the home of C. H. Bldwell. ' Miss June Hume, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Hume, went to Ba ker City today where she will visit friends for a few days. D. H. Steward and family have re turned from an extensive tour of Wallowa county that took them to the Tmnaha country in their automobile. Mr. and Mrs.. F. S. Bramwell and family, and Mr. a?d Mrs. F. C.'.Bram well and family left today for points In Wallowa, on a camping expedition. Dispatcher Irwin ' and ' wife will leave immediately for a tour of the middlewest. Intending to spend their entire vacation in and around Mis souri points.. , . , , 'Ted Flynn, a prominent Portland ar chitect, who has been vlf'ltlng with Mr. and ,Mrs. T. C. Hume and family, left this morning for Baker City yhere he will visit friends for a few days. .. Mrs. R. W. Logan and children left yesterday for Salem where they will Join the Darby family . reunion this week. The Darby clan of twenty-two consists of children and grandchildren of the aged Mr. and Mrs. Darby, who lives at Salem. H. , T. Hill has accepted the local agency' for the Hold . Manufacturing company, makers of combines. A branch house will be established hire next spring. The Holt company will next spring. The Holt company Is one of the largest combine and gasoline engine makers on the Pacific coast. Attorney L. Denhani of Elgin here today transacting legal bu3lne County Judge and Mrs. J. C HeD ry arrived home last evening from'i Joseph, completlns a pleasant auto tour that took them over about three hundred miles. Will French will leave in Wadblams & Kerr's automobile for a long trip through the John Day country, with Chase Bohnenkamp at the wheel. Three others will Join the party at Baker City tomorrow. i n mm r nrn Hi The eight-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Jordan of Enterprise, was brought to La Grande this after noon by Doctor Anderson, and the parentB, and will undergo an opera tion at the Grande Ronde hospital for appendicitis. Hon. Claude Steen, ex-representative In the Oregon legislature from Umatilla county and J. F. Cherry,' a prominent insurance man at Pendle ton, were In La Grande this afternoon on their way from Wallowa county to their home. by automobile. Miss Mary Noble of this city killed a rattler forty-five Inches long that wa3 showing considerable, signs of friendship on her homestead two miles below Rondowa this week. The reptile had come Into her flower garden and was approaching her', when discover ed. She shot his eyes out as a man ner of sanitation. -V - John T. Resch. connected with the Wallowa Amusement company, where thousands have been enter tained this summer, is In La Grande this afternoon on' his way to Ohio, his old homeland then on to New York, on business matters He will return this fall. J. F. Egensperger, business manager for the same company, ac companied Mr. Resch to La Grande. Former Receiver and Mrs. Walter Nledner leave this evening for St. Louis after a stay of about a year and a half la La Grande, while Mr. Nled ner so efficiently looked after the creditors of .the defunct bank here. In addition to conducting the office of the bank very satisfactorily to the government and the creditors, Mr. and Mrs. Nledner have won many warm rlends In the city. ' . SMOKE FIRST MISTAKEN FOR EF FECTS OF OTHER FIRES Large Sections of Wallowa County Forests are Aflame. Enterprise, Ore., Aug. 2. Forest fires are now known to be raging in portions of the Blue Mountains here. What was at first mistaken to be drifting smoke from the north fires, has proven to be serious fires In the northwest, south and southeast of En terprise. Sunday evening smoke In great clouds, extending against the sky perhaps twenty miles, was seen rising from the timber sections west of here.' South the Bame Bight pre sented. Southeast the mountains were clothed In smoke, and fire has been found on the west fork of the Wallowa' river. Back farther Into the mountains the peaks can not, be seen from here or Joseph owing to. the smoke. Rangers are on the scene and it Is thought the flames will be pre vented from spreading Into a wide, general conflagration. Little or no danaer exists In the Immediate vicin ity of EnterprlseV nor along the slope of mountains on this side, owing to the absence of all u'llerbrush on this side. The underbrush was totally des troyed by private fires. 0 TOO LATE TO CLA8IFT. FOR RENT Barn near track. In quire of J. C. Gulling. , WANTED Sewing machines to re pair, all makes, by a factory expert. Leave orders at F. D. Hasten's store. 6t For that diy feeling try Blue Mountain liver pills. Best on earth. Get them at the Red Cross Drug Store. PfililElITS CUT'S Ell 'LATINO' PERMANENT SEWERS Connections Under Streets to be Pav ed afe Well Under Way Laying of connections for the per manent sewer system is progressing rapidly and within a few days, Depot street will have Bewer pines twelve feet under surface here it Intersects with the alleys between Jefferson and Adams and between Adams and Wash lnton. Tbe Fir street connections will also be made, and the sewer will be completed as Boon as the bonds are disposed of. C. W. SMITH HELD IN CITY JAIL SERVING SENTENCE Will Late Be' Charged . 'with . Stare Serious Crime Thnn D. & D. On account of the death of Horace Williams,. C. W. Smith Is being held In the'city Jail on a drnnk and oisor-j derly charge, pending the i.urn of Justice of the 'Peace Arthur -Wil-i Hams to the Justice bench. Srr.,itft has a serious criminal charge agalnit him, but Is being held In the cltv Jail to serve out a ten dayB' fine for btl;g drunk and disorderly, and at fie ex piration of that sentence he will be tried In the Justice court.' He, will be charged with rape.. Convention of Organists. Ocean Grove, N. J., Aug. 2. One of the largest assemblages of musicians ever held In this country marked the . opening today of the convention of the National Association of Organists. A Bong recital by Mme. Schumann-Helnk In the auditorium Is today's opening feature, and during the next eight days there will be music and concerts galore. . . ... ' 1 Notice of Final Siiilcii. Notice Is hereby g.vea I'ur.t R. II Lloyd, executor of the last will ci.d testament of Phoebe C. Milne, dd ceased, has filed his final account with th county clerk of Union coun ty, Oregon, and the county court of said county has appointed the SOta day of August, 1910, at 3 o'clock, p. ej. at the court house In La Grande, Ore gon, as the time and place for heartas objections to said final account ani the settlement thereof. R. II. LLOYD, Executor. Aug. 1-8-15-22-29. SCIENCE DR. MENDELSSOHN'S GLASSES GIVE THE BEST RESULTS. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY IN EVERY RESPECT. In one's profession Is conscience applied; it Is hopesty, veracity and fidelity. Mechanical equipment is a matter of purchase. Professional equip ment is the result of study, acquain tance with conditions, appreciation of what you need when you need it; v . - ' ' ':;.- We feel that It is all right to tell you that over 2,000 satisfied pat ients back up our guarantee of sat isfaction. . . We have the profes sional equipment as well as the science. , SKILL, REPUTATION i AND HONESTY ' A man's heart must be In his skill, and a man's soul In his craftsmanship. Our heart and so a1! are In our work. The satisfaction of those we have served Is your guarantee that - we will serve you satisfactorily. High-class work at lowest pos sible prices. . DR. M. P. MENDELSSOHN . DOCTOR OF OPTICS 'PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT 1105 ADAMS AVE., OP POSITE POST OFFICE. OFFICE HOURS 830 a. m. to 12 m. 1 to 5 p. m. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT 2 2 'in 8 n 1 1 v,, d lLj V . .. .-. -, " ,-. .. Below you may see a sample of ihe many listings which I hold. If you want to buy or sell I will be pleased to have yo call. MANY BARGAINS IN CITY PROPERTY Insure Your Grain Many farms are Insuring their grain now In the field during the per-" lod of harvest and storing. If Inter ested call or phone me. Why Pay Rent? I have a seven-room ' plastered house, sightly view of city and valley. City water in house, Btone founda tion. Terms $100, down, balance on easy terms, either $15 per month or . $100 every six months. Now in Gourse of Contraction Fine modern house In every re spect, plumbed, flue built for fur nace, large basement cellar. Every thing first class. Situated on east Adams avenue. $3,500 on easy terms. Grazing Land 240 acres, large spring on place. Good wagon road to tract: consider-' able can be cultivated. Price $7 per " acre. fy Fruit Farms l have several choice buys in Im proved fruit farms, where the or chards are all the way from 7 years to 13 years of age. The crops are n,YW on the trees and speak for them selves. To Illustrate, we have one 20 acre tract with 14 acres of bearing orchard, acres on which the trees are 13 years old, 8 acres seven years old, water right; every acre first class land and crop goes with place, if taken very soon. Price only $6,500. Other Bargains We have other bargains in fruit land, several close to La Grande, and several. tracts on the Sandrldge, in-' eluding some extra fine property ad joining Imbler. If you want any thing in fruit bearing oniiards call. Sand Kidge Farm eighty-four acres, si'l-it'f:'l land, for either grain or fruit, ?'.-"': one mile from Imbler. At lea. i cash required. . . Farm in jliower Cove 160 acres' splendid timothy land, own er has been farming it in grain for seven years. River runs through a portion of It. ?60 per acre. Farm near Talocaset 160 acres of land - near Telocaset. ThI sland was farmed for many years Price if taken in near future $5 per acre. Farm near SummerviUe 80 acres fine fruit land, $60 per ac cre. If interested call and learn par ticulars. Opportunity for Speculation 80 acres adjoining the city. Crop growing on no less than 20 acres, fine large spring. This place Is all well fenced, county road running along entrie side of place, making It suitable . for subdivision into small . tracts. Tbe price is only $37X0 -per "'acre. This land if cut up would eas ily bring $100 per acre. Land On two sides of It cannot be bought today for $100 per acre. A Real Home 80 acr farm one quarter of a mile from city limits. Good modern house with furnace, bath, toilet, cement cel lar with living spring. Commercial orchard of seven acres, Ideal dairy and poultry farm, $5,000 on easy terms. City Property House and three lots on Pennsyl vania avenue, two story, in splendid repair. Just repainted and papered throughout, $2,500, reasonabe terms. Nice little hom in North La Grande, easy terras on this place, $1100 , Two-Btory'; house and 'three lots on North Fir street . desirable property, for only $1,40(W':':"' Twelve acres and nice two-story house In South La Grande, $4,00o; 100 fruit trees and an ideal place fot a few cows and poultry. This site is a commanding view of beautiful Grande Ronde. A new seven-room house on East Adams avenne, roomy basement, pastered, well finished throughout, $2,500. Three lots on Main avenue, facing north for $350. . Three lots on the beautiful sightly hll side, west of La Grande for $1,000. Deslrabel lot and houses In nearly every portion of the city. Geo. Ho cr.'V Real Estate and Insurance, . La Grande, Next Door to 'City Offices'