PAGE E1GIIT A uUaituZ EVENING OBSEKVEIt MONDAY, AUGUST 1, 1910 EfJTERPIIISE TD HOCK CREEK FIRE ELKS' DELEGATE IS HE I STILL H DG ?EH isTKUCTrRE TO BE BCILT C0XSIDEB1BIE DAMAGE IM)JfE TO S00., IT IS SAID I YALCAB1E GRAZING IAXDS TAKES LOG TRIP TROUGH THE SOUTHLAND hilt Lite Monej Seem, to be Behind Timber Burning . Stock lWn'f ' r"e? P,rU",4 W? Get the Projected Bank JfeTenienl Hustled out of District Teday ! Coaventfoa f Elks Enterprise, Ore., Aug. 1. Special. Reliable rumor breathes forth the in formation that Enterprise will have new bank, the same to be started hnraedlately. Salt Lake capital, it Is stated, is interested in the project. C. E. Funk of the firm of W. J. Funk and Co., here, has leased a building site, or more precisely ha3 given an option for a lease, to the parties whose Barnes are not made public, and a stone building will be erected. It is stated, this summer. Creek ' After JurneJr leading him through . tnn extrema BnilthPl-n nnrttan nt iha Reports coming from Rock . . . . . , iue eiireuio suuiuern portion or me where a forest fire has been burning 1-n,taA . .. . 4 . I vnlted States, a visit to Detroit where w iuuv uu mo w,UUg iMona ne attended 4he grand lodge of Elks II r n 3 LcM II M as a delegate from La Grande, and more convinced jthan ever that the Grande Ronde is fully as good to live in as anything in a dozen or more states that he saw and in which he flffl CIM MED POPUIABTOCXG BUSINESS MAX toward La Grande, conflict as to tre, ' nature of the blaze or the damage doce, but it seems' that 160 acres of , valuable timber land had been burned - nan auu iu nuitu UTS , over yesterday afternoons tliat a large ;waa a genuIne Grande Ron(Je Talley I P'ece of slashing has been thoroughly ' booster, J, II. Peare, 4he Jeweler, is burned over and that while the blaze borne today. ' k.. i. t.. .m i ! Mr. Peare was a mpmhr nt th ilclm uuiiv ii a u il, il ia biaii lutNiariuz i . mi- cattle and sheep running in that vlcin- Korthwest Elks' special, which left Ity. Several large herds were brought Port,and early n July, and following to safety yesterday. v-tbe 8e88,OI of the grand lodge at It Is also said that four or five wh,ch 1931 delegates attended, he took small ranches have been destroyed, he uthern route home, coming via house, crops and all. but who the los-, Ane'es. where he commenced a era are is not ascertainable. Though j 8jrstemat,c tour of coa8t Pln's ' In-; constantly working toward La Grande " v,. oen, a iorme. CranrtA man of riAttif We call attention to the fact that we have five hundred .Royal Tailor Fall Patterns, All Wool. Come and select your Fall Suit Mow v v guarantee a nt or no sale. Harrlag Occurs at Baler Bride Is Boyhood Friend from Clarion. CB. Clark, commercial manager of f-be Paclfjc Telephone and Telegraph PAmMnv In 4tt ..... -. wiiau; iu tun nu uiarneu 01 M:30 Saturday evening at Baker City to Miss Zulu Zoe Hlmes of Clarion, Pa., former home of Mr. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Clark reached La Grande last night and are here to make their feome, though as yet they have not found a suitable location. Mr. Clark, who has been 'here for half year, has come to be popular In s-rclal quarters and business circles. Ml3s Himes came out fom Pennsyl vania io meet Mr. Clark and they were quietly married at Baker. there Is little or no danger of it com ing so close to the city that there will be any serious trouble. Smoke Over vTallowa. Enterprise. Ore., Aug 1. Special.- This portion of Wallowa county for days has been dimmed by smoke from forest fires, drifting evidently from the north. Although no fires have been reported in this county, smoke has been observed to rise out of the Blue Mountains on the south and west of nere. drifting the length of the range. ' ScJdl Addrexes Xegroes Milwaukee, Wis.. Aug. 1. Mayor Seidel. Milwaukee's Socialistic chief executive, will deliver an address to day at a big celebration of the eman cipation proclamation arranged by the colored population of the city. La Grande man at Detroit Little was done at the session In the way of changing the existing laws. The election of tfermanu as grand exalted ruler and many of the other offices occured without material "fights." While the next convention goes o Atlantic City, there is a great cry and demand for a coast city to get the 1912 convention and Portland will get it with little trouble, de clared Mr. Peare. Detroit business men did all In their pojver to enter tain the delegates, but the "cost or living" was materially Increased for the benefit of the Elks. 1TTC T7 Tniiiiyccmn pacc IUBVI1ULI1U UIHIL ' ON TRIAL Cot Fare la Half. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 1. By order of the Public Service Commission, the ten cnt fare heretofore charged by the traction company . operating be tween Rochester and Sea Breeze, was today cut In half. LIQ10R CASE FROM PALMER JUXCTI0X CALLED. v Vi. II. Compton Claimed to Have Pur chased Liquor June Eighth. . Victor Townsend of Palmer Junc tion Is today on trial charged with selling intoxicating liquor, and his trial is the second of the series. Selec tion of a Jury commenced at In o'clock this morning and the same attorneys who handled the Newlln case have this in charge In fact these men will USING CEMEXT BLOCKS of trials according" t( present arrange ments. Townsend is accused of having sold liquor on June 8 to W. II. Compton, at Palmer Junction. A popular ques tion that was given all the prospective jurors was whether or not they be lieved that prosecution vindicated the local option law and if failure to con vict a man accused tended to make a dead Issue of the law. The jury secured for this case con sists of: George Becker, James Peach, James Masterson, M. L. Carter, Dexter Eaton, George Johnson, Lee Humph rey, James McClure. J. D. Hudson. C. E. Moore A. Rysdam and Thomas D. Pood.- , Your complexion as well as yoar temper ia rendered muerable b dixordered liver. By Inking Ch;imlrlain'Stouiacli and Liver Tablets you ran improve both. - Street Superintendent Utilising Ce. ment Crosswalks from Paving District Street. Superintendent Matott is re moving cement crosswalks on Adams avenue, block by block, and is reset ting them again In the residence dis trict where cement sidewalks have lately been constructed, rue venture Is proving successful tn every respect, and Fourth street and Pennsylvania avenue are each receiving much im provement In this way. Spanish War Teterans. Saratoga, N. Y Aug. 1. New York state veterans of the war with Spain assembled here' today for their annual reunion. A large party will go from the Fmnire atnto in tha nailnnal an. campment at Denver next month. il Oft I W W il il OiL H UJL DFk 1 BUT D on YOU BELIEVE I V y" Here i ft 4 The Fred A. Jacobs Co., successor to the Jacobs-Stine Company, largest Realty Operators on the Pacific Coast, pays you 5 PER CENT INTEREST on all the money you pay on an "Enrol Heights 9 lot in three years. They grade the streets, put in water, pay the taxes for three years; give absolute guarantee of title and make no charge for that. "ERROL h EIGHTS" is beautifully locat ed, near the "Reed Institute," is view property, and only 20 minutes ride on the street cars from the heart of Portland. In the next two years the growth of this section of Portland will be phenominal. Here will be located one of the finest educational institutions on the Pacific Coast, and also this section -!" 5 7e the benefit of the best bridge on the Willamette River. Lois $450.00-; Monthly payments $8.00. This is the opportunity of a lifeiim : Sec : F ed A, Jacobs Co.-Special Representatives,' '. and D. E. HAYES, at The Savoy Hotel. PhoneM am io