PAGE SIX UK GLUNDE EVENING OBSERVER SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1910. CLOSE RACES 113 OOTIIiEAGUES T0FLL be struck mm AMAZEMENT If you could see how tome factory made clothing; Is put together The skimpir.g of materials, the Inferior Interlining. B t none of these things occur in a suit of our tailoring. That's why one suit of ours will outlast two of the factory made. Order one and the wear will prove 1L A C. V. BAKER. . AHY A7ANT TO FiGiinonnson es Fra Unterns, iSPQRTING NEWS ; Last Year's Winners Are 5c! Likely to ATHLETICS HAVE GOOD CHA!ICE Will RE I'EET UOTD? LIU 1TE1L FOR FOOTBALL GLUFJOCW SHOOT SEP. 1ST rj . 'A v4 i t. p ! f Surveying, Plain and Reinforced Concrete, General Con 8 trading. Estimates Furnished. Reference, Vnittd States nctiaiiidiivii tcinc C. T. DARLEY, 1205 N Avenue, or tAcKennon, Phv & Roberts. Irrigation andSrucural Engineer. 2 The'JGeorgelPalmer DUJFDD3 LLCS RETAiizommiEm Wo soliciyour orders for Shingles, Rubbtroid Roofing Deadening Felt, Building Paper. We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, promptly. Phone Main 8. U Gomplete equipment for, resetting and repairing rubber,buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. F.12QERALD, Proprietor ' - ;-- :' Complete Machine Shops and Foundry Critics Believe Boston Negro Is Only One Who Has Chanoo to Boat Title Holder Two College Athlotes After Colored Ma- . as was to ins pec tea. new pugilis tic phenomenon are popping up all orer the country and hurling chal lenges at Jack Johnson right and left since he defeated Jeff. Some of them hare done but little boxing, but figure that owing to their great strength and build they would be a match for the col ored man. Of course no one who knows anything about boxing will consider for one minute that Johnson will pay any heed to the challenges of these fellows. Two college athletes, one from the University of Michigan, the other of Harvard, are among the white men who bare hopes of winning back the heavrwetaht boxing title for the white race. ;!""' : ' ' . ' These men are Albert Benbrook of the Michigan college and Sari Van Meter Long who has been a student at the Cambridge seat of learning for, two years. , . Among the bunch of ambitious men who are willing to risk their future health in a battle with Johnson are Frank Smith, the Chicago White Sox pitcher, and Larry McLean, the Cin cinnati catcher. These men are on rec ord as being willing to fight the cham pion. They are fine athletes and some what buggy on the boxing game. Play ing baseball is one branch of sport. OLD VETERANS RETURNING AKD JEW. OSES COMING IN Prospects for This Tear's Team Will Be Premising to Followers. OBSERVES MEDAL ONE OF THE PRIZES OF CONTEST One Hundred Dollars Added Money Makes Even More Popular msbhJI We will resume business at our old stand, 1410 Adams Ave., $ with a complete stock of HAY, GRAIN AND WOOD 1. W. WHITE 4 PHONE ORDERS NOW TO BELL 42 AND W,MAlNm O : $040000000 OOOOOOOOOOOOOO With six of last year's team bark this year, and what new nterlal there is, the local high school should have a strong football team thin year. Last Tear's Men Will be Back. , Those who played in the last year's team and who .will b back this year, are: Joe Ingle, last year's captain; Vera Bean, last year's star center; "Jlmmie" Irwin, quarter; Tom Wil liamson, captain-elect; Lowell Will iamson, guard; Fred Grout, guaid; Boy Rice, end. Fine New Material ' There is plenty of raw material in scnooi to nil up tne vancancies lert In last year's team. Hal Bohnenkamp, who showed up so w elllast year, will be back and try to wrest the center position from Bean. Great things are expected of "Bill" this year. Fritz Lottes is expected to develop into' a fast back. He has speed and the beef and all he needs Is the experience. Cecil Bolton is also out after a po sition in the back field. Bolton (show ed up Btrong last year but was kept out of the game the latter part of the season on account of the injuries re ceived in the game with Enterprise. Raymond Bylstone, who played con sistent ball on the second team last year, Is expected to develop lnti a star tackle. Other new ones that are going in t" win are Lee Reynold, Russel Rals ton, George Currey, and Will Rush. New Men Expected. Vern Rhinehart of Summervl!', is expected to be in Bchool this fall. He is a big fellow and will be a wel come addition to the line. Wendell and Ray Oliver, who piav ed good ball with Pendleton Academy last year, are expected to be in school this fall. Wendell Is an excellent punter and as La Grande is shv ou punters, ne win be or great va u. Ray is an aggressive tackle and vtll strengthen the line considerably. With such splendid material, there is no reason why La Grande cannot have the best team in. the Northwest The team plays the strong college of Idaho team, Pendleton High,, school, and probably 'Baker High , here this yeai1, and will go to Spokane Novem ber 6. Union and Wallowa county nlmrods will have a one day shoot at Elgin on September 1, and the prizes will be especially attractive. There will be $100 added money and the Observer is going to hang up a gold medal for the highest average man in the shoot. This affair Is to be under the ar rangement of the Union and Wallowa county Blue Rock Association, and al ready, the details are being worked out for an exceptionally . interesting shoot Perhaps a dozen from here will attend the affair. With enough money and medals on hand to make . - mm i f t i t ... -0 t the individual honors, the Interest is widespread. . The Observer medal Is to be a fine one, and will be inscribed with the winner's name as soon as the shoot is over. Intcr-club Tennis Match The first lnter-club tennis match this season was played last evening when Willie Peare and George Currey of the B. M. A, courts, were trimmed by Will Selgrist and Charles Ramsey, on the down town court. The soore was 6-1, 6-0, 6-1. Another match will be played tomorrow with Lottes and Peare pitted against the Ramsey-Sel-grlst team . . British Bowling Meet London, July 30. British Crown Green Bowling . Association's cham pionship will bo decided today and Monday at Manchester. Connie Mack's Team Picktd by Many to Capture Gonfalon in American Chicago Appears Strongest In Na tional League. With the major league baseball sea-j son half over It begins to look very much as if neither winner of last year will repeat. It is too early to make any predictions, for there Is ample time for a general shifting of the posi tions held by the teams in the Na tlonal and American league before Oct. 15, but on the form shown so far! by Detroit and Pittsburg it looks as though some other club would fly the banner In each, league this year. Uughey Jennings has not given up hope of landing his fourth pennant for Detroit, and as the Tigers have had a reputation of making a strong finish ever since Jennings . took ; charge of them this team must not be counted but of all chances for the champion- not look like the team that has. won the pennant three times in succession. The Tigers spurted and made up a lot of ground lost in the first two or three weeks of the season, but they have fallen back again, and It will take an unusual reversal of form to bring them to the fore. Detroit does not play with the dash and spirit which characterized its work last year and the year previous. Jennings works just as hard and still has all the old fire and spirit, but his team lads the speed on the bases, the terrific slugging and that spirit of con fidence whlrh made the Tlpers a team to be feared at any stage of the game. no matter how far behind they were In the score. , Unless Detroit takes a. brace very soon the team will be so far down in the race that it will be Impossible for BODY is going to be disappointed when the tivc- aefe tracts we have been otl'eriug you are all gone, and they are, all but two. ' We have some fine buys in residence :' - lots at $125.00 each ; $25.00 down and $5.00 a mo:: 11:. Better Investigate these. Bell Phone, Red 801 Independent 262 i i t LA GRANDE Inv. GO., Foley Hotel Bid., La Grande A. A. V. Swimming Championship New York, July 30. In connection with the New York Athletic Club's swimming meet at Travers Island this afternoon, the Amateur Athletic Un- ion national 440-yard swimming championship will be decided. em tiNoronn, who is hotfoot after VATTLK WITH JOHNSON. flk'Uthic another, and these two fellows had better stick to their chosen 'profes sion. ' Lookiug over the Ions list of men who desire to oppose Johnson lu the ring, he finds that there are only two who stand any chance of getting on a match with the champion, and they are Sam Lnngford and Al Kaufmnu. There ,are many experts who believe that the former would stand an excel lent chance of defeating Johnson should the pair ever meet. In fai t, he is the only man at this moment who Is fitted physically and scientifically to meet the champion In a twenty-four foot ring. Lnngford Is conceded to he the most formidable bitter and quick est finisher known to the ring since Robert Fltxslnimons freckled mauleys became so brittle he was afraid to take a punch at even an Inflated bag. Although Langford would concede forty pound In weleht and almost five Inches In height, which would seem to be an Insurmountable handicap, yet be Is willing to go Into the ring with the big Galveston fighter. As Johnson also would have n great advantage in reach and Lansford Is not proof against a left luuul Juk it can ho seen that the smaller man. would le llkelv to receive n terrific punching before he would Iwvable to get to close quar ters and turn loose his own Queens- berry artillery. Rut Samuel Is conn- I dent that if he ever got close enough j to land oue of his catapultlc punches j ; on Johnson the title hands in a jiniry. . Dominion Handicap Buffalo, N. Y., July 30. Some of the best hor8e3 from both sides of the in ternational border will start this af ternoon in the great Canadian turf event, the $10,000 Dominion Handicap, he opening day feature of the Niag ara Racing Association's meet at Fert Erie. The distance Is one mile and a quarter. Hundreds of followers of the eanie of kings are gathered today at Fert Krle and the season promises to be uncommonly successful. BALL TEAM GOING TO JAPAN. Chicago University Boys to Takt Long Trip to Play Brown Men. . The alumni and undergraduate body of Chicago university are looking for ward to the long baseball trip planned for the Maroon nine. Some time ago the Waseda university of Tokyo, Japan, sent a challengo to the Chicagoans for a series of baseball games to be played in the orient. It has been announced that the board of culture and athletics at a meeting to reconsider the proposi tion decided to accept the challenge. It is further announced that the men' who will make the trip will practice regularly during the summer months in order to be In fit condition and will attend classes so as to be eligible for lue next spring season. The challenge calls for a series of five games, but it is thought that when the Maroon uine is In the land of Nip- H-pon other games will be arranged with Japanese universities. The departure will be made about Sept. 15, and the athletes will not return until after Jan. 1 of next year. Last year the Uni versity of Wisconsin baseball team played a scries of games in Japan, this being the longest baseball trip ever at tempted by nn American college rep resentative. The trip as outlined for the Maroon team in all probability will eclipse even that made by the Badgers. (c x. t CDAItACTER STUDY OF FRANK HANAOEB OK CUBS. CHANCE, it to regain the lead with such teams (Continued on Page 7.) BASEBALL CHIRPS Open Motor Farkwaj. New York, July 30. As a curtain raiser for the Vanderbilt Cup and the Grande Prize races in October, the 1910 season of the Motor Parkway begins today with three events card ed. The amateur sweepstakes Is the principal race and will bring togeth er a large field of entries from the Amateur Contest Association. Kaufman's chances of defeating John son are very slim. At the training camp Johnson Just played with Al. In fnct. he could put Kaufman away any time he chose to. As far as Hen brook. Long. ' McLean -and Smith are concerned, they have very li(th chance. If any, of gouhi: lint! h r of hoatln? Johnson IT t!ttv 0 . If !.;!!;; !r-1 ennnot turn Mi ir! U Johnson will remain . Outfielder Taskett of the Cincinnati Reds has become one of the National league's leading base stealers. Tom Clarke is now getting his chance to catch a fair Bhare of Cincin nati's games and Is doing It excellently. Pitcher Barger of Brooklyn Isn't the personification of poetic grace on the mound, but he can handle tbat sphere. Pitcher Bill Burns' splendid work for Cincinnati has aroused wouder all over the circuit how he escaped the Ameri can league waiver gauntlet Hal Chase of the New York Ameri ci'im makes more sensational plays around first base tlcn ;.ny first base man in the league. He handles poorly thrown balls with ease, and If they strike his mitt they stick there. would chance : chair.piou fi r i.::iny year to come. Block Has Sure Peg. , Block, the Chicago American catch- I ?r. is sure death to base stealing, ne ; has a splendid whip and adds a deal of stretch to th" backstopping. Expert Optical Work in eye examination, lens grind ing, and frame fitting, in what I have to offer my patrons. I am a specialist in Optics and devote my entire time and at tention to giving you the best possible results. . ." I' GRIND DEEP COVE LEXSFS My stock of lenses and frames is the largest in La Grande and you can be sure that It will not be necessary to send off for whatever you may require. : Office next door to postoffice. Heacock;:5pwsf V