PAGE EIGHT LA QKojsDZ EVENING OBSEttVEH FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1910. AI DR. MENDELSSOHN'S GLASSE3 GIVE THE BEST RESULTS. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY I3T ETEET RESPECT. WHEN YOU ABE SICK It doesn't take a good doctor to tell you that most anybody could do that much, but to tell exactly the nature of the disease some times callB for the utmost skill of the physician. Most anybody by a few simple tests cotid tell that your eyesight was defctive and that you needed glasses of som kind, but to diagnose the exact trouble and fit the right glasses calls for mora than ordinary skill. We bare made that one thing a lifetime study and we are In busi ness to bring wrong eyes and right glasses together. High-class work at the lowest possible prices. DR. M. F. JfEXDELSSOIIN DOCTOR OP OPTICS PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT 1105 ADAMS AVE., OP- OFFICE HOURS 8jX0 a. m. to 12 BLJ 1 tO 8 J. Bk EYE KINGS BY APPOINTMENT " j NEW WATER SYSTEM CONTRACT AWARDED THIS WEEK I . - When Completed the System Will Che Fine Water Facilities I Joseph, July , 29. -Special. The contract for the construction of the new water system In Joseph, was awarded this week to J. M. Mitchell of thts city. This will give Joseph one of the finest system, size of town considered, that exists In the state. ' Mr. Mitchell will commence construe-1 tton of the system in a few days. Campers Still Coining Wallowa lake continues to be the popular gathering place of Oregon. Crowds continue to arrive on every train and the capacity of the Wal lowa Lake amusement is taxed. GRAHAM SENTENCED. Called Upon to Pay a Fine of One Hundred Dollars for Thefts. George Graham, the North La Grande resident who pleaded guilty to ( removing O. R. & N. coal from 'be foal chutes, was sentenced to pay a( fine of 110,0 this morning by Jadje Knowles. j BRANCH LINES WHICH HAVE OYERCnARGED INVESTIGATED 0. R. N. Will Hear Cases Inmtl gated on August Thirtieth Salem. .Ta'r 29. The state railroad commission is preparing to Investi gate all passenger traffics on the O. R. & N. and Southern Pacific llnei In Oitgon. It has fixed hearings for 0.- R. & N l cases for Augu f SO. Branch Hne charging more than 3 itnts a mile will be more closely In stlgatcd. Notice. Any loose stock In the city will be tA thn nonnd at once. Phone IBftCU IW - - Black 3721. . G. W. FARRIS, Poundmaster JOSEPH ILL BE GOlfifllSSI IT SALEM PROBING RAILROADS AGED 111 SUICIDE AT SEASIDE THOl'GH EIGHTY YEARS OLD, DE ODES TO END LIFE. TTlth Parting Word She Walked Into Snrf and was Quickly Drowned Seaside, Or., July 29. After saying she was a drag on kind relatives, Mm. Regula Zeltler, aged 80, put on a bath ing suit, walked Into the surf today and was drowned. The body was re j entered. She could not swim, anl I nade no effort to save herself. Shv was staying with her nelce, Mrs. H. J- j Hefty, of, Portland. ONE MAN KILLED AND ANOTHER DUET IN EXPLOSION Prematare Explosion of Dynamite While Sinking; Lebanon Well Lebanqn. Or.. July 29. W. J. Gatts was killed, James Johnson's leg broken, and Chas. Houck, aged 12, seriously hurt by a premature ex- plosion of dynamite used to deepen a w,e11; Qf firpped VS P,0H,vf ' ln a tw lnch 11 J near the top and exploded.. Gatts i leaves a widow and six children. Ordinance No. 464, Series 1910. An ordinance to regulate the man ner of caring for and disposal of gi: I nr,e. 'HE CITY OF LA GRANDU DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. It shall be the duty ol every hotel keeper, boarding house keeper, the proprietor of every house hold and every person having slops, swill, kitchen refuse, decaying animal or vegetable matter or other garbage, on the premises to be deliverd to a scavenger or garbage man for the purpose of being transported away from said premises, to keep the same in tightly covered can, barrel or other receptacle, and to keep all such ar ticles separate from any tin cans, glassware, crockery, or ashes. Section 2. All scavengers, and per sons who shall transport' any slops, swill, kitchen refuse, decaying ani mal or vegetable matter or other gar bage through the streets of the city, shall provide a close fitting cover for and use the same on every wagon box, can, barrel or other receptacle in which said articles shall be hauled and keep away all such garbage from all tin cans, glassware, crockery or ashes, while hauling or dumping the same, ; . Section :!. It shall be the duty of every person owning or in charge of any livery barn or private barn, yard or lot, where stock is kept to provide wire netting with small nieBh, and to place the same completely over and cover therewith, all manure, stable litter and other refuse, so that files cannot have access thereto. Section 4. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be pun ished by a fine of not less than $10.00 nor more than $25.00. v Section T. Inasmuch as there Is no ordinance covering the keeping and disposal of garbage, and It Is neces sary that this ordinance take effect at once, now therefore In order to preserve the peace, health and safety of the city, an emergency Is hereby declared to exist, and this ordlnanc shall he In force and take effect from and after the 30h day of July, 1910. after its publication for one Issue tn the T.a Grande Evening Observer, and after its approval by the Mayor. Tnssed by the Council on the 27th day of July, 1910. by 6 members vot ing therefor. Approved this 28th day of July, 1910. F. L. MYERS, Mayor. Attest: D.'E. COX, Recorder. rmilSiiMt GD1UGIA num. liuuiuLu 1 1 jjyyjUjiuii III LLUIIIIUII I . v t . . i n Vj 40c per pound. All the new candies that are in demand ev ery where. 3 pounds to a customer. SATURDAY ONLY. Wit Vafrt Dues from the members of the La Grande Commercial club are to be collected and an effort made to meet some of the important club deals that .are pending, but require finances under way. At a meeting held last night' the directors agreed to send out the assistant secretary Monday morn ing, and at that time Miss Ethel Gul ling will commence the . campaign. There are a half dozen important subjects under way which all need money and the dues must be collect ed as the strong box is woefully weak. First of all the exhibit hall at the depot must be supplied with ex" hlbits at once. Then the Oregonlan Is offering an extensive writeup of Union county for Its New Year's edi- tlon and wants some advertisng space. Notice of Intention of The Pacific Expers Company volu oarllj to cease business in th State of Oregon and Withdraw Da ?os!t. VOTICE is hereby given that Th.: Pacific Company, organize 1 and existing under the laws of' the State of Nebraska, ha'ing Its princi pal phce of business In the city o t. Louis State of Missouri, and ita principal place of business for Pacific Coa t in the city of Portland, State of Oregou, i,ui having hereto fore duly complied wiih u.e laws of the State' cf Ojegca reiuun to 'for eign corporation tranuictiug trie bus iness of express and forwarding In sa'.d State, an! ha l;.g bean regular ly admitted to transact the said bust-1 ncss of express and forwarding In said State, and having deposited wltl, the State Treasurer of the State of Oregon tho Brr.i of Fifty thousand dollars ($0,000.00), as provided b ths !aws of Oregon, now desires and has voluntarily decided to cease th: transaction of Its approximate bust uess of express and forwarding in tho deposit at the expiration of six (6) months from a:.d after the date of the first piblicction of this notice, to wit: December 1 1910. providtd no claim or calms against sa'.d Com pany shall be filed' with th State Treasurer of tho State of Orcym dur ing said ti ne. Dated In the city of St. Loute. St.'e of Missouri, this 23d day of May. 1910 THE PACIFIC EXPRESS COMPANY, By James Eggltston, Pres. June 1 Dec. 1. Notice to Creditors Notice la hereby given that the Mn dersigned has been appointed admlnls trator of the estate of Elias Balr, de ceased, and all persons having any claim against said estate shall pre sent the same to the said undersigned administrator with the proper vouch ers within six months from the date of the first publication of this no ttce which is the 24tb day of June A. D. 1910. Dated at La Graade, Oregon, this 18th day of June, 1910. JOHN W. MORHLOCK, Administrator of the estate, ef Ellas SENSATIONAL CANDY SAL A Large Peir These Candies are reffularlv sold in the larcre in li II WILL COLLECT G DUES AT ONCE This the cluD is consiaering. Tun Spokane apple show wants La Grande .tnd Union cities to combine in a large exhibit at Spokane and latjr at the Chicago apple show. Portland ap ple show managers are asking for a donation for prizes from the La Grande club the same as others are doing, but that, too, takes money from any point of view whatever, the club is decidedly handicapped and the dues will be collected up to get some working capital. Hence it is but right that the members ' have their dues ready when the collector comes next Monday. The state threshermen's association meets here in December and the club must prepare for entertainment at an early date. Ross Newport, manager of the New port Construction Company at Her miston, arrived here this evening and 6tated that Dan Smythe, of Pend e 'on, was In a railroad wreck nea Tacoma yesterday and had his am cut off. Fear Is expressed that he can not live." .Mr. Smythe Is secretary of the wool growers' association and is one of the best known men In the state. Notice f Sale of Stiite Lands. . Notice is hereby gives that the State Land Board will receive seaU.d bids until 11:00 o'clock a. m. August 1, 1910, for the following described school lands, to-wlt: S 1-2 and S 1-2 of X 1-2 of Sec tion 16, T. 5 S. R. 34 E. M bids must be accompanied by a" regularly execr.t:d application to purchase and t ?a3t oiij-flfth of the amouut ofrered. Xi bid!', for less than $1.00 pei acv will be considered. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. .Applications ana Ltd: should be ad dressed t G. G. Brown, Clerk State Land Board. Salem. Oregon, and mark ed. "Apllcatlon and bid to purchase state lan'ls." O. G. BROWN, Notice cf Sale of .School Lands. Notice is hereby given that the State Land Board will receive tn?o.l bids until 11:00 o'clock a. m. August 1.' 1910, for the following described chool lands, to-wlt: All of Section 3fi. T. 1 S. R. 40 E W 1-2 of Section 16. T. 3 S.. R. 34 E All bids must be accompanied by a regularly executed application to pur chase and at least one-fifth of the amount offered. will be considered. DAN SMYTHE IN Shipment Just FAIR aisaw Maim t TONIGHT. $ Presented by ! Ethel Tucker Stock Co. C. W. BAKER, Manager. 35 Characters, 1 6 Head of Horses, Prarie Schooners. Heacock Orchestra ! Admission Lincoln Ball Grounds V- man Spring Summer, Autumn, Winter. At any and all seasons you will find us doing our best to deserve your patronage. We know of no better way of deserving It than by running the best sort of a grocery that we know how. That means never relaxing our watchfulness of this, that and the other thinf. It means being satisfied with modest profits It means being satisfied wlttTmodest profits It means many other things too but cblefly it means GROCERY GOODNESS : ' ; ." Today Is a good time to put us to the test, and the article may be wh&iever you happen to need. The right is reserved to reject any and' all bids. Applications and bids should . be addressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk State Land Board, Salem, Oregon, and be marked "Application and bid to pur case state lands." G. G. BltOW'N. Clerk State Land Board. April 22, 1910. Apr-29-Aug-l ' ?amberlain'i Colic, Cholera and Diar tta , Remedy ii today the best known med Me fa use for the relief and cure of bowel OopUints. It cures griping, diarrhoea, urtntery, and should be tyjeen at the first alwars cures. In cities for 25 to 99 ' ' ii grass Notice of Final Account Notice Is hereby given that OvandJ M. Noyes, Administratrix of the es tate of David Hawes, deceased, has filed In the county court of Union County, Oregon, her final account la teh matter of the said estate and tlx County Court has appointed Tuesday, the 2d day of August, 1910, at th hour of ten o'clock a. m. at the Court House in La Grande, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing of objec tions to such final account and the settlement thereof. Dated this 1st day of July. 1919 OVANDA M. NOTES. Administratrix of the estate of David Hawes, deceased. j 6-1-8-15-22-29. Ta U