T V . I,A UICANU'jL: EVENING OBSERVER FRIDAY, JULY loio. PAC . :VE It SIS -IOIIMT'S f BOSIUII' Funeral of King George VIJ. (Vlto). V. Mountain Blizzard. CaBtaways (Kalem). Modern Cinderella (Vlto). Song I Won't Be Homa Until August ' patrons of, the matinee. See dis play in lobby. -AMI lEc- lion. Jerry iTifsk of Joseph, accom lanled by bis wife, are registered at tic Sommer. I ;. : O . LOCAL tTEMS. : ;'. H. B. Strong of Walla Walla is a tuslness visitor in the city today. M. Blancbard of Enterprise is a county seat guest on business today. G. D. Rowe, the typewriter man, re turned this afternoon from a Wallowa county trip. When the world seems tlut, Ua not the world that's blue, it's you." Try Blue Mountain Pills. Get them at the Red Cross Drug store. If the world loots blue, use Blue Mountain remedies. Get them at the Red Cross Drug store. Ordinance Xo. 465, Series 1910. ,' Mrs. R. C. Mack of Elg7 is here 1 1 ps afternoon vKrtlng with friends. tt r t r.v. v ..I tn Elgin visitor today. . , S. N. Bolton transacted business jt. Elgin today. j Joe Clemens, the Wallowa county game warden is here this afternoon. Local Manager Charles Gore is in Baker. City today conrerrtng with the general office of the Eastern Oregon Light and Power company. Bruce Dennis returned this after toon from Enterprise where he has been transacting business for a few toys. ,. , . ft Wm. Luchman of Rock Island, 111., J I who has been visiting friends In Wal r, 'leva, county Is here this afternoon on hia way east again. An ordinance authorizing the Mayor and Recorder to enter Into a contract with C. T .Darley, for the constuctlon of cement sidewalks and curb on the east side of 4th street In front ot Lots 4-5 and n. 25 feet of Lot 7. Flock 97 in Chaplin's addition to La Grande, Oregon. THE CITY OP LA GRANDE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the Mayor and Rj corder be, and they are hereby, ajti c:fzed and directed to enter in: a contract with C. T. Darley for the construction of cement sidewalks and curb on the east side of Fourth street, in front of lots 5-6 and N. 25 feet of Lot 7, Block 97 in Chaplin's addition . M uiwiuc, UiCftUU, li pi ICO UUV to exceed the amount bid by said Darley, which bid was accepted by I the city, j ;. .y --vC." . Section 2. Inasmuch as it Is neces sary and expedient that this ordinance shall take effect at once, in order that the work may be done immediately, now therefore, in. order to preserve the peace, health and .safety of the city )in emergency is hereby declared tp exist, and this Ordinance Bhall take effect and be in force after its approv al by the Mayor and Its publication for one issue of the La Grande Even ing Observer on the 30th day of Julv 1910. " l-assed the Council on the 27th tiy of July, 910, by 6 members v otic g therefore. ' - ; Approved this 28th day cr Julv, 1M0. F. L. MYERS, Mayor. Ait est: D. E. Cox, Recorder. ' The Golden Rule Co. 135 The Golden Rule Co. H Makes Home Canning a Pleasure The only jar in the world that Uses No Rubber Ring Keens ill Vtlerablct. Fruiti,Meu,Fih,etc., perfectly forever. Airtight-Sclf-Seoling Sanitary "i No Screw Cafi - ORDER A DOZEN TODAY INsWssi, Trade Mart Meg. mnmj The name tells you just vhat they arc ECONOMY They are the most economical Jar you can buy. The covers only cost yoa 20c per dozen, and you have no rubbers to buy for them, and you are sure when you put a jar of frui away that it is going to keep until you want to use it next winter. J Pints - $1.10 PRICES LOW Quarto - $1.35 ! Half Gal. $1.75 IaIIia (PloroAo Optic Glasses, nice clear glass, ble.when the jellie is used. Covered, per doz,50c; Uncovered per doz.45c raranne iviost pecpie -. use it m sealing, it Keeps jellies from moulding.; Per calie, 20c. Mason jar covers, per dozen, 25c; rubbers, 3 doz. 25c. "' ." ' tt : ' 'j ' f ' ' 0 M ; s7 ' . ".. ' This is the best Range on the market for the price. Its a, high class unadver tised stove. The money used in advertishjg ah article must come from seme . source, and in this case this range is not advertised, but irstead the price is only about Uc-thirds the price of the highly advertised lines. Square with 18 inch oven$50.OO. Reservoir 18 inch oven $60.00, Polished steel top extra $5.00 SATURDAY SPUlALSln alt departments, goods you heed now, at prices that will figure below competion, Towels, uuutwzdr, jiwes, Lawns, cro. yuauiy me same, rnces Less. Ir mrsari' 11 aWr mipisj w 1 The Golden Kule Co. The Golden Rule Co. in, j 'hi.l I.J-" :il f. r . I Feel good again? Your head at , ter you Lave taken Blue Mountain headache tablets. Get them at the Get them at the Red Cross Drug ea urosa vrug store. 1 i store. - For that dizzy feeling try Blue Mountain liver pills. Best on earth. If the world looks blue, use Blue Mountain remedies. Get them at the Red Cross Drug store. U vM U jvijjp r u fu lul m 11 w ( : : " t Below you may see a sample of the mu oe pleased tohave yoi many listings which I hold. If vou want to buv or sell I tall. MiAfV ' fiARGIS Af CTy Pr?0P?TK 1 Mlli . - ........ ...... , . , inauic loui vjruin Many farms"-are Insuring their grain now in the field during the per iod of harvest and storing. If inter ested call or phone me. Why Pay Rent? I have a seven-room plastered house, sightly view of city and valley. , City water in house, stone . founda tion. Terms $100 down, balance on easy .terms, either $15 per month or $100 every six months. Now in Gourse of Contraction Fine modern house in every re spect, plumbed, flue built for . fur nace, large basement cellar. Every thing first class. Situated on east Adams avenue, $3,600 on easy terms.; Grazing Land 240 acres, large spring on place. Good wagon road to tract; consider able can be cultivated. Price $7 per acre.' Fruit Farms 4 I have several choice buysih im proved, fruit farms, where the or chards are all the way from 7 years , to 13 years of age. The crops are now on the trees and speak for them , selves.' To Illustrate, we have one 20 acre tract with 14 acres of bearing orchard, 6 acres on which the trees are 13 years old, 8 acres seven years old, water right; every acre first class land and crop goes with place, If taken very soon. Price only $6,600. Other Bargains We have other bargains In fruit land, several close to La Grande, and several tracts on the Sandrldge, in cluding some extra fine property ad joining Imbler. If you want any thing in fruit bearing orchards call. Sand H idge Farm eighty-four acres, splendid land," for either grain or fruit, $8,600; one mile from Imbler. At least one-half caBh required. Far m in Lower Cove 160 acres splendid timothy land, own er has been farming it in grain for seven years. River . runs through a portion of It. C60 per acre. Farm near Talocaset 160 acres of land near Telocaset. Thi sland was farmed for many years. Price if taken in near future $5 per acre. ' Farm near Summerville . 80 acres fine fruit land, $60 per ac cre. If interested call and learn par ticulars. Opportunity for Speculation 80 acres adjoining the city. Crop growing on no less than 20 acres, fine large spring. This place is all well fenced, county road running along entrie side of place, making it suitable for subdivision into small tracts. The price is only .$3150 per acre. This land if cut up would eas ily bring $100 per acre. Land on two sides of It cannot be bought today for $100 per acre. A Real Home 80 acr farm one quarter of, a mile from city limits. Good modern house with furnace, bath, toilet, cement cel lar with living spring. Commercial orchard of seven acres, ideal dairy and poultry farm, $5,000 on easy terms. City Property House and three lots on Pennsyl vania avenue, two story, in splendid repair. Just repainted and papered throughout, $2,500, reasonabe terms. Nice little hom Grande, easy tervs $1100 . in North La on this place, Two-story houfce and three lots on North Fir street desirable property, for only $1,400 , ; . Twelve acres and nice two-story houee In South La Grande, $4,000; 100 fruit trees and an ideal place fm a few cows and poultry. This site is a commanding view of beautiful Grande Ronde. A new seven-room .house on East Adams avenue, roomy basement,' pasterod, well finished throughout, $2,600. Three lots on Main avenue, facing north for $350. Three lots on the beautiful s!rhtlv hll side, west of La Grande for $1,000. Desirabel lot and houses In nearly every portion of the city. - . 1 : " - . u Wo t I : : " 11 - 11 .r.uiijji'.r --mT-. , ; m I I ' ' '" """" iw mmmt .i.in.i. Real Estate and Insurance, La Urande, Next Door to City Offices I -