1 1 1 i r i i i i t i h P ! !i II I! II i I M I M f '7 VOL. XI LA UKAMUfcl. VibUiS UOUiYi UKEtiON. FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1910. NUMIJEU2J1 'mi ' . . 5H1E HESIS 1. omufli Ell! LIOUQU Ilftfllf K1IDEI5EI5 DEM FLASH LIGHT PICTURE OF DRUG STORE INTRODUCED BY THE DEFEHSE AS EVIDENCE ; fQRCAN EBAY AND ViORSTELL - . f BE GALLEO TO THE STATiD THIS L10RFi;nG IH CSllED ACCOMPLICES V --. . , introduction of a flashlight photo graph, taken last evening by Photog rapher Rltter. was the first evidence introduced by the defense in .the Newlin liquor case late' this af'.u' noon, following the rest by the sta'-.e and over-ruling of a motion for a non suit. The court's ukase regarding tn? non-suit came at 2 o'clock, and tb. defence proceeded with its eviden The photograph was primarily :i fchow the court and jury what vtnv could be gained of the interior of the rug store from the positions in ihe s leets. where Porter. yorstetl and 0;ay said they-saw the purchase of liquor. - " , It Is apparent that the case will liV v to the Jury until "tomorrow morn- A crowd was on nana tms morn ing with the calling of circuit court, to continue the trial of Adolph New lln, charged with Illicit sale of li quor. The case was picked up at tin point whereMt was broken off by ad journment of the evening session last nlS-U and Detective Ben Morgan was again on the stand. "Attorney Cochran opened the day's ; proceedings with the question. "Who arranged the meeting In the Corpe building!" "Worstell and I.' I don't know how was no dispute between us as to col lecting wages twice. I worked -for Thorough & Houser herding sheep on Snake river Blxty or , eighty miles from the nearest ton. I owed a debt of forty dollars to parties in Port land. Thorough made a trip out ot town and was to send that amount td the Portland parties. He turned over $40 to a Mr. Miller. When I quit work I was paid up to date less than $40. Three months after date the Portland party said the money hadn't been received. I then herded sheep for another man and didn't see Thr.' ouzh or Houser for another year. 1 actually got my pay two and a ha! years afterwards in the form ot u order left In the bank, at Enterprise will. raiwlnf' Wdcn PVPral mWltht iaser, In The Dalles. got a letter from, the bank at Enterprise that thi . i I monev was there. Thorough & H JUS- r.nnaMore1 thflv naid m tWO tllUPS. Vlrpulat was In the store the first! vn .Ws . was connected with the time I was In the evening. I saw a; case. I was never accused of steal- man, and I Judge his wife. I don't ( ing a horse.' District Attorney 1 Van recall any others during the first 'hoe asked if Morgan was acquainted transaction, and I don't recall any wjta wood Berry. .. -"S one being there during the , second . aw the defendant at Eerry transaction. " l ' ma , anA with him. Berry ONLY WITHESSES TO "I 'have heard things to that ef fect." He also stated: "I didn't know how they stood but guessed they were prohibitionists. When asked who had the list, he answered, "Morgan." The bottle of whiskey was then shown to Rev. Gray and asked wheth er he would know the bottle without tie label, and was asked If he had not seen thousands of whiskey bottles like that, answered: , . : "No, I might have seen a half doz- I could not tell where Gray and Worstell were after I went In the store. I saw them next near the side door. Mr. Newlln, as I recall IN didn't say anything when I called for the second bottle. He went behind the curtain and brought out a bottle from behind "there as though it were all ready wrapped up. I didn't ice Virulat in the store when I boasil:t the' second bottle. I got that partic ular bottle over the counter, this ; Is my story approximately." . t Tn AHliastt AvaminoHnn hv Hi a- trlct Attorney Ivanhoe, Morga safd: "The counter came about to the middle "of Newlln's chest and his tody above that was exposed wheh I pur chased the bottle. "The grip was always locked and I had the key while the grip w.s in in Knks .'I had conversation with" the sher- :r; before I gave hlra the list in re lRtion to It It was my suggestion and the sanction of the sheriff "Did you offer any Inducement to 1 : "Worstell and I. I don t know now . the herfff gnd wUh regard8 to ,thl9 It was arranged for Porter and Gray. ( HBtr (A long argument by the at. I don't consider we entered nT;torneyB followed.) agreement to try and get the defend- when l flrBt approached the sronV th law. We arranged . ... T . ,v .v. Ub vw M.-v P UC I lit I UUUCI DLUUU lUill how I was to enter the. ding store, tleg had before glven a jjBt to the and how they were to watch me. I BhepIf T flgkeil hlm lf he wouid 0b- went out of the store, and the defend ant wanted to know It I was the lei lnw that was nushiue this oe dun't. remember how the conversa tion was opened. He said he didn't know how he passed out thU liaaor flier the trial he Just got out of. He spv-ke of costs and atated that ho a 1 T.een taught to take his m jtV.ciii" when he aot into trouble. I told him, an a man. he ought to quit it, and if I had any assurance he would quit the business before the Indictments wpr served. I would not have serv m.A tVim T colli T Would dO all I cu mn. - , could for him, or words to that effect n,,-..,, ouVuH m tn meet Newlln at I J ccjnvjj " v- , that place." , t.. r,.n.F waa repntfpft. ."Here ia rvev. Kjij ww mv mark 'X' on the bottle of whli key.' I put it on In my office -June in marking a series of bottles air. Morgan market It. 1 saw him mirk out the 4 and put 5 on it. I didn't see any other marks put on the corK. T know others marked It, but don't know what it was. I have made m X like that before. It was my particu lar mark at that time. I think it is on other bottles. Others could make .n X ' He was asked if he was willing to pvear that It was the same bottle. ' think It' Is the same.' The cork is 'he same, but Morgan had the bot tle In his possession since June 1. I saw Morgan write on the wrapper that was pasted on the Cork." c When asked If "the contents could have been changed, he said: "It could be, but It was the same cork." ' The list presented to the sheriff was asked for by the counsel. "Is this the list you wished se lected to try the defendant?" ' Yes." ;.A' , "You proposed sone?" "Yes, Worstell knew most of them." "You wanted them put on the Jury., 1 ; , ; '' ' .'. ""l "Yes." ; ." I-'-.."- The list was then marked for iden t'fication. i . On re-direct examination District Attorney Ivanhoe asked: "Did I. of Judge Crawford, who Is pssistlng me. know anything about 1Mb list, which. wal gjven to the sher iff and Introduced as evidence here?" No- '. . ;. W. A. Worstell then - took the stand, -and stated that at a meeting held in the Corpe block. Morgan was examined and found to have no liquor on Me person and , was watched on bis way to and from tha Ills testimony differed from the two previous witnesses In the position they" occupied while watching the al leged purchase of liquor from New lln's drug store. The rest of th w w wav ivg- timony in regard to sampling and lab eling the bottles was corroborated. '-'What object waa there in 'taking-a list in advance for selection of names for Jurors?" 'I have heard 4nsinuations that of last part of an envelope and we J marked it. It has been in my pos-1 tesElon since. The contents have not lc ett changed. I saw that bottle on Jur.e 1, at 9:30 p. m., and got it from Ad'ilph Newlln for fifty cents, and It has been in my possession and the seril is the same as put on that night. Identify It by the numerals on the ('. and seal.". The Hnttle was then marked for ex hibit by the court stenographer, the cork was removed by Morgan and the bottle given to the jury as evidence. Morgan added:" "I have worked la Wallowa and had trouble there. Then I went to The Dalles, then to C'lago. I have known Newlln since last March; I met Rev. Ellis la June: I was in the city Ap ril 12, then went to The Dalles. 3 came back on June 1, on my way to Wallowa and went there June 2 or . 1 think I had a chat with Newlln on April 12. near the curtain In ; the . drug store. I waa behind the curtain some time in March. On June 1, T net Newlln four or five times." , When asked If anyone outside ere watching, he answered: ; "Yes. I met Worstel June , 1 .at S ). m. M. Vurpllat directed me to him. I was talking to Vurpllat in be half of law and order and he directed me to Worstell I came here in the interests of law and order and my work Is of my own accord. I am n-.U looking for a Job and not trying Iti find someone to aiopt my "schemes and plans. I will not get many dol lars for the services in law and or der league; only expenses. The court waa then adjourned un i Ml 7:30 last night and convened al 7:40 with Morgan again on the stand. Attorney Cochran commenced: "I want to know how much you get for your services." 'Actual expenses, I Including board carfare, cost of 'fcooKe,' and erpenHes of uartles assisting mo. No arrange ments are made for anything above expenses. I never, opened, negotlat tlons for law and order with Worstell I don't know E. "B". Morelock' ' PAQQCHP.Cn IQ I ilUULIilUl.ll 10 pninnm nnun Ullll i Lll OlilG cram I WIRELESS TO IMTED TKESS t'APTAIX OF MOXTR0SE IS POSITIVE LISEELlSEinGHliDBili WItk Boy" la His Custody (rlpiea U Jierreus While Crossing the At lanticDoes not Know lie Is Sua pected Girl-boy Seems Jfertons and Gay Alternately Ifa Qnentloa as t Identity. , . ; ' ' ' ! Montreal,' July 29. "Robinson la" as suredly Dr. Crlppen, and, his Bon J Mile. Ethel Leneve. Crlppcn attempt- eil tc disguise himself by shaving hU mustache. His companion tried to hide her identity in the garb of a boy." Signed) Captain Kendall. In a special to the United Press tb captain continues by Baying ha 'I'st 'uspected the couple when the stern er h"ed. He says he was fully nc- quaiuted ,wlth the case and now citain there is no doubt as t hs identity. He says the couple il'i not know they are suspected and are al lowed every liberty. bu(, are closely watched. Hi says Crlppen teads al most constantly, seems nervous and Bleeps but little. The girl is some times gay and sometimes worried. They don't suspect' the 'police are waitl' for them atv Montreal, vhen the -y. land, at jntfaishwonht. other bottles, otners coum ouu ' v . ?ike that, but by the way I put on. have not done their duty in Tcolu identify it. I am willing to1 I. tb. recall several things In the store, In cluding the counters, glass case, iponga rack, about as high as the average man's head. I dealt over a counter about as high as my should ers, which la about four and a, nan . ake thlg Dubuc x a88ured him . feet, approximately. I was standing . j dldnt have the Jn by the counter In front wnen i pur chased the liquor, a Uttlo to the left, about ten feet off, straight in front of the door. I was five or Btx feet to ! the right of the cash register, as I re ' call It. I didn't transact any business at the time I bought the liquor near .been changed. I "don't think U -ulil sheriff, I aBked him if he would ob Ject to consider the list of names of lurors that had to be called. I knew It was a hard matter to rustle Jurors He asked me lf I had a list there. I utit 'Nr. tta until h did not want be changed. W. A. Woratell . itecaiieu. Intention. He told me 'all right' or words to that ef fect. When I presented the list he Bald, 'This Is the list of names?' I have a slight personal acquaintance with one man on the" list,' F. H. Green. "Gray and Worstel were present 1 . . .. - i U h. h.i-iu names on this list as aood lurvmen nwpar that tne corw " ii,v- " . . 17 that time or one like it. I dilut I Rave Morgan a list of the names: 1 see the bottle after I left. I .don't know all but one. They are not all n.L th contents of the bottle ha. Prohibitionists. All of them want to ...... a v..- ..... . , I : tha cash register. On the counter . t. ., t . mftde t a8ited Gray ' where I reached over to buy the 11- and Wor8ten to select names that ! qaor, I don't recall whether or not would make good jurors. Gray se- there was any merchandise plied up. lected BQme and worgteli more. They it was passed over a counter with toofc & teiepnone directory to assist ' poods on it or some framework. I re7 them n m&Ung the list. I wrote the r lH Ua mv Kahlnn names as they were suggested and ' a. iL for one entrance. I winn i goi me and or4er league and similar 'lodges; the counter. There are two curtains ' "In the study I marked the cork and Morgan marked it too. This Is my 'W' put. on numerals. I think oth er marks were1 put on. The W is made with my pen. It is a print. Oth ers could make.it the sam.e I had seen the bottle until yesterday." said Mr. Worstell when recalled. State Best Case. At this point the state rested its case. The derense immeumicij pA for a non-suit on grounds of liiRuf flclent evidence and that the state witnesses were accomplices of the Ac fendant. " Arguments were broken by the noon recess. liquor by the cash register on the purchase, and the Bame circumstances that pertained to the first sale. This took place near the register they were later scratched off the list. "I worked for parties In Wallowa ten years ago and didn't get my mon ey until two and a half years ago. I v jiiuvv - w . t-y u mil iwu auu a- uaia jvi "My Idea of going In immediately h . trouble C0Hectlne wages. and buying the second bottle was to AD0Ut tne time of the Indictments show the witnesses what a wholesale j WM talklng to W. W. Berry in front business was going on in me nquor of hJs gtore A. W.Mft business there, l inougm mi would be enough times to show the witnesses that though perhaps not Belling to everyone, there were a eood many people who pot it. The :..faqt that I could go in and buy with Recess was taken and on redirect examination. Morgan testified "I didn't know who was president lAST SIGHT'S F.TIDENCE Worst'!! and Morgan Chief Wltncf at Last Sight's Session At the time the Observer went to niPHB yesterday afternoon Rev. Gray of the Baptist church, had Just given pvldenre substantially, corroborating that eiven by Night Policeman Por ter and stated that he, Worstell. and see the law enforced." "Didn't these men alve Insinuations that the law was not being enforced?" "One or two of them may have snld so. . That is the reason I suggested that it was my desire that they be Jurors.' , , ? Then Ben Morgan,, the, detective. was sworn. ."I am twenty-six years of age: my home Is In The Dalles; I was In the city on June 1; I taw Porter. Worstel and Gray : In the Corpe building. They all searched me. end found that I had no liquor on me. V.'e went to the street, Porter ahead on the opposite side of the street. Gray and Worstell behind me. 1 went to the rear door of Newlln's drug store. I was In the drug store two times." ' . - When ? aBked what happened the second time, stated: "I bought a one-pint bottle of whis key from Adolph Newlln, paying him a ; fifty-cent coin., The bottla , was wrspped in plain paper and I pufr 1' ! my left coat pocket, went out a ibe side door, and went iUrsctly t" ;e study at the Baptist chi roh. T had not changed the.contenta of thp bottle.-. The cork was then taken out . While .waiting for forelock to enter the room, he continued." "I atfided VArHiwBntern Medical College- five months, and was In Rush one year Adnrntton U not finished. I have .'j -- ---- - a two-year course yet." . ; , Morelock was brought In at this time, and Morgan said he did -not think he had ever 'tnet him in Henry Badger's saloon in Elgin on the last of March "Did you not talk with Morelock lu Badger's saloon confidentially, but with others in the rdbm. outside of bearing distance, and did not ask him 'Do you not live in Portland,' and talked of the weather, and Btated, 'I am a detective?' and was asked by Morelock. 'What are you on?' aud re plied. ' am after some guys and ex pect to make a stake on H7" Morgan replied: "I did not have such a conversation, and if I did meet him it was only as a parting glance an von might say. ."Are you acquainted with W. W. Berrv of this city? "I think not." He afterwards re membered Berry. said: 'If this list is of any aid, use lt we would be glad of it "It waa given to the sheriff In the lobby with only the two of us present." ."Have you not previously sought' the privilege of the sheriff to hand' -the names to hlm.'and did not Fraw-' ley and, Undgren see you give It to the sheriff?" - - J "I do not know." i "Were you not working in ,the in terests of the Law and Order League to urge people to sell liquor, then J try and pick a Jury, and then testify . before them on the stand?" I do not consider it as auch." " "I took the bottle and It has been In my possession In a vault equivalent to a bank In La Grande. The Dalles, and Enterprise, or In a grip with a sea! on it. since June 1. It has been in two banks In this city. I do not know who took the bottle In the La Grande national bank. It was not a young man with prematurely, gray hair. It seems to me It was the last window near the vault. It was not Mr. Meyers; he Is the only one I know by name In the bank. I did not rent a vault in the bank;. J do not J "Did' you have a conversation with know the name of the party th Berry about 'indictments?'' "Yes." "Did" this conversation take place on June 10, 1910.?" "Yes. it back to me; I do not know the names of anyone in the other bank. I gave it to him near the vault and I didn't rent a vault In that bank eith er. It has been in the United States Did you converse with Berry about I National more than a week. I had It "1 amni Know wno was Miunn - (pr and g ated tnat ne, worsen. ' of the law and order league at lhlawn nad prepared a list of suit- W tasted by WoraWl ttmn T was pneaeed as detective, frwr 4nrnr nnri Morzan. ac- "T bad trouble collecting wages , ..mnnrtaA v t?r -r.rav. bad Drpsent- out any hesitancy was evidence that j frnm Wallowa pPOple in the spring fnls Bt to fjherlff Chllders. 1 ' he was selling to many people. rromjof 1)01 , dfdn.t get all my wa(?eg ( A whether a fa!r igt of one to three minutes elapsed be tween the first and second bottles. Mr. for three years. "I didn't get my wages twice. There I gtated. Jurors would not have been selected. Porter and myself. I called it. an av erage grade of whiskey When pur chasing It I said: 'Give me a dupli cate of that one I. purchased before ' Tn tf study the cork was' pished in ant' the bottle sealed with the muscl- ln a sealed grip along with about'ten other samples of whiskey In bottles Tir,ar la that aaal afoV "It Is for the Jury to declclh. The numerals on the labels and cork and the size of the bottle was used to distinguish them from other like bot tles of whiskey. I can't tell the bot tles apart without the corks." When asked why the numeral ,"0", ou the bottle had been hanged from the numeral "4", he ttated: 1 "When- Porter. Worstell Gray iand sheriff, he said: "It Is my handwrlt- I. took the bottles out of; my pock ing,' I gave It to the Bherlff to call et, in the ctudy at the Baptist church. hl attention to names of persons and laid them on tne tames, tne ono we considered fair. I understood the on Its wrapper and the other 'with premptor yllst was nearly gone. I out, I first marked number four on (luageBted the names or people at i the last bottle purchased, and u vji M,t h..rlff mlerhr consider should have been number 5. as we de- imuu iiiah i"o 1 , , ; not that this list might be used ex- elded that . the wrapped bottle was ....oiifAiv hut that thA unpriir misnt i numnpr rive. - see fit to get them. These are men Court then adjourned until 9 o'clock of the same ttandanl for the Jury. I this morolng. '. ".; ...- , .A this Newlln and thirty-nine other In dlctmentsr "Yes." "When asked by Berry, How much will vou aet out of this.' you stated r will gt enouah to go through school.' Wltnesa denied such a conversa tlon. .. - . ." "I have talked with Worstell and Grav several times and at Beveral nlaces." When shown the list handed to tne