B R J C D JJ I S, f ui exes 3-1ax tiatir y :ci rrrn Tb-rrpk Snire SnJSCRIPTJOJS' BATES. sisgj tcpy , 5c yr week. ....... ...... JSc Tto'X. tr ts'riUs.... CI Tt'j payer w!3 ctt psblisa s ar- CJ a&i3.7ir.g ever a cots de plsse t;ijtk4 article wBl be revised ssb jt to Oe discretion of tb tilicr. Firj sign yomr articles asd tare tl'ApjKiiiatmeiu. ' JfTKESCTIfO THE CXl'B. La Grace's cvraatrckt! club ne5s firtf!baJc!r. It 52.3 dfone excellent -wwk la tie bit for sroe tits tiere bax not bea ax strong a uU xaeut regarding ft ax tbere sbosM be. Eroadenliig tit 014 for Ejemberfbip, tak.'sg In ttw XAtmA and a general waito up for campaign of pab Ikity and bo.e enterprise Is now dse. Tie first fctog.tn all probability, wKl be to Mcrea the membership, tad If necessary, to ra!e tbe dues to. at reaavmaaie aaxrant eacn monta so ttere will be funds to work with. Tien, with a crowd of new members, end a desire to g-t la tbe active game ef life thing will tinfold for the or ganization to work upon. For Instance, anther week should not go by before a contract I made with the band for two wekly con- erii darlcg tbe remainder of th! eteon. These concerts would do a great deal of good by brlnrlng the people of La Grasde together. A tiafjen drives away petty differences. When we meet a man every day an 3 grow to know h!ia we find that be Is not Men a bad fellow as be bas been painted. And goodness knows, that Is wbat fa needed here. Obliterate cm ol the local strife. Put an end to a lot of this historic tradition that entangles Jealousies and makes mountains out of mole bills. Another thing for the Commercial elab to consider will be the trip Into Wallowa connty. Union and her clob wast to Joint La Grande on this ex- . eorslon and we believe they will add snnch to tie general good feeling of the occasion. Let that be the greatest thins; of the kind ever held in East ern Oregon. Besides these, there are many things of importance which will re quire earnest attention from day to J day and week to week, so that the du-, ties of a commercial dab will never 1)e fonod wanting. repeats niSTOirr. , Wder Ballard rerlewed he history of the Ifonnoo people, told of their persecution t Nanroo, 111., and of their march across the continent to fhe Great Salt Lake Valley, under the leadership of Brlgbam Toung, In a tpeech In Portland recently. "It la a tory unparalleled in the hlrtory of the world since Moaes led the children of Israel out of Egypt." declared Elder Ballard. "Driven from their homes and property at ifcanToo. cad unprotected by the government GEORGE PALMER, Pres. f. J. HOLMES, Tlee-Prra, F. L. MEYERS, Cashier. LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK OF LA GRANDE, OREGON United States Depository Capital and Surplus $180,000.00 DIRECTORS GE0GS PALMEB P. J. UCIXES w. j. encsen F. U H21T2J W. M. FIERCE With ear anjle mevrces and, facilities we eaa reader jea effieitnt Kcnfce and handle jtw kaslaee 8 ia year entire satlsfaetiea. iy T'iz.?f.f?$. it"r.ii'- ts ie til ci V. inj.ii.vyi ;rr-.; .irc.-7.-7 l' ii ; i.'ti, '.'i a - '.z$ ?iy .nr m& OcJ 4.cv--4.i $ l;C. i;er (ie nz.niLZ g'T-nt ' Jai.iJii:l tiat tie f r.5 5t 3a jto f.i'Ll tlt teex'.'jzzix. iz.1 aJ-itikrl wirfwj f-ro.4i'j, tbey fancied tie ceo rj5irt4. - TbT stanti st rzs lti great j,!iiss. sf5rLis ii;-ini:!5-I ed LardiUf'S before ti7 ti m tt-e j EaJt Lake Tilley. N gr-n tree IgreeieS tlir tireS eye. l wi'Ji tte Siice frt'laJe ' tiat ti.3 naislalied tbein ia tl patiitey fo-osded tte great city is tie desert &&J csaJe ter uaex.t tie irrelopaect of tie West Tbey aboed tiat tie dteri coald be made to liioaora. a&d Pmldez.1 Eocwerelt fa bis aiJreif la tie tercple at alt Lake C5'y said tiat tie peo ple bad aade lie wnderxess blosnosi. It was tie mmt nnpromhc',r spot that toslj Siave bn selected, bt EHgiara Ymtg bad tie Tixicm tiat It was tie spot picked out by OA. Tie y.onxjVM fariilsbtd tie first tetjtoa fa frrlgatioo. Tie ereciioa of tie great Moraoo temi1f, wbltb took 49 years to build, and vst f h!jd ffiike Kenaaaeii tie develop ment cf tie V.'eet. Tie ytter Mor mons were patriotic people and loja la tie sorenuaent .. The Mormon pkrteers are not yet apr'rectaSed. bnt blslory in set that matter right In education, fa the dramatic art and In a grim! tare, the Mormon have erer been foremost and progressive, KDgnam Yoang was a great man and g leader eren it like Abraham, be bad more than one wife He was a patriotic clttzen and loyal to this ronnt ry ia spite of tie mi rep resentations of bis life and 'charac ter" "" ; MB LISIE!! (Continued from Page 1.) cbarcemen and friends cf Xewlln, Porter told Us story. A crowd consisting of Porter, De tective Morgan, Iter. Gray and W. A. Worstell, held a meeting In the hall orer the Morning Star and Morgan wanted the Xewlin drag store search el' Porter said to the men that he did not believe that Newlin was selling 11 qoor. Morgan asked to be searched. Porter then continued: "We went down stairs and Morgan went ahead, Worstell and Gray behind and myself on the opposite side of the street to the rear of the drag store. Mr. Morgan went In to New Ifns and Worstell and Gray remained on the outside. I was also watching from the outside. Morgan was inside five minutes and I saw him go to the counter and Newlin went behind the curtain and he came outside. Tie gave Morgan a package. .Then all of the four of uf went to the Baptist church and into the study room and Morgan was in my sight all tie time. We searched Morgan and found two bot tles of liquor, one of them wrapped "Worstell. Morgan and I tasted it, called It whiskey. We put the cork in it and sealed It with paper and mark ed it so that we could recognize it." The bottle was exhibited at this time. Cross Examined. Attorney C. E. Cochran, who with C. IT. Finn Is handling the defence. I , W. L. BRE5H0LTS Asft'L h. EABL ZCSDEL, fd Asst (ah. C C PEXLNGTOS a L. CXEATEIi F M. BIEKIT TT. L. BSEKBOLTS 3( t TK iM nizztz Ti-s te wa i; i.i s;V) zt, tiii tie i-Vj-e fcciftrj tATzrt. ivfZftei por ter cr cr:-j-t'X3Ji!i.,a. "Jlirgt wzj out cf try a.'git wia. ie lzgizi firtt ty::: tiii Pot ttr it tiis t oErt. tax tim get tie 'tvj l-Je iii tUn walk c-t V'oir.l alJ t tt 4 o'tlotX tiat atenta to s.artli Morgan tiat erea- te?- Ve. tie foar of be. agreed to a If Xl!a wo!i s31 liquor and Mor ra -as to fray it," Oxtraa til hi ii tti, skItc tsA Ed ben lormalitfed II tie law would fcave been broken. "e Lave talked tie matter over as to tow It vas to come before the xary." ' Attorney Cochran asked: "Is tils tie first or tie second bottle." "It was the second," Tie bottle was not opened at til time. Tie coirt ruled that the witness could be recalled later to identify tie band writing on the labeL Porter said it was Morgan's writing, done la tlte Baptist church at tie time cf the meetfeg there. "Did yen bare a conrertatloa In r?ard to this case last srgbt' "Tes." . " ': "Wtere was Itr "In Iranboe's office." Ker. Gray, Worstell. Attorney Crawford and Porter were In the of- ub oi toe aismct attorney at this meeting. Porter wa excused at the conclus ion of the cross examination and a fifteen-minute recess W2s taken. This was at 3:13. The case Is attracting a great deal of attention and the progress of tes timony is listened to with rapt atten ion. T. II. Crawford Is assisting the state. BeT. Craj Called, Ker. Frank Gray, of the EaptlEt church was next callel He corrob orated Porter largely but told that he bad not lost sight of Morgan from the time they left the hall until they got to the drug store. Most of bis testi mony was corroborative. On cross-examination he explained that Morgan was out of his sight two times. Once when he went In to the saloon and drug store and then again Just before Morgan came out The wit ness stepped from the rear of the store to the front during the time that Morgan was walking through. He could not identify the, bottle because it Is still wrapped. He (id be had a cork mark on it, and when the wrapping is taken off, be can identi fy the bottle with bis private mark, He wOl be recalled likely, to do this. 4 TOO LATE TO CLA8IFT. A A A AA A'AAA4A FOR SALE One up-to-date sixteen foot wagon rack. New. Also & mare and a colt or either. -Apply at C. M. Graham, It. P. D. No. 1. WANTED Two or three carpenters. Apply F. S. Bramwell. Notice te Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the an dersigned has been appointed admlnis trator of the estate of Ellas Balr, de ceased, and all persons having any claim against said estate shall pre sent the same to the said undersigned administrator with the proper Touch era within six months from the date of the first publication of this no tice which la the 24th day of June A. d. mo. Dated at La Grande, Oregon, this 18th day of June, 1910. JOHN W. MORHLOCK. Administrator of the estate ef Ellas Notice ef Final Account Notice la hereby given that Ovanda M. Noyes, Administratrix of the es tate of David Hawes, deceased, haa filed in the county court of Union County, Oregon, her final account la tea matter of the said estate and the County Court haa appointed Tuesday, the 2d day of August, 1910, at the hour of tea o'clock a. m. at the Court House in La Grande, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing of objec tions to such final account and the settlement thereof. Dated this 1st day of July, 1910. AVlVTM t unVKa I Administratrix of the CBtate of David Hawes, deceased. 6-1-8-15-23-29. la tl nrtt'l "eri f tie Slate cf Crta for Taiea Cosstj. CI Corswta. p Laiiiia vs. S&rcutl CcrsweH, defexdait. , To EsiEsel Com well tie above nam- -3 dsfsrdict; yen are iereiy n-jzlrei to a;tar and asiwer tie eomj-allsl fled agalrrt yi la tie above ect-ied can izA conrt ttf&re tie last day cf tie Use prescribed la tie order for p&blkaoa of tils summons, to w!t; tie 5ta day of September A. D. 13!9, asd If yen fall to so appear and arswer tie p!alati2 wSl take a de cree against yea as prayed for In her complaint fcerela. tiat Is for a decree of aifolcte divorce against yoa forever dissolving tie marriage contract here tofore and sow existing between yoa as4 pU!rti3 and tiat tie custody of tie minor children, Walter Fernald Corewtll; Helen Cornwen and Alberta Comwell tie isrue cf said marriage be awarded to plai&titr and for such other relief as to tie court may seem Jut and equitable. This summons Is pnbliEied one a week for the period of six consecutive weeks from and af ter tie frit publication thereof on July 22nd 1910 in the La Grande Weekly Observor, a weeky newspaper published at La Grande. Union county. State of Oregon, by order of Hon. J. W, Knowles, Judge of said court, of date July ISth 1910, made in term tlm at Enterprise Oregon. - ..... J. B. XESSICK', a.M . m. ww July 22 Sept. L SOTICE FOB PCELICATIOS ISO- IATED TBACT , Piblle Land Sale. .Department ef the Interior. X. 8. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, ray 4 Ik. 1910. ' Notice is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provisios of Act of Congress approved June 27, I9!)C (34 Stats.. 517), we will offer at public sale to the highest bidder, at 10 o'clock a, m on the Gth day, of July, 1910 at this office the fol lowing described land: The NW 1-4 SE 1-4 Sec. 18. T. 4 8., R. 35 E. W. M.. Serial Na 06C76. Any person , claiming , adversely the above described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sal COLON B. EBERHARD. Receiver. P. C BRAMWELL, Register Xetlee ef Sale ef School Lands. Notice la hereby givea that the State Land Board will receive sealed bids until 11:00 o'clock a. m. August 1, 1910, for the following described school lands, to-wit: All of Section 36. T. I S. R. 40 E. W 1-2 of Section 16, T. 3 S., R. 34 E. All bids must be accompanied by a regularly executed application to pur chase and at least one-fifth .of the amount offered. No bid for less than $7.50 per acre will be considered. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. . Applications and bids should be addressed to G. 0. Brown, Clerk State Land Board, Salem, Oregon, and be marked "Application and bid to pur case state lands." G. O. BROWN. , Clerk State Land Board. " Ajirll 22. 1910. Apr-29-Aug-l FAmilERS'BUSINESS M GIVE . PARTICU LAR AT1ENWN TO THE BUSINESS OF FARMERS. WECOR- DIALLY INVITE THEM TO MAKE THIS WEIR BANKING HOME. The United States National Bank, LA GRANDE, OREGON." u a I t t .51- 0:2 iNDZSTRUCTO TRUIIX TRAVELLED 03,C?0 H3IS-IN SAFETY. Since bsxMM "tovad iL world"" trip cf li "Cii Troties". Iva&sdi d ladcftmdo Trasla lire traveled sktuLicg unce tiU ia ttJztj. hoettrrxio Trcci tare proved (Lat tlte7 can trrrel farther uiLhoot repair 1L&3 tcy odcr trczJi n-nAc ' ' Tbe InicHrcxio il huZx ttroBr& strong tLaS tie hardtst joLxe Lille cCect 00 iti rr"if constrttctian. Tim metier farrlth tciSh each Indestructo TranJt a FREE FIVE YEAR KCSURAXCZ FCUCY again fm-acdeat-vnek and collision. Un't tbat sic!est proof to yoa tiat La&strudo Troala Lave a Btarked adoanla ova otLn b&Age Tbe IoJefjuda Lss excLxno merits tiat make it tLe Conoetuent Trunk. , TLe trzy are ttnneed icr your comfort Cffct dean azl sanlury so camera to collect tie clt. 0 Bay an Indestrocta TrutL it rl3 yea reef errke. Corse down to our Haze. Let e abew yoa dt tratX we Loow yoa wd apprecute its nuxy advertises if yoo ee it. V Vii-jii5i V zZ'T"F; JSSw Tea CAKT hit ca hisstrusXa. We will gladly ehovr complete line any is --. . - Jyst Gomplete Line of Leather Suit Cases, Traveling Bags, Ladies' Hand Bags, N o 11 THE QUALITY STORE Ketiee ef Final AecoinL Estate of John Blexins, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of John Blerlns,' deceased, has tiled bis final account in the connty court of the state of Oregon ror Union coun ty, and that the County Judge has ap pointed August 5th, 1910, at 10 a. m., at the county court room in La Grande in said county and state as the time and place to hear objections to said final account and for the con sideration thereof. . This the 2nd day of July, 1910. H. E. BLEV1NS, J7-Aug 4 Administrator. Xotlce of Sale ef State Lands. Notice is hereby given that the i Royal Axminster t 27 x 60 inches, t sold everywhere $ at $3.50. I shall i Beautiful patterns 100 $ ventional FIoralAnimals and Birds I t , My prices are right on Carpets F.D.HMSTEN Thm EECISTRY LABEL BELOY lert tL"ClKe Trotter" race; la tie ifcU Crcciort for 62LO0O i Ii w ill r.-rtn-t YClJJ?Uy.-rc cr tt mi U yea Ly an inJtirttcto. ' sz li V. you the X yzr. time. "vjj Mr State Land Board will receive sealed bids until 11:00 o'clock a. m. August 1. 1910, for tbe following described school binds, to-wit: . S 1-2 and S 1-2 of N 1-2 of Sec tion 16. T. 5 S. R. 34 E. H bids must be accompanied by a regularly executed application to purchase and at least one-fifth of the amount offered. No bids for less than $15.00 per acre will be considered. ' Tbe right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Applications ana Iildc Bhould be ad dressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk State Land Board. Salem, Oregon, and mark ed, "Aplicatlon and bid to purchase state lands." . G. G. BROWN. I I sell every one at in Oriental. Con- k i v. r