PAGE TWO LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1910. o o o o o o t V U ILatest Diro TJ dsS) Four-lri Hand and Bat Wing Ties in Per sian Designs. If you want to be up to the minute you will wear one. 11 k w U ggerjf . Al Ands-ews o o 0 0 f 1 y fioad Fond Warrants Approved Ij , jTounty Court July Term, 1910. 'John B. Robert sod, workon R. D. 13 80.00 Clarence Heaford, work on R. : . M ........ MVWW Union County Lbn Co., supplies per bill ..........1...; 9.00 571111s Wright, work no R. D. SJ 3695 John Delaney, work on R. D. 9 ... 4.UU O. M. Gray, work in R. D. 39., 26.00 Basil Dahlatrom, work In R. D. 89 .............v.......;;.. 1.80 Joe Gray, work in R.D. 39.. 27.50 Clifford Smith, work In R'. P. V ' 39 ......................... 2.00 Jacob End, work on crew on county road ' ......232.25 H. E. Ro'damn, work in R 1 27 15.00 Bean Co.. supplies per bill. ... 45.00 J. B. Breashears, work in R D. 4 ..... ..... 40.25 Jay Bresheara, work la R. D. 4 . 8.00 Heaber Foxjwork In R. D. 4.. 16.00 Charlea Broshers, work In R. ' , 4.00 G. W. Rackman, work In R D 12 118.75 A. B. Hempe, work in R. D. 28 90.00 T. L. Cross, work In R. D. 35.. 84.00 "Wright Merc. Co., supplies per bill . 9.63 W. H. Bohneukamp, Eupplies per bill ......... 13.45 John Blumenstlne, 'work in R. D. 20 ............. ....... 14,25! P. H. Owsley, work In R. D. "" 25 . , . ,i . . ,'; .'. j" ' , . ,n ft Arthur Curtis, surveying per i bill ................ 10.00 P. L. Lilly, supplies per bill... 96.90 Andrew Prell, work on county ' road ..............4........ 50.00 Mt Glenn Lbr. Co., lbr. per bill 113.77 Bolton Bodmer Co, supplies per j R. L. Linebarger, work ' on co road . .......... ... v .' 20.00 L. W. Drumsnilth, work on co. road ......... ......i....; 39.00 Wm. Banton, work on co. road. ' 4.00 .Tm RIUr. work in R. D. 25 . 4.50 Chas. Moody, work in R. D. 30. 20.25 G. E. Fowler, supplies per bill 19.00 C. E Golden, work inR D. 21. 40.75 Mrs. "W.'O. Sherwood, board of , : ; road men 6.60 General Fnad Bills bill i. .. .400.70 H. n. TTanna. ronnrtAr'n fa nor J D. Zweifel, supplies per bill . 37.00 bill . V...;...i 25 00 TXT f CY A. .1 t. i- r ' . . v. ouciwwu, wum OA n. u. . w. m. Kamsey, aerending paupers by '. M "' . 74.00 appointment 25.00 C. W. Thompson, work In R. D. 38 ,1 John Baker, services as grand ...i. ...... 17.00 ' Jury bailiff 15.00 Grande Ronde Meat Co., 6up- ! L. B. Stearns, services aajury plies per bill .............. 3.10 bailiff 42.00 Adolph Wealty. work in R. D. 5 139.35 H. R. Hanna, court reporter's W. H. Glenn, work in R. D. 10. 30.00 1 fees per bill ...... , ....... .140 00 Union Pine Lbr. Co., supplies per J.; M. Hilts, services as court , bill ................ j. .i . ' 1.1(1' crlpr Ttiti urm At ftft John H. Goodwin, work on R. D. 7 ............ 12.00 Wm. West, work In R. D. 7... '42.00 Roy Sion, work in R. D. 7 ... ... 10.00 Emil Niederer, services as janlt- ' or ' .... . . . ... i . .'. ... . . .50.00 John McRae, ervjpes as stock Inspector . ......f 25.00 Ross Austin, work in R. D. 7.. 4.00 M. K. Hallservices as county wm. sion. work In R. D. 7 .. 60.00 physician 25.00 W. H. Russell, repairs per IN. Molitor, services as Sec. Co. Ml 1.25 Bd. of Health .............. 8.92 Boys and Girls Aid Society, al- . lowance for June ......... 10.00 F. B. Childers, prisoners' board for June 13.56 W. E. Turner, services as dep . uty assessor ............... 54.00 T. H. JcLnzcz, z" '-- assessor 60.00 D. H. Proctor, services as dep- uty assessor .............. 69.00 W. H. Glenn, services as deputy assessor . .... ; 24.00 John Graham, services as dep- , " uty assessor t. .......... 18.00 Ruth Bush, work in . school aupt office 1 . , . ... . ..... 24.00 Joe Smith, supt poor farm . . 65.00 George Hammell, work on poor farm 62.00 F. L.' Lilly, mdse for poor farm 23.75 Hill's Drug store, drugs for poor farm 4.40 Grande Ronde Meat Co., meat , xfor poor farm ....... .... . . , 44.72 G. G. AlliBon, groceries for poor farm .36.30 J. H. Snodgrsas, groceries for paupers, ........... 10.00 J. H. Henderson, funeral -expenses pauper , . ., . . . . . .. . . . 25.00 N. Molitor, services county board of health ............. 34.00 J. N. Hazelwood, caring for Wortman, insane .......... 6.45 City Feed ft Livery stables, liv ery hire per bill . . . . . ; 3j 00 F. L. Lilly, mdse. ', for court' house 52.40 Goodnough t Son, repairs per bill 9.00 ti. AtwLt. juiwr Aiuiitu'uug ' u- -' 1 " quest i . 1.20 A' R Burford, Juror Armstrong . Inquest . . . 1 . . . ; 1.50 Ed Day, Juror Armstrong In quest .............. . . . . ,, ... 1.00 F. Caviness, Juror Armstrong 1 '. inquest , .... . ..... . . ... . . . 1.00 R. W. Neer, Juror Armstrong : - Inquest 1.10 Geo. Rankin,, Juror Armstrong - . inquest . . 1.00 Brint Reeves, . witness Arm- ' strong Inquest , . . . . . ... . . . 1.50 Alfred Nygard, witness Arm- . strong inquest 1.50 R. S. Veatch, witness Arm f strong Inquest ' 1.50 Fred Caviness, witness Arm strong Inquest .... . . ....... 1 .50 G. W. South, ' coronet's fees Armstrong Inquest 5.20 W. J. Church, grand Juror June s term circuit court .......... 16.20 James Moss, grand Juror June term circuit court ......... 17.20 T. J. Hughey, grand Juror June term Circuit court . ........ 15.20 W. J. Townley, grand i Juror - term circuit court ' . . ; . . . . J. A Pilcher, grand Juror June term circuit court .......... C. J. Wyatt, grand Juror June term, circuit court,...'...V. J. AT Gaskill, grand Juror June term circuit, court .. . . ... J. A Graybeal, petit Juror June term circuit court James ,'McClure, petit Juror ; June term circuit court C..A Hill, petit Juror June term ' circuit court . ... , . James Peach, petit Juror June term circuit court .... ..... . C. J. Forsstrom, petit Juror' ' term circuit court . ; . W. o.;Haf,gerty, petit Juror June term circuit court ...... . . . Geo. E. , Becker, petit Juror . June term circuit court Henry McGoldrick, petit Juror June term circuit court .... ; Wm.-Hazelwood, petit, Juror . June term circuit court ..... R. A. Hug, petit Juror June term circuit court ................ E. H. Shaw, petit juror June: term circuit court 1 .......... John McNealty, petit Juror June term circuit court ;.; . 18.20 23.00 21.00 : 18.20 49.00 31.60- ' 28.20 43.60 (ContlncAd i to Page Six) 23.00 21.60 . ) 47.40 ) 7.20 : f 35.CQU - ; 20.00 t 6.60 ,: ' Ladd Park, which la located in tr center of Laurelhurst, is to be im proved at once, and when the proposed improvements have be made it will be the most magnificent p tide park in Portland. . These improve ments include the creation of extensive botanical gardens, an enlarge ment ofthe present natural lake now there, and scenic driveways ani walks. ..i ''.!." ': Residence' property fronting on or convenient to a public park is al ways In demand and bringa high values., The boulevards , of Laurelhurst have been made to conform to the proposed driveways of the park. As soon as the improvements In Ladd Park are completed, then prices m Laurel hurst lota will advanee another notch or two. -X XX:- raon wi it a wmm BECAUSE. BECAUSE BECAUSE BECAUSE BECAUSE BECAUSE ' Lanrelhnrst is a good place to Invest money in. : , ;: "-. '; .The titles are perfect A warranty deed with full covenants and a certified abstract of title will be given to each purchaser ' The prices are low. This Is nearly always the case In placing a new addition on the market The prices are made very 'low to get people interested. The value of all the property increases as new homes are built, and those who buy early share In the increased value, because they help to make It . g . uvi The popu)ation of Portland is growing at the rate of 30,000 a year, and all of these people must have homes! The building statistics for the past 21 months show that 61 per cent of the permits granted for residences have been issued for home on the East side To day 73 per cent of the people In Portland live on the East side, and 27 per cent on the West side. " Does this mean anything? ' IboToa gener8, and LaUrelhU",t 'art,c because Laurelhurst price, are now Just; "toSrXcm ww" tbat.18 t0 once, and made one of'the great scenic at tracUons of Portland, adding Value The lota now selling at an average price of $1150 each will be worth double that amount in one year 7 - V We are offering Special Indieements to those who commencet building this year. ; ' : ; : , . OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS ; 2"; ?enr' PreWnt Chaa. K. Henry Co, Irtlaiid; Owner Henrr BW jrank F. Mead, president Seaboard Bee. Co., Seattle. - ' Murphy, director Bankers Trust Co, Tacoma; V. P. Laurelhurst cov, Seattle. 11 . ' y . B. Llnthlcum, secretary Williams, Wood ft Linthlcum, Portland. . . iTMB t61' l0jmep cretary Seattle Chamber of Commerce. -; f41 Cooklngham. vice-president and manager Ladd ft Tllton BanL. . Chaa. K. Williams, manager Morris Bros., bonds. s ? Henry Fries, of Wakefield, Fries ft Co., real estate. , , Robert H. Strong, manager of Corbett Estate. - ' , . n George J. Dekum, of Chai. K. Henry Co., real estate. T" '' . .i