PAGE BIX UK GRANDE EVENING OBSEUVEK WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1910. m II 17 -. JL L. 1 .., ,.- ..1 3 v3 T? TT A it IT' A IT 71 If SI TC3 I ing Wedpesday, July 27, Ending Saturday, August 6 - - . We are expecting our Fall Stock to begin to arrive soon and to make, room for it we have decided to clean up all odd lots of Summer Stuff at a price. That price on most of it will be HALF PRICE any old price to get rid of it COME AND SEE THE- GREAT BARGAINS: Ladies' Wash Dresses, Tailored- Suits, Wash Suits, Waists, Millinery, Skirts, Muslin Underwear, Wash Goods, Dress Goods, Laces, Embroideries, Remnants, Men's Straw Hats, Wool ' Hats, Shirts, Etc. A great Assortment .PfUa?3Ti.;. ii J- "lis n OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, - -Portland. Oregon - IUwMmi nd Dn, School for GItwoMm r of buKoranf f t.JoiuiUptin(l-:plM'otal)A roi(-iio. Arnnemir n norj r-irmrniurr f.viiva. Mimic, Art, Jt.loruuni., Oimuluiu. i&raldont poplli mart bo over 14 yMn of mm i veil iMomiwBiM, Th. Bnmhsr ia limited to fifty- Application nhoolii be tn'l Mrly.) Addnt. T 8''iff Sutwriw.QHIr 2, St.Htlenfi Hll, Portland, Or. rwrlr.ln"? Gil';", Oolcr cud Diar iimed is Unlay tlio best known tned-.-. "ine for the relief and cure of bowel ' j- i';r.l. It cures gripinff, diarrhoea, u.-u:crv, and should bo taken at tho first unnatural looseness of the bowels. It is equally valuable for children and adults. It always cures. BEAUTIFUL W03IEX 0a mm. H2333 EH3. 150 iSUY DIRECT AND SAVE MONEY You can If you order your sasli, doors, windows, etc., direct from us. Kent! for catalogue of building needs and com pare prices, which are actual who lesale. You or any competent bulld;r will And that what we send you Is ,FULL, VAU'B AND BKMT QUALITY; ,tf not, your money positively refunded. WE SA VE YOU MWDLEMENS' PROFITS fend us list of material you need and we will prove that we save you from 14 to J8 on tht. bill. -On price to .verybody. 8.11 anyone. Sbfp anywhere. Bnd for catalcijn. IU!BBBj "HAVE THE MJDDI,EMIN'S PROMTS TOM THB CHH.DHEH." rarls Is Foil of Them god all Have Fascinating Hair. In the beauty show three yeras ago, gold medals were awarded to five different women: To the moFt beautiful woman be tween 20 and 25; between 25 and 30; between 35 and 40, and between 40 and 45. A society reporter who Interviewed all five women in the interest of his paper, reported that all of them had beautiful hair, and that each of the five enthusiastically attributed her luxuriant hair to Parisian Sage.' Parisian Sage is. a discovery of a celebrated scientist, who : spent the best years of his life to perfect this great hair lnvigorator.. In giving this recipe to the people he Bald: "Parisian Sage is the most delightful hair dressing in the world, but it is more than a hair dressing. It cures dandruff by killing the germs 1 .!. We will resume business at our old stand, W0 Adams five., wilh a complete tfocfc of " HAY, CRAW AND WOOD Gomplete equipment for . resetting , and repairing rubber buggy tires. f ; - LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. F.IZ GERALD, Proprietor Gmpl2te Machine Shops and Foundry - Notice to the Creditors. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned bas been appointed admin istrator of the estate of Katherlne Balr, deceased, and all persons hav ing any claims against said estate shall present the same to the said undersigned administrator with the proper vouchers within six .months from the date of the flrtt publication of this notice, which is the 24th day of June, A. D. 1910. JOHN W. MORELOCK, Dated at La Grande, Ore., this 18th day of June, A. D. 1910. Administrator of the estata of Kath erlne Balr. ' ; June 24 July 22. xotice fob Publication 4 PHONt ORDERS NOW TO BELL 42 AND W.MAAf7WS . . v EBODY is going to be disappointed when the five acre tracts we have been offering you are all gone, and they are, all but two. We have some fine buys in residence ; lots at $123.00 each ; $23.00 down and $3.00 a ; month. Better Investigate these. Bell Phone, Red 801 Independent 262 LA GRANDE Inv. CO., Foley Hotel Bid., La Grande TheTGeorge Palmer MJtAE EDS (EdD hETRlilDEPARTMENl We solicit' your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid IRooting Deadening Felt, Building Paper. v We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, , promptly. Phone Ma'm 8. . Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon June ..20th, 1910. C. T. DARLEY, i205 N Avenue, or McKennon, Phy & Roberts. J t irrigation ana smicwrai engineer, y S Survevina. Plain and Reinforced Concrete. General Con- 4 j trading. Estimates Furnished. Reference, United States Z Notice Is hereby givep that John B. Robertson of Starkey, Oregon, who on March 13th 1908, made Homestead entry No. 15880, Serial No. 05318, for SE 1-4 SW 1-4, S 1-2 SE 1-4, NE 1-4 SE 1-4, Section 31, Township 3 S. Range 35 East Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Five-year Proof to' establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver at the U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, on the 10th day of August, 1910. ' Claimant name3 as witnesses James C. Brlggs, Preston Burnett, Law rence Burnett and Benjamin Hagey, all of Starkey, Oregon. F. C. BRAMWELL, Register. June-24Aug,-5. v TOU'LLltE STRUCK , MI11I AMAZEMEM It you could see how some factory made-clothing is put together The sklRiptrg of materials, the inferior interllnlngs. B t none of these things ! occur lu a suit of our tailoring. That's why one rult of ours will outlast two of the factory made. Order one and the wear will prove U. C. W. BAKER. It Costs No More TO USE THE Canadian Pacific Soo Spokane Route In either direction on your trip east. Purchase your ticket from yon local agent and call for Can adian Pacific, i We have many IN1ERESTING AT1R ACTIONS to offer you. On a ticket routed via the Great Lakes meals and berts are included. EASIERN EXCURSION RATES July 22 Aug. 3-Sep 8 Final Limit, Oct. 31. A card will bring a traveling representative to explain in detail any trip desired. Write for Particulars, (i. M. JACKSOX KEO. A. WALTttt Trav. Pass. Apt' ihn. Apt Pass Dept. 11 Wall Stn Spokane. Cottolene "Shortens your food Lcngthois your life f nrtliinf rr i-Inn Eil is pure and whole some. 75c tlb Pails $1.15 Wlb Pails USE EITHER PHONE Paitison Bros. QUAKER PUFFED RICE and WHEAT Royal Grocery AND Bakery ! If You Use I Igold leaf! Brand of Butter! X You use the Best 1