La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 27, 1910, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    TjIE observer ?;ztz?t
1 '
a jle t-ofWiut itt La 5aDi
fLi s6coid-lJss matter
j vlwe -old t-iti wiicL s.5s: "A -xwi-
tlffrCff -sTi ouwt ii'.'Et fcOiW-Jiva
t'uj-4 Fm TJrr Strike
ruusoaiTJOS bates.
Iz-Uy, t-Jigie eojPT tt
Vt2r. V week - 1St
This psper wI3 ax j.utlli aa tr
iple jfarii't com de jlume
angles 23 be revised u3
ei.t to the discretion vf t3ue e&tor.
Ar.te slga 70W articles x4 tare
jisy iL f.u.- liirty to review ia
Lis x.fclvr Lvd:j f i'crjK,e. I J
I'tm : -omlac Lim that jour jysi-
ti'jo 's the j'rojx-r Ce to Uke that it
& rivl!-jre acturdfed an jure. But, 3s-
n-ad tijitg Imrta tLk'gs tut
traiiCing vi7Ji as traitors i.d tr.t-
c-f vLton yvH c jf ai might l ririt and
jwa yourstlf &ig.hl be wrog.
' fiov teui woji will lirprvvc the
jproEls of "3l6io4r 1 ld ditor
Sally fry the Yakima Morning lierald:
CwJ Ja lie A'J J"1'
iut-nt WM lff!fl tiii 'ik' fur ii
rorsxii.tlyn A HorticutuntJ
rsiva to sasto it a CmlttTO- w-
erranizAtJiyB rvm for tii-vfit. Tbuas r-
il L. tiyyotf. lor 1ufus -'
l-fi l-uj lie n.aua5ty 5a wri:a
Tlus l!r.g iis.t ivf -3ar'
4viA It Eft be V32 ftr
tXoa A kt trad wtufioa to WiJ-
lo-a onus! to -t-Bvy 12 ui11oh
tA jry -3tlt iti Graa jf R(4e
Ti know, vbra It c-WLf lo bo
taUd cf tb Graii Eo3e inJlt-y.
Many cf ur jwople rf&o-T4 to Hat
frtU iiofl cej- tly t-cul.4 get
llww room fi-aay years o. Tliy
ritti prolan in Wlioa waaty. bJ
iie tty tav i 4:.tla.t eouLty of
tTifir -n shfr k'JJI Lax a fia fl
lag for tbc cl4 Craoi Roaie trraatry. j
ILI MttX II a Xm&ik iU il.J
i - . .,.-.
fcfessfuL It was a lp Sa the r5bt conaaJJy frtfaojy w s nevtr oarg
rtctioou ..'
This .su ,frsiirwfl t the
tituation whkb to tmpresa ioa
tiuem the Jysu3ute titcssUr fcl a more
eonsjleie ad tar-reatWaj rgaalxa
tloa tiaa the oae whicISi U no jra
ticgtert. Tl'e fru't u;J nrfCalifwala
tare long Irfwflfcte-l froa tuta a plan,
llooi JUrer took p the iJa aa b
erocoered J;ajaciaiB3y uafler Its work
ings. ' Weoalttwe has rettd thj
very DmUd Keans tA tearing the
ral market skaation. la the fast au
tlysla he (a wmpelled to take what he
can get or let bis fruit decay on the
trees. Especially Is this true bow
that the laoaery Is ko longer In oj'
ftrattoo. Mot i ry pleasant fros
pect Is ItT
Tb coinrolsBioo man J not tfl
hlame, because be takes adva&tage
the situation. All men would do Uke
wiM coder similar condilions. The
r.ntiir .tone U to blarae- It's
i . . it "rojt. ho, or die," and
jKwsibly now that the situation threat
ens to become serious enough to af
fect bi pocket-book; b m how
mnr of a disposition to lnd bis en
ergy toward the perfeinlg of an oN
fwslye ard defensive alliance. O'
course, there must be leaders vt
may be trusted perfectly, but Just
asentlsi must be the real splrl'
co-operation and of pulling tor .-
Kuppose, for Instance, that
ttderable percentage of the pe
fnilU to to waste tfcls aeaf
will be the loss to this cf": '
Tbouands and perhaps Y
thousand of dollars. Ad ;
loss from theyb-produr f
industry, which are u
cannery. More tbouf ' .
AH of this money reign : . i
oiled end emootbly-workln - im,
to 5acreae that frieadtbip as it is to
make it atlre3y new. ' .
friendly to the'craade Eoafle ralley;
that her ieople -visit La Graade at
lBt oac a year: that La Grande is
the larger commercial center for that
15tfJ emigre, th-a is it cot time for
tA GraoiJe rople to lift the veil of
obfecflrlly aad ihow their good fellow
ship by crossSag (the county'' lire and
(extending the baud cf TreVorae?
To te able to get a few doHars frwn
pie for a 'little burintsis
. ai kis 'ay Js not th
. t i c B fellows, and
., .', g op a trade excursion
' . . , the two (r-ouatlee one
:-ellng and happy -dal-
Ijj . - - ed.
1er a train from the
O! - couple of days and go
fn( ountry with a brass
bai ' good speakers. Get
sot I . xad ofJlclals to make
the '' : i read the hospitable
fee-3 -. :. i - ode along the branch
line ras spread before.
5tit 'f Iteutia
cf The PariSe Expets Ca-paar vote
(arD) to caite LuElners la ti.
Elate of Oregoa aad TVittiraw Da
pOEit. ..
'OTICE is Lerel glrea that The
Paclie Exprcts Company, organize!
aad xiatig taider ILa lavs of tue
State cf yehratka, tariag its jriix.-i-
pal t?te cf business is the city oft
t Loris Elate cf llltsouri. autd its I
principal lact cf business for tit J
P&ciae Coa t la the city cf PurL'aad,
State cf Oregaa. tad Lavlag irKfr
lore ifiuly tonap'.led with the ias cf
the tte cl Cktgos relatiag to for
elga ccrjoratioar transactius tfie bus
law; s cf exprt-es aad lorwardiag la
tili SUite. and baTlrg-been regular
ly lmittd to traasact the said butl
Jicss cf cxprtEB x3 forwarding ia
raid State, tad tavlcg deposited wi-.h
eV C4 4d TpAHfMrc nf 1S 9f nf
Oregon the sen of Fifty thousand j
dollars r00900). as prorided bJ
io ?! ,f nrfrm. niw fls1ries aat! 1
has vol uatarily. decided to cease tail
transaction cf its approximate busi
ness cf xpreES and forwarding la the
deposit at the expiration of six (C)
months from atd after the date of
the ' Crst p iblicaioa cf this notice.
to wit: December 1 1930. proridtd
co claim or calms against said Com
pany shall be filed with the State
Treasurer of the State cf Oregon dur
ing said time.
Dated in the city of St Louis, State
of Missouri, this 23d day cf May. 1310
'By James EggltEton, Pres.
June 1 Dec. 1.
Sf tl-w. i ITU:2l lf txt.
Estate cf Join IT.evirE, ierftaseiL
Kalk is terehy glTa that the ra- j
itrt!fifea a.;xir-rat.or d the estate
cf Jola Kerirs, dsreased, ias EtJ
lis TJiaS fsoorat ia the coaatj eoart ;
cf the state cf Ort-gt tor Trioa coun
ty, aid thU tie County Ixiiit has zp-
jointd AugTiKt, ly.C. at 10 a. ra,
at the eoaaty court room la La!
Grande ia said omty aad state as:
tie tiite aad place t tear ohjedioas !
to said Eaal account aad for the con-1
clSeralkm thereoi
' This the 2ad day cf July.
J7-Aug 4 . Administrator.
XetW te CrrclUtrs.
Kotke is terL'y gtvea that the ua
i iereigsed baa been appelated execu
tor of the last w3I aad testamect of
Jafob.Taa Der Meuka. eeceased, by
the County Court of lie state cf Ore-
gca for Talon conaty.
A!l persons baring claims against
aaU esiale are required to present the
same to the caderslgned at the office
of Cochraa & Cochraa. La Grande,
Oregon, with proper Touchers, within
all months from date hereof.
Dated at La Graade, this 1st day
f July. A. D M10. -
Pallie Lasd Kale. .Dcpfrtmeat ef the
laterldc . .17 & Lasd 05ee at La
b'raade, Oregoa, May ttfc. 191.
Notice is hereby glten that, as di
mmed by the Commissioner of the
General Land Office, under proTlslos
cf Act of Congress approved June
27. 190fi (34 Stats 517). we wfll offer
at public sale to the highest bidder,
at 10 o'clock a, m., on the Gth day
cf July, 1110 at this olllc tne fol
lowing described land:
The NW 1-4 SE 1-4 Sec 18, T. 4
8, It. 35 E. W. M, Serial No. OC676.
Any person claiming adrersely
the above described land are advised
to file their claims, or objections, on
or before the time designated for sale
P. C. BRAMWELL, Register.
63,CC-3 laiS-EI SAFETY. .
Eace llai Utam mtoA tie wU trl? ci tlc "CoL Toe"
LaadrcxSa ci AcrQcZo IxaiXm Larc tireiei tori' ciww
J? in icJcty.
hsLrxjo Trulls hm prorrJ tL CLrf cu trrd faztlr uilhcmt
rrpalr xy olLer trui.k taade. -
Tie birttrticto is f rtiwg sfrwig tlu tLe hortUft jjLm Lkvb
Lale eect ea Us constrmcLon.
TU tmabcrt fontUh milk oc& ladestnrctm Trwnk m FTSU FIVZ
YEAR nZUZAJiCZ PCUCT gouf e xWwrc od
In "t it cCoefflt proo to jou that lodtatntOO ireab bare m
mmrrkeJ mftxalc; oex cticf bggkge ?
The laJcetrocJo Ls exda$wm oex'Js that male it tie Convenient
Trwmk. The try ere arraucl f jr your comfort lijU tleaa and
suutxr m cotacr to collect tLe cjt.
Buy a laieitract Trad it 3 :tc yen rcaf ten-ice. Coise Jowa
to our store , Let u !or yen Cjs troi!: re lu-ow you wul tpprcoLc
it,ay!ratifyiaeeit. .. . . ,
7ie JU.liitiT LAiUJ. tUUAJtf
kept tLe "G1 otc Tro-. ttr" going in tLo
. - tn ftYl -.
.,rtr. .J --TX r-Z nt trcOJi lor imw uab
It vU prelect J UUK btf gae acaictx
tori il jrctj buy ui lruu.striicl3.
Ho: ? . i
M .
f ':.'
honestly opposed to
vention nomination!
ght to their views
,t concede the same
bo do believe In' as-
i j nerson thinks It is
ty representatives to as
.f t i sign whatever that he Is
M-n . j the old time corrupt pol
1 . hods. No more so Is It true
a. i roan who -stand for direct
j tlon without consultation may
Arable to excessive use of mon-
.embers of air parties and all fac
tis of different parties are too apt
J conclude their party or faction Is
tbe only one absolutely right, when as
a matter of fact each party or faction
! enmnosed of mere human belnga
wtin frmentl are wront. and bon
estly so.
Ia tbe Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Union county. .
Eacar Farbaar, plaintiff, vs. Jasper
Farbaar. defendant ,
To Jaaper Farbaar, the above named
In the name of tbe Bute of Ore
gon: You are hereby required to ap
pear and answer tbe complaint filed
against you in (be above entitled ac
tion, within six weeks from the date
of tbe first publication of this sum
mon and In case vou fall to so
answer, for want thereof, tbe plain
tiff will apply to the court for the dis
solution of the bonds of matrimony
existing between tbe plaintiff and de
fendant, and for her costs and dis-
bumements. and for such othe' and
further relief as to the court may
seem proper.
This snmmons Is published In the
ta Grande Weekly Observer, by or
der of the Hon. J. W. Knowles, Judge
of the Circuit- Court of tbe State of
Oregon for Union county, which or
der Is dated tbe 30th day of June,
1910, and requires said summons to
be published each week for six sue
cesslve weeks. The date of the first
publication of this summons Is the
7th day of July, 1910.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Jfctice at Sale f School Lands.
Notice Is hereby given that the
State Land Board will receive sealed
bids until 11:00 o'clock a. m. August
1, 1910, for the following descVlbed
school lands, to-wlt:
All of Section 36. T. 1 S. R. 40 E.
W 1-2 of Section 16, T. 3 S.. R. 34 fc.
All bids must be accompanied by a
regularly executed application to pur-
chAutt and at least one-fifth of the
amount offered.
No bid for less than $7.50 per acre
will be considered.
The right is reserved to reject any
and all bids.
Applications and bids should be
addressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk State
Land Board, Salem, Oregon, and be
marked "Application and bid to pur-
case state lands." .
, O. G. BROWN.
Clerk State Land Board.
I V.. Aiuil 22, 1910. Apr-33-AUK-i
Tea CAKT feao &a Lcstrodo.
We will gladly hovr you the
complete line any time. V-
Just Rivdl
Complete Line of Leather
Suit Cases, Traveling Bags,
Ladies' iHiand Bags.
F. il HOLMES, Tlce-Pres.
W. I- BBEMI0LTS, AssX Cash.
EARL ZUSDKL, 2d Asst fanb.
F, L METERS, Caithler.
United States Depository
Capital and Surplus $180,000.00
yf, j, cnusca
IVllh onr 8Brpt moorcei and faelUtleg we ca render you efficient
crrlce and handle year bnslnes to jroar entire saUsfaeUoii.
Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land
Office at La Grande, Oregon, July
16th. 1910.
Notice is hereby given that John R.
Thompson, of Kamela, Oregon, who,
on November 23rd 1904 made home
stead entry No. 13944 aerial, No. 04288
for lot 3, SE quarter NW quarter and
E half SW quarter. Bectlon 6, town
Bhln 2 south, range 36 east. Willam
ette Meridian, has filed notice of inten
tlon to make final Five-year proof to
establish claim ta the land above de
scribed, before the register and re
ceiver, U. S. land office, at La Grande,
Oregon, on the 8th day of Sep;iinber,
1910. -
risimant nnmea aa witnesses: C. C
McFalls. John Graybeal and June San
ford, all of Kameal, Oregon, and John
Smith of Huron Oregon.
July 21 Sept. 1. Register.
Don't wants your money buTir.p plstcra
r?iuit tniiMn Pil brittle of l.'!.u:-.Lft Iain's
l.iniiw nt f-r U.ta lire octM. A !!' of
U.-iiiml il iiiiirt' vitli il iHl.unrM't.iiH'itiie-.-i'ir
f t! j!--'cr f" ;it" t""-1'. ilit" ir
In the Clrcnlt Coart ef the State of
Oregon for Union Coaaty.
Ella Cornwell, plaintiff vs. Samuel
Cornwell, defendant
To Samuel Cornwell the above nam
ed defendant; you are hereby required
to appear and answer the compallnt
filed against you In the -above entlted
cause and court before the last day
of the time prescribed In the order
for publication of this summons, to-
wit: the 6th day of September A. D
1910. and If you fail to so appear and
answer tbe plaintiff will take a de
cree against you as prayed for In br
complaint herein, that la for a decree
of absolute divorce against you forever
dissolving: the marriage contract here
tofore and now existing between you
and plaintiff and that the custody of
the minor children, Walter Fernald
Cornwell; Helen Cornwell and Alberta
Cornwell the Issue of said marriage
be awarded to plaintiff and for such
other relief as to the court may seem
Just and equitable. This summons
Is nubllBhed one a week for. the period
of six consecutive weeks from and af
ter the first publication thereof on
July 22nd 1910 in the La Grande
Weekly Observor. a weeky newspaper
published at La Grande, Union county
State of Oregon, by order of Hon. J
W. Knowlea, Judge of said court, of
date July 15th 1910. made In term tlmn
at Enterprise Oregon.
Attorney for Plaintiff
5oUce cf Sale ef State Lands.
Notice Is hereby given that the
State Land Board will receive sealed
bids until 11:00 o'clock a, m. August
1, 1910, for the following described
school binds, to-wit:
S 1-2 and S 1-2 of N 1-2 of Sec
tion 16, T. 5 S. R. 34 E.
H bids must be accompanied by
a regularly execi t :d application to
purchase arn iCast ouJ-Cfth of
the amount otered.
No olds icr less than $10,110 per
acre will be considered.
The right Is reserved to rej;t any
and all bids.
Applications ana vldL should br ad
dressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk State
Land Board. Salem, Oregon, and mark
ed. "Apllcatlon and bid to purchase
state !aniB.'
In the District Court of the United
States, for tbe District of Oregon.
In the matter of Albert Graham,
. bankrupt in Bankruptcy.
To the Creditors of Albert Graham
'of Troy, In the. county of Wallowa
and DlBtrlct aforesaid, a bankrupt:
Notice is hereby given that on the
8th day of July, 1910, the said Albert
Graham , was duly adjudicated bank
rupt; and that the first meeting of his.
creditors will be held in the office of
e Referee in Bankruptcy in La
Grande, Oregon, on the 4th day of
August, 1910, AD. at 3 o'clock
In the forenoon, at which time the
said creditors may attend, prove their
, claims, appoint a trustee, examine the
bankrupt, and .transact business as
may properly come before said meet
ing. JNO. S. HODGIN,
Referee In Bankruptcy.
July 22.1910. '
July 23-25.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Union county. .
Ida Benton, plaintiff, vs. Bert Ben
ton, defendant
To Bert Benton, the above named
defendant: .
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled suit,
within six weeks from the date of the
first publication of this summons, and
In case you fall to bo answer, for
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the dissolution of the
bonds of matrimony existing between
the plaintiff and defendant, and for
her costs and .disbursements, and for
such other and further relief as to
the court may seem proper.
This summons is published In the
La Grande Weekly Observer, by or
der of the Hon. J. W. Knowles, Judge
of the Circuit Court of Union county,
the state of Oregon, for Union county,
which order is dated on the 30th day
of June, 1910, and requires said sum-,
mons to be published once each week
for six successive weeks. The date of
the first publication of this summons
Is the 7th day of July, 1910.
Attorney for the Plaintiff.
The United States
National Bank,
July 22 Sept 1.