? i. f- r I ': i VOL. XI 8TASDPAT PLATFORM ADOPTED . WITH SCARCELY A SOE IX ENTIRE ASSEMBLY WiiiiSfB Warren Har":i - Same;! ?n Third Bal lot to lieu J IK-publlcsns hi Ohio Garfield Bested with Strong Stand pat Tlatform is Adopted Taft Praised with Unstinted Enthusiasm at Ererj Turn of the Report. Columbus, July 27. Warren Hard ing was nominated governor In the Ohio Republican convention on the third ballot. He led from the first. The platform is considered the strong est standpat thus far. A standpat platform was adopted to day by the Ohio republicans without a fight'- Only a few' scattering noes iVere heard. A viva voce vote was ta ken on the committee on resolution's report Standpatters seemed abso lutely in control and Garfield is best--ed for governor. He will probably ; withdraw from the race for the gub , ernatorial nomination. The regular 'candidates ae Carml Tohmpson, 0, B. Brown and Warren Harding.; Following the election of Senator Burton as permanent chairman, Sen ator Dick read the platform.. It rea ommends Taft for a second term, en ..dorses bis administration, recom mends a ship subsidy, a larger navy, harbor and river improvements, ' amendment to the anti-trust laws so as to get quicker Justice and endorses conservation. The platform referring to Taft. says: "We commend in the highest terms the present administration and s President Taft. We are proud of the result achieved during his 1 months ; in office." SCOTLAND YARDS IX DOUBT Tncertain as to Identity of Snspect , ed Couple ' '; Montreal, July 27.-:-Wirele8s opera tors today were requested by the Canadian police to communicate with i the liner Montrose to ascertain def- initely whether Crlppen and Mme. ; Leneve are aboard. The request was ; made after Scotland Yard was once I fure. They admitted, they are now ' not sure whether Robinson and his i ton are the suspected couple. TWO liDIIDLTLIS MELD II 1 . mm. I BRI HOPELESS!.! ERAS! Grand Island, Neb., July 27. Look ing crushed, William Jennings Bryan f' left the floor of the democratic state ; convention early this morning, after 7 he had lost the fight , or th control of his party In Nebraska. It is f utl mated that he will not make a fur ther attempt to direct democratic af fairs. Bryan said afterwards he expected !i l! il ii II i' T n n i r TRAFFIC RESUMED AGAIS. More than Twenty-Four Honrs Re. quired to Remove Wreck Debris. . Tlncugh traffic was finally ias.Vtv ted on the 0. R. & X. this morning, considerably more than tweu y-four tours after the wreck at Norton yes terday when two freight cars went in the ditch. The local from Baker Citr passed through the city this Periling on time, making the fir&t I'ain to Portland since night before Int. . ' j Eugene -Debbs III. Rochester, Minn., July 27. Eugene ; Dfcbbs, former presidential candl uau on tn wjciauauc tii-kei, is cm iealiy 111 at his home here. He was vly ted by Dr. Barr. and it is bellied thru an operation wlll.be necer-snry. RUMORED THAT GRAHAM WILL PLEAD GUILTY TONIGHT. If Snch Pt-OTes True Xewlln Bootleg ging Case will be Called Damage cases are usually cram med full of legal arguments and to day's trial in which Wills is suing the George Palmer Lumber company is no exception. The case was given to the jury late this afternoon fol lowing long arguments by counsel for both sides. The defense introduced its evidence last evening and most of to day has been devoted to argumnts. Graham Case Next It Is rumored this afternoon that Charles Graham of North La Geande will plead guilty this evening when he Is arraigned on a charge of stealing coal from the O. R. & N. If such proves to be the case, the Newlin boot legging case will be called immediate ly afterwards. Powder Can Explodes. . Quebec, July 27. As a result of a powder explosion, 11 men are dead at Ledeque today,. A workman on the new transcontinental road opened a ' can fopowder with an axe. The ex plosion fired the train of powder lead- llng to the tunnel. where a number of workmen were -laboring.' Those near the .tunnel entrance came out alive and the rest were killed. V Avalanche Ylctlm Found. , Wellington, Wn.. July 27. The body, of an unidentified man. the last cf the victims of the March avalanche which killed 90, wes taken from un der the mass of debris today. POLITICS defeat but expected to win on a com promise. General Concons Is of the opinion that the days of Bryan's leadership are over. The platform adopted con demns the tariff bill, Taft's admlnts trotion and recommends a daylight li quor law. but no county option plank for Plch Brl. which Bryan had fought hard for. U UUIM f i.. y FLAMES BEYOND RICH DISTRICT WITH MORE Union, July 27. Special. Crema tion of two women, destruction of one sawmill, burning of nine structures housing as, many families, destruction of a vast amount of timber up Cath erine creek and threatened destruc tion of another sawmill, are some of the harrowing details of two fires, out from Union. The dead are Mrs. J. S. Dean, and her adopted daughter, aged fifteen 'years. The cremation occur ed last night and from an origin that is unknown. Flames Burst Forth Suddenly The fatal disaster occured in the home of Ed Sherman ,six miles from Union on Katheriae creek. The flames were first discovered by a son of Mr. Sherman, who was sleeping in a tent in .the yard. But at that moment the flames had already enveloped the structure. The only persons In the house, were those burned, and It is probable that they were suffocated by the smoke while asleep and relatives and friends are consoling themselves with the theory that their suffering was short and. probably less horrible than might be Imagined. Alone and unaided, the younger' Sherman boy was unable to save any i r ! CI. i J a..- , j i L 1 L LU . U : LLLUU: '1 I UL DLL D !LL:dUn 1 0 of the property, much less lend ! . Ths noon when telephone com slstance to his relatives In the burn-1 munlcatIona were cut off by the flre ing structure. The aged lady was the ftR authent!ce report from the gcene mother of Mr. Ed Sherman and. with oUh(J trouMe utfld thftt the Wcay. her adopted daughter, was making er and gtaver m,u two me thfl her home In the Sherman home. The -.- WM tbreatened and ra,Q ,g the farm place is known as the old Swack- only element that can t Ug T hammer homestead. The disaster Is so distressing that all Union Is griev ed at the sad affair today. No funeral arrangements have been made at noon today. Sine Families Homeless. A fire which started in a slab pipe of the Ed Stoddard mill yesterday af ternoon wiped out the Stoddard mill belonging to the Union Pine Lumber company, and adjoining cottage popu lated by employes at the 'mill. The THOUSAND SO REPORTS FROM SCEXE EARTHQUAKE TODAY OF Excepting Report as to Somber Homeless, Sews Is Missing of Tokio, July 27. In the absence of additional news from the island of Yezo today, leads to the belief that the earthquake and eruption of Mouni Usu may be more serious than re- ported yesterday. The admiralty is awaiting word by wireless from war ships sent northward, due off tie is land tonight , I One sh!p loaded with supplies and medicine left Anonorl this afternoon, and Is due. tonight. At last reports 9.000 are homeless. I ! i ii I WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, ID 10. ikVss t1 . CONTROL AND DESTROYED IN DANGER mill anl lumber yards are totally destroyed. It Is estimated that 200, 000 feet of lumber are burned, in ad dition to the heavy loss sustained by the burning of the mill. Cottafgo FornHare Burned Practically without any exception, the household goods and personal property In the nine cottages were destroyed. The conflagration was so terrific and so short-lived that the men were homeless almost before they could realize it. No estimate has been placed on the total loss, but the grand total will be large. The homeless women and children have been cared for by neighbors and some have come to Union for shelter and succor. : ? . Spreads to Forests. Immediately ' afterwards the heav- j ily timbered forests adjoining thej mill, which was located Just above the Rinehart meadows, were Ignited and all night the flames raged in a valuable timber belt. This afternoon It is still raging unchecked notwith standing the strenuous warfare car ried on by ; sawmill men and. others recruited into the army of fire-fighters. AVpnier Mill Threntoiii1. structlon. The loss to timber land owners will be enormous If speedy re- lief Is not forthcoming. It seems that the victims of the fire are Mrs. Ed. Deari and daughter and that Mrs. Dean is the mother of Mrs. Sherman. This Information was sent to La Grande this afternoon by Alex Slater, who requested County Judge Henry to order a coroner's in quest PORTLAND LADY RETURSISG FROM DAXCE GIKL WAS FSDULY ACCOSTEi Mother Grabbles and Fights Wi Fellow Until Help Comes Portland. July ,27. Grappling with Arthur Hlslop, whom It Is alleged, made a daring attempt to kldnip her da'ithter on the street last nlrht Mrs. j (i.. A. Patterson fought with the man until her son stunned him with a rock v.Mch he threw. Hislop was then captured by a number of firemen who heard tbe woman's screams. A crowd gathered and cried "lynch", but a po liceman arrived and protected the man nud got him to a police station. HlBlop was sentenced to thirty days FIGHTS WITH KIDNAPER 11 l I -J V- s r Si I : 'J I i ' 11 . :u ilji) rock .u.i f.uay. In:; Ki't sav the iij:n fol liiL'-Vfc.l b."r frum a tlaiice, . and trl.;i f.o tak . lur away.tlcspittt' hci' ihoU'.:;;''.; i;r.'V::co. ' . -: ! HHTIl.iI.L STAR TO MAIU: - I Cliff McKeanon anil 5Il.vs Nellie Mmsk . -.Granted Marring, License ' Cliff. MflCauon, bvn.of I., L. iic-1 Kear.on, th-? Alkel rancher, was to-j 'lay granted a license by County i C'.ork Wi-tclu to marry 'Miss; Nellie Monk, a .well-known t'aion county girl. Mr. McLennon is aa O. A. C jrraduaie. and in his time was ono of the stars of Aggies' football team. Another license was issued yester uajr evening wnn James M. teams; a wealthy sheepman of Baker county. was granted a license to marry Ellen Rlggs, also of Baker county. ARSII FIELD IS DM 4 ii iiuu n.ivn J. Kiiui.iii.n ii juij i, ! vvti I'vftii'v rvrn i i n in t rn ASD FJ MAIMED Mill in Width Party Mas YisUing Blown to Pieces by Explosion s Marshfield, Or.t" July 27. Engineer F. E. McCaulley la dead, his wife has a broken thigh and is badjy scalded and two children are slightly injur ed, and Neal Steele, a watchman, is crushed badly, as the result of an ex plosion In the boiler plant of the Co qullle Mill Mercantile company last night Windows are broken throughout the city, and the people were terrified for a time. McCaulley's family was vis King the plant at the time. The mill v as totally wrecked and a Joss of 510,000 is the result - RECEIVES LEGACY Colonel Roosevelt's Daughter Receiv es Her Portion of Fortune Boston, July 27. Mrs. Alice Long -.vorth. daughter of Ex-President Roosevelt will receive an annual in 'Pine of $5300, 'as her share of the estate of the late Geo. L. Lee, her grandfather, according to an Inventory of the estate,, filed today by the mid dle hex probate court . Lee, who died in Match, leaves an estate of a mil lion dollars. , Strike In Chicago. Chicago, July 27. The Building Trades Council today ordered a gen eral strike of all workmen employed on construction of buildings in which the Otis Elevator company is install ing elevators. Fully 1800 workmen will be affected. GUI! SII BOfJES D Newport Or., July 27. It Is be lieved that a skeleton found yesterday, crammed Into a fcunny sack on the beach, with bones broken and skull fractured, may be that of Miss Sophia Noise of Blodgett, Oregon, who disa ppeared several days afio. Her sls- j ter Is expected in the city tonight to attempt an Identification. ! AO I i i y t. y NUMHEU223 IT --"-1 J ( 1 1 rniL ! U HI I LU Si. ( :':;.,nt AM.Y INSAN E 1H MAX. AGED TO MAKE ESCAPE LAST SIGHT THREE K IE1PTBB Posse Institutes Search for Two lie mainiitg FugitheH from Asylam tt'he are Crlmlnully InsaniwOne of them, Well Known In Pastern Ore gonWade Murderer and Other Jinn Is Hardened Robber. , Salem, July 27. Officers are. today scouring the country side for Frank Wade 'and Christopher - Smith, " who, with three other patients, escaped from the asylum yesterday. The oth er patients have been recaptured. BrJth are criminally insane, Wade he log a murdererawa Smith a.-robber. ' A pobse Kas been fomed as'4he men are dangdrous. . '. ' , i The maniacs escaped by breaking 'through the window grating. ' Smith was reported traveling J the direc tion of Portland this morning. Thcro Is no trace tf Wade, wfio Is the most .dangerous. He was up for life for a murder committed in Jackson coun ty In 1395. He became Insane and was transferred from the penitentiary to the asylum. He was well known In pastern Oregon. 5 TAFT IS BIDFOBD, ME. ' President Taft Addresses the YHlag- ; ers at BIdford Blcfford. Me., July 27. President Taft s(ent the day here visiting Prof. Moore. Mrs. Taft's brother-in-law. In the afternoon he addressed the vil lagers and jplayed golf. He will start for Beverly tomorrow on the Mayflow er. ',' DEMOCRATS MEET Democratic Convention Meet to Choose Sew Committee Today. Ottumwa, Iowa, July 27. The demo cratic state convention meets today to choose a new state committee. Nominations were made in the June, primaries. The platform, It Is pre dicted, will denounce the Taft admin- ! tstratlon. Koreans Will Object Tokio. July 27. The annexation of Korea by Japan will probably be ac companied by a ireat uprising of hte Koreans, according to prediction made here today. ' ?:'' When Miss Noise disappeared she left a note saying she was going to suicide. Coronor Carter said he believ ed the note was a forgery, and that the girl was killed. Sheriff Ross says there will be a country-wide search until the mur derer Is apprehended. u V -In W uiiLfM mm lis hi m ill L'llLLU 1H III S00IERE0 i A